First of all, those hunters got what they deserved. FACT.
Second, it makes me wonder what made them come into the forest in the first pla… morece? Were they your average Mundy hunter that happened to come across flying, devil-like creatures? Or was it more than that? As if they were hired by the Adversary or some rebel Folker group that wanted to thin out the herd?
Ah yes. Carla wanted to go as something different but when your towering Grendel BF is throwing a fit cause he want's to 'turn heads', guess you gotta go with it. XD
Oh my god.
Why did I expect something I don't even have a word to describe this.
I think it's just second hand embarrassment hitting me like a stone XDDD
Been wondering how Lyla and Bigby got together ever since you wrote about Peter, so it's interesting to see how it came about! Though now it has come about, it does bring back the tougher times of Lyla's story. I'm guessing Lyla found some drugs somewhere? But were they planted? I can't help but think Georgie's not to blame, however it may seem!
Note: After much consideration and questions asked about this topic, I decided to start a mini story of HOW Lyla and Bigby ended up in the m… moreoment that led to the conception of Peter Wolf. It will like in the past; will continue my main story, along with the challenge. This is just for fun on not only my behalf but those curious with some unanswered questions. This also gives me an opportunity to draw Bigby and Peter.
Without any further explanation, I give you the answers.
Part 1
'You'll find....'
"Fuck you, Georgie!"
Lyla tosses a vase in Georgie's direction. He manages to duck in time before the object strikes him in the head.
"Don't EVEN start with me, woman!"
Upstairs, the kids hear the arguing taking place down below. Junior sits in the corner, hands covering his ears. He rocks back and forth, trying to avoid accidentally hearing the fight. Penny brushes Katie's hair, as Emily looks out the window. She, … [view original content]
Wonderful picture! Although it looks like Ethan's busy with a pumpkin, I can't help but think of everyone else carving pumpkins and him carving that squash or marrow XD I think it was Ethan who picked one, when they all went with Georgie in a diary entry.
Dear Diary:
Today will be short. We have plenty more pumpkins to carve today. Would like to say hope everyone is having a won… morederful and safe holiday season.
Here is to another fun filled Fall and Winter from the Porgie Clan.
Always, Lyla Porgie
Literally a breath-taking ending! I noticed Dragon mention the hunters, and I'm also curious about the house with the 'Leeds' sign. How far away is the forest from where they all live?
And ever since I mentioned the whole Bambi thing I can't stop noticing when a deer turns up in the woods! I like to think it's the same deer and fawn that keep bumping into the girls xD
Chapter 20
After breakfast, the girls headed outside to play. It was a holiday and there was no school. Junior and Mary came… more by and picked up the kids. They agreed this weekend another sleepover was in order. Jersey, however, needed to 'recuperate' from all this excitment.
"Girls, get your jackets on! Ivy, Abby-Hope!"
"We did, mom!" Ivy waves her hands around. "See? Mittens."
"Be careful, you hear?"
The thirteen girls jumped around in the leaves; some of them played on the fort, while a few took come chalk and drew on the cement. There was a loud flapping from the distance; the girls looked up and saw their father's massive wings extended and taking over the open space. The ghrisly creature covered something with a tarp. Alice and Bella walked over to the ladder.
"What are you doing, daddy?"
"We have a Snow storm coming, girls. Daddy wants to cover the ac unit, so it won't collect ice..."
"A huh?"
"The … [view original content]
Didn't see that coming with Scarlett! There might be a gruesome pun in there somewhere, what with the eye thing. Anyway, thanks for the breakdown of the charters at the end - helps give even more understanding to specifically what sort of a person they are. Great job with the pictures! I actually think that second one looks really good, though the first is scarier :P
I'm going to say that Scarlett's father is either Jack, Bluebeard, or - bit of a wild card - Flycatcher.
Sorry for late update and not posting in awhile, health reasons I won't bug you with those.
Okay next chapter, hopefully you're all enjoy… moreing this tale. And weird thought I had, what if everyone's fanchildern met in some weird paradox or a rip in the fabrics of time? Shrugs I dunno, would be one hell of a confusing family
Russian Roulette
Chapter three
Snake eyes
"Daaaaaaaaad, I'm bored!" Bradwr whined, tugging on his father's trousers. The young child being a natural born adventurer felt the need to always be entertained. Nothing could keep his focus for long. An irritated sigh came from his father, Jersey.
"Plaaaaaaaay with me." Bradwr begged some more.
"I ain't got time." he muttered as he gently tried to shoo the child away.
"But daaa-"
"Here," Jersey dug through his pockets and shoved into Bradwr's hands five mini bags of skittles. "If I give you this you leave daddy alone okay?"
"Can I go play with the quiet… [view original content]
Good grief! I think you've managed to create one of the most villainous and horrible enemies on this thread so far! Mixed emotions about her sister; she told him where Mary is, but I don't think she would have done so lightly. I can definitely understand why Mary would hate her right, but what if they have a better chance of defeating Charles by working together? Gripping stuff!
The shrill cries of a two year old fill the room. The woman, presumably his mother, enters the room. The boy only had a ni… moreghtmare, which is easy enough to deal with at 2 AM.
Sadly, this is not Mary's case.
Mary jumped at the scream and immediately ran to her son's nursery. Upon entering, he was gone.
"Carter! Baby, where'd you go?" She called out. She knew her attempts were futile.
She searched high and low within the bedroom. There had to have been a mirror somewhere. The sheets on the bed were tossed, his little blue blankie missing as well. Carter must have been clutching it when he was taken.
Taken. Mary shuddered at the word itself. She noticed the closet door wide open. Knocking some toys out of the way, she spotted exactly how Charles had entered her room. She dove in with out hesitation.
Complete darkness.
All she could see was herself staring back at her. He was playing with her; He knew she'd c… [view original content]
Carla and Gren getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. Here we have Carla as Robin Thicke during the MTV Music Video awards. And Gre… moren Well, okay Gren...Miley Cyrus, folks. Yup. THAT kind of year. XD
Next up: Bloody Mary, Georgie Junior and their loving children.
Ah yes. Carla wanted to go as something different but when your towering Grendel BF is throwing a fit cause he want's to 'turn heads', guess you gotta go with it. XD
October 13th
Dear Diary,
You don't even understand how ANGRY I am. We had no school today because of Columbus Day. I watched as Mom en… moretered our room because she was vacuuming. I went in our room a few minutes later AND SHE WAS READING MY DIARY!!!!!
She kept asking me so many stupid questions and I just started yelling at her and I took my book back and LOCKED MY SELF IN THE BATHROOM and I haven't gotten out since. I think it's been a half an hour, and every few minutes Mom knocks on the door and asks if I'm okay.
I have a lot of secrets in here, Diary. They're supposed to STAY secret!! I can't believe she knows them now. It's so embarrassing, and now I might get in trouble probably because I did some bad things that Mom didn't know about until now.
I was looking forward to another Halloween movie, but I'm NEVER GOING OUT THERE AGAIN. I HO… [view original content]
She was stood on a mossy cobblestone road. It outstretched for miles, but she didn't need to walk long to get to her destination. Her feet worked for her, taking her to the place she didn't want to go.
There was a castle perched on a hill. Every second she spent, she swore she could hear Charles laughing maniacally, watching her suffer for no reason other that pure entertainment on his part.
Her hand pulled the giant wood doors open. All of the sudden, she was a child.
A child. She looked down, a flowery dress covering her down to her ankles. It was dark outside and there was a slight breeze entering from the open door behind her.
"Mary! It's time for bed, sweety!" She heard his voice call.
Her tiny legs lifted her up the steep steps. She ran past all the bedrooms, her breathing labored. The last door, the closet. She hid inside.
Footsteps. She knew he'd find her. Tears began pouring from her eyes.
The door creaked open.
"My, you've been getting more creative in your hiding spots. Can't you be like your brothers and sisters, and just take your punishment? You know this is punishment, right? You're all very bad children. Bad children need to be punished. Do you understand?"
If Mary didn't nod, he would have slapped her. She grabbed his calloused hand and he directed her to her room.
That's where the bad things would happen.
Mary fought this flashback. She tried to move her arms and her legs out of order. Tried to blink it away, stop being a vulnerable child.
She's not a little girl anymore.
Her eyes blinked open, and she was in the dark again. She had control again. She could escape now.
She won't leave yet.
Not until he is dead.
She took off into the darkness. Around her, things began reforming. No long was she aimless; The same old distorted Mirror land that she grew to remember was coming back. Now she knew where she was. She knew where she had to go.
He can't control her. She's too strong.
"Mary!" Charles' words echoed in her head. He was fighting his loss of control.
"Mary, where are you going? That's the wrong way!"
"Mary, go any further, and they're all dead! Everyone you love will die!"
She ignored him. Even if she'd obeyed, he would still kill them all. As long as he lived, she was in danger.
She got to the right mirror. It was old and dusty. When she peered in, she could see him. He was sitting on his little thrown, a worried look on his face. There was no doubt that he knew she was already there.
She just had to step through the portal.
"Here comes Bloody Mary...." Her voice slithered. Glass protruded from her flesh, the demonic symbols and blood gushing out of her creating a menacing approach to the man who'd help create her.
"Stay away, daughter!" His voice was strong. But she could sense his fear.
Something was wrong. Mary knew it was certain.
He's not as strong as he used to be. Where was his power draining?
Mary shook it off for the moment. She multiplied, ten, twenty, thirty thousand of her clones, each and every one of them closing in on him. Each and every one of them whispering the words, "Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary."
He began to whimper. And then her claws dug into his skin. He was ripped to shreds in mere seconds, his blood pouring in all directions. But he was still alive.
She listened to his screams, relishing the moment. She ordered her clones to back away, letting the real Mary in through the crowd. She stood over his face.
"Who's taking your place? Which one of my ungrateful sisters has taken your offer for apprenticeship?"
Charles's eyes went wild. He was seemingly blind from his eyes being gouged out.
In between screams of agony, he answered,"YOu.....ShoULd....KNOW!"
Mary was afraid he'd say that. Her body turned and the rest of her clones went back to tearing Charles apart piece by piece, a pile of them forming behind Mary's back as she walked away from the mess.
She had to find her sister.
The castle was familiar. It was where she had spent her childhood in. Although it was jam packed with heartaching memories, there were a few nice things about living in the place. Mary had to force herself not to remind herself of the good times. She had to destroy her sister, and then she had to destroy the castle. There was no other way.
There was no other way of preventing this evil from coming back and eating her whole.
The bedroom. Her feet took her up the same stairs she'd used as a child. It was so worn down and old. It was hard to believe that this place once thrived with people and life. It was abandoned now. Each door stood open, except for one. Her hand came down, knocking hard on the wood, listening for an answer.
