I had one while drinking it. Believe it or not, I had to look that up; make sure there WERE Sonic Drice-Ins around that area. Don't want another incident like the In N Our....XD
Emily is too much like Georgie, as the pictures i've posted in the past could tell. Anything he does, she can do better. AND I was working on a Carla and Gren costume idea; think ya'll will get a KICK out of Gren's. XD
And we just had a Blood Moon here in Cali last week; made me think 'why not add that' and the meteor thing just sorta followed.
Sonic drinks are the best I really like the blue raspberry ices!
Oh whichever son got into Lyla's personal photos XD It's inevitable tha… moret someone discover them that aren't supposed to!
Emily and Georgie watching football! So cute!
All the girls would rather eat the food XD
I want to see Gren and Carla dressed up XD We saw Lyla and Georgie already!
Do you purposely look up stuff like the meteor shower? Like, dayum! Way to keep things adjacent to actual events in the world! I also noticed it when you mentioned the blood moon before; I actually didn't know about that one until the next day on the news. I was like, 'DAmmit, I wanted to see that!'
Lol, that last statement I love these entries so much!
Hazel should really take a step back and wait for mary's help. She is a wild fire, this one. Must be the baby. XD
I love how in your face Mary can be. Just say it like it is. I'm wondering how all this will play out, seeing as the human mothers never last after the birth. And damn you, Hans...TAKE HER! Just, swing her on that desk, man!! XD
She woke up on a bed in the hospital. An IV was stuck in her arm, and she pulled it out without hesitation. Her focused turned immediately t… moreo the time. It was 7 at night.
"Fuck!" She said out loud. She was changed into a hospital gown, and it took several minutes to collect her thoughts and remember how she got here. The mirror on the wall near her began to glow. She panicked, bracing herself for him.
Charles grinned as he stepped through. His tall, slender body crawled from it, the jet black suit contrasting in the sterile white hospital room. Mary sat back further on her bed, her feet searching for the lip of the covers to get under them.
It was a reflex, really. When she was little, and her father had entered her room, she would go under the covers. It never stopped him, though.
"Go the fuck away," Mary growled. She knew her words would do nothing; They never did.
"You know, it's not very lady like to curse. I didn't raise y… [view original content]
Y'know, Oliver's going to get it one of these days. He's either going to get massacred by Katie, Emily, or the whole Porgie clan. And I will enjoy reading every detail of it.
Ahem - please excuse my violent thoughts there - just thinking aloud is all.
Chapter 17
"Hate me today"
'Hey, Penelope. Its mom. I'm just calling to check up on you. Your sister said she saw you. You seeme… mored upset. It made me nervous to hear this. I know you're probably at work right now...your father and I are home now, so if you need someone to watch little Josiah, we can do that, okay? I love you very much, sweetie. Call me when you a chance.'
Penny sat in her car, the rain pouring down from the sky. The tapping against her window seemed to drown out the misery. She replayed that message five times; hearing her mother's voice always gave Penny a sense of comfort and hope. On the final go around, Penny erased it.
She inhaled deeply, took her coat and opened the door. The cold droplets pricked her skin, as she quickly made her exit from the car. Setting the alarm, she dashed to the back of the club. Like clock work, Ray cheked her purse and granted her access to the club.
The Silver Slipper was qu… [view original content]
Well, we had another rain strom this morning. The roads are flooded and to make matters worse, we have a sink hole in the backyard. Georgie and I are hoping this rain eases up. Ethan's chicken pox are slowly clearing up. Junior has the sniffles. Last night we had to call Swineheart. His temperature reached 101 degrees. Doctor said he has the stomach flu; nothing some 7Up, crackers and soup can't cure. That and some good ol' sleep. Georgie brewed some warm tea; said it would help his little tummy. Brits and their tea. XD
We watched the Blood Moon last night. The kids loved it. Jersey scared the shit out of us, though. I had no idea he was perched on our tree. I told Georgie there was some weird hissing and scratching noises. Little fucker. XD He did, however, make it up to me. This morning he brought some Pumpkin Spice creamer for the coffee. Normally I don't allow the kids to drink coffee but they really wanted to try some. Perhaps I'll hold off on giving Penny or Peter coffee until they are older; my son and daughter, I kid you not, climbed up the banister earlier...
After dinner, the girls and I had a 'spa' day. I painted their nails Halloween colors or designs; Penny got Pumpkins, Emily had black and red and Katie had skulls. The boys were with Georgie in the other room. He was showing them how to play pool. Ethan didn't quite get the hang of it but Peter loved it. He and Georgie have so much fun together. Junior, however, was preoccupied with my compact makeup mirror. He swore up and down someone was in the reflection. I made him put it away for the remainder of the night.
After the pool game, Georgie popped Popcorn for the kids. We watched 'Hocus Pocus' and 'Nightmare before Christmas.' The kids were too cute, singing along to the songs. I even caught Georgie mumbling along with Junior 'This is Halloween, this is Halloween...' He'd never admit it, so I watched him. Ethan, however, was not much for these movies. We all compromised to watch something he'd enjoy. We watched the 'Charlie Brown' Halloween special. He squealed with delight when the music played. Emily SWORE she hated this movie. I caught her cuddled up next to Peter, eyes focused on the television.
Tomorrow night, the cousins are coming over. Carla wants to take them to the Farm. I guess Fabletown is throwing a get-together with games, food and activities for the kids. I'm hoping they'll allow Peter access to the Farm, seeing as, well....hopefully once they see me, they will understand.
Better get a move on. Its bath time for some very dirty Porgie babies.
Y'know, Oliver's going to get it one of these days. He's either going to get massacred by Katie, Emily, or the whole Porgie clan. And I will… more enjoy reading every detail of it.
Ahem - please excuse my violent thoughts there - just thinking aloud is all.
Chapter 12
Did not draw this. @pudding_pie did. Thank you again. You're the best. Promise! No more requests....for now....XD
.....… more.......................................................................
I didn't remember much; Rose's screams echoed down the hall, as my brother tried to place pressure on my wrist. The blood trickled down his fingers. I could feel the pulse. Gren tried looking away; I could see the sheer horror and anguish lurking in his eyes. Rose continued to scream, as she called Swineheart. I begged her to drop the call but neither of them listened.
"YES! He cut his wrist! With glass, I don't know..."
Her voice trailed off down the hall. Gren continued holding his grip. The smell of my blood was making me nauseous. It continued forming around Gren's fingers, as he forced me to sit up on my bed.
"Stay awake, you fuckin' idiot..." He stuttered, trying to look away. "The fuck is wrong with you...I'm not....I… [view original content]
Hazel should really take a step back and wait for mary's help. She is a wild fire, this one. Must be the baby. XD
I love how in your face… more Mary can be. Just say it like it is. I'm wondering how all this will play out, seeing as the human mothers never last after the birth. And damn you, Hans...TAKE HER! Just, swing her on that desk, man!! XD
Lol, it definitely is the baby speaking! Don't worry though, there will most likely be a better solution for Miss Hazel and her dangerous pr… moreegnancy.
It'll happen....soon. Maybe. I don't know. It will though, I promise. Just building the pressure up some, you know? Haha.
She woke up on a bed in the hospital. An IV was stuck in her arm, and she pulled it out without hesitation. Her focused turned immediately t… moreo the time. It was 7 at night.
"Fuck!" She said out loud. She was changed into a hospital gown, and it took several minutes to collect her thoughts and remember how she got here. The mirror on the wall near her began to glow. She panicked, bracing herself for him.
Charles grinned as he stepped through. His tall, slender body crawled from it, the jet black suit contrasting in the sterile white hospital room. Mary sat back further on her bed, her feet searching for the lip of the covers to get under them.
It was a reflex, really. When she was little, and her father had entered her room, she would go under the covers. It never stopped him, though.
"Go the fuck away," Mary growled. She knew her words would do nothing; They never did.
"You know, it's not very lady like to curse. I didn't raise y… [view original content]
Mary be creepin' on Junior over there! XD It IS Halloween, so....XD That time of year for sickness. Poor babies!
I loved the bit with the girls doing their nails and the boys playing pool. Georgie is so good to his kids; he loves them, especially little Peter considering WHO he belongs to. Props to him, man. I loved that you have given him this 'caring father' portrayel. Georgie....too damn cute.
The movies! UGH! I loved these as a kid! And I can't wait to read about the farm!!!
Dear Diary:
Well, we had another rain strom this morning. The roads are flooded and to make matters worse, we have a sink hole… more in the backyard. Georgie and I are hoping this rain eases up. Ethan's chicken pox are slowly clearing up. Junior has the sniffles. Last night we had to call Swineheart. His temperature reached 101 degrees. Doctor said he has the stomach flu; nothing some 7Up, crackers and soup can't cure. That and some good ol' sleep. Georgie brewed some warm tea; said it would help his little tummy. Brits and their tea. XD
We watched the Blood Moon last night. The kids loved it. Jersey scared the shit out of us, though. I had no idea he was perched on our tree. I told Georgie there was some weird hissing and scratching noises. Little fucker. XD He did, however, make it up to me. This morning he brought some Pumpkin Spice creamer for the coffee. Normally I don't allow the kids to drink coffee but they really wanted to… [view original content]
I should incorporate it into my story somehow. Whenever I get around to finishing my next chapter, that is, AND if it's alright to use one of your OC's, most preferably Hazel for now. :P
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jersey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the open spot beside her. "SIT your red ass over here and let's enjoy watching a movie together. The girls are fine. Are they still playing that game?"
"Then, get over here and sit! George playing, too?"
Jersey peeks one last time. "Uh, yup. There he is. Looks like they are in groups..."
"Then don't worry! You can't bug the guests OR our daughters when they have things like this. Trust me; this won't be the last time the girls want a sleepover and I don't need their over-baring father constantly THERE making sure..."
Jersey plops down beside Katie. He grabs the bowl of popcorn. Katie leans in closer and wraps the blanket over them.
"What movie is this?"
"We are on a 'Saw' marathon tonight, sweetie."
Jersey high fives Katie. "Let's do this, Rabbit!"
The kids were in four groups of four; Hope sat out to keep track of the scores. She was having difficulty keeping up, as her breathing issues would get in the way. Hope preffered to sit back and watch anyway. Each of the teams had names; Sunshine, Ass-kickers, Ponies and Porgies X4. Ponies and Porgies X4 group had their dance off. Next, was Sunshine.
In this group, was Gianna, Laura, Bella and Madeline. "What song do you guys want?"
With her controler, Bella flipped through the songs. Her team members carefully looked at the list. Madeline pointed to one at the bottom.
"How about "Barbie Girl,' Bella?"
"No. Porgies X4 group has that claimed for another day."
"We can claim songs now!? No fair!"
"We've ALWAYS claimed ONE song, Gianna! Relax. Pick another one, guys."
The three girls took a minute to look over the list of songs until they came across a song no one had attempted yet.
"THIS one!" Laura points to the screen. "This is a fun song, Bella."
Bella points the controler in that direction. "YOU guys sure? There is no turning back-"
They all nod in agreement. "Alright! Here we go, ladies!"
The four girls stood before the kinect, controllers in their hand. The music began to play, as they replicated the dancers on the screen.
'I'm blue, da ba dee da ba die, da ba dee da ba die-'
The Ass-kicker group sat back and waited their turn. They watched the group before them nail every move headed their way. Sheila grabs George's arm and leans him closer. She whispers in his ear.
"We gotta beat them, George."
"We got this, Sheila. Don't you worry 'bout that..."
Gianna, Laura, Bella and Madeline continued dancing with the song. The song was coming to an end, as the girls twirled and swayed to the beat. As the song came to an end, to add more 'blue' to themselves, Madeline opened her plams and allowed tiny snowflakes to fly around and land upon her and the other three dancers. Also, it was an excuse to cool off, too.
Sheila rolls her eyes. "Alright, Elsa. Calm down..."
Madeline flashes Sheila a smile. "Jealous?"
The room was full of cheering and whistles. The girls took a bow and sat on the couch. Not much longer after the cheer squad, Jersey made his way into the living room.
"You guys having fun in here?"
Hope peeks over. "Yes daddy. We are having a dance competition."
"I can see that. You all playin' nice?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay. Just checkin' up on you guys. Don't horse around too much. In an hour its gonna be bed time. Look at the clock; when the big hand is on the nine with the little hand, that means brush your teeth. Got it?"
All the kids agreed. "Alright. Have fun..."
As Jersey leaves the room, Sheila, George, Aubrey and Willow make their way to the center. Sheila grabs the controller.
"How many points did they get, Hope?"
Hope quickly counts. "Well, according to your guy's cheers and the choice of song, it has come to my conclusion that the 'Sunshine' team has earned one pumpkin sticker and one gold star. They are now in the lead."
Sheila smiles. "Yeah....for now. Team, help me pick our song to victory."
George points to a song. "How about a Katy Perry song?"
"Nah. Too easy." George looks again. "Lady Gaga?"
Sheila pokes George with the controller. "You WANNA lose, don't you?"
"Well, I don't see YOU or the others choosing a song."
Together, Willow and Aubrey secretly discuss their options. Bella looks at the clock.
"Time is wasting away, Sheila. You guys automatically lose if you don't dance now-"
Finally, after a minute of discussion, Willow and Aubrey have a plan. "That one. Right there."
Sheila cocks her eyebrow. "THAT one? Are you sure?"
Aubrey whispers. "We can't lose this one. George dances to this ALL the time. He's REALLY good!"
"Alright. This one it is."
Team 'Ass-kickers' get in a line, as they stand in front of the television. The music plays, as they follow the dancers on screen.
True to her word, George felt comfortable in his current situation. Beside him, the girls watched as he mimicked the man on screen. The Horse galloping part managed to get the 'Ass-kickers' double points, as he continued to hit 'Perfect' every time. Sheila was impressed.
"I didn't know you could dance!"
Panting, George continued to gallop in place. "Dad said it's a 'Porgie' thing. Guess papa Georgie could dance beautifully."
"Huh..." Sheila, Aubrey and Willow continued to dance. "Had no idea..."
Pretend 'roping' in the air and side sliding dance moves, the other girls automatically knew who won THIS round. Hope clapped in her seat, as she observed her sister and cousins hitting 'perfect' every time. Feeling like dancing, Hope joined them in the song. Soon, all the kids were dancing to 'Gangnam Style.' The thunderous stomping caused Jersey and Katie to walk into a dance off. Hope looked over and saw her parents.
"Mommy, daddy! Look!"
"You guys having fun? Looks like George is REALLY gettin' into it."
Hope giggles. "This is SO much fun!"
Worried, Jersey looks on. "Easy, Hope. Remember your breathing-"
"Jersey, she is fine...."
As the music draws to an end, the kids motion for Katie and Jersey to join. George peers over and laughs.
"Come join, uncle Jersey! Aunt Katie!"
Katie instantly joins the kids; Ivy and Georgia nearly drag Jersey to the middle of the floor.
"What is this man saying, Kaite? Condom style!? What is this jibberish!?"
Katie snickers. "It's 'Gangnam Style,' dear. Not Condom. Really?" Katie gallops in place. "Dance, sweetie!"
"Sounds like he's raising the fuckin' dead..." Jersey watches the dancers on screen and tries to follow the kid's moves. He eventually get's the hang ot it, as he, Katie and the others all continue dancing in place. As the song finishes, all of them pose and hold, as the sound of clapping and cheering echos in the room.
Wiping his forehead, Jersey breaks out in a laughing fit. He leans against the wall, as Katie joins him. The girls, along with George, join in as well. Hope calculates the total.
"There is no denying WHO won tonight's dance off. 'Ass-kickers' are the new champions."
Hearing the name, Jersey can not contain himself. "Oh my God! 'Ass-kickers!' These freakin' kids...."
Katie finally settles down. "Alright, girls and George. Let's stay in our groups, then and go brush our teeths. When you are done, head back down to the living room and get in your spot."
One by one, the groups of children head to the bathroom. After all of them have brushed and cleaned, they settle into their sleepbags and blankets for the night. Jersey turns the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. Katie and Jersey make their rounds, kissing and tucking in each of the kids.
