Oh how exciting! I often wondered how that happened, too. God my heart was ripping apart; fuck, such emotion you pulled out, especially from Katie! Cant wait to see what happens. And that Part with georgie man....
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the m… moreoment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, … [view original content]
Dear Diary:
Today will be short. We have plenty more pumpkins to carve today. Would like to say hope everyone is having a won… morederful and safe holiday season.
Here is to another fun filled Fall and Winter from the Porgie Clan.
Always, Lyla Porgie
Swineheart was less than pleased to be doing an emergency house call on today of all days.
"My work's never done, is it?" He says, enteri… moreng the apartment. Being Fabletown's main doctor, he has his hands on an arrangement of traveling spells, for those special types of emergencies.
"So, tell me again; What happened?" Swineheart asked. Mary just led him to her bedroom, where Hans had carried poor Hazel to be more comfortable.
"It's the same shit I went through," Mary explains. "The only difference is that she could bleed out a lot easier than me. Me being.....well, me, I could bear the pain. But her...." Mary rubs her forehead.
Swineheart nods, walking tot he side of the bed. He has his hospital bag at hand, reaching in for whatever tools are necessary. Hans exits as soon as Swinheart starts to yank the girl's pants off.
"Hmm. The bleeding stopped....She seems stable. Hazel, are you awake?"
Hazel groans,"Mmmhmm. It hurts a lot… [view original content]
A very fun chapter! it must have sounded like an earthquake when they were all dancing! I love Jersey's paranoia that the kids were planning something xD
Chapter 18
The Jersey Devil's guide to Sleepover survival
A 'rite of passage' is what Katie called this sleepover for the girls. Jerse… morey saw it as trouble; those girls were up to something and after the mattress incident, he had his eyes and ears open the rest of the night.
"Jersey, get away from the living room and come sit down."
Katie adjusted her feet, as she leaned into the couch. The girls claimed the living room for the night; blankets, pillows and various stuffed animals scattered along what used to be carpet. Several nail polish bottles and bowls of chips sat on the coffee table.
"Hold on...I want to make sure they ain't doin' nothin' stupid."
Katie rolls her eyes. "Are you kidding right now? What could a bunch of 8, 7, 6-"
"That's what they WANT you to think. All innocent and cute and BAM-you're having to deal with not just OUR girls but Junior and Mary's three little devils, too!"
"Jersey-" Katie pats the ope… [view original content]
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The heater, baby girl. If there is to much ice, it won't work."
"Daddy, can we go to the woods?"
Jersey looks down and sees Hope and Gianna. "Why?"
"We had fun last time and wanna go again."
Jersey ties the last rope over the blue tarp. He sits on the edge of the roof; the girls laugh, as his wings dangle over and mimick his feet. Bella and Laura change, flying up to join their father.
"Mom is gonna bust your butts if she sees you up here."
"We'll be careful, daddy."
Bella crawls over, claws digging into the shingles. She, however, did not calculate how steep it was and nearly lost her balance. Jersey caught her just before the girl could tumble down like a snowball on a mountain.
Jersey laughs. "You got it, huh?"
Bella sighs. "Guess not..."
"Let me have some coffee and ask your mother. All of you stay here or go in the house, okay?"
Like baby ducks to their mother, the girls got in a line and followed Jersey into the house.
After some consideration and thirteen kisses, Katie agreed. She would have to stay back; Malcom was coming over to discuss some recent activity in the Folker and Fabletown surrounding areas.
"Do I need to worry?"
Katie rolls her eyes. "Oh please, Jersey. How did you know my deep, dark secret?"
Jersey gasps. "I knew it! How many others?"
Katie kicks Jersey in the leg. "Stop or the girls are gonna start believing it..."
Jersey kisses Katie. "You know I'm joking..."
"Yeah. I know."
As she inspects the girl's attire, there is a knock on the door. Malcom walks in, as he takes off his jacket.
"Man, its so cold out there! Think you girls can handle it?"
Hope looks around. When she sees Malcom standing in the hallway, she nearly leaps into his arms. The girl squeaks with delight, as she cuddles closer to his neck. Malcom pats her on the back, as he digs into his pant pocket.
"Malcom! What did you bring me?"
He pulls out a Cotton Candy flavored lollipop. "This. One for each of you."
Jersey snorts. "GREAT. JUST before I take them out today..."
"Hey Jersey." He and Malcom shake hands. "How are things with you?"
"Pretty freakin' dandy. I can't complain-no one listens."
The girls giggle. "Yeah, I hear you."
Hope notices a purple file. "What's this?"
"Paperwork. Boring things. You wouldn't like it. Mommy and I have to do homework."
Jersey grabs it. "Wow. That's a lot of paper work. Everything okay?"
"Nothing to concern ourselves with...at least, I hope not."
Jersey opens the front door. "Alright, ladies. Let's head out."
They all gather in the car, as Jersey turns the radio on full blast.
Jersey blows a kiss, as he backs out of the driveway and down the road. Malcom stands beside Katie.
"You trust him?"
"I trusted him enough to have his children. What does that tell you?"
Malcom snickers. "C'mon. I got a cup of java calling my name."
Jersey parks the car. All thirteen girls immediatly change and take off in different directions.
"Hey, girls! YO! Wait!" Jersey whistles. "Get back here...hold on. Gotta give you some ground rules."
He is surrounded by Wolf pups and Winged creatures. Hope grabs Jersey's hand, as she pays close attention.
"When the sun hits the top of those trees, its time to go home, okay? Stay close, DO NOT wander off and for heaven's sake-if you are tired, need to use the restroom or getting hungry, let me know. No fighting, kicking, biting OR name calling. ONE time and we go home. Got it?"
The girls agree. "Alright. Let's get going."
Jersey transform into his terrifying self; the girls capable of flying head toward the open air, as the Wolf pups race each other through the trees. Ivy and Laura jump through puddles, causing their fur to become damp. Little forest creature watch from a safe distance, as the group of unknown creatures trot through their territory. Bella holds Hope close to her shoulders, as the wind blows through her hair.
"Havin' fun?"
"Faster, Bella! Faster!"
"You got it, captain."
With a powerful heave, Bella's wings flap furiously, as she evades through the trees and loose branches. Hope shrieks with euphoria, as her other sisters soon follow close by. Jersey glides above, the sun shining through the tree tops. The Wolf pups below dig their claws into the wet dirt. Creating a tiny pack, the girls stay close together, as they venture into the open.
Everything in the world desired by the Leeds family was coming true; Jersey watched his girls carelessly run in their natural habitat. Even Hope, despite being his only mundy child, had the same mentality in regards to the forest, hunting and certain traits.
The Wolf pups rolled around in the dirt and chased down small animals. Georgia caught a tiny Chipmunk, as she tossed her 'toy' around for several miles. She intended to show Jersey her 'trophy.' For now, she and the others were having too much fun with the carcass. Bella and the other winged girls mounted themselves upon a large Oak branch. Trying to catch their breathe, Hope sat on the edge.
"I like it out here."
Hannah agreed, as did Abigail. "Me too. I love how quiet it is compared to the city."
Hope kicked the air. From a distant, she could see a very old house.
"What are you lookin' at, Hope?"
"That house...I've seen it before in a book Papa had..."
She called her Wolf sisters. "HEY! Guys. Come here."
They all ran to the Oak tree and planted themselves at the foot of the trunk.
"What's hanging, guys?"
Hope points. "We are going out there."
Willow turns around. "Why?"
"C'mon. Dad said we could play; just keep an eye on the sun and we will be fine."
Agreeing, the girls gather Hope and head to the house. After a few miles, they reach the obviously abandoned house. Bella puts Hope on the ground, as the pigtailed girl walks to a sign. Her fingers trace the letters reading 'LEEDS.'
"Hey, this has our last name..."
The girls investigate the area. "Hm. Strange...I too have seen this before. But where..."
Ivy leaps into a bush. "I'm gonna check over here for clues."
"Good idea."
Ivy vanishes into the thicket, as the other girls carefully peek into the dusty, stained window. Alice tries to clean her spot but is unseccessful.
"Ew. It smells funny around here."
"Yeah. Smells like....old meat and shoes."
Before they could reach for the door, there is a loud BOOM from the distance. The girls notice flocks of birds flying in the air, scattering left and right. The sound of Dogs could be heard; smoke in the air filled their nose, as Bella looked around.
"Bella, what is going on?"
Bella, Gianna and Madeline sniff the air. "Bella?"
"Hush, Hope! Wait!"
They continue sniffing the air, their noses pointed straight out. It suddenly dawns on Bella what that is. Her face is now pale, as she grabs Hope.
The others look at Bella. "What!?"
"Hunters. Now. Run...now..."
The barking Dogs grew closer, as the girls scattered in opposite directions. Frantically, Bella chased them down.
Hope in hand, Bella hovers above, trying to catch a glimpse of her panic striken siblings. Hope points down.
"There they go, Bella!" BING SWOOP! "What was that!?"
"They are shooting at us!" The screeches of men and barking of Dogs was closer. "Shit, shit, shit! Hold on, Hope!"
Bella dives dows, as she chases after her sisters.
"Keep going! They are RIGHT behind us! Don't you DARE look behind, you all hear me?! FASTER! Go! Go!!"
There is another gun shot, as Bella falls from the sky. Hope tumbles to the ground and rolls for a few feet.
"BELLA!" Hope dashes to her injured sister. "Bella, get up!" Bark, Bark Bark! "BELLA!"
The other girls stop to help Hope. "Go!" Bella swings her arms around. "Get outta here!"
The others refuse to move; the crunching of boots and the smell of Dog growing stronger. The girls all hold hands and wait. Before they know it, the guns are frantically going off. The shriel cry of an injured dog echos through the trees.
"Did you see it, Frank?!" Another gun fire. "Did you see it!?"
BOOM, CRACK, BOOM! "Shit, I almost got it! That thing took my dog!"
"Its the Jersey Devil! Kill it! Kill it!"
The girls, petrified with fear, sit back and listen to their father kill the entire camping crew. Several more gun shots are fired, as the forest becomes still once more. Nearby, several birds squawk and fly to safety; a mother Deer and her fawn leap across, as the girls carefully inch closer.
"Daddy..." Helping Bella up, they walk into the forest. "Daddy..."
Bodies of the dead and their dismembered dogs are scattered on the forest floor. Pine needles and dirt is layered in blood. The girls, now all in human form, are overwrought with the unknown whereabouts of their father.
"DADDY!" The girls, now in tears, continue shouting. "Daddy, where are you!?"
There is a loud scream, as the girls head in the direction. Mouth covered, Madeline points. Jersey, motionless, lays in a puddle of blood; several bullet wounds layer his chest and legs. His wings are full of tiny holes. The girls surround him, as Willow places her hands on his chest. She closes her eyes.