Muffled cries.
She pushed it open slowly, and there sat Cara.
"Why'd you kill him, Mary?" She pouted.
"It had to be done," Mary replied. The symbols on her body glowed a dark red, like the blood that coursed through her veins.
"No!" Cara yelled. "He didn't HAVE to die! Why did you kill him, Mary? He was our father!"
Mary's anger was surging worse than before. "How can you forget the pain he caused ALL of us, huh Cara? Do you remember the nights that he snuck into our beds and molested us? Do you remember all the shit he called us? Do you remember what happened to all of our mothers? Does any of that mean anything to your pathetic little ass?"
"" Cara said. She began to grow with as much anger that consumed Mary. "HE LOVED ME! NOT YOU! ONLY ME! AND YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! YOU HAVE TO DIE, MARY!!"
Mary's heart broke. Her sister, some one she loved as dearly as her other brothers and sisters. How could she have become so corrupt?
"Neither of us HAVE to die, Cara!" Mary yelled. She knew her words weren't true, but she also wanted to make this as easy for her as possible. Cara needed to die, before she became what Charles had been.
Cara raised her hands, using her power to knock Mary on her back. After a second, she stood back up, gathering the strength to attack her sister.
Mary's fist met Cara's chin. Cara's blond hair blew backward as she fell just as Mary did earlier. The balcony doors swung open from a forceful wind, and the sounds of thunder and pouring rain filled the vaulted ceiling bedroom. Cara got back up, walking backwards away from Mary.
"You don't have to be like him!" Mary said. She was just trying to get Cara to calm down enough to finish the sin she was about to commit.
"But I WANT to! He was strong, he was POWERFUL! You have no idea how long I've wanted that position. And now-"
Mary rammed into her sister mid-sentence. The two of them slid across the floor, their heads dangerously close to the edge of the balcony. This particular room was many floors above the earth, and the fall would mean death to the both of them.
Cara started choking Mary. She twisted on top of her, pressing her fingers so hard that Mary's neck began to bruise instantly and the air from her lungs were virtually gone.
"He only loved me! He only- Loved- Me!" She kept repeating. Mary's last chance to kill her beloved sister was right now.
Her clones filed out through the balcony doors. One of them grabbed the girl off of Mary while the others, all covered in Charles's blood were about to lunge and do the same thing.
"No!" Mary commanded. Her clones froze, though their grip on her sister hadn't let up. Mary stood, the rain soaking everything she wore, and walked over to Cara.
"Let go of me! Let go of me! Please please please!" She begged like a small child. Mary reached her hand up, watched as Cara flinched, but then calmed some when Mary only stroked her sister's bruised cheek.
"What happened to you?" She whispered.
Cara was breathing heavily, her eyes going wild in different directions. "Let me go!"
Mary began to tear up. "I love you, Cara. But this is the only solution."
A clone handed a dagger to Mary. It was a sharp one, never used. One that used to sit above the fire mantle in the parlor downstairs.
She jabbed the knife into her sister's chest. There was a shrill scream.
And then silence.
"Toss her off the balcony. I can't look at her body any longer," Mary said. Rain and tears mixed together on her face. The lightning over head crackled and lit the otherwise dark corridors back to where the mirror was.
"Light the castle on fire. Every room. Don't hesitate to burn it all. And make sure you burn the bodies, too. We don't want any accidents, do we?"
They did as their master told them.
Mary entered the mirror.
And then, she went home.
Well, that was as emotional as it was intense. I try my best to make things as action packed as possible in these situations. I hope this was as satisfying for you as it was for me.
My mom was like this with my sister; every little thing and the diary was her 'go to' for answers. I personally NEVER had this happen but I can see the frustration Ash has with her mother. Harmony IS worried and wants nothing but the best; sometimes kids just need to figure it out on their own. Hopefully, she will in time.
October 13th
Dear Diary,
You don't even understand how ANGRY I am. We had no school today because of Columbus Day. I watched as Mom en… moretered our room because she was vacuuming. I went in our room a few minutes later AND SHE WAS READING MY DIARY!!!!!
She kept asking me so many stupid questions and I just started yelling at her and I took my book back and LOCKED MY SELF IN THE BATHROOM and I haven't gotten out since. I think it's been a half an hour, and every few minutes Mom knocks on the door and asks if I'm okay.
I have a lot of secrets in here, Diary. They're supposed to STAY secret!! I can't believe she knows them now. It's so embarrassing, and now I might get in trouble probably because I did some bad things that Mom didn't know about until now.
I was looking forward to another Halloween movie, but I'm NEVER GOING OUT THERE AGAIN. I HO… [view original content]
The forest is not that far from the house; about thirty minutes, if that. They used to live in the Fabletown area but due to the many children, Jersey and Katherine had to move out with 'more' room; they had to still be under the watchful eye of the town but close enough to escape, should they want to. I DO have an idea about the hunters; the Leeds house will be explained later.
As for the Bambi, I too think about it whenever I add a Deer into the story. XD
Literally a breath-taking ending! I noticed Dragon mention the hunters, and I'm also curious about the house with the 'Leeds' sign. How far … moreaway is the forest from where they all live?
And ever since I mentioned the whole Bambi thing I can't stop noticing when a deer turns up in the woods! I like to think it's the same deer and fawn that keep bumping into the girls xD
This, indeed, was very intense. The setting within the castle and the battle scene had me on the edge of my seat. Literally had no idea what was going to take place; would Mary destroy the very thing haunting her? Is Cara REALLY all that bad? Then, I continued to the end.
The section with her clones. I pictures all these various Marys scattered about. Then, the end with Cara and the dagger; her coman to 'light the castle on fir. Do not hesitate to burn.' And the balcony. Whew, Mary...that's deep.
She woke up again.
"No..." She whispered out loud.
"NO!" She began to yell.
She was stood on a mossy cobblestone road. It outstretc… morehed for miles, but she didn't need to walk long to get to her destination. Her feet worked for her, taking her to the place she didn't want to go.
There was a castle perched on a hill. Every second she spent, she swore she could hear Charles laughing maniacally, watching her suffer for no reason other that pure entertainment on his part.
Her hand pulled the giant wood doors open. All of the sudden, she was a child.
A child. She looked down, a flowery dress covering her down to her ankles. It was dark outside and there was a slight breeze entering from the open door behind her.
"Mary! It's time for bed, sweety!" She heard his voice call.
Her tiny legs lifted her up the steep steps. She ran past all the bedrooms, her breathing labored. The last door, the closet. She hid inside.
Footsteps. … [view original content]
Cara....she might have not been bad before, but the darkness that was filling her from her father was changing her into something that Mary had to pull out at it's roots.
This, indeed, was very intense. The setting within the castle and the battle scene had me on the edge of my seat. Literally had no idea what… more was going to take place; would Mary destroy the very thing haunting her? Is Cara REALLY all that bad? Then, I continued to the end.
The section with her clones. I pictures all these various Marys scattered about. Then, the end with Cara and the dagger; her coman to 'light the castle on fir. Do not hesitate to burn.' And the balcony. Whew, Mary...that's deep.
Great job! LOVED this chapter. One of my favs.
Yeah, sometimes moms are like that. I never really had a diary, but my sister did and she wrote some crazy shit in it that I read behind her back. Didn't tell anyone because it was just stupid things, but weird nonetheless.
Ash may be tough on the outside, but she's actually the most insecure of her siblings. She writes a lot about her real feelings, and that's why Harm is worried. Things will get better in that regard though, don't worry
My mom was like this with my sister; every little thing and the diary was her 'go to' for answers. I personally NEVER had this happen but I … morecan see the frustration Ash has with her mother. Harmony IS worried and wants nothing but the best; sometimes kids just need to figure it out on their own. Hopefully, she will in time.
During my break, one of the little girls, Nikki, saw me drawing this on my break and she was so happy; 'My daddy played that game! Big Bad Wolf! GRRR! Hey-Georgie Porgie looks like you, teacher Chad!' XD Love these kids. Made my day. lol Anyways, I needed to practice on my Bigby skills a bit; draw Peter and the world he knows OF and world he refuses to acknowledge....
"Mommy! Look! Colin has a bow on!"
Lyla looks around the corner and finds three little girls surrounding Collin. The pig has a rather large pink bow upon his head; his hooves are painted red and there is a very thick layer of lipstick. Penny finishes the 'masterpiece' with blush.
Colin coughs. "Yeah. Thank you, Lyla for giving these brats the makeup kit..."
Lyla smiles. "You're welcome, Colin. You look beautiful. Careful going back to the Farm..."
Colin mumbles, as Katie ties another bow to his tail. Junior sits on the couch and watches cartoons. Bigby digs into the closet and finds several blankets and pillows. He could not remember the last time he used these or when he purchased them. Bigby tried shaking them, as he placed them by the window. Junior watched him the entire time.
"What are you doing, Mr. Wolf?"
Bigby chuckles. "It's okay to call me Bigby, Junior."
"I can't do that, sir. My daddy said it's impolite to call adults by their first name."
"Well, I'm a friend and you may call me Bigby. And to answer your question, I'm airing out these blankets...."
Colin snorts. "Seriously? THAT'S the best you can do?"
"Hey, cut me some slack. Besides YOU, when is the last time I had guests ACTUALLY stay over?"
Colin rolls his eyes. "Hm. And I wonder WHY no one wants to stay over at the Big Bad Wolf's house." Colin sniffs the air. "Man, smells good in here, Lyla. What'cha cookin' in there?"
Lyla is silent. "Umm..."
"What? Is it a secret?"
Bigby buries his face into one of the blankets to cover his quickly growing smile. He could no longer contain it and erupts into laughter. Colin, confused, simply waits. He taps one of his hooves on the wooden floor.
"What's so funny, Mr. Wolf?"
Lyla peeks around the corner. "....Porkchops..."
Colin's eyes widen. "Excuse me? Didn't REALLY quite get that-"
Lyla's voice grows louder. "Pork...Porkchops."
Colin huffs and glares at Bigby, still trying to hold his laughter back.
"Wow. Really, Bigby? You know, that is very offensive. I may be your friend and all but that does not mean you can eat every squealing creature with a snout and curly tail..."
Katie plants a kiss on his cheek. "But you're a SMART piggy! We eat the stupid ones!"
Bigby runs into the kitchen; his laughter is blaring, as Lyla continues turning the cooking Pork. Bigby leans against the counter, opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of Whisky.
"That daughter of yours is something else."
Lyla covers the finished pieces with a towel. "She is quite a character. Has too much of me to contain it."
"They are well behaved kids."
Lyla glances over. "What is that supposed to mean, Bigby?"