When they finish, Katie and Jersey head for the door. "Now, no talking in here, alright?"
Several yawns occur, while a good half of the girls are sleep. George was fast asleep on the couch with Sophia.
"We....we...-yawn- we will, mommy...."
"Alright. Good night you guys. We love you very much."
As they leave, Katie turns the hallway light on for Hope and Abigail. Jersey and Katie check all the doors and windows. Jersey activates the home security system, as they head up to their bedroom. Along the way, he pins Katie to the wall and they passionately kiss. Jersey laces his fingers in Katie's hair, as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"The kids are ALL downstairs, Rabbit."
Katie bites her bottom lip. "Is the Jersey Devil going to fly in my room tonight?" She kisses his lips. "How careless of me to leave my bedroom window open like that. Me, so vulnerable..."
Jersey picks Katie up and heads to their bedroom. "You are a dork, Katherine. That's why I LOVE you so much."
As the kids drifted off to dream world, Katie and Jersey enjoyed their much needed 'alone' time. Until the sun comes up, they were unavaliable for the remainder of the evening.
Chapter 19 soon
If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Had a wonderful time yesterday with my girlfriend. She enjoyed her birthday and the gift waiting for her. During dinner, I popped the question. We have the date for next November! So, I apologies now if all you see and read are romantic bits. I'm just on cloud nine right now. IF you are still waiting for an image, they are on their way; hopefully by next week or weekend, I should have them. VERY busy with work and school.
Chapter 18
The Jersey Devil's guide to Sleepover survival
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jerse… morey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the ope… [view original content]
I do have to agree with Dragon's comment, I believe was said, the other night. You describe the smallest details and I picture it every time; the dance scene, for example. I just saw all these kids, doing the gangnam style. XD I love that Katie and Jersey are watching 'Saw' movies! love, love, love it!
The names for the teams! XD Too flippin' cute! Ass-kickers. VERY Mary and Porgie.
George bustin' a move and Sheila aurprised to see her brother; 'Dad said its a Porgie thing.' I can EASILY picture Georgie or Junior secretly dancing. XD Then Jersey and Katie joining it! XD I saw that, too! lol
I loved this chapter! Katie and Jersey's little family, besides the thing with Penny, are pretty much easy going and care-free. Can't wait for more, like always!
Chapter 18
The Jersey Devil's guide to Sleepover survival
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jerse… morey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the ope… [view original content]
I love how at least three children follow Katie when she gets up to do things XD
Sheila's definitely my favorite out of Junior's children! Her and Mary always make me smile
MOAR BABIES!!! I swear, I can't picture Mary WITHOUT children at this point! Another boy And a girl, of course. I love the names, they're so sweet And Sheila's suggestions XD I bet she'll still call her brother Hell Raiser even though his name will be Damien. I wonder what kind of personalities they'll have. Maybe Haylee will be like George
"Get your ass in here and be social!" ~ XDD Sounds like my stepmom to my dad!
Oh man....kids and their mattress surfing. Total 'The Princess Diaries 2' moment XD Glad there were no casualties!
The end This is seriously one of my favorite things to read. I can't wait to see a pic of the new babies and Junior and Mary.
I also wanna see one of Katie and Jersey and ALL of the girls again If that's doable, of course. You could even label each child XD
Good luck with the midterms and stuff, I know how hard they can be at times. It's been cold every morning for the past couple days, and now it's getting to the point where it's just 50 degrees all day long :L I love this weather at the same time that I hate it. It's nice when you have a good sweater and some warm boots. We need more updates on the baby! If you find out the gender, you better tell us ASAP, lol!
Chapter 16
Jersey returned to the house with twenty five very hot Pizzas. The smell infused the home and within seconds, the … morekitchen and living room had the scent of peperonni, cheese and other various toppings. Half the girls surrounded the food, licking their chops and preparing for dinner.
"Do we have Ranch, daddy?"
"Do we have Ranch-" Jersey takes a brown paper bag and dumps out little plastic cups of Ranch. "That's the only way to eat it, girls! Got some Parmesan cheese ova' here-these little chili things your mother loves and-"
Ivy bounces around. "Can we eat NOW?"
"Your cousins here?"
"Not yet."
Jersey looks at the clock. Before he could make an executive decision, Katie comes around the corner. She places her hand on the box and stares at the faces.
"No....don't you girls think about it. Your uncle Junior called and they are literally around the corner. Go fix up the living room if you girls plan on… [view original content]
Those group names XDDDD I can tell WHO is in WHICH group XD
Hehe, Xbox Kinect is fun to play with. Just dance marathon FTW!
Madeline with her awesome powers That's adorable, I find it hilarious she still keeps it secret. I can see her using it as she gets older as an excuse not to go to school and to get out of (and in to) trouble.
George XD His suggestions are cute. And they chose a great dance to do XD
Gotta love Jersey XD His reactions to things are perfect!
Dat end tho! TOO CUTE! I agree with Jersey; Katie is such a dork XD Such a nice chapter, I loved it!
Chapter 18
The Jersey Devil's guide to Sleepover survival
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jerse… morey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the ope… [view original content]
As soon as Mary had gotten home with her son, she started a late dinner for herself. She was starving. Her hand entered her pocket to reach for her phone, and that's when it brushed over a folded note.
"Oh, yeah. I wonder if she's still awake? Who the fuck am I kidding, it's 8 PM and the girl is used to staying up until 4 AM. I'll give her a buzz."
She dials the number while simultaneously stirring a pot of pasta. She had to feed Carter too, who was currently throwing his hot wheels cars up in the air and landing them on the table.
"Carter- Stop that, you're gonna-"
"Hello?" Hazel's voice interrupted Mary.
"Oh, hey! Um...I got your note. You wanna talk some more?"
"Actually....do you mind if we do it in person? I uh....I just feel more comfortable that way."
"Right. That's fine. I'll um...Tonight?"
"I'll walk over, your apartment building isn't far from mine. I'll be over in twenty minutes or so."
"You sure?"
"Positive. It will only be a moment."
"Alright," Mary stirs the pasta again.
The phone hangs up, and Mary finds herself juggling her two year old in her arms as she strains the pot into the sink. The steam fills the air and she watches as Carter reaches his and into the cloud.
"Oooh, Mommy look at it!" He says, a smile on his face. Mary chuckles, placing him back on the floor and putting his cars away.
"You hungry bubba?"
"Yes Mommy!" Carter says. He climbs onto the dining chair and swings his feet as Mary dishes noodles covered in red sauce onto his frog shaped zoo pal plate.
"Yummy!" He says. Mary hands him his little fork and he digs in.
"You have to wait for prayer, silly!" Mary says. He smiles, placing his fork down. Once prayer is over, Mary and him dig into their meals, the TV playing in the room next door.
The door bell rings approximately 20 minutes later. Mary gets up and Carter follows her. She opens the door, and see Hazel's conflicted face on the other side.
"I'm sorry it's so late, I-"
"It's no problem, really. Come in," Mary leads the girl to the living area. The TV is showing spongebob, as Carter takes a spot on the wood floor building with his lego blocks.
"This is the first time I'm seeing him. He looks really cute," Hazel says. She takes a spot on the couch. Mary sits beside the girl, using the remote to turn down the television's volume.
"So, um....tell me what's exactly...happening to me? Is that the right question to ask? I'm sorry, it's just...I don't even know. I um...broke down earlier today."
"I know, Hans told me. So....I guess the only way to explain this is to tell you my own story. You look like someone I can trust. I haven't told many other people...." Mary trails off.
"It's okay. I won't go telling all creation what you've told me. I'm ready."
"Alright." Mary sits back, the remote clasped between her fingers. "I was the first born to my father. He is the epitome of evil. Literally. Like, he is the physical form of what mundies deem unspeakably evil. His persuits, mainly sexual, involve abuse and incest and..." Mary start to choke up on her thoughts. She pauses a minute, her eyes closing tight and opening again to look at Hazel. She has the same color eyes as her name.
"I was the first born, and I can tell you this; He wasn't originally as bad as he got. Essentially, he didn't plan on abusing me and my siblings the way he ended up doing. He was actually....a good father. But it was inevitable that his evilness would grow into something worse. As soon as my second sister and third brother were born - they were twins - He descended down a darker path than the one he'd been on already."
Hazel shifted, all her attention to Mary. "I'm so sorry. If I had known- God, I would have never even touched the man. He...." She shudders. "I can't let him do the same thing to my baby as he did to you. Do you think-....Do you think he will want to?"
Mary's expression grows graver. She hadn't even thought of that. "I suppose since all of us children have parted from him....he's grown bored. Wants more children to rape. I suppose, nothing's more 'thrilling' than your own kin?" She shudders just as Hazel did moments ago.
"Mary," Hazel starts to get emotional,"Please- Don't let him take my child. If I die in the end, never let my baby from your sight. Okay?"
Mary swallows. She just nods,"I plan on keeping you alive, Hazel."
"Still. Promise me that in the end, it won't happen. Okay?"
Mary slowly nods,"Okay. I will. I would never let any of my brothers or sisters fall prey to that asshole ever again."
Hazel sighs with relief. "Thank you."
"It's no problem. I guess you would want to know exactly how the mothers die, and how I presume I'll be able to save you."
"That would be nice to know. At least you can instill some hope in me."
"Of course. I've got...a connection to my father. It's as faint as an erased pencil marking, but it's still there. He's got attachments like it to all of my sisters and brothers. But, we weren't born with it. As soon as our mothers each died, he took us, then used a dark binding spell upon us. When he dies, it breaks."
"Where are your siblings?" Hazel asks.
"Different dimensions. Some are dead. Some are in hiding. None of us stay in the same place. It's easier for him to spot us. I've lost contact a long time ago..."
Hazel frowns. "Do you think my child will make him able to find you easier?"
"Oh honey. He's already found me."
Hazel's head turns to the mirror on Mary's wall. It was cracked, but the feeling of being watched hadn't left the room.
"I guess I should get to the point of your previous question. Being his....child, I have a lot of the same powers as he does. You've....well, most people at least, have seen me in my true form. For centuries I terrorized people. It was my way of coping with the pain. I was the only child out of all of my siblings not afraid of the mirror. I embraced it. I felt too brave. I knew he was in there, and some day he would find me for using it. But it hadn't happened for a long, long time. That being said, He probably knew I was in there anyway."
"Why did you do it? Why would you risk it?"
Mary laughs. "I thought I could take him. After I'd escaped him with my brothers and sisters, I tried to figure some way to get rid of him. I have yet to be successful."
Hazel nods. "So. What um- What happened to your mother when she had you?"
Mary frowns. "She experienced so much pain. It's a thousand times worse than a normal pregnancy. The entire time, you're bleeding, because your child is practically ripping your insides out. Like I said, since it's my father's child, they're bound to be born with the evilness within. It goes away as soon as they're born, as long as they aren't raised by my father. Unfortunately, the likelihood of survival is slim to none for mothers. As I said, I plan of changing that for you. We have better technology, and I've been studying this crap for years. I wanted to understand why it happened, and now I sort of do. At this point, it's a matter of waiting. Several months from now, this will be what we have to think more thoroughly about."
Hazel nods. She looks up at the clock that says 9 PM. "It's late. I should be getting home."
"It's alright. Any more questions, just ask. I....I want to help you. Really bad. And...." Mary looks at the mirror. "I want to rid him, once and for all."
"Understood. I guess I'll see you at work. It's great- um....You're a lot nicer than people say."
"Yeah, well. I'm only nice to the people who deserve kindness."
"Thank you, again." Hazel heads for the door. Mary scoops her son up, says bye, then gets him ready for bed. She places him in his room and waits for him to fall asleep, then enters her own and pulls her fluffy blanket over her body.
In the back of her head, she's clouded with how she could possibly help this girl.
More of an informational chapter. I might do one more tonight. I hope you liked it
The children have been writing in their journals I'd bought them about a month ago every night. Scar told me I should keep one too, and you know what?
I will. I bought this one this morning, and now that the kids are asleep, I've decided to start using it. They look so cute after their showers, each of them their heads in their little books with their pencils and pens writing frivolously before bed time. I help Elora, since she has more trouble with her writing.
Today, I let the kids sleep in. Sundays are lazy days for us, and we often stay home and do things as a family. Since the kids were still sleeping, me and Tim got up early and straightened up. I invited my father over with my stepmother and my little half-sister Adi. She's seven years old and loves to play with her nieces and nephews. They arrived at noon, 4 pizzas at hand. My dad put them in the kitchen as my 5 ten year olds trampled behind him, their watering mouths begging for a slice. I laughed as he juggled paper plates and slices of pizza to each child. Adi and Scarlett played on our Wii U, a mixture of Mario cart 7 and that super smash bros game. I let the boys go on my tablet, but that was the worst mistake of my life. Needless to say, I took their piggy banks away to pay for the damages.
Other than that mishap, things were just ducky. The kids watched another one of those halloween movies together, each of them hiding behind blankets. Well, all except Ash. She's a tough cookie to scare. Tim and I spent the time cuddling on the couch behind the children, as did my dad and his wife. It was a pleasant night.
Lately Tim has been bugging me. He wants another litter of children. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, we have five. I guess he misses them being babies and such. I guess I'll think about it. I just don't know.
Am I a bad parent? I found Ash's journal while cleaning a few days ago. Not everything is bad but....I don't know. She worries me. I think she thinks we don't love her all the time. There are some days that she writes, and it seems like she's really upset. I don't know. I haven't told Tim yet, but I think I'll talk to him after he's done in the shower.
You know what. I JUST noticed I do that! XD Well, looks like it will be a thing for Katie.
Sheila is a little spitfire, ain't she. XD Too much like her mother! I wasn't going to give Mary and Junior any more babies but I thought why not; he needs another boy and she wants a HUGE family, due to the complications they had in the past. I agree with you on that part; can't see Mary without seeing babies! XD
I will indeed add an image of Mary and Junior's newest additions. I WAS working on one with Katie and Jersey and their 13 little angels; just finished it today, actually! Will post it on m next chapter here in a bit.
Man, 50 degrees sounds wonderful right about now. I actually LOVE the cold; the coldest we get here in Cali, at least in MY city, sre the 60's; a lot of fog and rain, though, since I right by the beach. LOVE it, though. :P And we find out the gender in either late November or early December. Yrust me. You guys will know.
I love how at least three children follow Katie when she gets up to do things XD
Sheila's definitely my favorite out of Junior's children… more! Her and Mary always make me smile
MOAR BABIES!!! I swear, I can't picture Mary WITHOUT children at this point! Another boy And a girl, of course. I love the names, they're so sweet And Sheila's suggestions XD I bet she'll still call her brother Hell Raiser even though his name will be Damien. I wonder what kind of personalities they'll have. Maybe Haylee will be like George
"Get your ass in here and be social!" ~ XDD Sounds like my stepmom to my dad!
Oh man....kids and their mattress surfing. Total 'The Princess Diaries 2' moment XD Glad there were no casualties!
The end This is seriously one of my favorite things to read. I can't wait to see a pic of the new babies and Junior and Mary.
I also wanna see one of Katie and Jersey and ALL of the girls again If that's doable, of course. … [view original content]
I wanted to give them names that would be easy to figure out. XD My job was done, then!
Madeline will eventually let her parents know. For now, she and her siblings keep it a secret. More fun that way. Even the cousins know to be 'hush hush' about it.
I couldn't think of some good dances or songs; that one came to mind!
Jersey's reactions are what I assume he'd do with the girls; also, Katie is too much like her mother. Very cheesy but so adorable and loving.
Those group names XDDDD I can tell WHO is in WHICH group XD
Hehe, Xbox Kinect is fun to play with. Just dance marathon FTW!
Madeline w… moreith her awesome powers That's adorable, I find it hilarious she still keeps it secret. I can see her using it as she gets older as an excuse not to go to school and to get out of (and in to) trouble.
George XD His suggestions are cute. And they chose a great dance to do XD
Gotta love Jersey XD His reactions to things are perfect!
Dat end tho! TOO CUTE! I agree with Jersey; Katie is such a dork XD Such a nice chapter, I loved it!