"Save him, Willow." The others could only sit and watch. "Save him...Willow..."
The girls are alone, as the rain storm arrives.
Chapter 21 soon Sorry for the LONG chapter; had this idea in my head for awhile. No school OR work today; forgot it was a holiday. XD Gives me a chance to catch up on some much needed drawing. lol IF you have any questions or concerns, ask away.
I forgot here was no class. Lol I checked my email just now! XD such a dork. First off, loved the detail from begining to end. Even the section with the tarp, hope's feet on the edge. Malcolm! nice seeing him and Katie are partners in the Council.
Speaking of Malcom, did you ever figure out a story for him? For awhile there, I thought he would en up with Emily. Just curious is all.
The forest scene. I loved picturing the girls running all over. And I'm assuming they saw Jersey's childhood house? Love how they recognized it from a book Georgie had. That ending, thought. Bella tried saving her sisters. Jersey protecting his daughters from the hunters. He better be okay, pie! cant believe I'm worried about Jersey!
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came… more by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The … [view original content]
Hans is a super dork XD Now that he thinks he actually has a chance with Mary, his confidence in himself has gone down significantly. There's always a doubt in the back of his head that he'll screw it up like he did in the past, and it makes him unable to figure out how to ask things of her XD
I had to do it. I'm sorry! You'll see more about that in the next chapter.
Also: I think you wrote Katie a few times by accident.
Junior is definitely a character! If I had the nerve to do that, my ass would be handed to me on a silver platter XD And bravo, Bigby, you little 'Savior'. lol. Definitely tells me a little more of HOW things got to the point of...well, Peter.
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the m… moreoment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, … [view original content]
Hope really likes Malcom! I hope this isn't any foreshadowing relationships, lmao. Glad the kids all got lollipops, that means no fights XD Hopefully...
I do have a question, although it's a question I keep forgetting to ask for a while now. Doesn't Penny have the power to wolf out? Or was she the born with out those powers? Idk, I can't remember. I know Katie can. I know Junior can't, and Peter has wolf on both sides. In all honesty, I'm not sure if Emily and Ethan have those abilities either.
Basically, give me a list of everyone's abilities XDD
Shit. That ending though. I can't-....Wow. Willow save him! I don't care if he ate my dog, he needs to live! lol
A really good chapter, as always I hope things aren't too bad though after this.
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came… more by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The … [view original content]
DAMN! That fight scene!
Also: I think you wrote Katie a few times by accident.
Junior is definitely a character! If I had the nerve to… more do that, my ass would be handed to me on a silver platter XD And bravo, Bigby, you little 'Savior'. lol. Definitely tells me a little more of HOW things got to the point of...well, Peter.
Of course, would love to answer. Emily has no powers; she is a regular 'ol Fable like Georgie. Ethan can turn but he does not like to be a Wolf. Katie is a Wolf; shape shifts as she pleases. Junior can not Wolf out but he and Penny were both born with the ability to absorb good and bad feelings to juice up their powers. Penny CAN Wolf out like Katie and her mother but she has yet to control the blood lust that follows; her vulnerability makes it difficult to control. To avoid complications, she keeps it inside. For now.... Junior's powers derive from bad, Penny from good; he has blue, Penny Magenta. All it does really is lift things in the air. Now, he has the power to enter mirrors. And Peter is full Wolf because of mom and dad; ability to shape shift as well.
LOL XD Don't mean to laugh but that made my day. Going to see the girl's capabilities now....
Hope really likes Malcom! I hope this isn't any foreshadowing relationships, lmao. Glad the kids all got lollipops, that means no fights XD … moreHopefully...
I do have a question, although it's a question I keep forgetting to ask for a while now. Doesn't Penny have the power to wolf out? Or was she the born with out those powers? Idk, I can't remember. I know Katie can. I know Junior can't, and Peter has wolf on both sides. In all honesty, I'm not sure if Emily and Ethan have those abilities either.
Basically, give me a list of everyone's abilities XDD
Shit. That ending though. I can't-....Wow. Willow save him! I don't care if he ate my dog, he needs to live! lol
A really good chapter, as always I hope things aren't too bad though after this.
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came… more by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The … [view original content]
She adores Malcom. Her favorite.
Of course, would love to answer. Emily has no powers; she is a regular 'ol Fable like Georgie. Ethan ca… moren turn but he does not like to be a Wolf. Katie is a Wolf; shape shifts as she pleases. Junior can not Wolf out but he and Penny were both born with the ability to absorb good and bad feelings to juice up their powers. Penny CAN Wolf out like Katie and her mother but she has yet to control the blood lust that follows; her vulnerability makes it difficult to control. To avoid complications, she keeps it inside. For now.... Junior's powers derive from bad, Penny from good; he has blue, Penny Magenta. All it does really is lift things in the air. Now, he has the power to enter mirrors. And Peter is full Wolf because of mom and dad; ability to shape shift as well.
LOL XD Don't mean to laugh but that made my day. Going to see the girl's capabilities now....
Sorry for late update and not posting in awhile, health reasons I won't bug you with those.
Okay next chapter, hopefully you're all enjoying this tale. And weird thought I had, what if everyone's fanchildern met in some weird paradox or a rip in the fabrics of time? Shrugs I dunno, would be one hell of a confusing family
Russian Roulette
Chapter three
Snake eyes
"Daaaaaaaaad, I'm bored!" Bradwr whined, tugging on his father's trousers. The young child being a natural born adventurer felt the need to always be entertained. Nothing could keep his focus for long. An irritated sigh came from his father, Jersey.
"Plaaaaaaaay with me." Bradwr begged some more.
"I ain't got time." he muttered as he gently tried to shoo the child away.
"But daaa-"
"Here," Jersey dug through his pockets and shoved into Bradwr's hands five mini bags of skittles. "If I give you this you leave daddy alone okay?"
"Can I go play with the quiet girl then?" he asked tucking the bags into the pocket of his overalls.
"If it keeps you busy then yes."
Turning around on the heels of his scruffy sneakers he ripped open the red packet of candy, right away he poured it's contents out into the palm of his hand and sure enough it was down the hatch with the fruity flavoured treats. His eyes darted around, the quiet girl never made much noise. All she ever did was eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and sit around, like she was waiting for someone...Maybe him?
Sure enough he spotted her, sitting in a leather armchair, knees hugged to her chest, her eyes glancing downwards.
"Hey, quiet girl!" he greeted loudly.
"Daddy gave me candy, do you want some?"
"You don't have a mommy or a daddy do you?"
With that being said she shut her eyes tightly.
"It's okay, I don't have a mommy either. I have a daddy, we can share him... although he doesn't play with me much. Here have some candy, daddy gave it to me." he fetched another bag of skittles from his overalls pocket and emptied it out in his palm. "Here have some." he put his palm out in front of her.
"I like the cherry flavoured ones the best." he climbed onto the chair next to her. "Here, try one." he selected a red skittle and pushed it against her lips, eventually the candy was in her mouth. He waited a few short seconds, her jaw very faintly moved, a chewing motion then finally a swallowing motion.
He pushed another candy pass her lips, they repeated this until the remaining four bags of candy was gone.
"Hey quiet girl, what's your name? I forgot."
"Let's be friends Scarlett! Forever and ever!"
Tired brown eyes weakly open, licking his dry lips Bradwr noted how thirsty he was. The tight restrains certainly weren't helping, nor was the need to relief himself crushing his bladder. Of all flash back dreams he had to have why did it have to be that one? Why couldn't it been one where his father was lecturing his over a broken vase or something?
The slow creaking of a door caused his aching head to perk up. Why the fuck did he feel worse now then when he was drunk as fuck?
"Bonnie?" he repeated as the blonde entered the room. "What the bloody fuck are you doing here?"
"Ran into Snow White, she asked me to do her a favour and drop off a package. Figured I might as well come and say thank you for the... Little pick me up."
He chuckled, pick me up clearly referred to the weed they smoked together.
"Glad you enjoyed it, I sure as fuck won't be for awhile."
"You look like crap." commented Bonnie noticing his hand. " oh god..."
"It's fine, and I sure as hell feel like crap." he grumbled.
"... I shouldn't be doing this." Bonnie said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of water and a cloth. "Never did agree on how things worked around here..." she soaked the cloth and dabbed it on the dirt that smudged his face.
"So... how much had you heard?" Bradwr asked. "About the little shit hole of a mess I got myself into?"
"Everything, these walls are paper thin." Bonnie replied.
Bradwr sighed, although certainly happy that he was getting somewhat cleaned... Fuck, that was the only word that perfectly described how he felt right now.
"Excuse me?"
"Nobody asks the real questions, they ask the who and where... but never the why." she washed off another smudge of dirt off his face. "So why did you do it?"
"That's something I would like to know too..." Bradwr grumbled glancing his his hands. He felt nausea at the very thought of what took place, he didn't know what he was doing... expect he fucked up and tried to cope with the guilt at the expense of his liver.
"You're the one who did it, shouldn't you know the real answer?" she asked.
"I fucked up, as usual...but that ain't nothing new." he sighed looking at the restrains.
"Want me to loosen them up?"
"Won't you get in trouble?"
"Already am, they won't notice." Bonnie reassured as her hands went to the straps.
"What do you mean you already are?" he questioned as he raised an eye brow at her.
"My parents smelled the stuff on my breath."
"Oh, sorry."
"Don't be... my birthday's in three days, I'll be a free woman by then." she tucked the damp cloth back in her purse and held the water bottle to his mouth. "Want a sip?"
Remembering how thirsty he was Bradwr gave a slow nod. Bonnie then brought the lukewarm water to his lips. After a few large gulps she took the bottle away. It may have done nothing for his bladder but it sure helped with keeping him hydrated.
There was an eerie pause between them, neither saying much. If he had to confess what he done and just get the damn guilt trip over with and give him somewhat of a clean conscience , he might as well do it now. Better some random woman he met at a party then Bigby or his son
"Look, I regret everything. If I could go back and change it I would, I was pissed off and took it out on Scarlett. I fucked up like I always do... and I'll always have to be reminded that her blood is on my hands... believe me I'm suffering hell of a lot more then you think. Bluebeard knocking me around was less painful then this... " he trailed off.
Usually when someone confessed something or let off steam they felt better... this wasn't the case for Bradwr. He only felt worse, like a poisonous snake had bitten him and he was falling victim to the venom, dying a slow, slow painful death. Maybe he was confessing to the wrong person, Bonnie only wanted the why, not the who and where like the rest of them.
"I know..." Bonnie shuffled awkwardly in her spot. Seemed only natural, she was a teenager, not a cop (well at least not yet.).