Bigby pauses. "What? No, I didn't mean anything bad. They are just, well, good kids-"
"You surprised?"
Bigby scratches his face. "Well, you want the truth? Yes."
There is silence in the kitchen. Bibgy patiently waits for Lyla to answer. Her eyes are focused on the frying pan. Beside that, a pot of boiling noodles and another pan of green beans cooks completly. She turns those burners off, drains the noodles and adds cheese to them. Still waiting, Bigby walks behind her.
"All you people see is him and what he's done. Georgie is a VERY loving and devouted father. He adores these kids, Bigby. He loves them and would DIE for these children, you hear me?"
Bigby could say nothing, as Lyla stirs the noodles. "You, Fabletown, my father-all you people can do is point and whisper behind my back; make accusations that neither of you can clarify as the truth. No. Georgie is NOT a saint. But neither are you, Bigby and you demand respect and a second chance."
Lyla clears a section off for the Porkchops. Bigby suddenly feels like a dullard. He grabs Lyla's shoulders.
"Lyla, I didn't mean that to be offensive. It's just-"
"Just...get the kids. I'll be right back..."
Bigby gathers the kids for dinner, as Lyla makes a phone call.
Bigby sits in his chair. He has a plate with Green beans, Macaroni and cheese and three Porkchops. The quads sit on the floor, eyes glued to the television; they watch some random cartoon, as Lyla silently cuts up Junior's meat. Colin, sitting beside her, inhales the Macaroni and cheese. He, however, is VERY tempted by the meat.
"You want some, Colin?" Bigby waves a piece around. "I have Ketchup if you-"
Colin shakes his head. "No. Just...let me enjoy the smell. Don't...don't tell anyone...."
"I won't, Collin. You know you have to go back tomorrow."
Emily looks over. "Go where, Mr. Wolf?"
"He's SUPPOSED to be at the Farm-"
Colin sticks his tongue out. "I had to leave because I wanted to visit these lovely people, Bigby."
"You're full of shit, Colin."
"You may be right, Miss Lyla."
Junior leans in. "Mommy, when do we get to go home."
"Tomorrow morning."
Bigby looks over, taking a bite. "That who you were on the phone with?"
"Does it matter, Sheriff?"
Colin makes cat noises. "Watch out, Bigby. This one means business."
"Colin, will you shut up. Lyla, it was just a question-"
"You talked to daddy, mommy?"
Lyla sighs. "He'll call again before you kids go to bed."
Colin burps. "You and old Georgie Porgie get into it?"
"Not now, Colin."
"It was just a question-"
Bigby points to the qauds. "SAVE it, Colin-"
"Fine. I need a smoke, Bigby."
Bigby points to the kitchen. "Do it in there or in the room."
As Colin leaves in search of a cigarette, Lyla's phone rings. The kids all look in her direction, as she answers.
"Hello? Yes they are still awake. Okay, here is Junior." Lyla hands her phone over. "Its your daddy. Go talk to him. When you're done, give it to one of your sisters."
Junior answers; he could barely contain his excitment, as he walks around the room. Lyla stands up, takes her plate to the kitchen and joins Colin for a smoke. She finds him on the bed, puffs of gray hovering above.
"May I join you or is this a private party?"
"Oh no, by all means. I love surrounding my social circle with Wolves."
Lyla punches Colin in the shoulder. "You're a comedian tonight, Colin."
"I'm here all evening, folks."
Lyla sits beside Colin. After awhile, she leans against the metal frame of the bed.
"God, how does he sleep in this?"
"Well, he RARELY does. I'm usually in here."
Lyla sighs. Colin crawls over and plops himself down. The bed moves and squeaks as he does so.
"So, why are you and Georgie Porgie fighting? Not asking for details but-"
Lyla exhales the smoke. "I found a bag of Crack in the bathroom..."
"You think he is using again?"
"Why else would it be there, Colin? The kids sure as hell are not doing it and neither am I; I asked the bartender and he swears its not his and no offense, Hans does not scream 'Drug Addict' in big, red letters. There is only one person..."
Lyla could recall a time when Georgie was so strung out on the stuff, she was not allowed around him for two months. She was ten; Lyla was not a naive shild, for she knew what Crack was. Her father made it a point to tell her the truth. When they began dating, he was slowly coming off the stuff. That was a very rough year; centuries of drug use do not vanish over night.
"Well, I've only met the guy once. When he had to do that year of hard labor at the Farm and to be honest, Lyla, he looked like fuckin' shit. But, he was determined to fix it all. I know the stories. Trust me. Can't believe I'm saying this but Georgie is not doing that."
Lyla's eyes are full of tears. "He said the same thing earlier on the phone..."
"Look out there-he has FOUR babies now. He's married to a beautiful, intelligent woman and slowly but surely, this town is warming up to him. You know Holly, the bartender, ACTUALLY said hello and gave him a hug?"
Lyla sat up. "She...she did?"
"Look at Bigby. He DID agree to side by your father's decision to keep him around..."
Lyla simply stared into the ceiling. Colin of all people. Shit. The door to the bedroom swung open. Bigby walked in, cell phone in hand. Colin jumped off the bed and walked past the Wolf.
"Just...think about that, Lyla."
Bigby looks over at Lyla. "You okay?"
Lyla clears her throat. "Did the kids clean up?"
"Yeah. I, uh, cleaned up the kitchen. They finished speaking to Georgie and I have the girls in the tub and-"
Lyla stands up. "Thanks, Sheriff. Better go check on them..."
She puts out her cigarette, grabs the phone and heads to the bathroom.
Bigby sits on the bed, head resting in his hands.
Part 3 soon Any questions, already know the drill.
Take a deep breath, count to three. Then slowly...carefully open the door.
Urban Legend vs Fable Part 1
The next day, Robby went to Gwen's house to check on and see how she was doing. He knock several time getting no answer.. and then he felt someone or something was watching him. He felt a strange cold breeze blowing on him, this breeze was very ominous.
Robby knocked on the door again and no one answered again. He heard strange sounds from inside.. the house. Muffles or cries for help from someone who is tied up. Robby decides to look around back and try to find a way inside, he fears that Gwen may be in danger.
Robby walks around the back and see's the door slightly open, like he was being invited in....
He slowly entered the scary looking house while gripping his sword, preparing to cut down anything that will do him harm. He walked through the kitchen and saw not a soul in there. He continued through the silent house hoping to find Gwen or someone.
Scratching noses could be heard in the other room, this makes Robby nervous as he begins to feel that ominous breeze blow over his soldier....
Something is watching him, something is in this house with him. But what is this somethings motive.
"Whose there! Come on out!" Robby as he grows furious.
The room lights go off and then the room turn to complete darkness. Robby's heart began pounding, but he is far from scared of the dark for he has learned to conquer his fear of dark many years ago.
He wields his sword in his hand taunting whoever is stalking to come out and face him with honor. Something over on the table knocks over and he see's a dark figure rush over to the next shadowy corner. Then from behind him, Robby hears the same scratching noises from behind the door leading to the basement.
He goes over to the door and place his hand upon it. Before he opens it he counters to 3 as he is nervous to find what is hiding behind this door.
He takes a deep breath the opens the door. He is then pulled down into the abyss of the basement my a tall gloomy man in a hat. Wielding a hook.
"Welcome to the party, son of Robin Hood."
The Hook man as he greet Robby.
"So you are real..?"
"Of course I'm am. Most Urban legends are. Bloody Mary, The Blair Witch, Woman in White, my self. Just as you stuck up fables. Think that you all the top of the food chain."
"Where is Gwen? What have you done to her?"
"And rude too.." Hook man as he fix his hat.
"You still haven't answered my question.."
"Look little fable, she's here. Safe, with here family too." Hook man as he reveals Gwen and her family tied up.
"Now listen here little fable. I tired of being the bad guy, the killer, the spawn of hell, the reaper or whatever the mundanes came up with. I wont to be a free man, once again."
"But you killed so innocent many people.."
"Just a bunch of horny teenagers, and besides. I didn't kill the first ones that started my legend, I just left my hook on the car. Don't I get props for that?"
"Your fucking insane, but that's no surprise being that you are a murdering ghost. I can't let someone like you wonder around hurting people."
"And what are you going to do little fable, son of Robin Hood. Pale imitation of his father... You going to fight me? The infamous Hook man? I am one of the man reasons people fear the woods! I strike true fear into people heart. So please, enlighten me, how exactly can a seed of a dead fable stop one as powerful as my self?"
Robby gets up and smiles at the Hook man, then says, " You know, you seem to know so much about my father and such, you forgot to mention that he had many good allies over the years of his adventures, such as my self."
"What the hell are you talking about?" The Hook man as he shakes his Hook at Robby.
"What I am saying is, Like Father, Like Son." Robby then whistles and from the darkness Redd, appears in his dog form carrying Robby's bow and arrows.
"What? You brought Bigby Wolf?" The Hook Man as he back up a bit.
"Not even close, this is my foe turned Friend Redd. He's the Black Ghost Dog who haunted The British Isles. And he's going to help me kick your ghostly ass."
"2 Fables, interesting. I never thought I was going to need my full power in this. Oh well... time to get my hands dirtier.."
The Hook man then tries to attack Robby but is shot by an arrow which passes through him.
"Do you even know how to kill a ghost, little fables?!"
"I just needed to see something.. now I have what I need to finish you.." Robby as he picks up a tiny shard that came from the Hook mans hook.
Tune in to see The Hook Man vs Robby & The Black Ghost Dog, one powerful and deadly Urban Legend throw down with the Son of Robin Hood and Ghostly Black Dog...
Here's Chapter 4 guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll try to get the next part up soon
Chapter 4
I slammed the door shut and strode over to the window, where I glanced outside. The noise we had just created hadn't alarmed any Mundies, so we should be safe from any distractions. I turned around and faced Medusa, where she sat down on the edge of my bed.
"Ok," I said. "So you're Medusa."
She ignored me, then let out a deep sigh and buried her face in her hands. "Ugh, I'm so dead."
I opened my mouth to say something, but then she looked back at me and said "You want to know who I am?"
I nodded.
"I was sent here to kill him. The Stretcher," she scoffed. "What a stupid nickname. Can't believe I almost got killed."
I knit my eyebrows. "Sent? By whom?"
"I'm part of a group called the Hunters," she said. "We travel across the world, seeking out creatures that came from other worlds and to kill them. This was my graduating exam. To kill a creature that lives in Greece and take him back to the council of the Hunters to get my license. Procrustes seemed like the easiest one, but I guess not."
She buried her face back in her hands and let out another sigh. Hit by a sudden idea, I said "I know what you can do."
She looked up and said "What?"
