The show gets too much shit from ttg's /FANS/. Opinions & s5e1 [tldr;WATCH IT]



  • "Kill them all!" and "They're going to feel real stupid..."

    Seriously, all I wanted from the show is Tyreese in the basketball court. (Hey, did he ever do any version of what he did with his daughter's boyfriend? I skipped a lot, but wanted to see that too.)

    KCohere posted: »

    I think there was more then one reference to the comic last season. Which one are you thinking of?

  • The Walking Dead is a great game, but it's not my favorite from Telltale. And probably will be lower on the list when Game of Thrones comes out.

    KCohere posted: »

    I agree, I hate when people act like all we want is TWDG season whatever. I like the series but not exclusively.

  • I think I'm finally going to force myself to start watching it sometime tonight.

  • i'm currently on S3, really liked S1 and though S2 was really slow at the beginning, i'ts good too, just started watching S3 so i can't comment anything on that.

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    Majority of the people are fans of Amid The Ruins! It must be good since they're fan of bad writing. Ugh.

  • When I watch a show I want to be entertained. I don't want to sit through an hour watching filler until the final episode, or a group split up and walking through a forest for a whole season when it takes place in a zombie apocalypse which are lacking the zombies. Sure they come out 1 episode a season on the odd occasion you see the odd one in the background sometimes. People wonder why I keep watching and it is because I had too much hope that it would get better, but I realized long ago it will not. All I am waiting for now are my favorite characters from the comics Gareth and ***** then I will call it quits if they fail with these two then all hope is lost. And at this rate we will not get to see ***** until season 12 if it takes them half a season to go through a forest. In my book Season 4 was the worst one yet while I believe Season 1 was the best even though it was a copy and paste of 28 days later.

    And some will say the show is not about zombies it is "about loss and how people deal with it" if I wanted to see that I would watch an afternoon soap oprah and if that is the case then why bother putting zombies in it? If that is indeed what the show is about then I refuse to watch another horror monster such as the zombie turn into what werewolves and vampires have already become.

    Difference between game and show is you can make it entertaining. Shane was the first and so far last character that held my interest when he dies it became very boring very fast, in the game you can make it entertaining. You don't have to be the same old boring character. and the game moves along pretty steadily. The comics are much faster than the series so less drama garbage.

  • edited October 2014

    Look how many people liked Breaking Bad and it got cancelled.

    KCohere posted: »

    Well, clearly you are not a fan but 17 million people are (premiere beat it's own record again.)

  • Wow, I didn't even realize he said that.

    Green613 posted: »

    Majority of the people are fans of Amid The Ruins! It must be good since they're fan of bad writing. Ugh.

  • edited October 2014

    Sorry replied the wrong comment

    Ehkay posted: »

    Look how many people liked Breaking Bad and it got cancelled.

  • I was under the impression that Brealking Bad was ended deliberately so it could end on a high note. I listened to the producers and show runner on their official podcast. Still, I'm not sure what your point is if you think WD is going to get cancelled anytime soon.

    Ehkay posted: »

    Look how many people liked Breaking Bad and it got cancelled.

  • The thing with Joe's group (the claimed guys) in the last season finale and the story with Carol and the girls are direct nods to the comic. With Tyreese, I don't think so, but we do get comic Tyreese with him beating his way out of walker herds with his hammer.

    "Kill them all!" and "They're going to feel real stupid..." Seriously, all I wanted from the show is Tyreese in the basketball court. (He

  • I really don't know what show you are watching. Saying the show lacks zombies is just not true, unless you want it to be like a video game where zombies are coming out of the woodwork constantly.

    Ehkay posted: »

    When I watch a show I want to be entertained. I don't want to sit through an hour watching filler until the final episode, or a group split

  • It means views/records mean nothing. A show can end any time if 18 million people watch Jersey shore does it make it good? No.

    KCohere posted: »

    I was under the impression that Brealking Bad was ended deliberately so it could end on a high note. I listened to the producers and show ru

  • Yeah, I hated Carol with the girls. That was Carl's arc. He doesn't get to be Comic Carl nearly enough and they give one of his moments to Carol? What the hell. I do like their reworking of Fear the Hunters though. I really hope "tainted meat" works into an episode.