I was right about Charle's and Mary's 'relationship.' How sick and twisted. I seriously hope this guy gets what is coming to him. Hopefully Hazel survives the birth but sadly, she knows there is a GOOD chance she will not. Trusting Mary, in hopes she will take care of the newborn, is a huge step.
I'm curious to see how all of this will be played out when the time comes. And btw, Carter is too cute. Loved this. Answered some questions I had.
As soon as Mary had gotten home with her son, she started a late dinner for herself. She was starving. Her hand entered her pocket to reach … morefor her phone, and that's when it brushed over a folded note.
"Oh, yeah. I wonder if she's still awake? Who the fuck am I kidding, it's 8 PM and the girl is used to staying up until 4 AM. I'll give her a buzz."
She dials the number while simultaneously stirring a pot of pasta. She had to feed Carter too, who was currently throwing his hot wheels cars up in the air and landing them on the table.
"Carter- Stop that, you're gonna-"
"Hello?" Hazel's voice interrupted Mary.
"Oh, hey! Um...I got your note. You wanna talk some more?"
"Actually....do you mind if we do it in person? I uh....I just feel more comfortable that way."
"Right. That's fine. I'll um...Tonight?"
"I'll walk over, your apartment building isn't far from mine. I'll be over in twenty minutes or so."
"You sure?"
"Po… [view original content]
Yeah, I figured I had insinuated it enough for people to catch on, but I stated it plainly just in case. They're dealing with a truly evil man. Hazel is upset, but cares more for her unborn baby to do anything drastic. She only trusts Mary at this point, which is actually a good idea. I want to figure out a way to transition my story effectively; I have a lot planned out for down the road, my only issue is filling in the time in between now and then. I want to keep it interesting, you know?
Carter is so adorable, probably my favorite child Glad I answered some q's.
I was right about Charle's and Mary's 'relationship.' How sick and twisted. I seriously hope this guy gets what is coming to him. Hopefully … moreHazel survives the birth but sadly, she knows there is a GOOD chance she will not. Trusting Mary, in hopes she will take care of the newborn, is a huge step.
I'm curious to see how all of this will be played out when the time comes. And btw, Carter is too cute. Loved this. Answered some questions I had.
This next tale will begin while two couples are driving around in the woods in the outskirts of New York City. The couple stop somewhere in the forest for some intimate relations. However the girl hears something outside of the car, but the male tells her that its just the wind or tree branches.
Moments later scratching on the car roof can be heard, which frightens the girl. She tells her boyfriend that she is completely spooked out so the boyfriends leaves the car and checks it out... After he was gone for a few minutes the girl began to worry so she leaves the car as well to see what was taking her boyfriend.
She called his name and got no answer and then... she turned around and there he was her boyfriend. Dead and completely bloodied and hanging above the call. She screamed in complete horror at the site. Then from behind a dark mysterious figure wielding a bloody hook spawned before her. She fell to the ground as she gazed into the dead and dark eyes of this strange man.
He pointed his hook towards her as blood began to drip from it as he started walking towards her.
"Tell them.... tell that that the hook is back... and he's not going anywhere...no time soon."
He then vanishes allowing the woman to escape to safety and return to the city..
The girl runs into a young man wearing a green hoody reading an old book, on the way. She begs for his help and he tells her to calm down and what her problem was and the girl told the the young man that she just witness her boyfriend murdered by a strange man wielding the hook.
He informed her but that is just an urban legend, she must seen something else. She was being serious as she pleaded to the young man, he tried to calm her down and asked for her name.
"Gwen" she replied wiping the tears from her eye.
"Well Gwen, my name is Robby. And we are going to get to the bottom of this. First lets get you home."
Robby then took Gwen home, after that he returned to his house for some research on the Urban Legend called by the name of the 'Hook' and how to stop him before he kills again. Robby is confident in stopping this new threat since he was able to make peace with his family, however he won't be joined by his brother Walter, for he is on a journey in the homelands helping rebuild kingdoms that were lost in the past battles.
He's all alone on this journey...but not entirely alone..
-Faints- It is done! I didn't want to color it but it seems my colored images tend to look a bit 'better' and I thought, why the hell not? While my girlfriend Crochets a blanket, I colored my picture. XD Gotta love these 'do nothing' Sundays. From left to right, we have Bella, Ava Rose, Sarah, Laura, Ivy, Willow, Alice, Georgia, Gianna, Madeline, Hannah and finally, little miss Hope. WHEW! Hope you like it! D
Penny's concious was in and out. Her head was pounding, her face blistering with the intense pain brought on by Oliver's hand. She tried touching her cheeks but the pain was too severe. Penny tried moving her legs. The comforting mattress under her body made it difficult to get up. All she wanted to do was sleep. There was someone in the other room; she could hear the rustle of feet.
"Hello?" Her voice cracked and was hoarse. "Hello...anyone there-"
Penny looked at her legs. Lacerations embeded into her skin. It appeared, however, that someone took the time to clean the wounds. Penny attempted to move again. Slowly, she lifted one leg from the bed. After several minutes, the right leg followed. She snatched a dresser not too far from the bed and carefully took her steps. The room looked vaugely familiar to Penny; the shade of blue on the sheets, the cherry wood dresser and even the feeling of the carpet between her toes. Penny grabbed the doorway and pushed forward.
"Hello-" She called out again. Her throat was parched. "Hello..."
Penny heard the footsteps again. There was the sound of an infant's cry. Her heart sank. Josiah. She knew that cry from anywhere. Penny pushed down the hall. Every step she took felt like a row of knives against her heels. She prepared to find Oliver. That was sadly the last face she could remember. She was prepared. For anything.
Then, there was an accustomed male voice. "Ssh, Josiah! What do you want, son? Daddy has no idea! We tried the mashed peas! How about this-"
Johann. Penny's smile grew, as her worries subsided. She walked around the corner and found him trying to keep Josiah calm. In his hand, he held a jar of Gerber's baby food. Josiah's screams grew louder, as Johann failed to feed the baby. Josiah smacked the spoon from his hand.
"Shit, shit, shit! I'm no good at this, Josiah! You gotta give me some props though, kid!"
"He needs Milk."
Johann looked over and found Penny leaning against the counter. "Penelope, no-"
He ran to her aide. Johann carefully led Penny to the nearby dinning area. He pulled out a chair and carefully helped Penny sit down.
"You need to be in bed! These cuts and bruises need to heal-"
"Josiah needs Breast milk, Johann. Give him here."
Johann rubbed his palms together. "You're weak, Penelope! Surely there is a pump I could use to extract the milk with."
Penny looks around. "And a Butcher like yourself just so happens to have one in the apartment."
Johann sighs. "Here. Let me help."
Johann reaches for the boy, now kicking his chubby legs around. He lifts up Penny's blouse, as Johann places Josiah near her breast. The baby instinctively latches onto the nipple, as he snuggles his head closer to the skin. He instantly feeds, as Johnaa strokes his hair. Penny hums a lullaby, as she gently pats the baby on the back.
"How is he, Johann?"
Confused, he looks at Katie. "What, uh, what do you mean?"
"His apperance. How is he?"
Johann continues to play with his hair. "He's perfect, Penelope. The most beautiful baby I have ever seen...looks like a you."
"He has your nose and eye color. And these legs."
Johann smiles. "Yeah, he does, doesn't he?"
Josiah continues to suckle. Penny leans back into the chair. The throbbing continues all over her body, especially the ribs. Penny tries to rub her legs. Johann notices this and grabs her hand.
"Stop, Penelope. You can't do that. You need to save your strength."
"It hurts so much."
Johann grabs a glass cup and fills it with ice water. He takes a towel and wets it. Johann dabs the towel around her wounds, as Penelope drinks the water. She watches him diligently wip the open flesh. The water feels wonderful against the burning cuts. Josiah finishes nursing, as Penny tries to burp him.
"You got him?"
"Yes, Johann. He's fine."
After five minutes and two enormous burps later, Johann takes the baby into the living room and places him in the bassinet. He comes back for Penny and takes her to the couch. Penny watches Josiah suck on his thumb, as the mobile with stars and ships spins around to a soothing lullaby.
"You're wonderful with him..."
Johann grabs Penny's hand. "Stay with me. Forever."
Penny looks away. "I can't...I can't do that."
"Why?" Johann scoots closer to Penny. "Leave that place. Stay with me. I have an opening at the Cut Above. Its part time but its better than what Oliver is making you do. We have the apartment, you have a bed to sleep in, Josiah is safer here and-"
"He'll come after you and my family, should I EVER leave him."
Johann was startled by her answer. "He'll do what?"
Penny wips her eyes. "He...he will kill you all. He will do it, to, Johann! He threatned to finish off my father; something that bloody Sheriff couldn't do! He'll kill my mother and siblings, destroy you and..." She looks over at her sleeping son. "He said before he kills me, he'd drown my son before my very eyes and force me to watch it..."
Johann grabs Penny and forces him close to his chest. Penny sobs into his shirt, finding it difficult to speak about the threats. She sadly knew Oliver was not doing this to scare her. He'd done this before to a previous dancer. Dice was a wonderful man, who sadly fell into the wrong crowd. One night, he decided this was not for him and threatned to tell everyone the truth about the Silver Slipper. He was never seen again. Rumor has it Oliver dumped the body at the Farm and let the ravenous Giants and creatures make a meal out of him.
"He...he said this?! I will protect you! We have to-"
"Have to what, huh Johann!? Bigby can't help, Beauty and Beast don't do shit for me and the Council can only do so much! They can't protect me from something like this! They just can't!"
"But Penny-"
"I WILL not put my family through this again!" Her shouting caused Josiah to stir. "I will not...I can't do that to them again..."
Penny almost fell to the ground. Johann grabbed her in time. He noticed a small trickle of blood pouring from her leg gash.
"Please-" Her despondent eyes filled with tears. Her grip was tight on his shirt collar. "For Josiah, you will not say a word. To ANYONE. Let ME handle this on my own..."
Sadly, Johann knew it was the truth. Oliver was unpredicatable; one second, he's sunshine and smiles. Next, he's murdering half the town because of one little remark. He sighed and all he could do was nod. He cleaned the blood up.
"You want to try and take a bath?"
"That sounds delightful."
Johann ran the water, as he grabbed fresh sets of towels. Penny stepped into the bathroom, the smell of Lavender and Juniper lingering in the air. As she undressed, Johann turned away.
"Johann, we DO have a son together..."
Johann blushed. "I just, uh, didn't know-"
Penny allowed the clothes to drop. "Look at me."
Johann did. He didn't notice the various bruises and marks Oliver left over the years. He traced his finger over old and new marks; some of the bruises were changing colors, indicating to Johann they were not left there too long ago.
"You're beautiful..."
"Just like the first night..."
Johann leaned in closer. "I don't regret a thing, Penelope..."
Penny returns with a kiss. She begins unbuttoning Johann's shirt. The Butcher does not stop her.
"Join me. Josiah is asleep, so he won't make too much noise."
Penny carefully sat in the tub, the warm water surround her body. Johann finished undressing and joined Penny in the tub. He leaned against the tile, as Penny planted herself in between him. She layed her back back into his chest, the soothing sound of his heart beat creating a perfect tune to her ears.
"Stay tonight." Johann whispers, as he pours water on Penny's chest.
"I was, Johann..."
The two sat in silence, as the water enclosed their bodies. Eventually, they would have to leave the comfort of both the tub and each other. That would have to wait, though.
Tonight, it was just them and little Josiah in the other room.
Chapter 20 soon
IF you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Love Sundays. Back to work and school tomorrow, though. XD
Well, you have caught my interest, that is for sure. I'm glad she can come to Mary for help, seeing as she has the answers needed in regards to this pregnancy. Charles, to me, is the worst OC so far here on the threads; like, nothing can top that man's evil, disgusting ways. Ugh! I HOPE he get's what is coming....
Yeah, I figured I had insinuated it enough for people to catch on, but I stated it plainly just in case. They're dealing with a truly evil m… morean. Hazel is upset, but cares more for her unborn baby to do anything drastic. She only trusts Mary at this point, which is actually a good idea. I want to figure out a way to transition my story effectively; I have a lot planned out for down the road, my only issue is filling in the time in between now and then. I want to keep it interesting, you know?
Carter is so adorable, probably my favorite child Glad I answered some q's.
Johann XD You can't feed babies food until they're about six months, and even then it's better to give them more milk than food.
:3333333333 The bath tub scene. I just- I can't. It was so perfect, I swear to god these two need to get to fucking gether and she needs to fucking kill that oliver bitch and this shit just needs to be fucking over. k?
Lol. But in all seriousness, I can't wait until there's a day that Penny won't be afraid for her family's lives. That day will be the day that I finally collapse from how awesomely awesome this entire trip has been.
Chapter 19
"Street corners"
-Faints- It is done! I didn't want to color it but it seems my colored images tend to look a bit 'bett… moreer' and I thought, why the hell not? While my girlfriend Crochets a blanket, I colored my picture. XD Gotta love these 'do nothing' Sundays. From left to right, we have Bella, Ava Rose, Sarah, Laura, Ivy, Willow, Alice, Georgia, Gianna, Madeline, Hannah and finally, little miss Hope. WHEW! Hope you like it! D
Penny's concious was in and out. Her head was pounding, her face blistering with the intense pain brought on by Oliver's hand. She tried touching her cheeks but the pain was too severe. Penny tried moving her legs. The comforting mattress under her body made it difficult to get up. All she wanted to do was sleep. There was someone in the other room; she could hear the rustle of feet.
"Hello?" Her voice cracked and was hoarse. "Hello...anyone there-"
Penny looked at her legs. Lacerations … [view original content]
He comes off as a lovable, bumbling idiot that has the heart of gold. He THOUGHT he had it covered....XD
I wanted to create a moment between them; Johann LOVES Penelope and although she'll never admit it, she too has feelings. Her fears, sadly, are very real. Oliver is not a man to mess with, as we have taken a tiny glimpse into his unbalanced behavior. He'll get his soon enough; I have an idea cooking in the back of my mind.
THINK after this talke, I start one about the other three Porgie kids not covered yet. Maybe. We'll see when that time comes. XD
Johann XD You can't feed babies food until they're about six months, and even then it's better to give them more milk than food.
:3333333… more333 The bath tub scene. I just- I can't. It was so perfect, I swear to god these two need to get to fucking gether and she needs to fucking kill that oliver bitch and this shit just needs to be fucking over. k?
Lol. But in all seriousness, I can't wait until there's a day that Penny won't be afraid for her family's lives. That day will be the day that I finally collapse from how awesomely awesome this entire trip has been.
Well, the Farm was a total disaster. We arrived in the car; one of the workers showed us where the vehicles go for guests. Ethan did not go. He threw a huge tnatrum when we left. Georgie stayed home with him; he tried his best to think of some fun activities they could do together. He was fine until he saw Katie and Penny carrying buckets to get candy from the booths there. It was devestating hearing him cry as we pulled away. Junior stayed, too. The medication is making him sleepy. I could've sworn someone was in his room, singing to him. I checked. Nothing. Hmmm.
Carla took Rosie and the boys over to some games; me, Katie, Penny, Emily and Peter walked to the Village and fields located in the middle of the Farm. We played some games and picked some corn and squash to take home. Penny and Katie filled their buckets in an hour; Emily was too busy looking at the different creatures wondering around the dirt roads and open fields.
A lot of the cretures were very uneasy when Peter took my hand and we walked around. I caught a few witches whispering and pointing; several Goblins, Giants, Mice and Rabbits pointed as well. A couple of Piglets and other animals screamed and ran away. 'WOLF! Wolf! There is a Wolf!' Peter was embarrased; he was not sure why they were running and screaming like this. Carla was having no luck with Noah, either. He bit one of the vendors and was asked to leave.
Before I could make the dicision to return, Peter took off and I could not find him. Thirty minutes later, Katie found him crying behind a fountain. 'Why do they hate me, mommy? You're a Wolf, too.' This was supposed to be a fun day. Instead, I'm carrying a crying six year old and two ten year olds back to the car. We left. I'm never going back there again.