"I'm a Hunter too," I said. "Just, not from your group. I hunt stuff, not people or creatures. I'm on a job right now to collect some water from the River Lethe, but its guarded by this massive three headed dog, named - "
"Cerberus," she said slowly. "That would work."
"Great!" I said. "I know where he is, let's -"
"I said would," she said. "No one can beat him."
"But you can - "
"Turn creatures to stone, yes." she said. "But, the stone is so fragile that the creatures break easily. I need to bring proof, and within minutes the statue of Cerberus would crumble."
Now it was my turn to sigh and bury my face in my hands. I looked back at Medusa, who was staring at me curiously.
"I'm sorry." she said, and she turned and faced the wall.
I walked past her and picked up my axe that was leaning against the wall. “Don’t be,” I said, putting my coat on. “I’m gonna go fix this myself.”
Without looking back, I left the room and strode past the open door where the Stretcher was now lying in pieces. I walked in silence, only looking down at the map occasionally, until I found the woods.
I sighed and dove in. Thorns and branches hit me and scratched me. It must have been an hour or two before I finally found the cave. The entrance was about six feet high and six feet wide, I approached it cautiously when I heard a branch break behind me.
I turned around and raised my axe instinctively, when I saw Medusa come out from the bushes, dusting leaves and dirt off her clothes.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I said. “I thought you said you couldn’t help me.”
“I can try,” she said plainly. “You saved my life. Least I can do is help you commit suicide.”
She walked past me and stared into the cave’s darkness. She looked back at me at said, “We doing this or you change your mind?”
I pulled out the lamp I had in my bag and lit the candle in it. Raising it ahead of me with my axe held up defensively in my other hand, I nodded.
Johann carried the sleeping boy around the apartment. The floors creaked, as he sat on the couch. The window was slightly open, as a gentle gust of wind blew into the tiny two bedroom apartment. The noise of the city continued down below. Penny was sound asleep; something Johann sadly knew she had not had in a very long time. He lifted Josiah and rested his nose against his own.
"We are one, you and I, son."
Josiah's bright blue eyes looked into Johann's; the boy jerked in his grasp, as he cooed and suckled on his fingers. Johann wiped the spit, as he chuckled. The boy's toothless smile began melting away any lingering doubts.
"I love you so much, Josiah."
Johann kissed the top of his head. Unaware of Penny watching from the corner, he continued rocking the infant. Josiah yawned, as Johann rubbed his back.
"I love you and mommy very much. Daddy wishes you and mommy would stay forever but I understand why mommy can't. Bad people..."
Penny tried not to cry. She felt horrible. "You could stay here, you and mommy. Forever....We can be a family. Watch you grow, learn how to walk and talk. Maybe one day you can come to the shop and work beside me."
Josiah stirred in Johann's grasp; he swayed his tiny arms around, as a fine layer of hair emerged from his skin. Penny, horrified, watched as her son slowly turned into a Wolf. Her heart came to a halt; Johann would have no idea how to handle this transformation. Before she could even move her lips, Johann stood up, continuing to craddle the boy.
"Oh, so I DO have a Wolf son. How fun."
Penny watched Johann head to the bookshelf. He grabbed a large chapter book, flipped through the pages and found one with a red marker inside.
"Ah. I see. Are you getting sleepy and fighting it? Here, let me help-"
Johann walked around the room. Josiah's chest was against Johann's, as he stroked the boy's neck. Josiah moved for a bit but was comforted by the loving touch. Like a common house pet, the soothing touch against his neck an ear area seemed to relax and calm the boy down. His little tail wagged, as Josiah stretched, yawned and gave into the powerful spell of sleep.
"Sssh. There you are, kiddo. Night night."
Penny emerged from the shawdos. Johann seemd surprised to see Penny up so early.
"Penelope, what are you doing up?"
She looked at the book. " have that?" she points. "When...when did you get this?"
"A little after I found out you were pregnant...and knew, he was...mine...I know there is Wolf in your family and you can chan-"
"I don't....I don't like to change, Johann."
"I just, don't. Okay?"
"I understand..."
He hands the slumbering baby over to Penny. She places him in the bassinet.
"I need him to stay here tonight, Johann. That going to be a problem."
"No, no! Not at all." He smiles. "That, uh, mean you are staying as well?"
Johann grabs Penny's hand. "He almost killed you, Penelope! I won't lose you again-"
Johann's eyes filled quickly. He could remember the first time he saved Penny's life. Someone once labeled him as her 'Guardian Angel' and always looking out for her well being. Penny had overdosed and wandered the streets for hours before collapsing in the streets. Thankfully he was walking home. Johann took Penny to Swineheart, making the doctor keep his name out of his lips.
"I don't understand, Johann. Don't you want her to know it was you?"
"Just...make her better, doctor. Please..."
He didn't need to add stress to Penelope's already overflowing plate; she had enough to deal with in regards to Oliver. He despised that man. At first, he blamed Georgie and Lyla for not attempting to remove Penny from his clutches. They did and failed each time; for some reason, Penny always returned to Oliver with arms open. Her excuse was his threats.
Penny released Johann's grip. "Don' me, Johann."
She kisses his lips. "Please..."
Johann sadly knew he had lost; there was nothing he could do to stop her from leaving. He'd attempt one last time. Johann pulls out a ring.
"It's not much, Penelope but...please. Stay. I'll protect you. You're in no condition! Be mine...stay here with me and Josiah-"
Penny pushes his hands back. "I....I can't do that, Johann. You have to trust me...please."
Penny wips her eyes, gathers her purse and kisses Josiah on the head. Still in his wolf form, the pup stirs against the blanket but soon continues sucking on his fingers. Penny grabs her jacket and opens the front door. Unable to move, Johann stares insrutable towards Penny. She turns around, blows him a kiss and heads to the elevator.
"No, I'm sure! Yes!"
Oliver frantically moves around the office; he's on his seventh cigarette in half an hour.
"No! I didn't mean to! Yes, I understand. Wait-what....I said to scare them, not shoot him! You fuckin' imbecile!"
Penny heads down the hallway. Her left leg is stiff, the brusing on her back and thighs making it difficult to make way. The marks on her cheeks have slowly vanished; perks to being not just a Fable but Wolf, too. Flower and several other dancers seemed startled to see her.
"Penny-girl, where have you been?"
A dancer, Susie, grabs her hands. "Oh my God! Look at your hands-what happened to you!?"
Penny pushes her way past the group. "Oliver here?"
"He is, uh...Penny-your dad called looking for you and Josiah! I told him I had no idea where you were and-"
Penny smacks Flower across the face. "You did WHAT!? Do you know what you could've done!?"
"Penny, no one knew where you went to! Oliver said you left early, so we called to ask what happened! Penny-"
There was a rather loud scream and several gasps coming from the lounge and Cocktail area. Penny looked over.
"Who is out there?"
The girls vshrugged, as Oliver opened his office door.
"No, just, deal with it-I don't give a rat's arsed if he ate Gary, just take care ot it!"
Oliver hangs up the phone and glances over at the group of girls. He nearly stumbles to the floor, when he sees Penny leaning against a pole.
"Penelope!?" Oliver's mouth is wide open, not sure if this is a beautiful dream or nightmare. "You''re...oh m god, love!"
Penny could feel the blood lust overwhelm her capability to think straight; all she wanted to do was tear him to shreds and toos the remaining bits into the ground. Before she could come to her final decision, George makes his way through the crowd. The gasps were from the clients unsure of his apperance in a club like this. In his hand, he held trust old Crowd Control.
Georgie made his way and nearly ran to Oliver. He was backing up into his office, tossing the chair and various other objects in Georgie's way. Each time he did, however, the Cricket bat sent each item clear across the room.
"Now, now, Georgie. Remember. You have to be on your best behavior, lad-"
Georgie impales the front end into Oliver's chest. The sudden thrust causes Oliver to lose his breathe and pass out for several seconds. When he comes to, Oliver finds himself focusing on the eyes of his once business partner and friend.
"Georgie, now....easy does it. You don't want to kill me in front of your baby, do you?"
Penny stands by and helplessly watches. "Daddy, no!"
"No, Oliver-" Georgie grinds his teeth. "I'm fuckin' nothing like you. That's too easy..."
"Okay, good! See-we can work out an agreement and come to a conclusion that-"
Georgie pushes the bat deeper into Oliver's rib cage. There is a faint crack, indicating the weight is too much.
"Tell" Georgie's face is right against Oliver's. "Why the fuck do you feel the need to throw my daughter around like a fuckin' child's toy."
"Oh..that...she did it on her own." Oliver looks over at Penny. "Right, love? Remember-"
Georgie pushes Oliver back. The force causes his head to collide with the way. "Fuck, Georgie-"
"TELL me, you bloody piece of shit before I break every bone in your body."
"Daddy, no! This isn't how I want this to-"
"Listen to her, Georgie boy. Or did you miss the fuckin' Farm THAT much? Hehe-hear its beautiful this time of year..."
Georgie releases his hold on Oliver. Thinking he won the battle, Oliver struts past Georgie and the women. As he turns to speak again, Georgie swings the bat and knocks Oliver to the ground. Oliver dashes into the lounge, causing the clients to run off and hide from the fight.
"Dad, stop! No please! He didn't do anything-"
"LOOK AT YOU, PENELOPE!" Georgie's voice cracks, as he tosses Oliver into the shelf containing wine glasses. "My daughter is covered in bruises, scratches-wounds that have not had a fuckin' chance to heal!"
On the floor, Oliver picks up a broken shard of glass. He swings it in Georgie's direction.
"Come at me, you pussy! Fuckin' come at me!"
Georgie lunges at Oliver, knocking him to the ground. Several punches land in Oliver's jaw; h spits up blood and several gold teeth, as he tries rolling away.
"We could've had something, Georgie! You and I...."
"I don't WANT that life, Oliver! It did nothing but damage my reputation and nearly had me killed!"
"Haha! See, I THOUGHT you were pushing daffodils but-"
Another punch. "You hit my daughter, you fuckin' prick!"
Oliver leans against the bar. "Hey...just...hold on, Georgie...we can work something out..."
Oliver leans back and searches the table. He finds a knife used to cut lemons. He looks down at Georgie's belly and smiles.
"Just...we can talk...all of us-"
Oliver attempts to finish Georgie off but he's too fast and as he tries to plunge the blade into Georgie's body, Georgie reaches around, pulls out a gun and fires. The bullet lodges into Oliver's shoulder. Oliver wobbles his way to the back, continuing to push dancers and remaining clients. Georgie grabs the Cricket bat and chases after him.
The back doors swing open, as Oliver runs into the rain storm and vanish into the night. Georgie looks around. Upset that he lost sight of Oliver, he heads back into the club. Georgie passes the dancers up.