    KCohere posted: »

    The thing with Joe's group (the claimed guys) in the last season finale and the story with Carol and the girls are direct nods to the comic

  • Oh no, zombies! They're coming from the walls, shoot them! More zombies! From the floorboards! Oh shit Rick's hand is a zombie! Look out!

    KCohere posted: »

    I really don't know what show you are watching. Saying the show lacks zombies is just not true, unless you want it to be like a video game where zombies are coming out of the woodwork constantly.

  • Season 2: On a farm the whole season.

    Season 3: All zombies stuck on a fence.

    Season 4: See a few on railroad tracks

    There are 7 Billion people in the world and usually in zombie apocalypse only 1% survivors there should be a lot more. And less romance/drama talking crap. It is a 1 hour show and with the amount of commercials it is a repeated pattern a couple talk commercial, another couple talk commercial. I am pointing out if there are going to be barely any zombies why bother putting them in? Just to draw the zombie crowd in then send them off with a big FU?

    Zombie shows should be good I love zombies and I loved the "of the dead" series it was outstanding it had a lot of action and enough characterization to know the characters and there were more zombies.

    Call me crazy but recently I have been liking the Z Nation series because it was funny, it was entertaining. When I sit down after work I want to just relax and watch a good show. Sure it isn't "realistic" but it makes me laugh.

    KCohere posted: »

    I really don't know what show you are watching. Saying the show lacks zombies is just not true, unless you want it to be like a video game where zombies are coming out of the woodwork constantly.

  • Have you known a show to keep growing on viewership every year if it was bad? Clearly you don't like the show but a lot of people actually do think it's good.

    Ehkay posted: »

    It means views/records mean nothing. A show can end any time if 18 million people watch Jersey shore does it make it good? No.

  • edited October 2014

    Then why do you guys who keep defending the oh so famous "walking dead" keep shoving numbers and stats into the face of us guys that don't like it?

    KCohere posted: »

    Have you known a show to keep growing on viewership every year if it was bad? Clearly you don't like the show but a lot of people actually do think it's good.

  • I disagree, I think it worked a lot better with Carol, especially since we've already seen Carl kill a kid. It's not like Carl has nothing to do. I think the way they rework the comic story arcs to fit the show characters has been really good.

    Yeah, I hated Carol with the girls. That was Carl's arc. He doesn't get to be Comic Carl nearly enough and they give one of his moments to C

  • I loved the first episodes but I kinda got bored and lost interest, watched until the end of Season 2 then I realized that I didn't care for any of the characters and I wasn't curious about what was going to happen to them, I guess it was OK but it didn't click with me, I didn't like the comic either, I only read the 1st volume and quite frankly I think the show did the Shane arc way better because I thought it was pretty bad in the comic, like the show I didn't sympathize or care for any of the characters so I didn't continue, maybe both of them get better but at the time I didn't have the patience to continue and my liking of the game is mostly because it feels very personal.

  • Just like I said, to show that even if you don't like it, a lot of people do, so it can't be as bad as you say. It simply wouldn't survive, and have a spinoff coming out, if it was. I could go on about the other merits of the show, but that's subjective. Numbers are solid.

    Ehkay posted: »

    Then why do you guys who keep defending the oh so famous "walking dead" keep shoving numbers and stats into the face of us guys that don't like it?

  • I agree with you about one thing. The show did the Shane thing much better. I actually cared about him and his relationship with Rick for awhile. He's barely there in the comic.

    kaleion posted: »

    I loved the first episodes but I kinda got bored and lost interest, watched until the end of Season 2 then I realized that I didn't care for

  • Season 3 was actually my favorite... And the second half of season 4 was so... Boring.... I hated it the most out of any season.

  • See, I'm with you on everything except for the idea of wanting more zombies while you cite from the comics. The comics sometimes don't have zombies for long spans of time and focus on the romance/drama talking crap. I love the comic way more than the show, but it's got a lot less action than the perfect model you're suggesting.

    Ehkay posted: »

    Season 2: On a farm the whole season. Season 3: All zombies stuck on a fence. Season 4: See a few on railroad tracks There are 7 Bi

  • This is just my opinion, but I think the game's second Season wasn't really good at all. It had it's ups, but overall more downs, and except for the finale, looking back it was fairly disappointing. The show is way better than TWDG Season 2.