Upon returning home, Peter told Georgie what happened. Georgie took Peter's hand and they went up to the roof. By this time, the sun was setting early. In his lap, he held Peter, as the two watched the sun hide behind the tall buildings. In Peter's hand, he munched on a Hotdog Georgie purchased from a vendor not too far from the house. He promised in the morning, they would go to the woods and run all over; kick up leaves, chase Squirrels and drink from the river. That sounds like a wonderful idea. The girls and I can do a picnic, too.
Jersey called earlier. I invited him to go out with us to the woods. Katie nearly jumped from her seat when she found out he was going. He's going to show the kids how to make musical instruments from hallowed out Squash. He's VERY creative. Something I'd never associate with the Jersey Devil.
Well, better get going. Time to tuck the pups in bed.
I love that picture! Looks amazing!! I loved their interactions. He loves penny so much. Johann trying to feed Josiah! XD and I agree with Emmy-that moment in the tub was well done. Could feel the love, the connection. Damn it! They are too cute. I feel so bad for penny. Freaking hate Oliver so much! Great job! Can wait for more.
Chapter 19
"Street corners"
-Faints- It is done! I didn't want to color it but it seems my colored images tend to look a bit 'bett… moreer' and I thought, why the hell not? While my girlfriend Crochets a blanket, I colored my picture. XD Gotta love these 'do nothing' Sundays. From left to right, we have Bella, Ava Rose, Sarah, Laura, Ivy, Willow, Alice, Georgia, Gianna, Madeline, Hannah and finally, little miss Hope. WHEW! Hope you like it! D
Penny's concious was in and out. Her head was pounding, her face blistering with the intense pain brought on by Oliver's hand. She tried touching her cheeks but the pain was too severe. Penny tried moving her legs. The comforting mattress under her body made it difficult to get up. All she wanted to do was sleep. There was someone in the other room; she could hear the rustle of feet.
"Hello?" Her voice cracked and was hoarse. "Hello...anyone there-"
Penny looked at her legs. Lacerations … [view original content]
God poor Peter! he always gets the shit deal just cause of who and what he is. Glad they led! Hate the farm. Glad Georgie took control of it. Seems like Peter loves being with his father. and that idea with the squash! Clever!! And jersey! XD
Dear Diary:
Well, the Farm was a total disaster. We arrived in the car; one of the workers showed us where the vehicles go for… more guests. Ethan did not go. He threw a huge tnatrum when we left. Georgie stayed home with him; he tried his best to think of some fun activities they could do together. He was fine until he saw Katie and Penny carrying buckets to get candy from the booths there. It was devestating hearing him cry as we pulled away. Junior stayed, too. The medication is making him sleepy. I could've sworn someone was in his room, singing to him. I checked. Nothing. Hmmm.
Carla took Rosie and the boys over to some games; me, Katie, Penny, Emily and Peter walked to the Village and fields located in the middle of the Farm. We played some games and picked some corn and squash to take home. Penny and Katie filled their buckets in an hour; Emily was too busy looking at the different creatures wondering around the dirt roads a… [view original content]
It'd be interesting to see what ANY of the remaining Porgie's have in store for us I wanna see what Emily's up to and dealing with, I wanna see how Peter is doing, especially in regards to the whole Bigby situation, and I also want to see all the 'Studying' Ethan is doing over in Europe
He comes off as a lovable, bumbling idiot that has the heart of gold. He THOUGHT he had it covered....XD
I wanted to create a moment bet… moreween them; Johann LOVES Penelope and although she'll never admit it, she too has feelings. Her fears, sadly, are very real. Oliver is not a man to mess with, as we have taken a tiny glimpse into his unbalanced behavior. He'll get his soon enough; I have an idea cooking in the back of my mind.
THINK after this talke, I start one about the other three Porgie kids not covered yet. Maybe. We'll see when that time comes. XD
Snow covers the roads in thick blankets. Last night's snowfall couldn't be kept up with. Everyone is officially snowed in.
"Yeah Hans. Yeah. Yeah.....Yeah, I know. Yup. Okay. Bye." Mary hangs up her cellphone after a less than interesting phone call from her boss. She watches as her son tips the water bowl on the floor over.
"Carter, that's the cat's water! You wanted him, you know!"
"I love Chuck Mommy!" Carter says. He lifts the metal bowl and hands it to Mary.
"Uhuh. Then stop spilling his water!"
"Sorry Mommy!" Carter reaches for the paper towels, dropping it on the floor and watching it unravel across the tiles.
Mary sighs. She rips the first four sheets off, tossing it on the puddle of water. The rest is rolled up in a few quick spins, and she places it back on the counter. The door bell rings.
"Who on earth could that be?" Mary says. She tosses the bowl in the sink and enters her little hall way leading to her door.
Hazel's face appears from the other side.
"Hazel? How'd you get here? There's like two feet of snow out there."
"I had some help-" She turns out of the way of the door. Hans is standing there, a giant orange shovel in his hand.
Mary sighs, a smile spreading on her face. "Really? You shoveled us both out?"
"What can a nice pimp like me do otherwise?" Hans jokes. Mary's friends step in, kicking the snow from their shoes onto the doormat.
"You couldn't do that at the entrance?" Mary asks. Just then, Carter runs around the corner and jumps into Hazel's arms.
"Aunt Hazel! Did you bring candy?"
Hazel takes Carter to the livingroom. "We did kick the snow off, but there was so much caked on that this is like the third time we're doing it," Hans explains.
"Right," Mary says. She goes back into the kitchen, pouring three cups of hot coffee. She hears the TV turn on, the giggling voices of Peppa Pig echoing into her kitchen. The cat, and orange fat tabby, jumps onto the counter, rubbing his cheeks against Mary's suspended hand.
"I never wanted your fat ass," She told him, but was still smiling. She pet his back and scratched under his little chin. Hans stepped into the room, leaving Hazel to deal with the toddler.
"She needs to learn sooner or later," Hans says. His hands clasp into Mary's.
She looks away. "Want coffee?"
"Do I? Of course!" He grabs one from behind her back, sipping half of it down in one chug. "Mmmm, that's some good joe. You know how to make it good."
"Do I now?"
Mary loosens from his grip, ducking under his muscles and heading for the refridgerator. She pours half and half into her cup, turning the black dark roast coffee into light brown hazelnut flavored coffee.
"Can I have some of that?" Hans asks.
"Do you even have enough coffee left?" She asks back.
"Well.....I'll just pour myself some more."
"Ha, whatever." Mary enters her living room, taking a spot next to her friend Hazel. Hazel's belly only protrudes a slight bit, but she's starting to become noticeably pregnant.
"He's so good," She says, watching Carter stack his cars on the coffee table.
"Yeah, well, you've caught him on one of his good mornings. Some days, he brings hell on earth."
"Haha. Yeah..." She strokes her stomach. "Do you think I might be having a little boy? Or a girl?"
"Do you mean to ask me if I have a brother or a sister?" Mary laughs. "I'm placing my bets on a girl. But I could be wrong."
Hans steps in, sipping another cup of coffee. "I call boy," He says.
Mary stands, pulling her cell from her pocket. "I have to call Harmony. I wanna makes sure she'd good over in Fabletown; There's 5 one in a half year olds under her roof."
"God bless 'er," Hans says, placing his empty cup on the table.
The phone rings. After a minute, Harmony picks up. "Mary? That you?"
"Yeah, it's me," Mary says.
"You doing okay? I was about to call you."
"Ha, I'm fine. I'm calling to check up on you. Got enough food?"
"Yeah. My problem is keeping the bunch of them out of trouble. Ash is my real problem; Keeps trying to climb out of the playpen."
"That's my girl. Give them kisses for me please. I'll see you as soon as the snow lets up. And, Christmas eve is tomorrow. I hope we'll be able to have a nice get together."
"Yeah, I know. I would be at the Farm, but my kids are still so small. I decided it wouldn't hurt to stay here this year. Maybe next year I'll get over there with them."
"Sounds good. I need to go with you then."
Crash!"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Oh, shit. That was Ash. I gotta go- bye Mary!"
Mary hangs the phone up. During the coversation, she'd been pacing through her house like an idiot. Right now, she was in her bathroom.
She stared at the mirror. She'd cracked or thrown out every one she owned. It was hard to get a good look at yourself in the morning, but better safe than sorry.
His grin. Even though she didn't see him, she could swear it was there. And she hated every last bit of it.
"I hope you enjoy not being able to get in here. I'm watching you, you fucker."
"Mary!" Hans called from the other room. Thinking nothing of it, she exited the bathroom and entered the livingroom again.
"What's going-....Oh, fuck. Fuck, I was hoping this wouldn't happen so soon."
"What do you mean?" Hans asks.
Hazel is lying on her side clutching her abdomen. Her jeans are becoming stained with rich, dark blood.
Dun dun dun! I bet you didn't see any of that shit coming, didja? Lol, kidding aside; I hope you liked this one. I had a lot of fun writing it. There's more to come tomorrow, so don't worry
Another random side note: I'm currently reading TWD comics, and I'm on issue 128.
I'm not going to say anything to spoil, but DAYUM. I just- Wow. I just can't.
I can't.
I'm not sure if I should be remotely worried or enjoy the peace while it lasts. (Because it's actually peaceful, for once.)
I just. I'm sorry. This isn't even FABLES related. What am I doing fangirling on the wrong thread?
Oh yeah, you guys are my only internet friends who could understand me XDDDD
Emily wandering around, lol. Guess the fields are more interesting
People should fuck off. Peter's a fricken' kid. Doesn't mean he bares his real father's sins. Some of the animals on the Farm generally annoy me with their dumb antics like that.
At least the day ended nicely I'm glad Georgie's so good with all of the children, including little Peter.
Dear Diary:
Well, the Farm was a total disaster. We arrived in the car; one of the workers showed us where the vehicles go for… more guests. Ethan did not go. He threw a huge tnatrum when we left. Georgie stayed home with him; he tried his best to think of some fun activities they could do together. He was fine until he saw Katie and Penny carrying buckets to get candy from the booths there. It was devestating hearing him cry as we pulled away. Junior stayed, too. The medication is making him sleepy. I could've sworn someone was in his room, singing to him. I checked. Nothing. Hmmm.
Carla took Rosie and the boys over to some games; me, Katie, Penny, Emily and Peter walked to the Village and fields located in the middle of the Farm. We played some games and picked some corn and squash to take home. Penny and Katie filled their buckets in an hour; Emily was too busy looking at the different creatures wondering around the dirt roads a… [view original content]
I first read it and misunderstood; I THOUGHT Mary was pregnant for a second but after going back, saw who it was! ^^; My excitment got the better of me! lol
I love how Carter calls Hazel Aunt; its too damn flippin' cute! Its nice seeing her and Mary getting along, considering her circumstances and WHO the baby belongs to.
That ending, tho! Hopefully she pulls through and with Mary's guidance, she'll be there to raise the baby and protect him or her from Charles; the man seriously needs a good beating. But, that seems too easy. I will just have to wait and see if I'm right, or you'll throw in your tradmark 'haha, got you all!' moments. XD
Also, I LOVE TWD comics; my GF read them before me and watched the season premire last night. Never thought she'd be a fan of the undead but, yeah. They are intense and they sure know how to pull at the heart strings at times. XD
Snow covers the roads in thick blankets. Last night's snowfall couldn't be kept up with. Everyone is officially snowed in.
"… moreYeah Hans. Yeah. Yeah.....Yeah, I know. Yup. Okay. Bye." Mary hangs up her cellphone after a less than interesting phone call from her boss. She watches as her son tips the water bowl on the floor over.
"Carter, that's the cat's water! You wanted him, you know!"
"I love Chuck Mommy!" Carter says. He lifts the metal bowl and hands it to Mary.
"Uhuh. Then stop spilling his water!"
"Sorry Mommy!" Carter reaches for the paper towels, dropping it on the floor and watching it unravel across the tiles.
Mary sighs. She rips the first four sheets off, tossing it on the puddle of water. The rest is rolled up in a few quick spins, and she places it back on the counter. The door bell rings.
"Who on earth could that be?" Mary says. She tosses the bowl in the sink and enters her little hall way leadin… [view original content]
LOL Emily could care less, honestly. There is food. 'Nuff said. XD
I recall reading a good chunk of the Farm in the FABLES comic and thinking the same thing about some of the animals; I wanted to reach into the pages and smack them. Considering by this time, the majority of people KNOW who Peter's real father is, they feel the need to put their two cents in. He, however, has no idea, which makes it difficult for him to understand their behavior.
And yes, Georgie loves Peter, even knowing WHO he belongs to; I may cover that section in the future, as I noticed I never DID cover how Lyla and Bigby came to be and how Georgie TRUELY felt in the begining about Peter's birth. Hm. MIGHT do that as a side story..
Emily wandering around, lol. Guess the fields are more interesting
People should fuck off. Peter's a fricken' kid… more. Doesn't mean he bares his real father's sins. Some of the animals on the Farm generally annoy me with their dumb antics like that.
At least the day ended nicely I'm glad Georgie's so good with all of the children, including little Peter.
Swineheart was less than pleased to be doing an emergency house call on today of all days.
"My work's never done, is it?" He says, entering the apartment. Being Fabletown's main doctor, he has his hands on an arrangement of traveling spells, for those special types of emergencies.
"So, tell me again; What happened?" Swineheart asked. Mary just led him to her bedroom, where Hans had carried poor Hazel to be more comfortable.
"It's the same shit I went through," Mary explains. "The only difference is that she could bleed out a lot easier than me. Me being.....well, me, I could bear the pain. But her...." Mary rubs her forehead.
Swineheart nods, walking tot he side of the bed. He has his hospital bag at hand, reaching in for whatever tools are necessary. Hans exits as soon as Swinheart starts to yank the girl's pants off.
"Hmm. The bleeding stopped....She seems stable. Hazel, are you awake?"
Hazel groans,"Mmmhmm. It hurts a lot..."
"I know it does. I'm giving you a prescription for it. Is this the first time?"
"Yes. I was alright one minute and then..."
"Extreme pain?" Mary asks.
Swineheart frowns. "She might need hospitalization if it gets worse."
"I know," Mary says.
Swineheart places his medical tools away, patting the girl's back, and exiting the room. "Call me again if there are any more problems. Otherwise, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas."
"You too, doctor," Hans says, shutting the apartment door behind him. Carter is heard knocking his toybox over in his bedroom.
Mary and Hans stand there a moment. The two of them are staring at each other, unsure of what to really do at this point.
"Uhm..." Hans says. His eyes dart from Mary, to the clock, and then the door down the narrow hall.
"What do you think we should do?" Mary asks him.
"You're asking me? I don't know shit about this shit."
Mary lets out an exaggerated laugh. "Right."
Hans walks into the kitchen. " I need another coffee."
"Whatever." Mary heads to her bedroom. Hazel his gripping her side, staring at the white ceiling.
"Is this the start of it?"
Mary only nods.
"Okay? What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means...Okay, I'm ready to endure it."
"You're sure?"
Mary takes a seat on the side of the bed. She brushes Hazel's hair out of her face.
"Do me a favor?"
Hazel turns to face her friend. "If you can, you'll kill him? Right?"
"Oh Hazel. I've been waiting for the perfect chance to do so since I was conceived."
The night was quiet. Hans took Hazel home. Mary was alone with her son once again.
The boy fell asleep not long after another one of those Christmas specials. It was the Polar Express, and although Mary would never admit it, she really loved that one.
She carried her baby boy to his bed, leaving his sippy cup near his pillow in case he woke in the night. The fat cat rolled up into a ball beneath the covers, and Mary patted it's fluffy head a few times.
"Good night," she whispered.
There was a knock at her door. Panicked, Mary's head searched for who could possibly want to see her at this time.
Her hand grabbed the handle, and she slowly twisted it, opening the door wide.
She sighed with relief. Hans was back.
"You forget something?" Mary asked.
"Uhm...." Hans looked at her. His nervousness was a bit confusing as he stepped his way past her. "Yeah, Uh....I forgot my shovel, actually."
He walked into the living room. "Or...maybe I didn't. Never- Never mind. Uhm, Mary?"
"Yes, Mr. Strong?" She asked. She had her arms folded out in front of her, a smirk on her face. She knew he was here for another reason.
"Spit it out!" She teased him.