"Hey, check in my left shoe."
"Excuse me?"
"Just do it."
Bonnie removed his shoe to reveal a hidden plastic bag of weed inside.
"All yours."
"You sure?"
"Let's just say this is an early birthday gift from me." he chuckled. "Use it wisely."
"Will do." She slipped his shoe back on and tucked the bag in her pockets.
The door open once more, Lyall entered the room.
"Bonnie? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Running an errand for Snow White." she stated.
"I doubt Snow would send you down here without my knowledge." Lyall scoffed crossing his arms.
"She never said I couldn't." Bonnie replied.
Lyall rolled his eyes and glanced at Bradwr.
"We leave tonight, and don't even think about pulling some kind of bullshit on me. I may have lost my leg but I can still kick your ass like last time." he grumbled, lighting up a cigarette.
A slow nod from Bradwr.
"Uhh... I have to use the bathroom." he said meekly.
"I'll get you a bucket." Lyall shook his head.
"Dude, that's unsanitary!" Bradwr's face scrunched up in disgust as Lyall kicked a rusty and rather fowl smelling bucket his way.
"And killing your wife wasn't?!" he snapped.
"Come on man, I never asked for this shit to happen." Bradwr stated, fidgeting in the restrains. Even though he certainly felt more comfortable when Bonnie loosen them up a bit it, it was still very irritating on the wrists.
"You better hope you're right about Medusa's little club, because if not we can throw you down the witching well, and believe me you DON'T want that to happen." he hissed.
"Okay, okay,... one last thing..."
"What is it?" Lyall asked.
"I uhh... need a little help unzipping my... do I really need to go into detail with this?"
"Oh... Bo-"
"NOT IT!" Bonnie cried dashing out of the room.
"God dammit..."
Snow White sat in her desk, her fingers tapped impatiently on her wooden desk. This whole situation was a mess, the few reports she had heard from Bigby, Lyall, and Bluebeard certainly weren't helping. What was most surprising was that Bloody Mary was a mother, she never would had guessed. It made her feel rather guilty... If she known she would had ordered Bigby to take her in alive, but then again knowing Bloody Mary she wouldn't had allowed herself to be taken alive. It didn't need explaining on why Scarlett done what she did. Scarlett was set on avenging her mother's death. If only she known, maybe they could has taken Scarlett in... but then again Bloody Mary was her mother the community may not had treated her well.
She let out a sad sigh, thinking about all the possibilities with Scarlett was depressing, even worst was the end, Scarlett died at the hands of her husband... someone she was suppose to trust.
"You called for me Miss White?"
Snapping out of her train of thought Snow noticed Bluebeard entering the room.
"Yes Bluebeard, I retrieved word that you..." Snow pondered a bit on how to put this, it wasn't everyday someone waved an eyeball around. "Had Scarlett's eye in your possession."
"Indeed, I used it as a tool to get the answers we needed. Surly you wanted answers from Bradwr, didn't you?"
She gritted her teeth.
"Not the point, you should had ask for permission before tampering with her body." Snow stated. "You risked the chance of a proper autopsy by Swineheart."
For once Bluebeard didn't have that smug look on his face, he raised an eyebrow at her.
"That was all I have, believe me if I could I would had brought the head in."
"Scarlett," Snow said firmly. "Her name is Scarlett, and what do you mean?"
"There was no body."
The taxi rolled up to a seemingly abandon little building. Lyall would had never guessed this was where an illegal fight club was being held, and by Medusa none the less.
"Looks pretty rundown, you sure this is the right place?" Lyall glanced at Bradwr who was in handcuffs. "If Medusa's as rich as you say-"
"It's a spell, place is small on the outside, but on the inside you could fit dozens of whales inside." he replied. "Or thousands of waffles... Man I could go for some waffles right about now."
Lyall's glared at Bradwr, who was more then happy to glare back.
"What? I'm hungry, I didn't eat all day."
"Just get your ass moving." Lyall huffed and led Bradwr out of the cab and too the door of the building. Lyall brought his knuckle to the door and knocked three times.
"Password?" a deep gruff voice asked from the other side.
"Snake eyes." Bradwr replied.
There was the sound of locks unlocking and shortly the door open. Bradwr was certainly right about the size of the place. From the outside it appeared to be a dump, but the inside was the size of a gymnasium. And this was just the first floor.
The room was dark and dimly lit. All Lyall could make out was a wrestling ring in the middle. Once he took another step he was blinded by a flash of white lights.
"Lyall Wolf and Bradwr Leeds, I thought you would should up." a sharp but fake sweet sounding voice stated.
Once the lights dimmed a woman stood in the middle of the ring, next to her a man.
She was tall and slender, clad in a black pantsuit and had perfectly done brown ringlets of curls for hair. But perhaps the most striking feature was her face, sharp was the only word that seemed right for it. It looked like if he were to brush his hand against her cheek he would get cut.
If this woman was rich the gentleman next to her was pure opposite. Messy black hair, tired eyes and dressed in worn out clothes that consisted of a red T- shirt and bag jeans.
"Medusa..." Bradwr said barely above a whisper.
"Ah Bradwr, long time no see. Seems you brought a little friend to tag along." Medusa mused, a smile on her lips.
"Bradwr?" the black haired man asked.
"Shit, Romeo, you look like crap!" Bradwr exclaimed.
"Bradwr, it's fine I-"
As soon as Medusa raised her hand Romeo stopped talking.
"Not now Romeo, we have important matters to attend to. Right Lyall? You came to shut down my little fight club, correct?"
Lyall gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"I'm taking you in, you're little club is done for." he took another step.
"Tsk , tsk, tsk. I beg to differ." Medusa averted to the side, soon his and Bradwr's gaze soon fallowed.
Bradwr's eyes widen.
"What the hell?! I thought you were... Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he cursed.
Among a sea of statues that sat in bleachers were one real living woman.
"Miss me?"
"I thought you were dead?! I-I... what the fuck's going on here!"
A sly smile appeared on Scarlett's lips as she got up.
"You thought wrong, as usual." she walked down from the bleachers, brushing a lock of black hair out of her face, upon a closer look it revealed a patch eye patch on her right eye.
"But that doesn't matter now, what matters is you two aren't getting out of here alive."
And Scarlett is alive, evil doesn't die easily.
Also I know a lot of you are curious about Medusa and Scarlett when it comes to powers and weakness.
Scarlett is not Bloody Mary, people don't say "Bloody Scarlett" five times in the mirror. Yes she is a lot like her mother but there are a few differences and not just appearance wise (Long hair, no streak, wider hips, and now one eye.)
Get ready for some Scarlett 101 XD (And theirs pictures for her new look too, I been dying to show them to you guys.)
First difference, let's take the scene from episode 3 with Bloody Mary and compare it to the last chapter of. "The cold heart of hate" where Scarlett attacks Lyall.
Bloody Mary was more then willing to risk Dum and Dee's lives, Scarlett didn't want Bradwr to die, she generally cares (well used too) about him and stepped in when she thought Bradwr had enough. Mary let's Bigby choose to kill Dum or let him live.
Second difference, Scarlett is not as strong as her mother. Yes she certainly has her strength and true form but that doesn't mean they share the same amount of power. If Scarlett was strong enough she would has gone after Bigby instead of Lyall. And her resistance to spells and magic? I will reveal that later on, perhaps the reason she's not as strong as Bloody Mary is because of her father (Which is a cannon character that will be revealed in due time, anyone wanna guess who?) being a more human fable.
Could Scarlett defeat Medusa since mirrors are a weakness? Maybe and maybe not. Since these two appear to be the next Crooked Man and Bloody Mary duo XD (lol, I promise these won't be a carbon copy of them) I don't think Scarlett nor Medusa plan to duel it out together.
The shrill cries of a two year old fill the room. The woman, presumably his mother, enters the room. The boy only had a nightmare, which is easy enough to deal with at 2 AM.
Sadly, this is not Mary's case.
Mary jumped at the scream and immediately ran to her son's nursery. Upon entering, he was gone.
"Carter! Baby, where'd you go?" She called out. She knew her attempts were futile.
She searched high and low within the bedroom. There had to have been a mirror somewhere. The sheets on the bed were tossed, his little blue blankie missing as well. Carter must have been clutching it when he was taken.
Taken. Mary shuddered at the word itself. She noticed the closet door wide open. Knocking some toys out of the way, she spotted exactly how Charles had entered her room. She dove in with out hesitation.
Complete darkness.
All she could see was herself staring back at her. He was playing with her; He knew she'd come as soon as she heard her little baby's screams.
"Charles, show your goddamn ugly face, now!"
A menacing laugh echoed, bouncing off the mirrors. He appeared in every reflection, each one staring Mary down. "Hush now....you'll wake up the baby...." In his arms, the toddler squirmed, his eyes panicked and his mouth covered by Charles's hand.
"Give me my son back!" Mary hissed. Her stance turned defensive as she began bashing each mirror in. One of them had to be the real deal.
"I command you to stop!" Charles said. Mary's body froze, the iron grip of his hands keeping her completely still. How did he suddenly have such a strong bond with her. Tears began to trickle down Mary's face.
"Let my boy go. I'll do whatever you want. Just...let him go....please...."
Charles smiled. He lifted the boy, pushing him through the mirror beside himself. Carter disappeared.
"Where'd you put him?" Mary demanded. She still couldn't move, could even blink. She could just talk.
"I put him in that bitch I fucked's house. He's fine." Charles began stepping forward, his face inches from hers. "Now.....you said you'd do anything?"
Mary gulped. She was extremely uncomfortable with his face so close to hers. "Fuck off, you-"
His hand slapped her across the cheek. Her body fell, then kept falling and falling in the darkness. He'd removed the floor. She began to scream when she realized that there had to be a bottom at some point; She couldn't fall forever.
His voice echoed loud and angry as she kept going. "You had been the hardest of your siblings to find. You're my most cunning, my most fierce. Mary, Mary, Mary. What am I to do with you?"
She was caught by his hand, now the size of her body. It lifted her up to his face, squeezing her tight beneath his fingers.
Her nose was bleeding again. "Fuck....you...." She was able to utter.
Charles was getting annoyed. "I haven't done much to you, you know! I didn't kill all your friends and you family! I didn't hurt your little boy! The least you can do is respect your father while he-"
"How many times do I gotta say it. You're not my damn father, and you'll never be!" Mary yelled.
It was Charles's tipping point. "You ungrateful bitch! I was going to reunite you with your siblings, let them be all happy to see their big brave sister again. But you know what? I think the cage is more suffice."