"You girls alright?"
Flower leans into the wall. "He'll come back...he'll...he'll be angry-"
"Don't worry. I got this." Georgie runs down the hall. "Penelope!"
He finds Penny on the phone, her face as pale as a sheet. Georgie touches her face.
"Penelope. What-"
"The girls...came back. Jersey...Jersey is hurt, dad..."
All Penny could do stare into her father's eyes. She had used up her last tears the night before.
Chapter 22 soon
Man, Penny has a lot to think about. And the girls came back...but what really is going on? Oh and never mess with Georgie's baby girl. >:D NEVER mess with a man's daughter. 'Nuff said.
That little girl! XD how cute. And I agree with her, teacher Georgie. Lol I love the image. And this chapter. I think someone planted those drugs. [cough] Oliver......but you can see the sadness and the hurt. She loves him. He loves her. and the tension between lyla and bigby....even Colin's comedies cold not help this.
Part 2
"The way we planned..."
During my break, one of the little girls, Nikki, saw me drawing this on my break and she was so hap… morepy; 'My daddy played that game! Big Bad Wolf! GRRR! Hey-Georgie Porgie looks like you, teacher Chad!' XD Love these kids. Made my day. lol Anyways, I needed to practice on my Bigby skills a bit; draw Peter and the world he knows OF and world he refuses to acknowledge....
"Mommy! Look! Colin has a bow on!"
Lyla looks around the corner and finds three little girls surrounding Collin. The pig has a rather large pink bow upon his head; his hooves are painted red and there is a very thick layer of lipstick. Penny finishes the 'masterpiece' with blush.
Colin coughs. "Yeah. Thank you, Lyla for giving these brats the makeup kit..."
Lyla smiles. "You're welcome, Colin. You look beautiful. Careful going back to the Farm..."
Colin mumbles, as Katie ties another bow to his tail. Junior si… [view original content]
That little girl! XD how cute. And I agree with her, teacher Georgie. Lol I love the image. And this chapter. I think someone planted those … moredrugs. [cough] Oliver......but you can see the sadness and the hurt. She loves him. He loves her. and the tension between lyla and bigby....even Colin's comedies cold not help this.
Loved this!
Chapter 21
Johann carried the sleeping boy around the apartment. The floors creaked, as he sat on the couch. The window w… moreas slightly open, as a gentle gust of wind blew into the tiny two bedroom apartment. The noise of the city continued down below. Penny was sound asleep; something Johann sadly knew she had not had in a very long time. He lifted Josiah and rested his nose against his own.
"We are one, you and I, son."
Josiah's bright blue eyes looked into Johann's; the boy jerked in his grasp, as he cooed and suckled on his fingers. Johann wiped the spit, as he chuckled. The boy's toothless smile began melting away any lingering doubts.
"I love you so much, Josiah."
Johann kissed the top of his head. Unaware of Penny watching from the corner, he continued rocking the infant. Josiah yawned, as Johann rubbed his back.
"I love you and mommy very much. Daddy wishes you and mommy would stay forever but I understa… [view original content]
Oh dear, why am I imagining a Maury show moment? Bloody Mary, Bluebeard, Jack all hollering at each other whole Flycatcher just stays out of it (because he is a sweetheart) and Swineheart with the DNA test results just all "I don't get paid enough for this."
Didn't see that coming with Scarlett! There might be a gruesome pun in there somewhere, what with the eye thing. Anyway, thanks for the brea… morekdown of the charters at the end - helps give even more understanding to specifically what sort of a person they are. Great job with the pictures! I actually think that second one looks really good, though the first is scarier :P
I'm going to say that Scarlett's father is either Jack, Bluebeard, or - bit of a wild card - Flycatcher.
Oh my gosh! That's so adorable :DDDD Little kids are the best, I swear.
Colin XD I love his snarky comments. And Junior is so cute. Heck, all the children are
Porkchops XDDDDDD Of all the things to cook for dinner. And Colin thought it smelled good XD talk about irony...
Katie makes everything better though So cute.
Colin shakes his head. "No. Just...let me enjoy the smell. Don't...don't tell anyone...."....Fucking hell, Colin.
Who knows. Maybe Hans is secretly using.....Lmfao jk there's no way that soft ass is able to do that shit XDDD
I think this might be bad of me to say this but....I'm excited to see these two have their one night stand XD I mean, I get that it was a mistake on both sides but....well.....IT'S STILL FUCKING ADORABLE IM SORRY I SAID IT BUT I THINK ITS TRUE!
I'm probably a bad person now XD Just call me 'Ms. Homewrecker'.
Part 2
"The way we planned..."
During my break, one of the little girls, Nikki, saw me drawing this on my break and she was so hap… morepy; 'My daddy played that game! Big Bad Wolf! GRRR! Hey-Georgie Porgie looks like you, teacher Chad!' XD Love these kids. Made my day. lol Anyways, I needed to practice on my Bigby skills a bit; draw Peter and the world he knows OF and world he refuses to acknowledge....
"Mommy! Look! Colin has a bow on!"
Lyla looks around the corner and finds three little girls surrounding Collin. The pig has a rather large pink bow upon his head; his hooves are painted red and there is a very thick layer of lipstick. Penny finishes the 'masterpiece' with blush.
Colin coughs. "Yeah. Thank you, Lyla for giving these brats the makeup kit..."
Lyla smiles. "You're welcome, Colin. You look beautiful. Careful going back to the Farm..."
Colin mumbles, as Katie ties another bow to his tail. Junior si… [view original content]
Oh my goodness, little Josiah changing to a wolf WAS SO ADORABLE!!! Johann is literally perfect, I swear. I love how he calls her Penelope, instead of Penny like everyone else. It's too cute.
Shit shit shit shit shit!
That end tho! So much action- I was literally on the edge of my seat! This was awesome!
Chapter 21
Johann carried the sleeping boy around the apartment. The floors creaked, as he sat on the couch. The window w… moreas slightly open, as a gentle gust of wind blew into the tiny two bedroom apartment. The noise of the city continued down below. Penny was sound asleep; something Johann sadly knew she had not had in a very long time. He lifted Josiah and rested his nose against his own.
"We are one, you and I, son."
Josiah's bright blue eyes looked into Johann's; the boy jerked in his grasp, as he cooed and suckled on his fingers. Johann wiped the spit, as he chuckled. The boy's toothless smile began melting away any lingering doubts.
"I love you so much, Josiah."
Johann kissed the top of his head. Unaware of Penny watching from the corner, he continued rocking the infant. Josiah yawned, as Johann rubbed his back.
"I love you and mommy very much. Daddy wishes you and mommy would stay forever but I understa… [view original content]
I love it. Best thing I've ever done in regards to my future career.
I was trying to think of things Colin would say in a situation like this; he has that VERY dry sense of humor, as you can see. And how ironic. Pork for dinner. Least he's honest. Think Katie's remark MAY have eased the, uh....issue? XD
And to be honest, Bigby was NOT my first option for Peter's father; it was tossed around between a couple of other Fables but he seemed appropriate and could create more of a story; considering his and Georgie's past, I had to go from there. Also, Bigby has known John and his family since the girls were as tall as weeds; he's 'comfortable' around Lyla and finds her attractive in her own way. Since this happens BEFORE Snow, why not run with it? They never meant to conceive Peter but things happen for a reason.
I don't see you as a bad person. Honestly, my GF is right on the same page as you; she likes the idea of Bigby and Lyla creating this illegitimate child and where it brings all those involved together in the end.
Oh my gosh! That's so adorable :DDDD Little kids are the best, I swear.
Colin XD I love his snarky comments. And Junior is so cute. Heck,… more all the children are
Porkchops XDDDDDD Of all the things to cook for dinner. And Colin thought it smelled good XD talk about irony...
Katie makes everything better though So cute.
Colin shakes his head. "No. Just...let me enjoy the smell. Don't...don't tell anyone...."....Fucking hell, Colin.
Who knows. Maybe Hans is secretly using.....Lmfao jk there's no way that soft ass is able to do that shit XDDD
I think this might be bad of me to say this but....I'm excited to see these two have their one night stand XD I mean, I get that it was a mistake on both sides but....well.....IT'S STILL FUCKING ADORABLE IM SORRY I SAID IT BUT I THINK ITS TRUE!
I'm probably a bad person now XD Just call me 'Ms. Homewrecker'.
Gah! The hook guy! XD This story scared the shit out of me as a kid. lol I love that you're incorporating him in the story. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Take a deep breath, count to three. Then slowly...carefully open the door.
Urban Legend vs Fable Part 1
The next day, Robby went to Gw… moreen's house to check on and see how she was doing. He knock several time getting no answer.. and then he felt someone or something was watching him. He felt a strange cold breeze blowing on him, this breeze was very ominous.
Robby knocked on the door again and no one answered again. He heard strange sounds from inside.. the house. Muffles or cries for help from someone who is tied up. Robby decides to look around back and try to find a way inside, he fears that Gwen may be in danger.
Robby walks around the back and see's the door slightly open, like he was being invited in....
He slowly entered the scary looking house while gripping his sword, preparing to cut down anything that will do him harm. He walked through the kitchen and saw not a soul in there. He continued through the silent house hopin… [view original content]
I LOVE Greek Mythology. The fact that you are using some of the well known people puts a rather large smile on my face. This 'hunters' group sound fascinating; loving the idea of Medusa and her role in the story. Well done.
Here's Chapter 4 guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll try to get the next part up soon
Chapter 4
I slammed the door shut and… more strode over to the window, where I glanced outside. The noise we had just created hadn't alarmed any Mundies, so we should be safe from any distractions. I turned around and faced Medusa, where she sat down on the edge of my bed.
"Ok," I said. "So you're Medusa."
She ignored me, then let out a deep sigh and buried her face in her hands. "Ugh, I'm so dead."
I opened my mouth to say something, but then she looked back at me and said "You want to know who I am?"
I nodded.
"I was sent here to kill him. The Stretcher," she scoffed. "What a stupid nickname. Can't believe I almost got killed."
I knit my eyebrows. "Sent? By whom?"
"I'm part of a group called the Hunters," she said. "We travel across the world, seeking out creatures that came from other worlds and to kill them. This was my gr… [view original content]
I was debating for awhile but decided to go with Wolf. I'm a HUGE fan of Werewolves, if no one has caught on yet....^^; Johann loves her full name; he rarely uses 'Penny' because in his mind, Penelope is a very elegant and beautiful name. God, this man loves her so...makes me sad almost when I wrtie their 'odd' relationship at the moment.
I have an idea brewing and I'm gonna run with it. Tie every inccident that has EVER happened to the Porgie clan to several people that are still some what involved in their lives....