"Well, tomorrow is Christmas Eve.....and I was wondering if....well...."
"You'd like to....go with me to that big party? On the Farm?"
"Well, I was talking with Hazel, and she told me on the way to her apartment that I should ask you to go. She said she'd take the baby and we could...well, have a good time? You know? I mean-"
Mary wrapped her arms around Hans, giving him a big hug. "Sure. I'll go. But it better not be more than just friends, okay?"
"What? Of course not! It's- It's perfectly normal to just...be friends and go together."
"Uhuh. I'll have to call Harm, see if she and Tim want to go also. I know they've got plenty of people to watch their own rugrats."
"Sounds like a plan, then?"
"Sure. Goodnight, Hans."
"Night." The man was beaming with happiness, nearly skipping down the hall to go home. Mary just chuckled, shutting the door as softly as possible. The rest of her night was spent on the couch.
Little did she know, she'd forgotten to bust on last mirror in her apartment.
The one in her son's closet.
Hope you enjoyed this one, as the many previous chapters I've written. I had off of school today because of Columbus Day, so I might actually write more throughout the day.
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the moment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, like the other girls, are trying to ignore it. Despite this, however, tears form in Katie's eyes.
"Wish they'd stop."
Penny is silent. Emily looks over at Junior. She grabs his baseball and tosses it in his direction.
"Stop, okay? You're bloody makin' me nervous..."
Junior looks up. "I hate when they fight..."
"Never like this..."
There is another loud crash, as Lyla grabs the kitchen knife. She points it at Georgie, who slowly backs away. He, however, did not notice the corner and is soon pinned against the wall. Katie's eyes have changed, as Georgie notices her fingernails turning into claws; her teeth fangs and her apperance changing into a Wolf.
"Love, let's just talk about this-"
Lyla growls. "I GAVE you a chance, you foolish British piece of shit!"
She lunges at Georgie, who quickly moves to the side. "Jesus fuck, Lyla! Stop!"
"You promised me..."
"I didn't DO anything! That wasn't me-"
Lyla swings. "BULLSHIT! You have CHILDREN, a wife!"
"WHICH is why I'm not doing that fuckin' shit anymore, Lyla! You know I'm not!"
The kids gathered at the base of the stairs. They watched their mother circle the kitchen, weilding a knife at their father.
"You and Oliver STILL talk! He's the biggest Crack head in this fucking town..."
"Lyla, I swear to you. I'm NOT doing that shit-"
Lyla attempts one last time. The knife lodges into the wall. Georgie leans against the counter, watching Lyla struggle to release the knife from the wall. She grunts and growls but its no use. She pants and looks to the ground.
"My father was right about you..."
Georgie was stunned. "What..."
Noticing what she said, Lyla looked up. Georgie had tears in his eyes. "Georgie, no-"
"So, you regret this fuckin' relationship? Yup. Dear 'ol John was right about me." Georgie knocks everthing off the counter; everything crashing to the ground, as the children continued to watch. "EVERYONE was right about Georgie Porgie, huh Lyla? Just say it, love...Bloody say what you REALLY think 'bout me, huh? SAY IT!"
His voiced boomed through the halls. He suddenly noticed the kids.
Lyla turned around. She was back to her human form, as she grabbed the kids and had them head for the door.
"Get your coats on, kids. We are going to visit Nana and Papa for a bit."
Junior looked back, Georgie now heading for the group.
"No! Don't you take my babies from me!"
Lyla pushes him away. "Go find your whores and Oliver, Georgie! C'mon, kids."
Georgie grabs Emily and Junior. "No, no, no! Lyla, stop!"
Lyla snatches the kids; Katie is now in tears, as Lyla buckles them inside the car. She reaches for the door, as Georgie stands by, pounding at the window.
"DADDY!" She screams, reaching out her hands. "Daddy, no! DADDY!"
Lyla peels away, the screeching of the tires against the pavement. She speeds down the road, Georgie still continuing to run after the slowly disappearing car. All of Fabletown stops to watch as Georgie Porgie runs down the street; his face stained with tears, eyes bloodshot from crying.
"No! Lyla! I didn't...I didn't do it..." He crumbles to the ground. On his knees, he curls into a ball. "I didn't do it...come back....come back. I need you, Lyla....Lyla...."
The four kids sit in silence, as Lyla hands them each a happy meal. Sitting in the car, Lyla picks at her salad. She looks back; Junior stares outside, Emily eats her food, Penny looks like death and Katie refuses to look at her mother.
"Kids, listen. Mommy and daddy are just having a fight." she pauses. "Sometimes, mommy and daddys DO this."
Katie kicks the seat. "You said yelling and fighting are no-no's, mommy."
"Yes...I did..."
"I wanna go home..."
"Not... not yet, sweetie. Maybe later or tommorow-"
NO!" Junior quickly unbuckles his belt. "I want daddy!"
"Junior, no! Stop!"
Before Lyla could reach, Junior is outside and running down the street. Lyla takes off her belt and runs after the screaming chiild. He dodges around groups of people, as he approaches the street light. Its red and he anxously waits for the green. Junior has no idea where he's going; the buildings all look the same but he remembers what the club and their house looks like. He could hear Lyla in the back.
"Junior! Junior!"
As the light changs color, Junior runs out into the street. He does not see a Cab heading his way; the driver is too busy on his phone to see the frantic boy running. Lyla sees this and pushes people out of the way.
Juniors stops in terror; he can not move and watches as the car approaches. There is a large hand that grabs his, as the unknown man brings him back to safety. Lyla panics and heads to the anonymous savior.
"Junior, oh my baby!" She craddles him in her arms. "My baby. Don't you EVER do that again!"
"Brave little guy, ain't he?" Lyla looks up and sees Bigby Wolf. "Too much like you at times. I remember you pulling shit like this when you were a kid."
"Hello, Bigby."
"Lyla. What are you doing here?"
"We, I did-SHIT! The others! I have to go, Bigby! The girls-"
"Here. Let me walk you..."
"So, you two had a fight?"
"Huh. Fight sounds too friendly. More like war."
"Did you SEE him doing this?"
"No but WHY else is it there?"
"Lyla. You know that-can't believe I'm saying this-you know he hasn't done anything since you came around. And the kids..."
Lyla sighs. Bigby picks at his shirt. "So, going to your parent's?"
"I guess. Or a motel."
"You know that won't go over very well with John...."
"I know..."
"Stay with me tonight."
"Excuse me?"
"Well, better than the options you've given me. At least until things cool down. The kids have Collin. He, uh, managed to sneak off again and came back. We may need to stop and get milk...and bread...and um, well-"
"Are you sure it won't be an issue?"
"Nah. Come on."
Lyla and the kids head down to the Woodland apartments. By this time, the sun is begining to settle in the distance. Soon, apartment 204 is full of Porgie kids.
As the kids watch a movie, Bigby and Lyla sit in the kitchen with coffee in their hands.
Part 2 will come soon. Leave any concerns or comments you may have and I'd be happy to answer them.
I had one while drinking it. Believe it or not, I had to look that up; make sure there WERE Sonic Drice-Ins around that area. Don't want another incident like the In N Our....XD
Emily is too much like Georgie, as the pictures i've posted in the past could tell.
Anything he does, she can do better. AND I was working on a Carla and Gren costume idea; think ya'll will get a KICK out of Gren's. XD
And we just had a Blood Moon here in Cali last week; made me think 'why not add that' and the meteor thing just sorta followed.
Hazel should really take a step back and wait for mary's help. She is a wild fire, this one. Must be the baby. XD
I love how in your face Mary can be. Just say it like it is. I'm wondering how all this will play out, seeing as the human mothers never last after the birth. And damn you, Hans...TAKE HER! Just, swing her on that desk, man!! XD
It won't be until November, though.
Y'know, Oliver's going to get it one of these days. He's either going to get massacred by Katie, Emily, or the whole Porgie clan. And I will enjoy reading every detail of it.
Ahem - please excuse my violent thoughts there - just thinking aloud is all.
Dear Diary:
Well, we had another rain strom this morning. The roads are flooded and to make matters worse, we have a sink hole in the backyard. Georgie and I are hoping this rain eases up. Ethan's chicken pox are slowly clearing up. Junior has the sniffles. Last night we had to call Swineheart. His temperature reached 101 degrees. Doctor said he has the stomach flu; nothing some 7Up, crackers and soup can't cure. That and some good ol' sleep. Georgie brewed some warm tea; said it would help his little tummy. Brits and their tea. XD
We watched the Blood Moon last night. The kids loved it. Jersey scared the shit out of us, though. I had no idea he was perched on our tree. I told Georgie there was some weird hissing and scratching noises. Little fucker. XD He did, however, make it up to me. This morning he brought some Pumpkin Spice creamer for the coffee. Normally I don't allow the kids to drink coffee but they really wanted to try some. Perhaps I'll hold off on giving Penny or Peter coffee until they are older; my son and daughter, I kid you not, climbed up the banister earlier...
After dinner, the girls and I had a 'spa' day. I painted their nails Halloween colors or designs; Penny got Pumpkins, Emily had black and red and Katie had skulls. The boys were with Georgie in the other room. He was showing them how to play pool. Ethan didn't quite get the hang of it but Peter loved it. He and Georgie have so much fun together. Junior, however, was preoccupied with my compact makeup mirror. He swore up and down someone was in the reflection. I made him put it away for the remainder of the night.
After the pool game, Georgie popped Popcorn for the kids. We watched 'Hocus Pocus' and 'Nightmare before Christmas.' The kids were too cute, singing along to the songs. I even caught Georgie mumbling along with Junior 'This is Halloween, this is Halloween...' He'd never admit it, so I watched him. Ethan, however, was not much for these movies. We all compromised to watch something he'd enjoy. We watched the 'Charlie Brown' Halloween special. He squealed with delight when the music played. Emily SWORE she hated this movie. I caught her cuddled up next to Peter, eyes focused on the television.
Tomorrow night, the cousins are coming over. Carla wants to take them to the Farm. I guess Fabletown is throwing a get-together with games, food and activities for the kids. I'm hoping they'll allow Peter access to the Farm, seeing as, well....hopefully once they see me, they will understand.
Better get a move on. Its bath time for some very dirty Porgie babies.
No, by all means, please....continue. >:D
Let's just say, he'll get his...The Porgie clan can only sit back and watch someone they love get pushed around....all I'll say...dun, dun, dun!!!!
Very emotionally intense, just like your friend's stories!
Lol, it definitely is the baby speaking! Don't worry though, there will most likely be a better solution for Miss Hazel and her dangerous pregnancy.
It'll happen....soon. Maybe. I don't know. It will though, I promise. Just building the pressure up some, you know? Haha.
Then I shall sit here and wait. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Doing a wonderful job with Mary's, um, circumstances.
Creepy with the hospital room scene before Swineheart came along. That was excellent in terms of, well, the whole creepiness factor I guess!
Thanks! I try my hardest!
Mary be creepin' on Junior over there! XD It IS Halloween, so....XD That time of year for sickness. Poor babies!
I loved the bit with the girls doing their nails and the boys playing pool. Georgie is so good to his kids; he loves them, especially little Peter considering WHO he belongs to. Props to him, man. I loved that you have given him this 'caring father' portrayel.
Georgie....too damn cute.
The movies! UGH! I loved these as a kid! And I can't wait to read about the farm!!!
No problem! I don't mind! It's nice to see my own characters in other people's stories
Chapter 18
The Jersey Devil's guide to Sleepover survival
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jersey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the open spot beside her. "SIT your red ass over here and let's enjoy watching a movie together. The girls are fine. Are they still playing that game?"
"Then, get over here and sit! George playing, too?"
Jersey peeks one last time. "Uh, yup. There he is. Looks like they are in groups..."
"Then don't worry! You can't bug the guests OR our daughters when they have things like this. Trust me; this won't be the last time the girls want a sleepover and I don't need their over-baring father constantly THERE making sure..."
Jersey plops down beside Katie. He grabs the bowl of popcorn. Katie leans in closer and wraps the blanket over them.
"What movie is this?"
"We are on a 'Saw' marathon tonight, sweetie."
Jersey high fives Katie. "Let's do this, Rabbit!"
The kids were in four groups of four; Hope sat out to keep track of the scores. She was having difficulty keeping up, as her breathing issues would get in the way. Hope preffered to sit back and watch anyway. Each of the teams had names; Sunshine, Ass-kickers, Ponies and Porgies X4. Ponies and Porgies X4 group had their dance off. Next, was Sunshine.
In this group, was Gianna, Laura, Bella and Madeline. "What song do you guys want?"
With her controler, Bella flipped through the songs. Her team members carefully looked at the list. Madeline pointed to one at the bottom.
"How about "Barbie Girl,' Bella?"
"No. Porgies X4 group has that claimed for another day."
"We can claim songs now!? No fair!"
"We've ALWAYS claimed ONE song, Gianna! Relax. Pick another one, guys."
The three girls took a minute to look over the list of songs until they came across a song no one had attempted yet.
"THIS one!" Laura points to the screen. "This is a fun song, Bella."
Bella points the controler in that direction. "YOU guys sure? There is no turning back-"
They all nod in agreement. "Alright! Here we go, ladies!"
The four girls stood before the kinect, controllers in their hand. The music began to play, as they replicated the dancers on the screen.
'I'm blue, da ba dee da ba die, da ba dee da ba die-'
The Ass-kicker group sat back and waited their turn. They watched the group before them nail every move headed their way. Sheila grabs George's arm and leans him closer. She whispers in his ear.
"We gotta beat them, George."
"We got this, Sheila. Don't you worry 'bout that..."
Gianna, Laura, Bella and Madeline continued dancing with the song. The song was coming to an end, as the girls twirled and swayed to the beat. As the song came to an end, to add more 'blue' to themselves, Madeline opened her plams and allowed tiny snowflakes to fly around and land upon her and the other three dancers. Also, it was an excuse to cool off, too.
Sheila rolls her eyes. "Alright, Elsa. Calm down..."
Madeline flashes Sheila a smile. "Jealous?"
The room was full of cheering and whistles. The girls took a bow and sat on the couch. Not much longer after the cheer squad, Jersey made his way into the living room.
"You guys having fun in here?"
Hope peeks over. "Yes daddy. We are having a dance competition."
"I can see that. You all playin' nice?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay. Just checkin' up on you guys. Don't horse around too much. In an hour its gonna be bed time. Look at the clock; when the big hand is on the nine with the little hand, that means brush your teeth. Got it?"
All the kids agreed. "Alright. Have fun..."
As Jersey leaves the room, Sheila, George, Aubrey and Willow make their way to the center. Sheila grabs the controller.
"How many points did they get, Hope?"
Hope quickly counts. "Well, according to your guy's cheers and the choice of song, it has come to my conclusion that the 'Sunshine' team has earned one pumpkin sticker and one gold star. They are now in the lead."
Sheila smiles. "Yeah....for now. Team, help me pick our song to victory."
George points to a song. "How about a Katy Perry song?"
"Nah. Too easy." George looks again. "Lady Gaga?"
Sheila pokes George with the controller. "You WANNA lose, don't you?"
"Well, I don't see YOU or the others choosing a song."
Together, Willow and Aubrey secretly discuss their options. Bella looks at the clock.
"Time is wasting away, Sheila. You guys automatically lose if you don't dance now-"
Finally, after a minute of discussion, Willow and Aubrey have a plan. "That one. Right there."
Sheila cocks her eyebrow. "THAT one? Are you sure?"
Aubrey whispers. "We can't lose this one. George dances to this ALL the time. He's REALLY good!"
"Alright. This one it is."
Team 'Ass-kickers' get in a line, as they stand in front of the television. The music plays, as they follow the dancers on screen.
'Oppa Gangnam style. Gangnam style. Op, op, op, oppa Gangnam stlye. Hey, sexy lady. Op, op, op, oppa Gangnam style.'
True to her word, George felt comfortable in his current situation. Beside him, the girls watched as he mimicked the man on screen. The Horse galloping part managed to get the 'Ass-kickers' double points, as he continued to hit 'Perfect' every time. Sheila was impressed.
"I didn't know you could dance!"