Mary's eyes went wide. Around her, the cage formed. It was made of dark matter in it's purest form. She could hear the ghouls and the monsters moan and groan as she became enclosed in more darkness. How could it get any darker than it already was? She began to scream in agony, beg for mercy, anything to get out of that place.
They terrorized her. The single thought of being surrounded yet alone felt so demeaning and inhumane, that Mary blacked out entirely. Her body simply couldn't take the stress. She was lost.
Still breathing. In and out. In and out. She could feel her heart pumping. Her arms twitched, regaining their movement.
I am alive. She reminded herself.
Her eyes opened. It was bright, so bright that she had to squint to see. A bed. She was in a bed. There was pure light radiating from everything; It was as if everything was light. She adjusted to it. Windows that overlooked dead space. Blackness for as far as the eye could see. As soon as she'd gotten up, the doors opened. This place was familiar. This place was home.
This was a dark twisted version of her home.
Her attention at the door, there came her sisters. All seven of them. Their expressions were scared, each one with tears staining their faces.
"Mary, you're the strong one. How did he find you?" Bianca uttered. She was the littlest one. It was then, that Mary realized, that Charles was playing yet another trick.
"Bianca is fucking dead! Did you forget that Charles? YOU killed her all those years ago! And you killed most of the rest of them! You're such a liar; Such a coward!"
The girls fizzled into nothingness. All except one of them.
"Cara?" Mary whispered. "You're really there?"
The fear in her sister turned into guilt. "Yes, it's really me."
Mary approached her.
"No! Stay back! I don't...I don't deserve anything you could give me! I....I ratted your hiding space out to father!"
Mary's insides burned. Of all her brothers and sisters, it was her dear sister Cara who had created this mess?
"Why?" Mary asked, calmer than expected. "Why did you do it?"
Cara stared at her feet in shame. "I'm so sorry....Mary. I'm so sorry."
"Tell me!" Mary's voice rose. "Tell me why you would do it?"
Cara was taken aback at the sudden lashing she was receiving. "I- Mary, you don't understand...."
"Bull shit! You're as much of a coward as our goddamn father! I should have known- I should have known you would take his side."
"It's not that! Mary! Listen to me!"
"No. Fucking no. You know, I'd kill you now, but my son is safe. I hope. You better fucking hope he really is safe. Because before I go kill Charles, your head is coming off too."
Cara felt genuine hurt. She began to cry, exiting the bedroom and running down the long twisted and distorted hallway. Mary's nose began to bleed, a sign that she would be loosing consciousness in mere seconds.
Her head hit the floor and everything was dark again.
Dun dun dun dun. That's right, I added another 'dun'. It needed it. This was severely more drastic than I was originally intending. In all honesty, I winged the whole chapter. I was planning on doing a fight scene and ending Charles's reign over her life, but that was just too simple. Might as well throw in some twists. Enjoy the ride, because it's far from over. Any questions or concerns, leave them below
Hello everyone. I was looking this up for personal reference, then decided it would be cool to show everyone, then I figured, "hey, maybe th… moree fanfiction thread would be the best place to put it for everyone else to use as a reference." So here.
I took the screen from SpottinGames on youtube, uploaded a copy to the internets and sharpened the shit out of it. Twice for extra measure, just in case someone out there's like "I can't fuckin' read this." I'm sure you all know by now which person lives in 204. Here's the link to the video if you're curious:
Not that I'm super into them or follow them, I just figured one person out there might grump it up in my case if I didn't link it.
Here's the way I see it: The animals on and from The Farm are supposedly afraid of wolves, and yet, they're not afraid of dragons, giants, and/or bears? Like, what the hell guys? Someone should go all-out Elmer Fudd on your bias asses.
If need be, correct me if I'm wrong about the way animals view others that are on The Farm. @EMMYPESS
Dear Diary:
Well, the Farm was a total disaster. We arrived in the car; one of the workers showed us where the vehicles go for… more guests. Ethan did not go. He threw a huge tnatrum when we left. Georgie stayed home with him; he tried his best to think of some fun activities they could do together. He was fine until he saw Katie and Penny carrying buckets to get candy from the booths there. It was devestating hearing him cry as we pulled away. Junior stayed, too. The medication is making him sleepy. I could've sworn someone was in his room, singing to him. I checked. Nothing. Hmmm.
Carla took Rosie and the boys over to some games; me, Katie, Penny, Emily and Peter walked to the Village and fields located in the middle of the Farm. We played some games and picked some corn and squash to take home. Penny and Katie filled their buckets in an hour; Emily was too busy looking at the different creatures wondering around the dirt roads a… [view original content]
Snow covers the roads in thick blankets. Last night's snowfall couldn't be kept up with. Everyone is officially snowed in.
"… moreYeah Hans. Yeah. Yeah.....Yeah, I know. Yup. Okay. Bye." Mary hangs up her cellphone after a less than interesting phone call from her boss. She watches as her son tips the water bowl on the floor over.
"Carter, that's the cat's water! You wanted him, you know!"
"I love Chuck Mommy!" Carter says. He lifts the metal bowl and hands it to Mary.
"Uhuh. Then stop spilling his water!"
"Sorry Mommy!" Carter reaches for the paper towels, dropping it on the floor and watching it unravel across the tiles.
Mary sighs. She rips the first four sheets off, tossing it on the puddle of water. The rest is rolled up in a few quick spins, and she places it back on the counter. The door bell rings.
"Who on earth could that be?" Mary says. She tosses the bowl in the sink and enters her little hall way leadin… [view original content]
Swineheart was less than pleased to be doing an emergency house call on today of all days.
"My work's never done, is it?" He says, enteri… moreng the apartment. Being Fabletown's main doctor, he has his hands on an arrangement of traveling spells, for those special types of emergencies.
"So, tell me again; What happened?" Swineheart asked. Mary just led him to her bedroom, where Hans had carried poor Hazel to be more comfortable.
"It's the same shit I went through," Mary explains. "The only difference is that she could bleed out a lot easier than me. Me being.....well, me, I could bear the pain. But her...." Mary rubs her forehead.
Swineheart nods, walking tot he side of the bed. He has his hospital bag at hand, reaching in for whatever tools are necessary. Hans exits as soon as Swinheart starts to yank the girl's pants off.
"Hmm. The bleeding stopped....She seems stable. Hazel, are you awake?"
Hazel groans,"Mmmhmm. It hurts a lot… [view original content]
The animals on the Farm all hate Bigby because they don't trust he's reformed. He was literally so bad over in the Homelands that all the animals are dead afraid he'll eat them, given his hungry wolf form. Since Peter is offspring of the man, they seem to believe in this instance that Peter is just as bad as Bigby and don't particular hide their fears from the boy.
As for other just as scary monsters, apparently they don't care or some stupid shit like that XD
Here's the way I see it: The animals on and from The Farm are supposedly afraid of wolves, and yet, they're not afraid of dragons, giants, a… morend/or bears? Like, what the hell guys? Someone should go all-out Elmer Fudd on your bias asses.
If need be, correct me if I'm wrong about the way animals view others that are on The Farm. @EMMYPESS
Damn, the scene where Junior bolted out of the car and went down the street? That felt like a moment out of Indigo Prophecy or Heavy Rain. (which is a good thing!) Mostly Heavy Rain though, if you played it, hehe.
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the m… moreoment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, … [view original content]
An idea births. Heavens willing, a chance it may yet fully take shape. Until then, enjoy the commingling of fables written by currently active storytellers.
Dear Diary:
Today will be short. We have plenty more pumpkins to carve today. Would like to say hope everyone is having a won… morederful and safe holiday season.
Here is to another fun filled Fall and Winter from the Porgie Clan.
Always, Lyla Porgie
I see now, thanks for clarifying! As for the other creatures that are big(ger) or just as scary. All of the harmless animals deserve a slap on the noggin or a good pull on their tail for not giving wolves specifically a chance. >:3
The animals on the Farm all hate Bigby because they don't trust he's reformed. He was literally so bad over in the Homelands that all the an… moreimals are dead afraid he'll eat them, given his hungry wolf form. Since Peter is offspring of the man, they seem to believe in this instance that Peter is just as bad as Bigby and don't particular hide their fears from the boy.
As for other just as scary monsters, apparently they don't care or some stupid shit like that XD
Emily: "Yeah, I carved a fine piece of butt into my pumpkin. I damn well deserve a cookie for my efforts, woman!"
Is that supposed to be … morePeter on the far left? If so: what happened to his torso? I see part of his shoulder and his legs, but no torso I don't think?
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gren is....um...0.o Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
What the...what!? Whoa! What the hell? Literally! I had to pause for a second when Charles showed that smug look. Hate this guy.
And of all the people, her own sister. She's doing this out of fear, I think; I mean, the man they are dealing with IS a psycho and Devil. I wonder where all this will lead to, considering Maey is pretty much alone. Unless, something changes...dun, dun, dun!!
The shrill cries of a two year old fill the room. The woman, presumably his mother, enters the room. The boy only had a ni… moreghtmare, which is easy enough to deal with at 2 AM.
Sadly, this is not Mary's case.
Mary jumped at the scream and immediately ran to her son's nursery. Upon entering, he was gone.
"Carter! Baby, where'd you go?" She called out. She knew her attempts were futile.
She searched high and low within the bedroom. There had to have been a mirror somewhere. The sheets on the bed were tossed, his little blue blankie missing as well. Carter must have been clutching it when he was taken.
Taken. Mary shuddered at the word itself. She noticed the closet door wide open. Knocking some toys out of the way, she spotted exactly how Charles had entered her room. She dove in with out hesitation.
Complete darkness.
All she could see was herself staring back at her. He was playing with her; He knew she'd c… [view original content]
Sorry for late update and not posting in awhile, health reasons I won't bug you with those.
Okay next chapter, hopefully you're all enjoy… moreing this tale. And weird thought I had, what if everyone's fanchildern met in some weird paradox or a rip in the fabrics of time? Shrugs I dunno, would be one hell of a confusing family
Russian Roulette
Chapter three
Snake eyes
"Daaaaaaaaad, I'm bored!" Bradwr whined, tugging on his father's trousers. The young child being a natural born adventurer felt the need to always be entertained. Nothing could keep his focus for long. An irritated sigh came from his father, Jersey.
"Plaaaaaaaay with me." Bradwr begged some more.
"I ain't got time." he muttered as he gently tried to shoo the child away.
"But daaa-"
"Here," Jersey dug through his pockets and shoved into Bradwr's hands five mini bags of skittles. "If I give you this you leave daddy alone okay?"
"Can I go play with the quiet… [view original content]
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gre… moren is....um...0.o Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
You don't even understand how ANGRY I am. We had no school today because of Columbus Day. I watched as Mom entered our room because she was vacuuming. I went in our room a few minutes later AND SHE WAS READING MY DIARY!!!!!