Oh my goodness, little Josiah changing to a wolf WAS SO ADORABLE!!! Johann is literally perfect, I swear. I love how he calls her Penelope, … moreinstead of Penny like everyone else. It's too cute.
Shit shit shit shit shit!
That end tho! So much action- I was literally on the edge of my seat! This was awesome!
WOOOOW I can't wait for more!!!
No. Not saying it. You can't pay me to say it! What is that? Fish and Chips? Oh and a bottle Malt Vinegar with extra sauce? Fine...
Dear Diary:
Its me again; Gerogie Porgie is taking the time to add yet another fascinating fuckin tale in the....shit. I said it again. Lyla said I say it too damn bloody much. I don't think I I? Huh. Well, anways, she wants ME to try and be a little bit more 'cheerful' in my writing, so, I'm here to give it a whirl.
Today I caught my son, um, looking at a music video. You know that song by Sir Mix-Alot; Big Butts and can not lie? Yeah. He was in the living room on the laptop, watching it. I come 'round the corner and all I see are these large asses dancing around; he was awfully close to that screen, just watching it. Junior had the BIGGEST smile on his face. I, uh, had a sit down with him; sure enough, the questions flew out of his mouth. After he and his mother had the 'talk' with him, Lyla found some rather interesting drawings in his room while putting his clean shirts away. The woman with a bikini looks VERY familiar. Wait-she looked like Bloody Mary. No. I must be losin' it...
After that little, er, inccident, the kids all went outside to play. We have ONE bloody tree whos leaves have yet to fall. Katie had this idea to get 'em down; scream at the tree to scare them down. Lyla and I watched six kids yelling at this tree. Ethan tried climbing up and knocking them with a broom. No luck. Emily threw rocks but after one nearly broke the car window, that immediatly came to an end. Peter and Penelope decided a song would help the leaves. They held hands and circled the tree. The wind had SOMETHING to do, for seconds later, we had six smiling children in a fresh pile of leaves.
Later that afternoon, Lyla and I took the kids back to the forest. They played in the leaves, the creek and climbed the trees. Peter had me chase him all over the place. He has gotten very fuckin' fast. Oops. I mean, fast. Yeah. Katie fell into the water and had her jacket soaking wet. We had to leave early because of it; Emily threw a fit and she was sent to timeout for her attitude. Along the way to the corner, she smacked Ethan for no reason. Uh, this girl. Has my bloody temper.
Jersey came over with some more Pumpkins and hallowed out Squash. He and I showed the kids how to make those noisey instruments. What are they again, Macarenas? No, that's a dance. Hmmm. I have no bloody clue. Sure Lyla will remind me later. We did a semi good job. Mine looked like it went through the garbage disposal; Jersey, I swear, was Piccaso in another life time. The kids were thrilled with their project. Emily didn't do one; she refused to cooperate, so she stayed in timeout.
Tonight, Lyla is making Fried Chicken. I LOVE her fried Chicken. She makes this gravy from the pan drippings. Bloody delicious. Katie asked for a chocolate cake for dessert; think I smell it right now. Smells fantastic. Getting hungry....
Beter be going, Diary. I hear the Mrs. calling me for supper. Love you, Lyla. I know you DON'T want me saying this but you're the best fuckin' thing to happen to me in a LONG time.
No. Not saying it. You can't pay me to say it! What is that? Fish and Chips? Oh and a bottle Malt Vinegar with extra sauce? Fine.… more..
Dear Diary:
Its me again; Gerogie Porgie is taking the time to add yet another fascinating fuckin tale in the....shit. I said it again. Lyla said I say it too damn bloody much. I don't think I I? Huh. Well, anways, she wants ME to try and be a little bit more 'cheerful' in my writing, so, I'm here to give it a whirl.
Today I caught my son, um, looking at a music video. You know that song by Sir Mix-Alot; Big Butts and can not lie? Yeah. He was in the living room on the laptop, watching it. I come 'round the corner and all I see are these large asses dancing around; he was awfully close to that screen, just watching it. Junior had the BIGGEST smile on his face. I, uh, had a sit down with him; sure enough, the questions flew out of his mouth. After he and his mother had the 'talk' with … [view original content]
Malcom stood up, stretched his lower back and headed for the window. He unlocked the bolt in the corner, opened the screen and allowed the fresh smell of Fall enter the living room. Mixed with the Pumpkin Pie candles Katie had in the kitchen, gave Malcom the fond memories of Thanksgiving and Holidays past.
"Hey, Katherine, remember that year when your dad tried Frying the Turkey for dinner?"
Katie nearly doubled over. "Oh wow. Yeah...I do. He SWORE to my mother he watched the video AND read the cook book."
Malcom smiles. "Thank God your grandfather was there to put out that grease fire. Never seen Georgie run so fast in my life..."
"Yeah. Papa never admitted this to anyone but he loved my father, or, at least had respect for him..."
Malcom takes his seat and flips through the papers. "Miss him sometimes."
"Yeah. Me too. How is my Nana? I saw her three weeks ago with the girls. She likes her privacy."
"They have always been like that, honestly. She's great. Started seeing an older Wolf 'bout a month ago. Nothing serious; more like some company for the two of them. She's a widow, he's never been married. You know how it goes."
Katie sips from her cup. The rich taste of Pumpkin spice dances around her tongue. "I'm glad to hear she's alright. She'd never tell me different. Too much like my mother, I swear."
Malcom chuckles, giving Katie's leg a pat. "That mother of yours...reason why your grandfather went grey I think. Your Aunts, too. Little Spitfires you Smith girls are...AND still sometimes! Didn't help when you added a little extra ingredient only known as 'Porgietitis.' Sorry."
Katie grabs Malcom's neck and shakes it. "STILL an asshole. And single? Shocker!"
"She's out there....the witches showed me her for a few seconds."
Katie leans in closer. "Oh REALLY. Do tell!"
"She had these beautiful green eyes, very fair skin, freckles occupying her face; this radiant smile and shoulder length red hair that danced along side her as she walked. That's all she'd show me. I can't wait to find her."
Katie remained hushed, taking small sips from her coffee. Her eyes directed to the open folder. She grabbed one of the reports and examined it. Malcom, taking this as the end of the conversation, grabbed the other few pages.
"So, what's going on out there, Malcom? We have not had an issue with the Folkers OR Fables since Decimus died and Remus moved to Finland not too long after the inccident with him and Peter."
Malcom seemed baffled. "We have no idea, Katie. We've had complaints that someone is going around and snatching up random Folkers and Fables; we found a badly decomposed body of a young man just the other day. We are running a background check to identify this kid. Young boy. Poor thing. A Vampire, judging by the teeth."
"Oh how awful. What a shame..."
Katie's thoughts instantly went to Penny. She feared getting that phone call; Penelope had disappeared over night and no one knew where she had gone to. She had a newborn baby boy that craved her attention and a man that was devouted to her every move. Katie couldn't understand WHY Penny held on to the idea of Oliver wisking her away on his White Stallion into the sunset. Only white Stallion he was interested in was currently on his desk in a large pile.
Malcom continued. "There are no records of a Vampire vanishing in this area."
"Of course not." Katie stands up and heads into the kitchen. "More coffee?"
"Sure. I'll go with you."
The two pour themselves another cup and return to the living room. Katie carefully looks at the report sent in not too long ago; the description on the body seemed to have the wheels in her head turning. Red flags were pointing in every direction.
"What is it?"
"Did you bring that book about Vampires and the data book for the Folker community?"
Malcom takes out three enormous books. "Also one in regards to Fables. I had to pratically BEG Beast for this."
Katie rolls her eyes. "God I hate dealing with those two..."
Katie opened the book dealing with Vampires. She vigrously read through several chapters; Malcom had his eyes glued to the data book. It had information about every Folktale being that took their place in the mundy world; Vampires and Werewolves had the ability, unlike Fables, to do so. One of the many reasons why the two never got along.
Katie jabs the book. "Malcom, you said he was decomposed when you found him?"
"Yes. Why?"
Katie points. "Here. Right here. I thought that made no sense. Vampires have the ability to remain whole, even in an inccident like death. They have a healthy apperance, no matter what."
"So, someone made it look like any normal mundy or Fable body?"
"Whoever did this, did not want him to be found..."
"You know, now that you mentioned this, awhile we had those issues with the girls of the, um, 'night' suddenly vanishing and showing up months later, badly decomposed like this..."
Katie shudders. "That...that is what worries me."
Malcom finds the vampire data section in the records. He finds a family that seems to resemble the lost boy. He shows Katie.
"Who are they?"
"That is the O'Bryne family. They came here to the mundy world from Ireland, I believe. Just about the time the Adversary took over the Homelands."
"They had several generations in the Folker community; Dave O'Bryne was well respected and very wealthy; he and his family lived up in the mountains, away from prying eyes. He and his wife, who died during the war between Fables and Folkers, gave birth to three sons."
Malcom points to the middle boy. Katie could feel the color melt away. She gasped. "Dice..."
"He was a dancer at the Silver slipper, the same strip club that Penelope works at." He grabbed a large stack of papers. "These girls, all found in random shallow graves, worked in either the same club or one nearby. Katie-"
Katie, now running to the phone, dialed Penny's number. Straight to voicemail.
"Come on...Penny...."
There is a knock at the door. Katie hangs up and with Malcom behind her, opens the door. Katie crumbles to the ground, when thirteen exhausted girls place their unconcious father before her.
"Mommy....Willow tried..."
Hope used her jacket to cover Jersey's face, as the winged girls carefully carried their father. The Wolf pups followed behind; they carried a sleigh made out of branches, pine and leaves to use for Jersey. Eventually, the winged creatures would tire and pass their father over.
Hope tried her best to cover his face. "Hope, put your jacket back on-"
Hope ignored her sister's command. "Hope, did you not hear me? I said put your jacket on."
"The rain, Bella. Its getting daddy..."
Bella looks down at Madeline. "Anything? Make it stop raining."
"I'm REALLY trying here! The storm is too strong."
"Ease up, Bella."
Laura, holding onto Jersey's right arm, continued on. Bella glared at her sister.
"Excuse me?"
"This is your fault-"
"MY fault?! How is this MY fault, Laura?!"
Gianna tosses a pebble at her sisters. "Both of you, knock it off!"
Alice continues by her sister, eyes on the ground. "No. It's Hope's fault."
The girls look in Alice's direction. " don't mean that-"
"Yes I do. We were fine but Missy there wanted to see some stupid old house-"
"Knock it off, Alice!" Bella's voice roared in the storm. "Just, stop, will you?"