Panting, George continued to gallop in place. "Dad said it's a 'Porgie' thing. Guess papa Georgie could dance beautifully."
"Huh..." Sheila, Aubrey and Willow continued to dance. "Had no idea..."
Pretend 'roping' in the air and side sliding dance moves, the other girls automatically knew who won THIS round. Hope clapped in her seat, as she observed her sister and cousins hitting 'perfect' every time. Feeling like dancing, Hope joined them in the song. Soon, all the kids were dancing to 'Gangnam Style.' The thunderous stomping caused Jersey and Katie to walk into a dance off. Hope looked over and saw her parents.
"Mommy, daddy! Look!"
"You guys having fun? Looks like George is REALLY gettin' into it."
Hope giggles. "This is SO much fun!"
Worried, Jersey looks on. "Easy, Hope. Remember your breathing-"
"Jersey, she is fine...."
As the music draws to an end, the kids motion for Katie and Jersey to join. George peers over and laughs.
"Come join, uncle Jersey! Aunt Katie!"
Katie instantly joins the kids; Ivy and Georgia nearly drag Jersey to the middle of the floor.
"What is this man saying, Kaite? Condom style!? What is this jibberish!?"
Katie snickers. "It's 'Gangnam Style,' dear. Not Condom. Really?" Katie gallops in place. "Dance, sweetie!"
"Sounds like he's raising the fuckin' dead..." Jersey watches the dancers on screen and tries to follow the kid's moves. He eventually get's the hang ot it, as he, Katie and the others all continue dancing in place. As the song finishes, all of them pose and hold, as the sound of clapping and cheering echos in the room.
Wiping his forehead, Jersey breaks out in a laughing fit. He leans against the wall, as Katie joins him. The girls, along with George, join in as well. Hope calculates the total.
"There is no denying WHO won tonight's dance off. 'Ass-kickers' are the new champions."
Hearing the name, Jersey can not contain himself. "Oh my God! 'Ass-kickers!' These freakin' kids...."
Katie finally settles down. "Alright, girls and George. Let's stay in our groups, then and go brush our teeths. When you are done, head back down to the living room and get in your spot."
One by one, the groups of children head to the bathroom. After all of them have brushed and cleaned, they settle into their sleepbags and blankets for the night. Jersey turns the thermostat to a comfortable temperature. Katie and Jersey make their rounds, kissing and tucking in each of the kids.
When they finish, Katie and Jersey head for the door. "Now, no talking in here, alright?"
Several yawns occur, while a good half of the girls are sleep. George was fast asleep on the couch with Sophia.
"We....we...-yawn- we will, mommy...."
"Alright. Good night you guys. We love you very much."
As they leave, Katie turns the hallway light on for Hope and Abigail. Jersey and Katie check all the doors and windows. Jersey activates the home security system, as they head up to their bedroom. Along the way, he pins Katie to the wall and they passionately kiss. Jersey laces his fingers in Katie's hair, as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"The kids are ALL downstairs, Rabbit."
Katie bites her bottom lip. "Is the Jersey Devil going to fly in my room tonight?" She kisses his lips. "How careless of me to leave my bedroom window open like that. Me, so vulnerable..."
Jersey picks Katie up and heads to their bedroom. "You are a dork, Katherine. That's why I LOVE you so much."
As the kids drifted off to dream world, Katie and Jersey enjoyed their much needed 'alone' time. Until the sun comes up, they were unavaliable for the remainder of the evening.
Chapter 19 soon
If you have any questions or concerns, let me know.
Had a wonderful time yesterday with my girlfriend. She enjoyed her birthday and the gift waiting for her. During dinner, I popped the question. We have the date for next November! So, I apologies now if all you see and read are romantic bits. I'm just on cloud nine right now.
IF you are still waiting for an image, they are on their way; hopefully by next week or weekend, I should have them. VERY busy with work and school. 
Oh crap! It was your girlfriend's b-day yesterday? Tell her I said happy late birthday!
I'll be reading your chapter soon. Soon, soon, soon!
I do have to agree with Dragon's comment, I believe was said, the other night. You describe the smallest details and I picture it every time; the dance scene, for example. I just saw all these kids, doing the gangnam style. XD I love that Katie and Jersey are watching 'Saw' movies! love, love, love it!
The names for the teams! XD Too flippin' cute! Ass-kickers. VERY Mary and Porgie.
George bustin' a move and Sheila aurprised to see her brother; 'Dad said its a Porgie thing.' I can EASILY picture Georgie or Junior secretly dancing. XD Then Jersey and Katie joining it! XD I saw that, too! lol
I loved this chapter! Katie and Jersey's little family, besides the thing with Penny, are pretty much easy going and care-free. Can't wait for more, like always!
I love how at least three children follow Katie when she gets up to do things XD
Sheila's definitely my favorite out of Junior's children! Her and Mary always make me smile
MOAR BABIES!!! I swear, I can't picture Mary WITHOUT children at this point! Another boy
And a girl, of course. I love the names, they're so sweet
And Sheila's suggestions XD I bet she'll still call her brother Hell Raiser even though his name will be Damien. I wonder what kind of personalities they'll have. Maybe Haylee will be like George 
"Get your ass in here and be social!" ~ XDD Sounds like my stepmom to my dad!
Oh man....kids and their mattress surfing. Total 'The Princess Diaries 2' moment XD Glad there were no casualties!
The end
This is seriously one of my favorite things to read. I can't wait to see a pic of the new babies and Junior and Mary.
I also wanna see one of Katie and Jersey and ALL of the girls again
If that's doable, of course. You could even label each child XD
Good luck with the midterms and stuff, I know how hard they can be at times. It's been cold every morning for the past couple days, and now it's getting to the point where it's just 50 degrees all day long :L I love this weather at the same time that I hate it. It's nice when you have a good sweater and some warm boots. We need more updates on the baby! If you find out the gender, you better tell us ASAP, lol!
Those group names XDDDD I can tell WHO is in WHICH group XD
Hehe, Xbox Kinect is fun to play with. Just dance marathon FTW!
Madeline with her awesome powers
That's adorable, I find it hilarious she still keeps it secret. I can see her using it as she gets older as an excuse not to go to school and to get out of (and in to) trouble.
George XD His suggestions are cute. And they chose a great dance to do XD
Gotta love Jersey XD His reactions to things are perfect!
Dat end tho! TOO CUTE! I agree with Jersey; Katie is such a dork XD Such a nice chapter, I loved it!
As soon as Mary had gotten home with her son, she started a late dinner for herself. She was starving. Her hand entered her pocket to reach for her phone, and that's when it brushed over a folded note.
"Oh, yeah. I wonder if she's still awake? Who the fuck am I kidding, it's 8 PM and the girl is used to staying up until 4 AM. I'll give her a buzz."
She dials the number while simultaneously stirring a pot of pasta. She had to feed Carter too, who was currently throwing his hot wheels cars up in the air and landing them on the table.
"Carter- Stop that, you're gonna-"
"Hello?" Hazel's voice interrupted Mary.
"Oh, hey! Um...I got your note. You wanna talk some more?"
"Actually....do you mind if we do it in person? I uh....I just feel more comfortable that way."
"Right. That's fine. I'll um...Tonight?"
"I'll walk over, your apartment building isn't far from mine. I'll be over in twenty minutes or so."
"You sure?"
"Positive. It will only be a moment."
"Alright," Mary stirs the pasta again.
The phone hangs up, and Mary finds herself juggling her two year old in her arms as she strains the pot into the sink. The steam fills the air and she watches as Carter reaches his and into the cloud.
"Oooh, Mommy look at it!" He says, a smile on his face. Mary chuckles, placing him back on the floor and putting his cars away.
"You hungry bubba?"
"Yes Mommy!" Carter says. He climbs onto the dining chair and swings his feet as Mary dishes noodles covered in red sauce onto his frog shaped zoo pal plate.
"Yummy!" He says. Mary hands him his little fork and he digs in.
"You have to wait for prayer, silly!" Mary says. He smiles, placing his fork down. Once prayer is over, Mary and him dig into their meals, the TV playing in the room next door.
The door bell rings approximately 20 minutes later. Mary gets up and Carter follows her. She opens the door, and see Hazel's conflicted face on the other side.
"I'm sorry it's so late, I-"
"It's no problem, really. Come in," Mary leads the girl to the living area. The TV is showing spongebob, as Carter takes a spot on the wood floor building with his lego blocks.
"This is the first time I'm seeing him. He looks really cute," Hazel says. She takes a spot on the couch. Mary sits beside the girl, using the remote to turn down the television's volume.
"So, um....tell me what's exactly...happening to me? Is that the right question to ask? I'm sorry, it's just...I don't even know. I um...broke down earlier today."
"I know, Hans told me. So....I guess the only way to explain this is to tell you my own story. You look like someone I can trust. I haven't told many other people...." Mary trails off.
"It's okay. I won't go telling all creation what you've told me. I'm ready."
"Alright." Mary sits back, the remote clasped between her fingers. "I was the first born to my father. He is the epitome of evil. Literally. Like, he is the physical form of what mundies deem unspeakably evil. His persuits, mainly sexual, involve abuse and incest and..." Mary start to choke up on her thoughts. She pauses a minute, her eyes closing tight and opening again to look at Hazel. She has the same color eyes as her name.
"I was the first born, and I can tell you this; He wasn't originally as bad as he got. Essentially, he didn't plan on abusing me and my siblings the way he ended up doing. He was actually....a good father. But it was inevitable that his evilness would grow into something worse. As soon as my second sister and third brother were born - they were twins - He descended down a darker path than the one he'd been on already."
Hazel shifted, all her attention to Mary. "I'm so sorry. If I had known- God, I would have never even touched the man. He...." She shudders. "I can't let him do the same thing to my baby as he did to you. Do you think-....Do you think he will want to?"
Mary's expression grows graver. She hadn't even thought of that. "I suppose since all of us children have parted from him....he's grown bored. Wants more children to rape. I suppose, nothing's more 'thrilling' than your own kin?" She shudders just as Hazel did moments ago.
"Mary," Hazel starts to get emotional,"Please- Don't let him take my child. If I die in the end, never let my baby from your sight. Okay?"
Mary swallows. She just nods,"I plan on keeping you alive, Hazel."
"Still. Promise me that in the end, it won't happen. Okay?"
Mary slowly nods,"Okay. I will. I would never let any of my brothers or sisters fall prey to that asshole ever again."
Hazel sighs with relief. "Thank you."
"It's no problem. I guess you would want to know exactly how the mothers die, and how I presume I'll be able to save you."
"That would be nice to know. At least you can instill some hope in me."
"Of course. I've got...a connection to my father. It's as faint as an erased pencil marking, but it's still there. He's got attachments like it to all of my sisters and brothers. But, we weren't born with it. As soon as our mothers each died, he took us, then used a dark binding spell upon us. When he dies, it breaks."
"Where are your siblings?" Hazel asks.
"Different dimensions. Some are dead. Some are in hiding. None of us stay in the same place. It's easier for him to spot us. I've lost contact a long time ago..."
Hazel frowns. "Do you think my child will make him able to find you easier?"
"Oh honey. He's already found me."
Hazel's head turns to the mirror on Mary's wall. It was cracked, but the feeling of being watched hadn't left the room.
"I guess I should get to the point of your previous question. Being his....child, I have a lot of the same powers as he does. You've....well, most people at least, have seen me in my true form. For centuries I terrorized people. It was my way of coping with the pain. I was the only child out of all of my siblings not afraid of the mirror. I embraced it. I felt too brave. I knew he was in there, and some day he would find me for using it. But it hadn't happened for a long, long time. That being said, He probably knew I was in there anyway."
"Why did you do it? Why would you risk it?"
Mary laughs. "I thought I could take him. After I'd escaped him with my brothers and sisters, I tried to figure some way to get rid of him. I have yet to be successful."
Hazel nods. "So. What um- What happened to your mother when she had you?"
Mary frowns. "She experienced so much pain. It's a thousand times worse than a normal pregnancy. The entire time, you're bleeding, because your child is practically ripping your insides out. Like I said, since it's my father's child, they're bound to be born with the evilness within. It goes away as soon as they're born, as long as they aren't raised by my father. Unfortunately, the likelihood of survival is slim to none for mothers. As I said, I plan of changing that for you. We have better technology, and I've been studying this crap for years. I wanted to understand why it happened, and now I sort of do. At this point, it's a matter of waiting. Several months from now, this will be what we have to think more thoroughly about."
Hazel nods. She looks up at the clock that says 9 PM. "It's late. I should be getting home."
"It's alright. Any more questions, just ask. I....I want to help you. Really bad. And...." Mary looks at the mirror. "I want to rid him, once and for all."
"Understood. I guess I'll see you at work. It's great- um....You're a lot nicer than people say."
"Yeah, well. I'm only nice to the people who deserve kindness."
"Thank you, again." Hazel heads for the door. Mary scoops her son up, says bye, then gets him ready for bed. She places him in his room and waits for him to fall asleep, then enters her own and pulls her fluffy blanket over her body.
In the back of her head, she's clouded with how she could possibly help this girl.
More of an informational chapter. I might do one more tonight. I hope you liked it
I forgot to write two days worth of entries >.<
Oh well
October 12th
Dear Diary,
The children have been writing in their journals I'd bought them about a month ago every night. Scar told me I should keep one too, and you know what?
I will. I bought this one this morning, and now that the kids are asleep, I've decided to start using it. They look so cute after their showers, each of them their heads in their little books with their pencils and pens writing frivolously before bed time. I help Elora, since she has more trouble with her writing.
Today, I let the kids sleep in. Sundays are lazy days for us, and we often stay home and do things as a family. Since the kids were still sleeping, me and Tim got up early and straightened up. I invited my father over with my stepmother and my little half-sister Adi. She's seven years old and loves to play with her nieces and nephews. They arrived at noon, 4 pizzas at hand. My dad put them in the kitchen as my 5 ten year olds trampled behind him, their watering mouths begging for a slice. I laughed as he juggled paper plates and slices of pizza to each child. Adi and Scarlett played on our Wii U, a mixture of Mario cart 7 and that super smash bros game. I let the boys go on my tablet, but that was the worst mistake of my life. Needless to say, I took their piggy banks away to pay for the damages.
Other than that mishap, things were just ducky. The kids watched another one of those halloween movies together, each of them hiding behind blankets. Well, all except Ash. She's a tough cookie to scare. Tim and I spent the time cuddling on the couch behind the children, as did my dad and his wife. It was a pleasant night.
Lately Tim has been bugging me. He wants another litter of children. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean, we have five. I guess he misses them being babies and such. I guess I'll think about it. I just don't know.
Am I a bad parent? I found Ash's journal while cleaning a few days ago. Not everything is bad but....I don't know. She worries me. I think she thinks we don't love her all the time. There are some days that she writes, and it seems like she's really upset. I don't know. I haven't told Tim yet, but I think I'll talk to him after he's done in the shower.
For now, I have to get some sleep.
You know what. I JUST noticed I do that! XD Well, looks like it will be a thing for Katie.
Sheila is a little spitfire, ain't she. XD Too much like her mother! I wasn't going to give Mary and Junior any more babies but I thought why not; he needs another boy and she wants a HUGE family, due to the complications they had in the past. I agree with you on that part; can't see Mary without seeing babies! XD
I will indeed add an image of Mary and Junior's newest additions. I WAS working on one with Katie and Jersey and their 13 little angels; just finished it today, actually!
Will post it on m next chapter here in a bit.
Man, 50 degrees sounds wonderful right about now. I actually LOVE the cold; the coldest we get here in Cali, at least in MY city, sre the 60's; a lot of fog and rain, though, since I right by the beach. LOVE it, though. :P And we find out the gender in either late November or early December. Yrust me. You guys will know.
I wanted to give them names that would be easy to figure out. XD My job was done, then!
Madeline will eventually let her parents know. For now, she and her siblings keep it a secret. More fun that way. Even the cousins know to be 'hush hush' about it.
I couldn't think of some good dances or songs; that one came to mind!
Jersey's reactions are what I assume he'd do with the girls; also, Katie is too much like her mother. Very cheesy but so adorable and loving.