She kept asking me so many stupid questions and I just started yelling at her and I took my book back and LOCKED MY SELF IN THE BATHROOM and I haven't gotten out since. I think it's been a half an hour, and every few minutes Mom knocks on the door and asks if I'm okay.
I have a lot of secrets in here, Diary. They're supposed to STAY secret!! I can't believe she knows them now. It's so embarrassing, and now I might get in trouble probably because I did some bad things that Mom didn't know about until now.
Mom just knocked AGAIN. I told her to leave me alone. I just wanna be alone right now.
Leave me alone Diary. I don't even want to look at you right now.
I'm sorry Diary. I didn't mean to throw you earlier. It's night time now. I got hungry, so I finally got out and I ate something and then Mom cornered me, and I started to cry. She took me into her room and I sat on my bed and watched my Mom dig through a plastic bin. She pulled this little toy bear out that I never saw before. Said it was hers when she was little. She told me that even though she looks so strong and stuff, she's still a little girl sometimes, just like I am.
I guess I'm not so mad any more but I don't know. She said she was sorry a dozen times and she also gave me a piece of candy with out the other kids knowing. I told her that she hurt my feelings for reading the book, and she said she knew and she was sorry again. Anyway, she also told me if I need to talk about anything, that I can trust her. Maybe I'll stop writing all my problems down and start talking to her about them.
Thanks for being a good listener. You're a horrible secret keeper though.
You're pretty on point there for the most part. I'm not actually sure where I was going with her sister, and I wasn't sure if I wanted her to be guilty or be as evil as her father. I think It's a little bit of both. You'll see more as it unravels.
What the...what!? Whoa! What the hell? Literally! I had to pause for a second when Charles showed that smug look. Hate this guy.
And of a… morell the people, her own sister. She's doing this out of fear, I think; I mean, the man they are dealing with IS a psycho and Devil. I wonder where all this will lead to, considering Maey is pretty much alone. Unless, something changes...dun, dun, dun!!
Great chapter!
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gre… moren is....um...0.o Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
Chapter 1
This next tale will begin while two couples are driving around in the woods in the outskirts of New York City. The couple stop … moresomewhere in the forest for some intimate relations. However the girl hears something outside of the car, but the male tells her that its just the wind or tree branches.
Moments later scratching on the car roof can be heard, which frightens the girl. She tells her boyfriend that she is completely spooked out so the boyfriends leaves the car and checks it out... After he was gone for a few minutes the girl began to worry so she leaves the car as well to see what was taking her boyfriend.
She called his name and got no answer and then... she turned around and there he was her boyfriend. Dead and completely bloodied and hanging above the call. She screamed in complete horror at the site. Then from behind a dark mysterious figure wielding a bloody hook spawned before her. She fell to the ground as she g… [view original content]
Yeah, you know, how a majority of men/women nowadays describe beautiful or 'luscious' men/women as a "hot piece of ass" sometimes?
In other words, you had Emily carve the same womanly figure from the Pudding & Pie sign into the pumpkin. So I figured she would've said something similar as a toddler.
That's what I thought too, but, idk, it still looks sort of oddly proportioned to me. Sorry, just telling like it is. You still do a superb job with your pictures though, no doubt about it!
First of all, those hunters got what they deserved. FACT.
Second, it makes me wonder what made them come into the forest in the first place? Were they your average Mundy hunter that happened to come across flying, devil-like creatures? Or was it more than that? As if they were hired by the Adversary or some rebel Folker group that wanted to thin out the herd?
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came… more by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The … [view original content]
Wow, this chapter was like something out of a Tim Burton movie! (good thing) Mary's got a lot on her plate now. I think later on in her father's dimension, she'll be overcome with a problematic situation that'll make her turn into her true form, thus making Mary be both blind in rage and in a lust for vengeance - if she isn't already.
The shrill cries of a two year old fill the room. The woman, presumably his mother, enters the room. The boy only had a ni… moreghtmare, which is easy enough to deal with at 2 AM.
Sadly, this is not Mary's case.
Mary jumped at the scream and immediately ran to her son's nursery. Upon entering, he was gone.
"Carter! Baby, where'd you go?" She called out. She knew her attempts were futile.
She searched high and low within the bedroom. There had to have been a mirror somewhere. The sheets on the bed were tossed, his little blue blankie missing as well. Carter must have been clutching it when he was taken.
Taken. Mary shuddered at the word itself. She noticed the closet door wide open. Knocking some toys out of the way, she spotted exactly how Charles had entered her room. She dove in with out hesitation.
Complete darkness.
All she could see was herself staring back at her. He was playing with her; He knew she'd c… [view original content]
I never knew Miley wore some weird, bear face leotard thing. Now that I've seen it for the first time on a hairy Grendel, my brain doesn't know what to comprehend anymore.
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gre… moren is....um...0.o Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
I never knew Miley wore some weird, bear face leotard thing. Now that I've seen it for the first time on a hairy Grendel, my brain doesn't know what to comprehend anymore.
Oh how exciting! I often wondered how that happened, too. God my heart was ripping apart; fuck, such emotion you pulled out, especially from Katie! Cant wait to see what happens. And that Part with georgie man....
Emily's face. Enough said. XD
Nice excuse, Hans. XD My shovel...lol
No! No, no, no, no! That ending....shit, no!
That is me, too. I forgot today was a holiday. XD Oh man....
A very fun chapter! it must have sounded like an earthquake when they were all dancing! I love Jersey's paranoia that the kids were planning something xD
And many congratulations on the engagement!
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The heater, baby girl. If there is to much ice, it won't work."
"Daddy, can we go to the woods?"
Jersey looks down and sees Hope and Gianna. "Why?"
"We had fun last time and wanna go again."
Jersey ties the last rope over the blue tarp. He sits on the edge of the roof; the girls laugh, as his wings dangle over and mimick his feet. Bella and Laura change, flying up to join their father.
"Mom is gonna bust your butts if she sees you up here."
"We'll be careful, daddy."
Bella crawls over, claws digging into the shingles. She, however, did not calculate how steep it was and nearly lost her balance. Jersey caught her just before the girl could tumble down like a snowball on a mountain.
Jersey laughs. "You got it, huh?"
Bella sighs. "Guess not..."
"Let me have some coffee and ask your mother. All of you stay here or go in the house, okay?"
Like baby ducks to their mother, the girls got in a line and followed Jersey into the house.
After some consideration and thirteen kisses, Katie agreed. She would have to stay back; Malcom was coming over to discuss some recent activity in the Folker and Fabletown surrounding areas.
"Do I need to worry?"
Katie rolls her eyes. "Oh please, Jersey. How did you know my deep, dark secret?"
Jersey gasps. "I knew it! How many others?"
Katie kicks Jersey in the leg. "Stop or the girls are gonna start believing it..."
Jersey kisses Katie. "You know I'm joking..."
"Yeah. I know."
As she inspects the girl's attire, there is a knock on the door. Malcom walks in, as he takes off his jacket.
"Man, its so cold out there! Think you girls can handle it?"
Hope looks around. When she sees Malcom standing in the hallway, she nearly leaps into his arms. The girl squeaks with delight, as she cuddles closer to his neck. Malcom pats her on the back, as he digs into his pant pocket.
"Malcom! What did you bring me?"
He pulls out a Cotton Candy flavored lollipop. "This. One for each of you."
Jersey snorts. "GREAT. JUST before I take them out today..."
"Hey Jersey." He and Malcom shake hands. "How are things with you?"
"Pretty freakin' dandy. I can't complain-no one listens."
The girls giggle. "Yeah, I hear you."
Hope notices a purple file. "What's this?"
"Paperwork. Boring things. You wouldn't like it. Mommy and I have to do homework."
Jersey grabs it. "Wow. That's a lot of paper work. Everything okay?"
"Nothing to concern ourselves with...at least, I hope not."
Jersey opens the front door. "Alright, ladies. Let's head out."
They all gather in the car, as Jersey turns the radio on full blast.
Jersey blows a kiss, as he backs out of the driveway and down the road. Malcom stands beside Katie.
"You trust him?"
"I trusted him enough to have his children. What does that tell you?"
Malcom snickers. "C'mon. I got a cup of java calling my name."
Jersey parks the car. All thirteen girls immediatly change and take off in different directions.
"Hey, girls! YO! Wait!" Jersey whistles. "Get back here...hold on. Gotta give you some ground rules."
He is surrounded by Wolf pups and Winged creatures. Hope grabs Jersey's hand, as she pays close attention.
"When the sun hits the top of those trees, its time to go home, okay? Stay close, DO NOT wander off and for heaven's sake-if you are tired, need to use the restroom or getting hungry, let me know. No fighting, kicking, biting OR name calling. ONE time and we go home. Got it?"
The girls agree. "Alright. Let's get going."
Jersey transform into his terrifying self; the girls capable of flying head toward the open air, as the Wolf pups race each other through the trees. Ivy and Laura jump through puddles, causing their fur to become damp. Little forest creature watch from a safe distance, as the group of unknown creatures trot through their territory. Bella holds Hope close to her shoulders, as the wind blows through her hair.
"Havin' fun?"
"Faster, Bella! Faster!"
"You got it, captain."
With a powerful heave, Bella's wings flap furiously, as she evades through the trees and loose branches. Hope shrieks with euphoria, as her other sisters soon follow close by. Jersey glides above, the sun shining through the tree tops. The Wolf pups below dig their claws into the wet dirt. Creating a tiny pack, the girls stay close together, as they venture into the open.
Everything in the world desired by the Leeds family was coming true; Jersey watched his girls carelessly run in their natural habitat. Even Hope, despite being his only mundy child, had the same mentality in regards to the forest, hunting and certain traits.
The Wolf pups rolled around in the dirt and chased down small animals. Georgia caught a tiny Chipmunk, as she tossed her 'toy' around for several miles. She intended to show Jersey her 'trophy.' For now, she and the others were having too much fun with the carcass. Bella and the other winged girls mounted themselves upon a large Oak branch. Trying to catch their breathe, Hope sat on the edge.
"I like it out here."
Hannah agreed, as did Abigail. "Me too. I love how quiet it is compared to the city."
Hope kicked the air. From a distant, she could see a very old house.
"What are you lookin' at, Hope?"
"That house...I've seen it before in a book Papa had..."
She called her Wolf sisters. "HEY! Guys. Come here."
They all ran to the Oak tree and planted themselves at the foot of the trunk.
"What's hanging, guys?"
Hope points. "We are going out there."
Willow turns around. "Why?"
"C'mon. Dad said we could play; just keep an eye on the sun and we will be fine."