    TWDG Season 1 > TWD Season 1 > TWD Season 4 > TWD Season 3 > TWDG Season 2 > TWD Season 2

  • Majority of the people are fans of Amid The Ruins! It must be good since they're fan of bad writing.

    There was ONE bad death. IMO the rest of it was fantastic , I don't know why people think amid the ruins is bad.

  • I think the game (both seasons) is better than the show by far but I honestly still really like the show. S5E1 was great.

  • First of all, I enjoyed Amid the Ruins.

    Secondly, I LOVE the TV show, I think the haters are just vocal.

    In the end, only YOU can decide if you like the TV show or not, don't listen to the haters.

  • To be honest I would watch it if I had lots of time on my hands but I have course work and exams to think about so maybe in a 1 year I might.

  • Have you known a show to keep growing on viewership every year if it was bad?

    on what planet do you live?

    KCohere posted: »

    Have you known a show to keep growing on viewership every year if it was bad? Clearly you don't like the show but a lot of people actually do think it's good.

  • I fucking loved TWAU and I thought Poker Night 2 was hilarious, I liked Back to the Future too, I like Borderlands 2 a whole lot and it has a ton of interesting characters so I really want to see Tales From the Borderlands, so I don't see why they should ditch games to focus on one, I mean I probably won't like all of them but it should be interesting to see what they do with new stuff, in other words I hate when people act that way too.

    Its not just the show. I've been meaning to bring up this topic for a while. Most of the TTG Walking Dead's fanbase are arrogant and delusio

  • The whole time I was saying that this new episode reminds me so much of In Harm's Way. it's ridiculous. But Overall, I'd say season 5 premiere is the best premiere episode since the pilot of the show.

  • The same one you're on. If you have some examples, let me know.

    2rational posted: »

    Have you known a show to keep growing on viewership every year if it was bad? on what planet do you live?

  • The whole time I was saying that this new episode reminds me so much of In Harm's Way. it's ridiculous.

    In what way? S5E1 was all action and badassery and In Harms Way was slow until the end imo.

    Scytheslay posted: »

    The whole time I was saying that this new episode reminds me so much of In Harm's Way. it's ridiculous. But Overall, I'd say season 5 premiere is the best premiere episode since the pilot of the show.

  • edited October 2014

    ever heard of jersey shore? american idol?

    good ratings must not always be a compliment for the show, they might be an insult for the audience and competition.

    KCohere posted: »

    The same one you're on. If you have some examples, let me know.

  • And a lot of people don't like it which attracts the "guardians" if you will to defend their show. Recently I have just had the walking dead on mute in the background because it was boring as hell. Which counts as a viewer so how many more do the same?

    Numbers mean nothing if you believe they do then where did breaking bad go? Cancelled. Look at the soap oprah's still on during the afternoon does it mean they are good too?

    KCohere posted: »

    Just like I said, to show that even if you don't like it, a lot of people do, so it can't be as bad as you say. It simply wouldn't survive,

  • edited October 2014

    But the comics move faster I hate how damn slow the series is a whole season on a farm.... Half a season walking through a forest really.... And why not more zombies it is in a zombie apocalypse but no zombies are even close to being threatening.

    See, I'm with you on everything except for the idea of wanting more zombies while you cite from the comics. The comics sometimes don't have

  • If you hate it so much why are you watching it? That is what makes no sense to me. I already answered the Breaking Bad thing, if you read it.

    Ehkay posted: »

    And a lot of people don't like it which attracts the "guardians" if you will to defend their show. Recently I have just had the walking dead

  • Both reality shows, not scripted programs. Do they beat their own ratings records every year?

    2rational posted: »

    ever heard of jersey shore? american idol? good ratings must not always be a compliment for the show, they might be an insult for the audience and competition.

  • The comics dont move that fast. As Master of Aeons pointed out, they have slow spots with no zombies and a lot of talking. I frankly got bored with the comic after awhile.

    Ehkay posted: »

    But the comics move faster I hate how damn slow the series is a whole season on a farm.... Half a season walking through a forest really.... And why not more zombies it is in a zombie apocalypse but no zombies are even close to being threatening.

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