I was right about Charle's and Mary's 'relationship.' How sick and twisted. I seriously hope this guy gets what is coming to him. Hopefully Hazel survives the birth but sadly, she knows there is a GOOD chance she will not. Trusting Mary, in hopes she will take care of the newborn, is a huge step.
I'm curious to see how all of this will be played out when the time comes. And btw, Carter is too cute.
Loved this. Answered some questions I had.
Yeah, I figured I had insinuated it enough for people to catch on, but I stated it plainly just in case. They're dealing with a truly evil man. Hazel is upset, but cares more for her unborn baby to do anything drastic. She only trusts Mary at this point, which is actually a good idea. I want to figure out a way to transition my story effectively; I have a lot planned out for down the road, my only issue is filling in the time in between now and then. I want to keep it interesting, you know?
Carter is so adorable, probably my favorite child
Glad I answered some q's.
Chapter 1
This next tale will begin while two couples are driving around in the woods in the outskirts of New York City. The couple stop somewhere in the forest for some intimate relations. However the girl hears something outside of the car, but the male tells her that its just the wind or tree branches.
Moments later scratching on the car roof can be heard, which frightens the girl. She tells her boyfriend that she is completely spooked out so the boyfriends leaves the car and checks it out... After he was gone for a few minutes the girl began to worry so she leaves the car as well to see what was taking her boyfriend.
She called his name and got no answer and then... she turned around and there he was her boyfriend. Dead and completely bloodied and hanging above the call. She screamed in complete horror at the site. Then from behind a dark mysterious figure wielding a bloody hook spawned before her. She fell to the ground as she gazed into the dead and dark eyes of this strange man.
He pointed his hook towards her as blood began to drip from it as he started walking towards her.
"Tell them.... tell that that the hook is back... and he's not going anywhere...no time soon."
He then vanishes allowing the woman to escape to safety and return to the city..
The girl runs into a young man wearing a green hoody reading an old book, on the way. She begs for his help and he tells her to calm down and what her problem was and the girl told the the young man that she just witness her boyfriend murdered by a strange man wielding the hook.
He informed her but that is just an urban legend, she must seen something else. She was being serious as she pleaded to the young man, he tried to calm her down and asked for her name.
"Gwen" she replied wiping the tears from her eye.
"Well Gwen, my name is Robby. And we are going to get to the bottom of this. First lets get you home."
Robby then took Gwen home, after that he returned to his house for some research on the Urban Legend called by the name of the 'Hook' and how to stop him before he kills again. Robby is confident in stopping this new threat since he was able to make peace with his family, however he won't be joined by his brother Walter, for he is on a journey in the homelands helping rebuild kingdoms that were lost in the past battles.
He's all alone on this journey...but not entirely alone..
Chapter 19
"Street corners"
-Faints- It is done! I didn't want to color it but it seems my colored images tend to look a bit 'better' and I thought, why the hell not? While my girlfriend Crochets a blanket, I colored my picture. XD Gotta love these 'do nothing' Sundays.
From left to right, we have Bella, Ava Rose, Sarah, Laura, Ivy, Willow, Alice, Georgia, Gianna, Madeline, Hannah and finally, little miss Hope.
WHEW! Hope you like it! D
Penny's concious was in and out. Her head was pounding, her face blistering with the intense pain brought on by Oliver's hand. She tried touching her cheeks but the pain was too severe. Penny tried moving her legs. The comforting mattress under her body made it difficult to get up. All she wanted to do was sleep. There was someone in the other room; she could hear the rustle of feet.
"Hello?" Her voice cracked and was hoarse. "Hello...anyone there-"
Penny looked at her legs. Lacerations embeded into her skin. It appeared, however, that someone took the time to clean the wounds. Penny attempted to move again. Slowly, she lifted one leg from the bed. After several minutes, the right leg followed. She snatched a dresser not too far from the bed and carefully took her steps. The room looked vaugely familiar to Penny; the shade of blue on the sheets, the cherry wood dresser and even the feeling of the carpet between her toes. Penny grabbed the doorway and pushed forward.
"Hello-" She called out again. Her throat was parched. "Hello..."
Penny heard the footsteps again. There was the sound of an infant's cry. Her heart sank. Josiah. She knew that cry from anywhere. Penny pushed down the hall. Every step she took felt like a row of knives against her heels. She prepared to find Oliver. That was sadly the last face she could remember. She was prepared. For anything.
Then, there was an accustomed male voice. "Ssh, Josiah! What do you want, son? Daddy has no idea! We tried the mashed peas! How about this-"
Johann. Penny's smile grew, as her worries subsided. She walked around the corner and found him trying to keep Josiah calm. In his hand, he held a jar of Gerber's baby food. Josiah's screams grew louder, as Johann failed to feed the baby. Josiah smacked the spoon from his hand.
"Shit, shit, shit! I'm no good at this, Josiah! You gotta give me some props though, kid!"
"He needs Milk."
Johann looked over and found Penny leaning against the counter. "Penelope, no-"
He ran to her aide. Johann carefully led Penny to the nearby dinning area. He pulled out a chair and carefully helped Penny sit down.
"You need to be in bed! These cuts and bruises need to heal-"
"Josiah needs Breast milk, Johann. Give him here."
Johann rubbed his palms together. "You're weak, Penelope! Surely there is a pump I could use to extract the milk with."
Penny looks around. "And a Butcher like yourself just so happens to have one in the apartment."
Johann sighs. "Here. Let me help."
Johann reaches for the boy, now kicking his chubby legs around. He lifts up Penny's blouse, as Johann places Josiah near her breast. The baby instinctively latches onto the nipple, as he snuggles his head closer to the skin. He instantly feeds, as Johnaa strokes his hair. Penny hums a lullaby, as she gently pats the baby on the back.
"How is he, Johann?"
Confused, he looks at Katie. "What, uh, what do you mean?"
"His apperance. How is he?"
Johann continues to play with his hair. "He's perfect, Penelope. The most beautiful baby I have ever seen...looks like a you."
"He has your nose and eye color. And these legs."
Johann smiles. "Yeah, he does, doesn't he?"
Josiah continues to suckle. Penny leans back into the chair. The throbbing continues all over her body, especially the ribs. Penny tries to rub her legs. Johann notices this and grabs her hand.
"Stop, Penelope. You can't do that. You need to save your strength."
"It hurts so much."
Johann grabs a glass cup and fills it with ice water. He takes a towel and wets it. Johann dabs the towel around her wounds, as Penelope drinks the water. She watches him diligently wip the open flesh. The water feels wonderful against the burning cuts. Josiah finishes nursing, as Penny tries to burp him.
"You got him?"
"Yes, Johann. He's fine."
After five minutes and two enormous burps later, Johann takes the baby into the living room and places him in the bassinet. He comes back for Penny and takes her to the couch. Penny watches Josiah suck on his thumb, as the mobile with stars and ships spins around to a soothing lullaby.
"You're wonderful with him..."
Johann grabs Penny's hand. "Stay with me. Forever."
Penny looks away. "I can't...I can't do that."
"Why?" Johann scoots closer to Penny. "Leave that place. Stay with me. I have an opening at the Cut Above. Its part time but its better than what Oliver is making you do. We have the apartment, you have a bed to sleep in, Josiah is safer here and-"
"He'll come after you and my family, should I EVER leave him."
Johann was startled by her answer. "He'll do what?"
Penny wips her eyes. "He...he will kill you all. He will do it, to, Johann! He threatned to finish off my father; something that bloody Sheriff couldn't do! He'll kill my mother and siblings, destroy you and..." She looks over at her sleeping son. "He said before he kills me, he'd drown my son before my very eyes and force me to watch it..."
Johann grabs Penny and forces him close to his chest. Penny sobs into his shirt, finding it difficult to speak about the threats. She sadly knew Oliver was not doing this to scare her. He'd done this before to a previous dancer. Dice was a wonderful man, who sadly fell into the wrong crowd. One night, he decided this was not for him and threatned to tell everyone the truth about the Silver Slipper. He was never seen again. Rumor has it Oliver dumped the body at the Farm and let the ravenous Giants and creatures make a meal out of him.
"He...he said this?! I will protect you! We have to-"
"Have to what, huh Johann!? Bigby can't help, Beauty and Beast don't do shit for me and the Council can only do so much! They can't protect me from something like this! They just can't!"
"But Penny-"
"I WILL not put my family through this again!" Her shouting caused Josiah to stir. "I will not...I can't do that to them again..."
Penny almost fell to the ground. Johann grabbed her in time. He noticed a small trickle of blood pouring from her leg gash.
"Please-" Her despondent eyes filled with tears. Her grip was tight on his shirt collar. "For Josiah, you will not say a word. To ANYONE. Let ME handle this on my own..."
Sadly, Johann knew it was the truth. Oliver was unpredicatable; one second, he's sunshine and smiles. Next, he's murdering half the town because of one little remark. He sighed and all he could do was nod. He cleaned the blood up.
"You want to try and take a bath?"
"That sounds delightful."
Johann ran the water, as he grabbed fresh sets of towels. Penny stepped into the bathroom, the smell of Lavender and Juniper lingering in the air. As she undressed, Johann turned away.
"Johann, we DO have a son together..."
Johann blushed. "I just, uh, didn't know-"
Penny allowed the clothes to drop. "Look at me."
Johann did. He didn't notice the various bruises and marks Oliver left over the years. He traced his finger over old and new marks; some of the bruises were changing colors, indicating to Johann they were not left there too long ago.
"You're beautiful..."
"Just like the first night..."
Johann leaned in closer. "I don't regret a thing, Penelope..."
Penny returns with a kiss. She begins unbuttoning Johann's shirt. The Butcher does not stop her.
"Join me. Josiah is asleep, so he won't make too much noise."
Penny carefully sat in the tub, the warm water surround her body. Johann finished undressing and joined Penny in the tub. He leaned against the tile, as Penny planted herself in between him. She layed her back back into his chest, the soothing sound of his heart beat creating a perfect tune to her ears.
"Stay tonight." Johann whispers, as he pours water on Penny's chest.
"I was, Johann..."
The two sat in silence, as the water enclosed their bodies. Eventually, they would have to leave the comfort of both the tub and each other. That would have to wait, though.
Tonight, it was just them and little Josiah in the other room.
Chapter 20 soon
IF you have any questions or concerns, let me know. Love Sundays.
Back to work and school tomorrow, though. XD
Well, you have caught my interest, that is for sure. I'm glad she can come to Mary for help, seeing as she has the answers needed in regards to this pregnancy. Charles, to me, is the worst OC so far here on the threads; like, nothing can top that man's evil, disgusting ways. Ugh! I HOPE he get's what is coming....
Great work again, btw. Keep em' coming.
Johann XD You can't feed babies food until they're about six months, and even then it's better to give them more milk than food.
:3333333333 The bath tub scene. I just- I can't. It was so perfect, I swear to god these two need to get to fucking gether and she needs to fucking kill that oliver bitch and this shit just needs to be fucking over. k?
Lol. But in all seriousness, I can't wait until there's a day that Penny won't be afraid for her family's lives. That day will be the day that I finally collapse from how awesomely awesome this entire trip has been.
He comes off as a lovable, bumbling idiot that has the heart of gold.
He THOUGHT he had it covered....XD
I wanted to create a moment between them; Johann LOVES Penelope and although she'll never admit it, she too has feelings. Her fears, sadly, are very real. Oliver is not a man to mess with, as we have taken a tiny glimpse into his unbalanced behavior. He'll get his soon enough; I have an idea cooking in the back of my mind.
THINK after this talke, I start one about the other three Porgie kids not covered yet. Maybe. We'll see when that time comes. XD
Dear Diary:
Well, the Farm was a total disaster. We arrived in the car; one of the workers showed us where the vehicles go for guests. Ethan did not go. He threw a huge tnatrum when we left. Georgie stayed home with him; he tried his best to think of some fun activities they could do together. He was fine until he saw Katie and Penny carrying buckets to get candy from the booths there. It was devestating hearing him cry as we pulled away. Junior stayed, too. The medication is making him sleepy. I could've sworn someone was in his room, singing to him. I checked. Nothing. Hmmm.
Carla took Rosie and the boys over to some games; me, Katie, Penny, Emily and Peter walked to the Village and fields located in the middle of the Farm. We played some games and picked some corn and squash to take home. Penny and Katie filled their buckets in an hour; Emily was too busy looking at the different creatures wondering around the dirt roads and open fields.
A lot of the cretures were very uneasy when Peter took my hand and we walked around. I caught a few witches whispering and pointing; several Goblins, Giants, Mice and Rabbits pointed as well. A couple of Piglets and other animals screamed and ran away. 'WOLF! Wolf! There is a Wolf!' Peter was embarrased; he was not sure why they were running and screaming like this. Carla was having no luck with Noah, either. He bit one of the vendors and was asked to leave.
Before I could make the dicision to return, Peter took off and I could not find him. Thirty minutes later, Katie found him crying behind a fountain. 'Why do they hate me, mommy? You're a Wolf, too.' This was supposed to be a fun day. Instead, I'm carrying a crying six year old and two ten year olds back to the car. We left. I'm never going back there again.
Upon returning home, Peter told Georgie what happened. Georgie took Peter's hand and they went up to the roof. By this time, the sun was setting early. In his lap, he held Peter, as the two watched the sun hide behind the tall buildings. In Peter's hand, he munched on a Hotdog Georgie purchased from a vendor not too far from the house. He promised in the morning, they would go to the woods and run all over; kick up leaves, chase Squirrels and drink from the river. That sounds like a wonderful idea. The girls and I can do a picnic, too.
Jersey called earlier. I invited him to go out with us to the woods. Katie nearly jumped from her seat when she found out he was going. He's going to show the kids how to make musical instruments from hallowed out Squash. He's VERY creative. Something I'd never associate with the Jersey Devil.
Well, better get going. Time to tuck the pups in bed.
I love that picture! Looks amazing!! I loved their interactions. He loves penny so much. Johann trying to feed Josiah! XD and I agree with Emmy-that moment in the tub was well done. Could feel the love, the connection. Damn it! They are too cute. I feel so bad for penny. Freaking hate Oliver so much! Great job! Can wait for more.
God poor Peter!
he always gets the shit deal just cause of who and what he is. Glad they led! Hate the farm. Glad Georgie took control of it. Seems like Peter loves being with his father.
and that idea with the squash! Clever!! And jersey! XD
It'd be interesting to see what ANY of the remaining Porgie's have in store for us
I wanna see what Emily's up to and dealing with, I wanna see how Peter is doing, especially in regards to the whole Bigby situation, and I also want to see all the 'Studying' Ethan is doing over in Europe 
Snow covers the roads in thick blankets. Last night's snowfall couldn't be kept up with. Everyone is officially snowed in.
"Yeah Hans. Yeah. Yeah.....Yeah, I know. Yup. Okay. Bye." Mary hangs up her cellphone after a less than interesting phone call from her boss. She watches as her son tips the water bowl on the floor over.
"Carter, that's the cat's water! You wanted him, you know!"
"I love Chuck Mommy!" Carter says. He lifts the metal bowl and hands it to Mary.
"Uhuh. Then stop spilling his water!"
"Sorry Mommy!" Carter reaches for the paper towels, dropping it on the floor and watching it unravel across the tiles.
Mary sighs. She rips the first four sheets off, tossing it on the puddle of water. The rest is rolled up in a few quick spins, and she places it back on the counter. The door bell rings.
"Who on earth could that be?" Mary says. She tosses the bowl in the sink and enters her little hall way leading to her door.
Hazel's face appears from the other side.
"Hazel? How'd you get here? There's like two feet of snow out there."
"I had some help-" She turns out of the way of the door. Hans is standing there, a giant orange shovel in his hand.
Mary sighs, a smile spreading on her face. "Really? You shoveled us both out?"
"What can a nice pimp like me do otherwise?" Hans jokes. Mary's friends step in, kicking the snow from their shoes onto the doormat.
"You couldn't do that at the entrance?" Mary asks. Just then, Carter runs around the corner and jumps into Hazel's arms.
"Aunt Hazel! Did you bring candy?"