Agreeing, the girls gather Hope and head to the house. After a few miles, they reach the obviously abandoned house. Bella puts Hope on the ground, as the pigtailed girl walks to a sign. Her fingers trace the letters reading 'LEEDS.'
"Hey, this has our last name..."
The girls investigate the area. "Hm. Strange...I too have seen this before. But where..."
Ivy leaps into a bush. "I'm gonna check over here for clues."
"Good idea."
Ivy vanishes into the thicket, as the other girls carefully peek into the dusty, stained window. Alice tries to clean her spot but is unseccessful.
"Ew. It smells funny around here."
"Yeah. Smells like....old meat and shoes."
Before they could reach for the door, there is a loud BOOM from the distance. The girls notice flocks of birds flying in the air, scattering left and right. The sound of Dogs could be heard; smoke in the air filled their nose, as Bella looked around.
"Bella, what is going on?"
Bella, Gianna and Madeline sniff the air. "Bella?"
"Hush, Hope! Wait!"
They continue sniffing the air, their noses pointed straight out. It suddenly dawns on Bella what that is. Her face is now pale, as she grabs Hope.
The others look at Bella. "What!?"
"Hunters. Now. Run...now..."
The barking Dogs grew closer, as the girls scattered in opposite directions. Frantically, Bella chased them down.
Hope in hand, Bella hovers above, trying to catch a glimpse of her panic striken siblings. Hope points down.
"There they go, Bella!" BING SWOOP! "What was that!?"
"They are shooting at us!" The screeches of men and barking of Dogs was closer. "Shit, shit, shit! Hold on, Hope!"
Bella dives dows, as she chases after her sisters.
"Keep going! They are RIGHT behind us! Don't you DARE look behind, you all hear me?! FASTER! Go! Go!!"
There is another gun shot, as Bella falls from the sky. Hope tumbles to the ground and rolls for a few feet.
"BELLA!" Hope dashes to her injured sister. "Bella, get up!" Bark, Bark Bark! "BELLA!"
The other girls stop to help Hope. "Go!" Bella swings her arms around. "Get outta here!"
The others refuse to move; the crunching of boots and the smell of Dog growing stronger. The girls all hold hands and wait. Before they know it, the guns are frantically going off. The shriel cry of an injured dog echos through the trees.
"Did you see it, Frank?!" Another gun fire. "Did you see it!?"
BOOM, CRACK, BOOM! "Shit, I almost got it! That thing took my dog!"
"Its the Jersey Devil! Kill it! Kill it!"
The girls, petrified with fear, sit back and listen to their father kill the entire camping crew. Several more gun shots are fired, as the forest becomes still once more. Nearby, several birds squawk and fly to safety; a mother Deer and her fawn leap across, as the girls carefully inch closer.
"Daddy..." Helping Bella up, they walk into the forest. "Daddy..."
Bodies of the dead and their dismembered dogs are scattered on the forest floor. Pine needles and dirt is layered in blood. The girls, now all in human form, are overwrought with the unknown whereabouts of their father.
"DADDY!" The girls, now in tears, continue shouting. "Daddy, where are you!?"
There is a loud scream, as the girls head in the direction. Mouth covered, Madeline points. Jersey, motionless, lays in a puddle of blood; several bullet wounds layer his chest and legs. His wings are full of tiny holes. The girls surround him, as Willow places her hands on his chest. She closes her eyes.
"Save him, Willow." The others could only sit and watch. "Save him...Willow..."
The girls are alone, as the rain storm arrives.
Chapter 21 soon
Sorry for the LONG chapter; had this idea in my head for awhile. No school OR work today; forgot it was a holiday. XD Gives me a chance to catch up on some much needed drawing. lol IF you have any questions or concerns, ask away.
I forgot here was no class. Lol I checked my email just now! XD such a dork. First off, loved the detail from begining to end. Even the section with the tarp, hope's feet on the edge. Malcolm!
nice seeing him and Katie are partners in the Council.
Speaking of Malcom, did you ever figure out a story for him? For awhile there, I thought he would en up with Emily. Just curious is all.
The forest scene. I loved picturing the girls running all over. And I'm assuming they saw Jersey's childhood house? Love how they recognized it from a book Georgie had. That ending, thought. Bella tried saving her sisters. Jersey protecting his daughters from the hunters. He better be okay, pie!
cant believe I'm worried about Jersey!
Can't wait like always. Great work.
Hans is a super dork XD Now that he thinks he actually has a chance with Mary, his confidence in himself has gone down significantly. There's always a doubt in the back of his head that he'll screw it up like he did in the past, and it makes him unable to figure out how to ask things of her XD
I had to do it. I'm sorry! You'll see more about that in the next chapter.
DAMN! That fight scene!
Also: I think you wrote Katie a few times by accident.
Junior is definitely a character! If I had the nerve to do that, my ass would be handed to me on a silver platter XD And bravo, Bigby, you little 'Savior'. lol. Definitely tells me a little more of HOW things got to the point of...well, Peter.
Hope really likes Malcom! I hope this isn't any foreshadowing relationships, lmao. Glad the kids all got lollipops, that means no fights XD Hopefully...
I do have a question, although it's a question I keep forgetting to ask for a while now. Doesn't Penny have the power to wolf out? Or was she the born with out those powers? Idk, I can't remember. I know Katie can. I know Junior can't, and Peter has wolf on both sides. In all honesty, I'm not sure if Emily and Ethan have those abilities either.
Basically, give me a list of everyone's abilities XDD
Shit. That ending though. I can't-....Wow. Willow save him! I don't care if he ate my dog, he needs to live! lol
A really good chapter, as always
I hope things aren't too bad though after this.
Wow...lol My bad!
Thank you for pointing that out! Got so used to Katie that, well....yeah. Fixing it now. lol
She adores Malcom. Her favorite.
Of course, would love to answer. Emily has no powers; she is a regular 'ol Fable like Georgie. Ethan can turn but he does not like to be a Wolf. Katie is a Wolf; shape shifts as she pleases. Junior can not Wolf out but he and Penny were both born with the ability to absorb good and bad feelings to juice up their powers. Penny CAN Wolf out like Katie and her mother but she has yet to control the blood lust that follows; her vulnerability makes it difficult to control. To avoid complications, she keeps it inside. For now.... Junior's powers derive from bad, Penny from good; he has blue, Penny Magenta. All it does really is lift things in the air. Now, he has the power to enter mirrors.
And Peter is full Wolf because of mom and dad; ability to shape shift as well.
LOL XD Don't mean to laugh but that made my day.
Going to see the girl's capabilities now....
Happy Columbus Day!
Thanks! I appreciate it
Can't wait to see how the girls react to all of this. I hope it all pulls through okay.
I do the same thing XD I usually reread what I wrote and then edit numerous times until it's perfect, lol.
Sorry for late update and not posting in awhile, health reasons I won't bug you with those.
Okay next chapter, hopefully you're all enjoying this tale. And weird thought I had, what if everyone's fanchildern met in some weird paradox or a rip in the fabrics of time? Shrugs I dunno, would be one hell of a confusing family
Russian Roulette
Chapter three
Snake eyes
"Daaaaaaaaad, I'm bored!" Bradwr whined, tugging on his father's trousers. The young child being a natural born adventurer felt the need to always be entertained. Nothing could keep his focus for long. An irritated sigh came from his father, Jersey.
"Plaaaaaaaay with me." Bradwr begged some more.
"I ain't got time." he muttered as he gently tried to shoo the child away.
"But daaa-"
"Here," Jersey dug through his pockets and shoved into Bradwr's hands five mini bags of skittles. "If I give you this you leave daddy alone okay?"
"Can I go play with the quiet girl then?" he asked tucking the bags into the pocket of his overalls.
"If it keeps you busy then yes."
Turning around on the heels of his scruffy sneakers he ripped open the red packet of candy, right away he poured it's contents out into the palm of his hand and sure enough it was down the hatch with the fruity flavoured treats. His eyes darted around, the quiet girl never made much noise. All she ever did was eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, and sit around, like she was waiting for someone...Maybe him?
Sure enough he spotted her, sitting in a leather armchair, knees hugged to her chest, her eyes glancing downwards.
"Hey, quiet girl!" he greeted loudly.
"Daddy gave me candy, do you want some?"
"You don't have a mommy or a daddy do you?"
With that being said she shut her eyes tightly.
"It's okay, I don't have a mommy either. I have a daddy, we can share him... although he doesn't play with me much. Here have some candy, daddy gave it to me." he fetched another bag of skittles from his overalls pocket and emptied it out in his palm. "Here have some." he put his palm out in front of her.
"I like the cherry flavoured ones the best." he climbed onto the chair next to her. "Here, try one." he selected a red skittle and pushed it against her lips, eventually the candy was in her mouth. He waited a few short seconds, her jaw very faintly moved, a chewing motion then finally a swallowing motion.
He pushed another candy pass her lips, they repeated this until the remaining four bags of candy was gone.
"Hey quiet girl, what's your name? I forgot."
"Let's be friends Scarlett! Forever and ever!"
Tired brown eyes weakly open, licking his dry lips Bradwr noted how thirsty he was. The tight restrains certainly weren't helping, nor was the need to relief himself crushing his bladder. Of all flash back dreams he had to have why did it have to be that one? Why couldn't it been one where his father was lecturing his over a broken vase or something?
The slow creaking of a door caused his aching head to perk up. Why the fuck did he feel worse now then when he was drunk as fuck?
"Bonnie?" he repeated as the blonde entered the room. "What the bloody fuck are you doing here?"
"Ran into Snow White, she asked me to do her a favour and drop off a package. Figured I might as well come and say thank you for the... Little pick me up."
He chuckled, pick me up clearly referred to the weed they smoked together.
"Glad you enjoyed it, I sure as fuck won't be for awhile."
"You look like crap." commented Bonnie noticing his hand. " oh god..."
"It's fine, and I sure as hell feel like crap." he grumbled.
"... I shouldn't be doing this." Bonnie said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of water and a cloth. "Never did agree on how things worked around here..." she soaked the cloth and dabbed it on the dirt that smudged his face.
"So... how much had you heard?" Bradwr asked. "About the little shit hole of a mess I got myself into?"
"Everything, these walls are paper thin." Bonnie replied.
Bradwr sighed, although certainly happy that he was getting somewhat cleaned... Fuck, that was the only word that perfectly described how he felt right now.
"Excuse me?"
"Nobody asks the real questions, they ask the who and where... but never the why." she washed off another smudge of dirt off his face. "So why did you do it?"
"That's something I would like to know too..." Bradwr grumbled glancing his his hands. He felt nausea at the very thought of what took place, he didn't know what he was doing... expect he fucked up and tried to cope with the guilt at the expense of his liver.