Alice continues. "I'm only saying what we are ALL thinking! This wouldn't have happened if Hope had just stayed home! She has no business being out here with us; what the hell does a Mundy know how-"
Alice's sentence is cut off short; Bella has her pinned in the wet dirt, her teeth clasping at her sister's body. The two girls fight, as the others frantically try to pull them apart. Georgia and Hannah grab Bella, as Willow and Ivy take Alice.
"Alright, enough! We need to get dad back home! Willow, try again. He's losing color..."
"Say it, Alice..." Bella growls, as the rain pours down. "SAY IT..."
"Stellaluna should have stayed home...she has no business being with the birds-"
Bella, stronger than before, manages to escape her sister's grasp and punch Alice in the face. Startled by her rash behavior, Alice whimpers and crawls behind a fallen tree. Bella looks a Gianna, who is whistling in the air.
"I managed to contact a few Bears but that was it."
"I'll take it." Bella walks over to the fallen tree and drags Alice out. The Wolf shivers, as the massive winged creature stands above her.
Bella, along with the other winged girls, place their father's body on the sleigh. She grabs Hope, wraps her in the jacket and flies into the air. Hope is silent, as the girls head into the arms of Fabletown.
"Call Swineheart, Malcom!"
The girls watch in horror, as their mother does her best to tend to their father's wounds. Jersey is semi-concious; his heart beat is faint and his breathing is shallow. Still in his true form, Katie takes out a special kit, opens it and removes a bottle.
"No..." Jersey practically begs. "Not...not"
"Hush your road kill ass up! Until Swineheart can arrive, this will help stop the infection-"
The girls watched, as Katie pours the purple liquid into the open wounds. They all cover their ears, when Jersey bellows out a long, suffering roar, followed by hissing and kicking.
"Easy, big guy...Sssh, ssshh-I know, Jersey, I know..." Tears swell up in her eyes. "I know...hold on..."
"The doctor is on his way..."
The girls sat back; all the could do was wait, as the clock continued moving, even without them.
Tick Tok. Tick Tok....
Chapter 23 soon If you have any questions or concerns, you know what to do.
Thanks !
Oh dear, why am I imagining a Maury show moment? Bloody Mary, Bluebeard, Jack all hollering at each other whole Flycatcher just… more stays out of it (because he is a sweetheart) and Swineheart with the DNA test results just all "I don't get paid enough for this."
Oh, Cara - I felt sorry for you! Really didn't see her betrayal coming, though it makes a lot of sense when you consider it, like why she'd be there unharmed. That fight was really tense, and I loved the atmospheric touches of the storm and the lightning; hopefully this will mark the end of the storm in Mary's current life, so to speak!
She woke up again.
"No..." She whispered out loud.
"NO!" She began to yell.
She was stood on a mossy cobblestone road. It outstretc… morehed for miles, but she didn't need to walk long to get to her destination. Her feet worked for her, taking her to the place she didn't want to go.
There was a castle perched on a hill. Every second she spent, she swore she could hear Charles laughing maniacally, watching her suffer for no reason other that pure entertainment on his part.
Her hand pulled the giant wood doors open. All of the sudden, she was a child.
A child. She looked down, a flowery dress covering her down to her ankles. It was dark outside and there was a slight breeze entering from the open door behind her.
"Mary! It's time for bed, sweety!" She heard his voice call.
Her tiny legs lifted her up the steep steps. She ran past all the bedrooms, her breathing labored. The last door, the closet. She hid inside.
Footsteps. … [view original content]
Yes it was drugs and you are right again; they were planted there by someone but Lyla ASSUMES they belong to Georgie; centuries of hard drug use does not vanish in just a few years. Sadly, we are going back to those difficult times....
Been wondering how Lyla and Bigby got together ever since you wrote about Peter, so it's interesting to see how it came about! Though now it… more has come about, it does bring back the tougher times of Lyla's story. I'm guessing Lyla found some drugs somewhere? But were they planted? I can't help but think Georgie's not to blame, however it may seem!
Part 2
"The way we planned..."
During my break, one of the little girls, Nikki, saw me drawing this on my break and she was so hap… morepy; 'My daddy played that game! Big Bad Wolf! GRRR! Hey-Georgie Porgie looks like you, teacher Chad!' XD Love these kids. Made my day. lol Anyways, I needed to practice on my Bigby skills a bit; draw Peter and the world he knows OF and world he refuses to acknowledge....
"Mommy! Look! Colin has a bow on!"
Lyla looks around the corner and finds three little girls surrounding Collin. The pig has a rather large pink bow upon his head; his hooves are painted red and there is a very thick layer of lipstick. Penny finishes the 'masterpiece' with blush.
Colin coughs. "Yeah. Thank you, Lyla for giving these brats the makeup kit..."
Lyla smiles. "You're welcome, Colin. You look beautiful. Careful going back to the Farm..."
Colin mumbles, as Katie ties another bow to his tail. Junior si… [view original content]
Chapter 1
This next tale will begin while two couples are driving around in the woods in the outskirts of New York City. The couple stop … moresomewhere in the forest for some intimate relations. However the girl hears something outside of the car, but the male tells her that its just the wind or tree branches.
Moments later scratching on the car roof can be heard, which frightens the girl. She tells her boyfriend that she is completely spooked out so the boyfriends leaves the car and checks it out... After he was gone for a few minutes the girl began to worry so she leaves the car as well to see what was taking her boyfriend.
She called his name and got no answer and then... she turned around and there he was her boyfriend. Dead and completely bloodied and hanging above the call. She screamed in complete horror at the site. Then from behind a dark mysterious figure wielding a bloody hook spawned before her. She fell to the ground as she g… [view original content]
Take a deep breath, count to three. Then slowly...carefully open the door.
Urban Legend vs Fable Part 1
The next day, Robby went to Gw… moreen's house to check on and see how she was doing. He knock several time getting no answer.. and then he felt someone or something was watching him. He felt a strange cold breeze blowing on him, this breeze was very ominous.
Robby knocked on the door again and no one answered again. He heard strange sounds from inside.. the house. Muffles or cries for help from someone who is tied up. Robby decides to look around back and try to find a way inside, he fears that Gwen may be in danger.
Robby walks around the back and see's the door slightly open, like he was being invited in....
He slowly entered the scary looking house while gripping his sword, preparing to cut down anything that will do him harm. He walked through the kitchen and saw not a soul in there. He continued through the silent house hopin… [view original content]
You guessed right.
Some mundy hunter would LOVE to get their hands on the Jersey Devil but lets face it-about 98% of them would run in a heart beat.
I'm not going to say WHO or WHAT just yet....
Ah yes. Carla wanted to go as something different but when your towering Grendel BF is throwing a fit cause he want's to 'turn heads', guess you gotta go with it. XD
Been wondering how Lyla and Bigby got together ever since you wrote about Peter, so it's interesting to see how it came about! Though now it has come about, it does bring back the tougher times of Lyla's story. I'm guessing Lyla found some drugs somewhere? But were they planted? I can't help but think Georgie's not to blame, however it may seem!
Wonderful picture! Although it looks like Ethan's busy with a pumpkin, I can't help but think of everyone else carving pumpkins and him carving that squash or marrow XD I think it was Ethan who picked one, when they all went with Georgie in a diary entry.
Literally a breath-taking ending! I noticed Dragon mention the hunters, and I'm also curious about the house with the 'Leeds' sign. How far away is the forest from where they all live?
And ever since I mentioned the whole Bambi thing I can't stop noticing when a deer turns up in the woods! I like to think it's the same deer and fawn that keep bumping into the girls xD
Didn't see that coming with Scarlett! There might be a gruesome pun in there somewhere, what with the eye thing. Anyway, thanks for the breakdown of the charters at the end - helps give even more understanding to specifically what sort of a person they are. Great job with the pictures! I actually think that second one looks really good, though the first is scarier :P
I'm going to say that Scarlett's father is either Jack, Bluebeard, or - bit of a wild card - Flycatcher.
Good grief! I think you've managed to create one of the most villainous and horrible enemies on this thread so far! Mixed emotions about her sister; she told him where Mary is, but I don't think she would have done so lightly. I can definitely understand why Mary would hate her right, but what if they have a better chance of defeating Charles by working together? Gripping stuff!
That's, erm... It's very... From this angle, it makes you wonder...
Where did I put that thesaurus?
Ah, yes. It's rather discombobulating! Well done :P
I absolutely love the way Carla looks in it. She's like,'Eh, might as well go with it!' Lmao
I advise buying a lock, Ash. Keeps everyone else out, but just make sure you keep the keys somewhere safe. Like in a sock :P
She woke up again.
"No..." She whispered out loud.
"NO!" She began to yell.
She was stood on a mossy cobblestone road. It outstretched for miles, but she didn't need to walk long to get to her destination. Her feet worked for her, taking her to the place she didn't want to go.
There was a castle perched on a hill. Every second she spent, she swore she could hear Charles laughing maniacally, watching her suffer for no reason other that pure entertainment on his part.
Her hand pulled the giant wood doors open. All of the sudden, she was a child.
A child. She looked down, a flowery dress covering her down to her ankles. It was dark outside and there was a slight breeze entering from the open door behind her.
"Mary! It's time for bed, sweety!" She heard his voice call.
Her tiny legs lifted her up the steep steps. She ran past all the bedrooms, her breathing labored. The last door, the closet. She hid inside.
Footsteps. She knew he'd find her. Tears began pouring from her eyes.
The door creaked open.
"My, you've been getting more creative in your hiding spots. Can't you be like your brothers and sisters, and just take your punishment? You know this is punishment, right? You're all very bad children. Bad children need to be punished. Do you understand?"
If Mary didn't nod, he would have slapped her. She grabbed his calloused hand and he directed her to her room.
That's where the bad things would happen.
Mary fought this flashback. She tried to move her arms and her legs out of order. Tried to blink it away, stop being a vulnerable child.
She's not a little girl anymore.
Her eyes blinked open, and she was in the dark again. She had control again. She could escape now.
She won't leave yet.
Not until he is dead.
She took off into the darkness. Around her, things began reforming. No long was she aimless; The same old distorted Mirror land that she grew to remember was coming back. Now she knew where she was. She knew where she had to go.
He can't control her. She's too strong.
"Mary!" Charles' words echoed in her head. He was fighting his loss of control.
"Mary, where are you going? That's the wrong way!"
"Mary, go any further, and they're all dead! Everyone you love will die!"
She ignored him. Even if she'd obeyed, he would still kill them all. As long as he lived, she was in danger.
She got to the right mirror. It was old and dusty. When she peered in, she could see him. He was sitting on his little thrown, a worried look on his face. There was no doubt that he knew she was already there.
She just had to step through the portal.