Hazel takes Carter to the livingroom. "We did kick the snow off, but there was so much caked on that this is like the third time we're doing it," Hans explains.
"Right," Mary says. She goes back into the kitchen, pouring three cups of hot coffee. She hears the TV turn on, the giggling voices of Peppa Pig echoing into her kitchen. The cat, and orange fat tabby, jumps onto the counter, rubbing his cheeks against Mary's suspended hand.
"I never wanted your fat ass," She told him, but was still smiling. She pet his back and scratched under his little chin. Hans stepped into the room, leaving Hazel to deal with the toddler.
"She needs to learn sooner or later," Hans says. His hands clasp into Mary's.
She looks away. "Want coffee?"
"Do I? Of course!" He grabs one from behind her back, sipping half of it down in one chug. "Mmmm, that's some good joe. You know how to make it good."
"Do I now?"
Mary loosens from his grip, ducking under his muscles and heading for the refridgerator. She pours half and half into her cup, turning the black dark roast coffee into light brown hazelnut flavored coffee.
"Can I have some of that?" Hans asks.
"Do you even have enough coffee left?" She asks back.
"Well.....I'll just pour myself some more."
"Ha, whatever." Mary enters her living room, taking a spot next to her friend Hazel. Hazel's belly only protrudes a slight bit, but she's starting to become noticeably pregnant.
"He's so good," She says, watching Carter stack his cars on the coffee table.
"Yeah, well, you've caught him on one of his good mornings. Some days, he brings hell on earth."
"Haha. Yeah..." She strokes her stomach. "Do you think I might be having a little boy? Or a girl?"
"Do you mean to ask me if I have a brother or a sister?" Mary laughs. "I'm placing my bets on a girl. But I could be wrong."
Hans steps in, sipping another cup of coffee. "I call boy," He says.
Mary stands, pulling her cell from her pocket. "I have to call Harmony. I wanna makes sure she'd good over in Fabletown; There's 5 one in a half year olds under her roof."
"God bless 'er," Hans says, placing his empty cup on the table.
The phone rings. After a minute, Harmony picks up. "Mary? That you?"
"Yeah, it's me," Mary says.
"You doing okay? I was about to call you."
"Ha, I'm fine. I'm calling to check up on you. Got enough food?"
"Yeah. My problem is keeping the bunch of them out of trouble. Ash is my real problem; Keeps trying to climb out of the playpen."
"That's my girl. Give them kisses for me please. I'll see you as soon as the snow lets up. And, Christmas eve is tomorrow. I hope we'll be able to have a nice get together."
"Yeah, I know. I would be at the Farm, but my kids are still so small. I decided it wouldn't hurt to stay here this year. Maybe next year I'll get over there with them."
"Sounds good. I need to go with you then."
Crash!"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Oh, shit. That was Ash. I gotta go- bye Mary!"
Mary hangs the phone up. During the coversation, she'd been pacing through her house like an idiot. Right now, she was in her bathroom.
She stared at the mirror. She'd cracked or thrown out every one she owned. It was hard to get a good look at yourself in the morning, but better safe than sorry.
His grin. Even though she didn't see him, she could swear it was there. And she hated every last bit of it.
"I hope you enjoy not being able to get in here. I'm watching you, you fucker."
"Mary!" Hans called from the other room. Thinking nothing of it, she exited the bathroom and entered the livingroom again.
"What's going-....Oh, fuck. Fuck, I was hoping this wouldn't happen so soon."
"What do you mean?" Hans asks.
Hazel is lying on her side clutching her abdomen. Her jeans are becoming stained with rich, dark blood.
Dun dun dun! I bet you didn't see any of that shit coming, didja? Lol, kidding aside; I hope you liked this one. I had a lot of fun writing it. There's more to come tomorrow, so don't worry
Another random side note: I'm currently reading TWD comics, and I'm on issue 128.
I'm not going to say anything to spoil, but DAYUM. I just- Wow. I just can't.
I can't.
I'm not sure if I should be remotely worried or enjoy the peace while it lasts. (Because it's actually peaceful, for once.)
I just. I'm sorry. This isn't even FABLES related. What am I doing fangirling on the wrong thread?
Oh yeah, you guys are my only internet friends who could understand me XDDDD
Emily wandering around, lol. Guess the fields are more interesting
People should fuck off. Peter's a fricken' kid. Doesn't mean he bares his real father's sins. Some of the animals on the Farm generally annoy me with their dumb antics like that.
At least the day ended nicely
I'm glad Georgie's so good with all of the children, including little Peter.
I first read it and misunderstood; I THOUGHT Mary was pregnant for a second but after going back, saw who it was! ^^; My excitment got the better of me! lol
I love how Carter calls Hazel Aunt; its too damn flippin' cute! Its nice seeing her and Mary getting along, considering her circumstances and WHO the baby belongs to.
That ending, tho! Hopefully she pulls through and with Mary's guidance, she'll be there to raise the baby and protect him or her from Charles; the man seriously needs a good beating. But, that seems too easy.
I will just have to wait and see if I'm right, or you'll throw in your tradmark 'haha, got you all!' moments. XD
Also, I LOVE TWD comics; my GF read them before me and watched the season premire last night.
Never thought she'd be a fan of the undead but, yeah.
They are intense and they sure know how to pull at the heart strings at times. XD
LOL Emily could care less, honestly. There is food. 'Nuff said. XD
I recall reading a good chunk of the Farm in the FABLES comic and thinking the same thing about some of the animals; I wanted to reach into the pages and smack them. Considering by this time, the majority of people KNOW who Peter's real father is, they feel the need to put their two cents in. He, however, has no idea, which makes it difficult for him to understand their behavior.
And yes, Georgie loves Peter, even knowing WHO he belongs to; I may cover that section in the future, as I noticed I never DID cover how Lyla and Bigby came to be and how Georgie TRUELY felt in the begining about Peter's birth. Hm. MIGHT do that as a side story..
Swineheart was less than pleased to be doing an emergency house call on today of all days.
"My work's never done, is it?" He says, entering the apartment. Being Fabletown's main doctor, he has his hands on an arrangement of traveling spells, for those special types of emergencies.
"So, tell me again; What happened?" Swineheart asked. Mary just led him to her bedroom, where Hans had carried poor Hazel to be more comfortable.
"It's the same shit I went through," Mary explains. "The only difference is that she could bleed out a lot easier than me. Me being.....well, me, I could bear the pain. But her...." Mary rubs her forehead.
Swineheart nods, walking tot he side of the bed. He has his hospital bag at hand, reaching in for whatever tools are necessary. Hans exits as soon as Swinheart starts to yank the girl's pants off.
"Hmm. The bleeding stopped....She seems stable. Hazel, are you awake?"
Hazel groans,"Mmmhmm. It hurts a lot..."
"I know it does. I'm giving you a prescription for it. Is this the first time?"
"Yes. I was alright one minute and then..."
"Extreme pain?" Mary asks.
Swineheart frowns. "She might need hospitalization if it gets worse."
"I know," Mary says.
Swineheart places his medical tools away, patting the girl's back, and exiting the room. "Call me again if there are any more problems. Otherwise, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas."
"You too, doctor," Hans says, shutting the apartment door behind him. Carter is heard knocking his toybox over in his bedroom.
Mary and Hans stand there a moment. The two of them are staring at each other, unsure of what to really do at this point.
"Uhm..." Hans says. His eyes dart from Mary, to the clock, and then the door down the narrow hall.
"What do you think we should do?" Mary asks him.
"You're asking me? I don't know shit about this shit."
Mary lets out an exaggerated laugh. "Right."
Hans walks into the kitchen. " I need another coffee."
"Whatever." Mary heads to her bedroom. Hazel his gripping her side, staring at the white ceiling.
"Is this the start of it?"
Mary only nods.
"Okay? What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means...Okay, I'm ready to endure it."
"You're sure?"
Mary takes a seat on the side of the bed. She brushes Hazel's hair out of her face.
"Do me a favor?"
Hazel turns to face her friend. "If you can, you'll kill him? Right?"
"Oh Hazel. I've been waiting for the perfect chance to do so since I was conceived."
The night was quiet. Hans took Hazel home. Mary was alone with her son once again.
The boy fell asleep not long after another one of those Christmas specials. It was the Polar Express, and although Mary would never admit it, she really loved that one.
She carried her baby boy to his bed, leaving his sippy cup near his pillow in case he woke in the night. The fat cat rolled up into a ball beneath the covers, and Mary patted it's fluffy head a few times.
"Good night," she whispered.
There was a knock at her door. Panicked, Mary's head searched for who could possibly want to see her at this time.
Her hand grabbed the handle, and she slowly twisted it, opening the door wide.
She sighed with relief. Hans was back.
"You forget something?" Mary asked.
"Uhm...." Hans looked at her. His nervousness was a bit confusing as he stepped his way past her. "Yeah, Uh....I forgot my shovel, actually."
He walked into the living room. "Or...maybe I didn't. Never- Never mind. Uhm, Mary?"
"Yes, Mr. Strong?" She asked. She had her arms folded out in front of her, a smirk on her face. She knew he was here for another reason.
"Spit it out!" She teased him.
"Well, tomorrow is Christmas Eve.....and I was wondering if....well...."
"You'd like to....go with me to that big party? On the Farm?"
Mary's eyebrow raised up. "Who's gonna watch Carter?"
"Well, I was talking with Hazel, and she told me on the way to her apartment that I should ask you to go. She said she'd take the baby and we could...well, have a good time? You know? I mean-"
Mary wrapped her arms around Hans, giving him a big hug. "Sure. I'll go. But it better not be more than just friends, okay?"
"What? Of course not! It's- It's perfectly normal to just...be friends and go together."
"Uhuh. I'll have to call Harm, see if she and Tim want to go also. I know they've got plenty of people to watch their own rugrats."
"Sounds like a plan, then?"
"Sure. Goodnight, Hans."
"Night." The man was beaming with happiness, nearly skipping down the hall to go home. Mary just chuckled, shutting the door as softly as possible. The rest of her night was spent on the couch.
Little did she know, she'd forgotten to bust on last mirror in her apartment.
The one in her son's closet.
Hope you enjoyed this one, as the many previous chapters I've written. I had off of school today because of Columbus Day, so I might actually write more throughout the day.
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the moment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, like the other girls, are trying to ignore it. Despite this, however, tears form in Katie's eyes.
"Wish they'd stop."
Penny is silent. Emily looks over at Junior. She grabs his baseball and tosses it in his direction.
"Stop, okay? You're bloody makin' me nervous..."
Junior looks up. "I hate when they fight..."
"Never like this..."
There is another loud crash, as Lyla grabs the kitchen knife. She points it at Georgie, who slowly backs away. He, however, did not notice the corner and is soon pinned against the wall. Katie's eyes have changed, as Georgie notices her fingernails turning into claws; her teeth fangs and her apperance changing into a Wolf.
"Love, let's just talk about this-"
Lyla growls. "I GAVE you a chance, you foolish British piece of shit!"
She lunges at Georgie, who quickly moves to the side. "Jesus fuck, Lyla! Stop!"
"You promised me..."
"I didn't DO anything! That wasn't me-"
Lyla swings. "BULLSHIT! You have CHILDREN, a wife!"
"WHICH is why I'm not doing that fuckin' shit anymore, Lyla! You know I'm not!"
The kids gathered at the base of the stairs. They watched their mother circle the kitchen, weilding a knife at their father.
"You and Oliver STILL talk! He's the biggest Crack head in this fucking town..."
"Lyla, I swear to you. I'm NOT doing that shit-"
Lyla attempts one last time. The knife lodges into the wall. Georgie leans against the counter, watching Lyla struggle to release the knife from the wall. She grunts and growls but its no use. She pants and looks to the ground.
"My father was right about you..."
Georgie was stunned. "What..."
Noticing what she said, Lyla looked up. Georgie had tears in his eyes. "Georgie, no-"
"So, you regret this fuckin' relationship? Yup. Dear 'ol John was right about me." Georgie knocks everthing off the counter; everything crashing to the ground, as the children continued to watch. "EVERYONE was right about Georgie Porgie, huh Lyla? Just say it, love...Bloody say what you REALLY think 'bout me, huh? SAY IT!"
His voiced boomed through the halls. He suddenly noticed the kids.
Lyla turned around. She was back to her human form, as she grabbed the kids and had them head for the door.
"Get your coats on, kids. We are going to visit Nana and Papa for a bit."
Junior looked back, Georgie now heading for the group.
"No! Don't you take my babies from me!"
Lyla pushes him away. "Go find your whores and Oliver, Georgie! C'mon, kids."
Georgie grabs Emily and Junior. "No, no, no! Lyla, stop!"
Lyla snatches the kids; Katie is now in tears, as Lyla buckles them inside the car. She reaches for the door, as Georgie stands by, pounding at the window.
"DADDY!" She screams, reaching out her hands. "Daddy, no! DADDY!"
Lyla peels away, the screeching of the tires against the pavement. She speeds down the road, Georgie still continuing to run after the slowly disappearing car. All of Fabletown stops to watch as Georgie Porgie runs down the street; his face stained with tears, eyes bloodshot from crying.
"No! Lyla! I didn't...I didn't do it..." He crumbles to the ground. On his knees, he curls into a ball. "I didn't do it...come back....come back. I need you, Lyla....Lyla...."
The four kids sit in silence, as Lyla hands them each a happy meal. Sitting in the car, Lyla picks at her salad. She looks back; Junior stares outside, Emily eats her food, Penny looks like death and Katie refuses to look at her mother.
"Kids, listen. Mommy and daddy are just having a fight." she pauses. "Sometimes, mommy and daddys DO this."
Katie kicks the seat. "You said yelling and fighting are no-no's, mommy."
"Yes...I did..."
"I wanna go home..."
"Not... not yet, sweetie. Maybe later or tommorow-"
NO!" Junior quickly unbuckles his belt. "I want daddy!"
"Junior, no! Stop!"
Before Lyla could reach, Junior is outside and running down the street. Lyla takes off her belt and runs after the screaming chiild. He dodges around groups of people, as he approaches the street light. Its red and he anxously waits for the green. Junior has no idea where he's going; the buildings all look the same but he remembers what the club and their house looks like. He could hear Lyla in the back.
"Junior! Junior!"
As the light changs color, Junior runs out into the street. He does not see a Cab heading his way; the driver is too busy on his phone to see the frantic boy running. Lyla sees this and pushes people out of the way.
Juniors stops in terror; he can not move and watches as the car approaches. There is a large hand that grabs his, as the unknown man brings him back to safety. Lyla panics and heads to the anonymous savior.
"Junior, oh my baby!" She craddles him in her arms. "My baby. Don't you EVER do that again!"
"Brave little guy, ain't he?" Lyla looks up and sees Bigby Wolf. "Too much like you at times. I remember you pulling shit like this when you were a kid."
"Hello, Bigby."
"Lyla. What are you doing here?"
"We, I did-SHIT! The others! I have to go, Bigby! The girls-"
"Here. Let me walk you..."
"So, you two had a fight?"
"Huh. Fight sounds too friendly. More like war."
"Did you SEE him doing this?"
"No but WHY else is it there?"
"Lyla. You know that-can't believe I'm saying this-you know he hasn't done anything since you came around. And the kids..."
Lyla sighs. Bigby picks at his shirt. "So, going to your parent's?"
"I guess. Or a motel."
"You know that won't go over very well with John...."
"I know..."
"Stay with me tonight."
"Excuse me?"
"Well, better than the options you've given me. At least until things cool down. The kids have Collin. He, uh, managed to sneak off again and came back. We may need to stop and get milk...and bread...and um, well-"
"Are you sure it won't be an issue?"
"Nah. Come on."
Lyla and the kids head down to the Woodland apartments. By this time, the sun is begining to settle in the distance. Soon, apartment 204 is full of Porgie kids.
As the kids watch a movie, Bigby and Lyla sit in the kitchen with coffee in their hands.
Part 2 will come soon.
Leave any concerns or comments you may have and I'd be happy to answer them.
Dear Diary:
Today will be short.
We have plenty more pumpkins to carve today. Would like to say hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe holiday season.
Here is to another fun filled Fall and Winter from the Porgie Clan.