"You're the one who did it, shouldn't you know the real answer?" she asked.
"I fucked up, as usual...but that ain't nothing new." he sighed looking at the restrains.
"Want me to loosen them up?"
"Won't you get in trouble?"
"Already am, they won't notice." Bonnie reassured as her hands went to the straps.
"What do you mean you already are?" he questioned as he raised an eye brow at her.
"My parents smelled the stuff on my breath."
"Oh, sorry."
"Don't be... my birthday's in three days, I'll be a free woman by then." she tucked the damp cloth back in her purse and held the water bottle to his mouth. "Want a sip?"
Remembering how thirsty he was Bradwr gave a slow nod. Bonnie then brought the lukewarm water to his lips. After a few large gulps she took the bottle away. It may have done nothing for his bladder but it sure helped with keeping him hydrated.
There was an eerie pause between them, neither saying much. If he had to confess what he done and just get the damn guilt trip over with and give him somewhat of a clean conscience , he might as well do it now. Better some random woman he met at a party then Bigby or his son
"Look, I regret everything. If I could go back and change it I would, I was pissed off and took it out on Scarlett. I fucked up like I always do... and I'll always have to be reminded that her blood is on my hands... believe me I'm suffering hell of a lot more then you think. Bluebeard knocking me around was less painful then this... " he trailed off.
Usually when someone confessed something or let off steam they felt better... this wasn't the case for Bradwr. He only felt worse, like a poisonous snake had bitten him and he was falling victim to the venom, dying a slow, slow painful death. Maybe he was confessing to the wrong person, Bonnie only wanted the why, not the who and where like the rest of them.
"I know..." Bonnie shuffled awkwardly in her spot. Seemed only natural, she was a teenager, not a cop (well at least not yet.).
"Hey, check in my left shoe."
"Excuse me?"
"Just do it."
Bonnie removed his shoe to reveal a hidden plastic bag of weed inside.
"All yours."
"You sure?"
"Let's just say this is an early birthday gift from me." he chuckled. "Use it wisely."
"Will do." She slipped his shoe back on and tucked the bag in her pockets.
The door open once more, Lyall entered the room.
"Bonnie? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Running an errand for Snow White." she stated.
"I doubt Snow would send you down here without my knowledge." Lyall scoffed crossing his arms.
"She never said I couldn't." Bonnie replied.
Lyall rolled his eyes and glanced at Bradwr.
"We leave tonight, and don't even think about pulling some kind of bullshit on me. I may have lost my leg but I can still kick your ass like last time." he grumbled, lighting up a cigarette.
A slow nod from Bradwr.
"Uhh... I have to use the bathroom." he said meekly.
"I'll get you a bucket." Lyall shook his head.
"Dude, that's unsanitary!" Bradwr's face scrunched up in disgust as Lyall kicked a rusty and rather fowl smelling bucket his way.
"And killing your wife wasn't?!" he snapped.
"Come on man, I never asked for this shit to happen." Bradwr stated, fidgeting in the restrains. Even though he certainly felt more comfortable when Bonnie loosen them up a bit it, it was still very irritating on the wrists.
"You better hope you're right about Medusa's little club, because if not we can throw you down the witching well, and believe me you DON'T want that to happen." he hissed.
"Okay, okay,... one last thing..."
"What is it?" Lyall asked.
"I uhh... need a little help unzipping my... do I really need to go into detail with this?"
"Oh... Bo-"
"NOT IT!" Bonnie cried dashing out of the room.
"God dammit..."
Snow White sat in her desk, her fingers tapped impatiently on her wooden desk. This whole situation was a mess, the few reports she had heard from Bigby, Lyall, and Bluebeard certainly weren't helping. What was most surprising was that Bloody Mary was a mother, she never would had guessed. It made her feel rather guilty... If she known she would had ordered Bigby to take her in alive, but then again knowing Bloody Mary she wouldn't had allowed herself to be taken alive. It didn't need explaining on why Scarlett done what she did. Scarlett was set on avenging her mother's death. If only she known, maybe they could has taken Scarlett in... but then again Bloody Mary was her mother the community may not had treated her well.
She let out a sad sigh, thinking about all the possibilities with Scarlett was depressing, even worst was the end, Scarlett died at the hands of her husband... someone she was suppose to trust.
"You called for me Miss White?"
Snapping out of her train of thought Snow noticed Bluebeard entering the room.
"Yes Bluebeard, I retrieved word that you..." Snow pondered a bit on how to put this, it wasn't everyday someone waved an eyeball around. "Had Scarlett's eye in your possession."
"Indeed, I used it as a tool to get the answers we needed. Surly you wanted answers from Bradwr, didn't you?"
She gritted her teeth.
"Not the point, you should had ask for permission before tampering with her body." Snow stated. "You risked the chance of a proper autopsy by Swineheart."
For once Bluebeard didn't have that smug look on his face, he raised an eyebrow at her.
"That was all I have, believe me if I could I would had brought the head in."
"Scarlett," Snow said firmly. "Her name is Scarlett, and what do you mean?"
"There was no body."
The taxi rolled up to a seemingly abandon little building. Lyall would had never guessed this was where an illegal fight club was being held, and by Medusa none the less.
"Looks pretty rundown, you sure this is the right place?" Lyall glanced at Bradwr who was in handcuffs. "If Medusa's as rich as you say-"
"It's a spell, place is small on the outside, but on the inside you could fit dozens of whales inside." he replied. "Or thousands of waffles... Man I could go for some waffles right about now."
Lyall's glared at Bradwr, who was more then happy to glare back.
"What? I'm hungry, I didn't eat all day."
"Just get your ass moving." Lyall huffed and led Bradwr out of the cab and too the door of the building. Lyall brought his knuckle to the door and knocked three times.
"Password?" a deep gruff voice asked from the other side.
"Snake eyes." Bradwr replied.
There was the sound of locks unlocking and shortly the door open. Bradwr was certainly right about the size of the place. From the outside it appeared to be a dump, but the inside was the size of a gymnasium. And this was just the first floor.
The room was dark and dimly lit. All Lyall could make out was a wrestling ring in the middle. Once he took another step he was blinded by a flash of white lights.
"Lyall Wolf and Bradwr Leeds, I thought you would should up." a sharp but fake sweet sounding voice stated.
Once the lights dimmed a woman stood in the middle of the ring, next to her a man.
She was tall and slender, clad in a black pantsuit and had perfectly done brown ringlets of curls for hair. But perhaps the most striking feature was her face, sharp was the only word that seemed right for it. It looked like if he were to brush his hand against her cheek he would get cut.
If this woman was rich the gentleman next to her was pure opposite. Messy black hair, tired eyes and dressed in worn out clothes that consisted of a red T- shirt and bag jeans.
"Medusa..." Bradwr said barely above a whisper.
"Ah Bradwr, long time no see. Seems you brought a little friend to tag along." Medusa mused, a smile on her lips.
"Bradwr?" the black haired man asked.
"Shit, Romeo, you look like crap!" Bradwr exclaimed.
"Bradwr, it's fine I-"
As soon as Medusa raised her hand Romeo stopped talking.
"Not now Romeo, we have important matters to attend to. Right Lyall? You came to shut down my little fight club, correct?"
Lyall gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
"I'm taking you in, you're little club is done for." he took another step.
"Tsk , tsk, tsk. I beg to differ." Medusa averted to the side, soon his and Bradwr's gaze soon fallowed.
Bradwr's eyes widen.
"What the hell?! I thought you were... Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he cursed.
Among a sea of statues that sat in bleachers were one real living woman.
"Miss me?"
"I thought you were dead?! I-I... what the fuck's going on here!"
A sly smile appeared on Scarlett's lips as she got up.
"You thought wrong, as usual." she walked down from the bleachers, brushing a lock of black hair out of her face, upon a closer look it revealed a patch eye patch on her right eye.
"But that doesn't matter now, what matters is you two aren't getting out of here alive."
And Scarlett is alive, evil doesn't die easily.
Also I know a lot of you are curious about Medusa and Scarlett when it comes to powers and weakness.
Scarlett is not Bloody Mary, people don't say "Bloody Scarlett" five times in the mirror. Yes she is a lot like her mother but there are a few differences and not just appearance wise (Long hair, no streak, wider hips, and now one eye.)
Get ready for some Scarlett 101 XD (And theirs pictures for her new look too, I been dying to show them to you guys.)
First difference, let's take the scene from episode 3 with Bloody Mary and compare it to the last chapter of. "The cold heart of hate" where Scarlett attacks Lyall.
Bloody Mary was more then willing to risk Dum and Dee's lives, Scarlett didn't want Bradwr to die, she generally cares (well used too) about him and stepped in when she thought Bradwr had enough. Mary let's Bigby choose to kill Dum or let him live.
Second difference, Scarlett is not as strong as her mother. Yes she certainly has her strength and true form but that doesn't mean they share the same amount of power. If Scarlett was strong enough she would has gone after Bigby instead of Lyall. And her resistance to spells and magic? I will reveal that later on, perhaps the reason she's not as strong as Bloody Mary is because of her father (Which is a cannon character that will be revealed in due time, anyone wanna guess who?) being a more human fable.
Could Scarlett defeat Medusa since mirrors are a weakness? Maybe and maybe not. Since these two appear to be the next Crooked Man and Bloody Mary duo XD (lol, I promise these won't be a carbon copy of them) I don't think Scarlett nor Medusa plan to duel it out together.
And here's some pictures of Scarlett, woooooo!
(My personal favourite) http://gamegurlunleashed.deviantart.com/art/Scarlett-DONE-484040826
(Not too happy with this one but you get the main idea of what she looks like... Might change the jacket though...)
And this one was my first time fiddling around with colours 3d on the 3ds
The shrill cries of a two year old fill the room. The woman, presumably his mother, enters the room. The boy only had a nightmare, which is easy enough to deal with at 2 AM.
Sadly, this is not Mary's case.
Mary jumped at the scream and immediately ran to her son's nursery. Upon entering, he was gone.
"Carter! Baby, where'd you go?" She called out. She knew her attempts were futile.
She searched high and low within the bedroom. There had to have been a mirror somewhere. The sheets on the bed were tossed, his little blue blankie missing as well. Carter must have been clutching it when he was taken.
Taken. Mary shuddered at the word itself. She noticed the closet door wide open. Knocking some toys out of the way, she spotted exactly how Charles had entered her room. She dove in with out hesitation.
Complete darkness.
All she could see was herself staring back at her. He was playing with her; He knew she'd come as soon as she heard her little baby's screams.
"Charles, show your goddamn ugly face, now!"
A menacing laugh echoed, bouncing off the mirrors. He appeared in every reflection, each one staring Mary down. "Hush now....you'll wake up the baby...." In his arms, the toddler squirmed, his eyes panicked and his mouth covered by Charles's hand.
"Give me my son back!" Mary hissed. Her stance turned defensive as she began bashing each mirror in. One of them had to be the real deal.
"I command you to stop!" Charles said. Mary's body froze, the iron grip of his hands keeping her completely still. How did he suddenly have such a strong bond with her. Tears began to trickle down Mary's face.
"Let my boy go. I'll do whatever you want. Just...let him go....please...."
Charles smiled. He lifted the boy, pushing him through the mirror beside himself. Carter disappeared.
"Where'd you put him?" Mary demanded. She still couldn't move, could even blink. She could just talk.
"I put him in that bitch I fucked's house. He's fine." Charles began stepping forward, his face inches from hers. "Now.....you said you'd do anything?"
Mary gulped. She was extremely uncomfortable with his face so close to hers. "Fuck off, you-"
His hand slapped her across the cheek. Her body fell, then kept falling and falling in the darkness. He'd removed the floor. She began to scream when she realized that there had to be a bottom at some point; She couldn't fall forever.
His voice echoed loud and angry as she kept going. "You had been the hardest of your siblings to find. You're my most cunning, my most fierce. Mary, Mary, Mary. What am I to do with you?"
She was caught by his hand, now the size of her body. It lifted her up to his face, squeezing her tight beneath his fingers.
Her nose was bleeding again. "Fuck....you...." She was able to utter.
Charles was getting annoyed. "I haven't done much to you, you know! I didn't kill all your friends and you family! I didn't hurt your little boy! The least you can do is respect your father while he-"
"How many times do I gotta say it. You're not my damn father, and you'll never be!" Mary yelled.
It was Charles's tipping point. "You ungrateful bitch! I was going to reunite you with your siblings, let them be all happy to see their big brave sister again. But you know what? I think the cage is more suffice."
Mary's eyes went wide. Around her, the cage formed. It was made of dark matter in it's purest form. She could hear the ghouls and the monsters moan and groan as she became enclosed in more darkness. How could it get any darker than it already was? She began to scream in agony, beg for mercy, anything to get out of that place.
They terrorized her. The single thought of being surrounded yet alone felt so demeaning and inhumane, that Mary blacked out entirely. Her body simply couldn't take the stress. She was lost.
Still breathing. In and out. In and out. She could feel her heart pumping. Her arms twitched, regaining their movement.
I am alive. She reminded herself.
Her eyes opened. It was bright, so bright that she had to squint to see. A bed. She was in a bed. There was pure light radiating from everything; It was as if everything was light. She adjusted to it. Windows that overlooked dead space. Blackness for as far as the eye could see. As soon as she'd gotten up, the doors opened. This place was familiar. This place was home.
This was a dark twisted version of her home.
Her attention at the door, there came her sisters. All seven of them. Their expressions were scared, each one with tears staining their faces.
"Mary, you're the strong one. How did he find you?" Bianca uttered. She was the littlest one. It was then, that Mary realized, that Charles was playing yet another trick.
"Bianca is fucking dead! Did you forget that Charles? YOU killed her all those years ago! And you killed most of the rest of them! You're such a liar; Such a coward!"
The girls fizzled into nothingness. All except one of them.
"Cara?" Mary whispered. "You're really there?"
The fear in her sister turned into guilt. "Yes, it's really me."
Mary approached her.
"No! Stay back! I don't...I don't deserve anything you could give me! I....I ratted your hiding space out to father!"
Mary's insides burned. Of all her brothers and sisters, it was her dear sister Cara who had created this mess?
"Why?" Mary asked, calmer than expected. "Why did you do it?"
Cara stared at her feet in shame. "I'm so sorry....Mary. I'm so sorry."
"Tell me!" Mary's voice rose. "Tell me why you would do it?"
Cara was taken aback at the sudden lashing she was receiving. "I- Mary, you don't understand...."
"Bull shit! You're as much of a coward as our goddamn father! I should have known- I should have known you would take his side."
"It's not that! Mary! Listen to me!"
"No. Fucking no. You know, I'd kill you now, but my son is safe. I hope. You better fucking hope he really is safe. Because before I go kill Charles, your head is coming off too."
Cara felt genuine hurt. She began to cry, exiting the bedroom and running down the long twisted and distorted hallway. Mary's nose began to bleed, a sign that she would be loosing consciousness in mere seconds.
Her head hit the floor and everything was dark again.
Dun dun dun dun. That's right, I added another 'dun'. It needed it. This was severely more drastic than I was originally intending. In all honesty, I winged the whole chapter. I was planning on doing a fight scene and ending Charles's reign over her life, but that was just too simple. Might as well throw in some twists. Enjoy the ride, because it's far from over. Any questions or concerns, leave them below
You're so thoughtful.
You should think about joining us again - if you want to, that is.
Here's the way I see it: The animals on and from The Farm are supposedly afraid of wolves, and yet, they're not afraid of dragons, giants, and/or bears? Like, what the hell guys? Someone should go all-out Elmer Fudd on your bias asses.
If need be, correct me if I'm wrong about the way animals view others that are on The Farm. @EMMYPESS
Hazel, hang in there girl. You're going to make another great mom, for sure!
Agree with pudding as well, Carter's the definition of cuteness whenever to Hazel as Aunt Hazel.
Uh-oh, dat ending! Well, I'm sure Mary will massacre Charles from the inside out if he kidnaps, or... (gulps) abuses him...
The next chapter answers your thoughts
The animals on the Farm all hate Bigby because they don't trust he's reformed. He was literally so bad over in the Homelands that all the animals are dead afraid he'll eat them, given his hungry wolf form. Since Peter is offspring of the man, they seem to believe in this instance that Peter is just as bad as Bigby and don't particular hide their fears from the boy.
As for other just as scary monsters, apparently they don't care or some stupid shit like that XD
Damn, the scene where Junior bolted out of the car and went down the street? That felt like a moment out of Indigo Prophecy or Heavy Rain. (which is a good thing!) Mostly Heavy Rain though, if you played it, hehe.
An idea births. Heavens willing, a chance it may yet fully take shape. Until then, enjoy the commingling of fables written by currently active storytellers.
Emily: "Yeah, I carved a fine piece of butt into my pumpkin. I damn well deserve a cookie for my efforts, woman!"
Is that supposed to be Peter on the far left? If so: what happened to his torso? I see part of his shoulder and his legs, but no torso I don't think?
I see now, thanks for clarifying! As for the other creatures that are big(ger) or just as scary. All of the harmless animals deserve a slap on the noggin or a good pull on their tail for not giving wolves specifically a chance. >:3
A butt? XD
It's there. The pumpkin is covering it. The pic is pretty dark. -.-
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gren is....um...0.o Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
What the...what!? Whoa! What the hell? Literally! I had to pause for a second when Charles showed that smug look. Hate this guy.
And of all the people, her own sister. She's doing this out of fear, I think; I mean, the man they are dealing with IS a psycho and Devil. I wonder where all this will lead to, considering Maey is pretty much alone. Unless, something changes...dun, dun, dun!!
Great chapter!
Great chapter! I'm loving those pictures at the end, too!
I'm loving me some Scarlett!
Oh my god.
Why did I expect something less.....eh? I don't even have a word to describe this.
I think it's just second hand embarrassment hitting me like a stone XDDD
October 13th
Dear Diary,
You don't even understand how ANGRY I am. We had no school today because of Columbus Day. I watched as Mom entered our room because she was vacuuming. I went in our room a few minutes later AND SHE WAS READING MY DIARY!!!!!
She kept asking me so many stupid questions and I just started yelling at her and I took my book back and LOCKED MY SELF IN THE BATHROOM and I haven't gotten out since. I think it's been a half an hour, and every few minutes Mom knocks on the door and asks if I'm okay.
I have a lot of secrets in here, Diary. They're supposed to STAY secret!! I can't believe she knows them now. It's so embarrassing, and now I might get in trouble probably because I did some bad things that Mom didn't know about until now.
Mom just knocked AGAIN. I told her to leave me alone. I just wanna be alone right now.
Leave me alone Diary. I don't even want to look at you right now.
I'm sorry Diary. I didn't mean to throw you earlier. It's night time now. I got hungry, so I finally got out and I ate something and then Mom cornered me, and I started to cry. She took me into her room and I sat on my bed and watched my Mom dig through a plastic bin. She pulled this little toy bear out that I never saw before. Said it was hers when she was little. She told me that even though she looks so strong and stuff, she's still a little girl sometimes, just like I am.
I guess I'm not so mad any more but I don't know. She said she was sorry a dozen times and she also gave me a piece of candy with out the other kids knowing. I told her that she hurt my feelings for reading the book, and she said she knew and she was sorry again. Anyway, she also told me if I need to talk about anything, that I can trust her. Maybe I'll stop writing all my problems down and start talking to her about them.
Thanks for being a good listener. You're a horrible secret keeper though.
I was expecting that sort of reaction.
You're pretty on point there for the most part. I'm not actually sure where I was going with her sister, and I wasn't sure if I wanted her to be guilty or be as evil as her father. I think It's a little bit of both. You'll see more as it unravels.
Favorite so far!
so Gren and Carla! Would not expect any different! Good work! Cant wait for Mary and junior!
I knew it, another great chapter btw.
Yeah, you know, how a majority of men/women nowadays describe beautiful or 'luscious' men/women as a "hot piece of ass" sometimes?
In other words, you had Emily carve the same womanly figure from the Pudding & Pie sign into the pumpkin. So I figured she would've said something similar as a toddler.
That's what I thought too, but, idk, it still looks sort of oddly proportioned to me. Sorry, just telling like it is. You still do a superb job with your pictures though, no doubt about it!
First of all, those hunters got what they deserved. FACT.
Second, it makes me wonder what made them come into the forest in the first place? Were they your average Mundy hunter that happened to come across flying, devil-like creatures? Or was it more than that? As if they were hired by the Adversary or some rebel Folker group that wanted to thin out the herd?
Wow, this chapter was like something out of a Tim Burton movie! (good thing) Mary's got a lot on her plate now. I think later on in her father's dimension, she'll be overcome with a problematic situation that'll make her turn into her true form, thus making Mary be both blind in rage and in a lust for vengeance - if she isn't already.
I never knew Miley wore some weird, bear face leotard thing. Now that I've seen it for the first time on a hairy Grendel, my brain doesn't know what to comprehend anymore.
Yeah. It was in one of her music videos; a lot of people associate her with that silly thing.
Gren comes off as one of those guys. ALWAYS looking for either a laugh or reaction in these sort of, um, situations.