"Here comes Bloody Mary...." Her voice slithered. Glass protruded from her flesh, the demonic symbols and blood gushing out of her creating a menacing approach to the man who'd help create her.
"Stay away, daughter!" His voice was strong. But she could sense his fear.
Something was wrong. Mary knew it was certain.
He's not as strong as he used to be. Where was his power draining?
Mary shook it off for the moment. She multiplied, ten, twenty, thirty thousand of her clones, each and every one of them closing in on him. Each and every one of them whispering the words, "Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary."
He began to whimper. And then her claws dug into his skin. He was ripped to shreds in mere seconds, his blood pouring in all directions. But he was still alive.
She listened to his screams, relishing the moment. She ordered her clones to back away, letting the real Mary in through the crowd. She stood over his face.
"Who's taking your place? Which one of my ungrateful sisters has taken your offer for apprenticeship?"
Charles's eyes went wild. He was seemingly blind from his eyes being gouged out.
In between screams of agony, he answered,"YOu.....ShoULd....KNOW!"
Mary was afraid he'd say that. Her body turned and the rest of her clones went back to tearing Charles apart piece by piece, a pile of them forming behind Mary's back as she walked away from the mess.
She had to find her sister.
The castle was familiar. It was where she had spent her childhood in. Although it was jam packed with heartaching memories, there were a few nice things about living in the place. Mary had to force herself not to remind herself of the good times. She had to destroy her sister, and then she had to destroy the castle. There was no other way.
There was no other way of preventing this evil from coming back and eating her whole.
The bedroom. Her feet took her up the same stairs she'd used as a child. It was so worn down and old. It was hard to believe that this place once thrived with people and life. It was abandoned now. Each door stood open, except for one. Her hand came down, knocking hard on the wood, listening for an answer.
Muffled cries.
She pushed it open slowly, and there sat Cara.
"Why'd you kill him, Mary?" She pouted.
"It had to be done," Mary replied. The symbols on her body glowed a dark red, like the blood that coursed through her veins.
"No!" Cara yelled. "He didn't HAVE to die! Why did you kill him, Mary? He was our father!"
Mary's anger was surging worse than before. "How can you forget the pain he caused ALL of us, huh Cara? Do you remember the nights that he snuck into our beds and molested us? Do you remember all the shit he called us? Do you remember what happened to all of our mothers? Does any of that mean anything to your pathetic little ass?"
"" Cara said. She began to grow with as much anger that consumed Mary. "HE LOVED ME! NOT YOU! ONLY ME! AND YOU TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME! YOU HAVE TO DIE, MARY!!"
Mary's heart broke. Her sister, some one she loved as dearly as her other brothers and sisters. How could she have become so corrupt?
"Neither of us HAVE to die, Cara!" Mary yelled. She knew her words weren't true, but she also wanted to make this as easy for her as possible. Cara needed to die, before she became what Charles had been.
Cara raised her hands, using her power to knock Mary on her back. After a second, she stood back up, gathering the strength to attack her sister.
Mary's fist met Cara's chin. Cara's blond hair blew backward as she fell just as Mary did earlier. The balcony doors swung open from a forceful wind, and the sounds of thunder and pouring rain filled the vaulted ceiling bedroom. Cara got back up, walking backwards away from Mary.
"You don't have to be like him!" Mary said. She was just trying to get Cara to calm down enough to finish the sin she was about to commit.
"But I WANT to! He was strong, he was POWERFUL! You have no idea how long I've wanted that position. And now-"
Mary rammed into her sister mid-sentence. The two of them slid across the floor, their heads dangerously close to the edge of the balcony. This particular room was many floors above the earth, and the fall would mean death to the both of them.
Cara started choking Mary. She twisted on top of her, pressing her fingers so hard that Mary's neck began to bruise instantly and the air from her lungs were virtually gone.
"He only loved me! He only- Loved- Me!" She kept repeating. Mary's last chance to kill her beloved sister was right now.
Her clones filed out through the balcony doors. One of them grabbed the girl off of Mary while the others, all covered in Charles's blood were about to lunge and do the same thing.
"No!" Mary commanded. Her clones froze, though their grip on her sister hadn't let up. Mary stood, the rain soaking everything she wore, and walked over to Cara.
"Let go of me! Let go of me! Please please please!" She begged like a small child. Mary reached her hand up, watched as Cara flinched, but then calmed some when Mary only stroked her sister's bruised cheek.
"What happened to you?" She whispered.
Cara was breathing heavily, her eyes going wild in different directions. "Let me go!"
Mary began to tear up. "I love you, Cara. But this is the only solution."
A clone handed a dagger to Mary. It was a sharp one, never used. One that used to sit above the fire mantle in the parlor downstairs.
She jabbed the knife into her sister's chest. There was a shrill scream.
And then silence.
"Toss her off the balcony. I can't look at her body any longer," Mary said. Rain and tears mixed together on her face. The lightning over head crackled and lit the otherwise dark corridors back to where the mirror was.
"Light the castle on fire. Every room. Don't hesitate to burn it all. And make sure you burn the bodies, too. We don't want any accidents, do we?"
They did as their master told them.
Mary entered the mirror.
And then, she went home.
Well, that was as emotional as it was intense. I try my best to make things as action packed as possible in these situations. I hope this was as satisfying for you as it was for me.
My mom was like this with my sister; every little thing and the diary was her 'go to' for answers. I personally NEVER had this happen but I can see the frustration Ash has with her mother. Harmony IS worried and wants nothing but the best; sometimes kids just need to figure it out on their own.
Hopefully, she will in time.
The forest is not that far from the house; about thirty minutes, if that. They used to live in the Fabletown area but due to the many children, Jersey and Katherine had to move out with 'more' room; they had to still be under the watchful eye of the town but close enough to escape, should they want to.
I DO have an idea about the hunters; the Leeds house will be explained later.
As for the Bambi, I too think about it whenever I add a Deer into the story. XD
This, indeed, was very intense. The setting within the castle and the battle scene had me on the edge of my seat. Literally had no idea what was going to take place; would Mary destroy the very thing haunting her? Is Cara REALLY all that bad? Then, I continued to the end.
The section with her clones. I pictures all these various Marys scattered about. Then, the end with Cara and the dagger; her coman to 'light the castle on fir. Do not hesitate to burn.' And the balcony. Whew, Mary...that's deep.
Great job! LOVED this chapter. One of my favs.
Good! I was hoping to create that effect.
Cara....she might have not been bad before, but the darkness that was filling her from her father was changing her into something that Mary had to pull out at it's roots.
Glad you loved it
She might just have to invest in one. Like a sock xD
Yeah, sometimes moms are like that. I never really had a diary, but my sister did and she wrote some crazy shit in it that I read behind her back. Didn't tell anyone because it was just stupid things, but weird nonetheless.
Ash may be tough on the outside, but she's actually the most insecure of her siblings. She writes a lot about her real feelings, and that's why Harm is worried. Things will get better in that regard though, don't worry
Part 2
"The way we planned..."
During my break, one of the little girls, Nikki, saw me drawing this on my break and she was so happy; 'My daddy played that game! Big Bad Wolf! GRRR! Hey-Georgie Porgie looks like you, teacher Chad!' XD Love these kids.
Made my day. lol Anyways, I needed to practice on my Bigby skills a bit; draw Peter and the world he knows OF and world he refuses to acknowledge....
"Mommy! Look! Colin has a bow on!"
Lyla looks around the corner and finds three little girls surrounding Collin. The pig has a rather large pink bow upon his head; his hooves are painted red and there is a very thick layer of lipstick. Penny finishes the 'masterpiece' with blush.
Colin coughs. "Yeah. Thank you, Lyla for giving these brats the makeup kit..."
Lyla smiles. "You're welcome, Colin. You look beautiful. Careful going back to the Farm..."
Colin mumbles, as Katie ties another bow to his tail. Junior sits on the couch and watches cartoons. Bigby digs into the closet and finds several blankets and pillows. He could not remember the last time he used these or when he purchased them. Bigby tried shaking them, as he placed them by the window. Junior watched him the entire time.
"What are you doing, Mr. Wolf?"
Bigby chuckles. "It's okay to call me Bigby, Junior."
"I can't do that, sir. My daddy said it's impolite to call adults by their first name."
"Well, I'm a friend and you may call me Bigby. And to answer your question, I'm airing out these blankets...."
Colin snorts. "Seriously? THAT'S the best you can do?"
"Hey, cut me some slack. Besides YOU, when is the last time I had guests ACTUALLY stay over?"
Colin rolls his eyes. "Hm. And I wonder WHY no one wants to stay over at the Big Bad Wolf's house." Colin sniffs the air. "Man, smells good in here, Lyla. What'cha cookin' in there?"
Lyla is silent. "Umm..."
"What? Is it a secret?"
Bigby buries his face into one of the blankets to cover his quickly growing smile. He could no longer contain it and erupts into laughter. Colin, confused, simply waits. He taps one of his hooves on the wooden floor.
"What's so funny, Mr. Wolf?"
Lyla peeks around the corner. "....Porkchops..."
Colin's eyes widen. "Excuse me? Didn't REALLY quite get that-"
Lyla's voice grows louder. "Pork...Porkchops."
Colin huffs and glares at Bigby, still trying to hold his laughter back.
"Wow. Really, Bigby? You know, that is very offensive. I may be your friend and all but that does not mean you can eat every squealing creature with a snout and curly tail..."
Katie plants a kiss on his cheek. "But you're a SMART piggy! We eat the stupid ones!"
Bigby runs into the kitchen; his laughter is blaring, as Lyla continues turning the cooking Pork. Bigby leans against the counter, opens the fridge and takes out a bottle of Whisky.
"That daughter of yours is something else."
Lyla covers the finished pieces with a towel. "She is quite a character. Has too much of me to contain it."
"They are well behaved kids."
Lyla glances over. "What is that supposed to mean, Bigby?"
Bigby pauses. "What? No, I didn't mean anything bad. They are just, well, good kids-"
"You surprised?"
Bigby scratches his face. "Well, you want the truth? Yes."
There is silence in the kitchen. Bibgy patiently waits for Lyla to answer. Her eyes are focused on the frying pan. Beside that, a pot of boiling noodles and another pan of green beans cooks completly. She turns those burners off, drains the noodles and adds cheese to them. Still waiting, Bigby walks behind her.
"All you people see is him and what he's done. Georgie is a VERY loving and devouted father. He adores these kids, Bigby. He loves them and would DIE for these children, you hear me?"
Bigby could say nothing, as Lyla stirs the noodles. "You, Fabletown, my father-all you people can do is point and whisper behind my back; make accusations that neither of you can clarify as the truth. No. Georgie is NOT a saint. But neither are you, Bigby and you demand respect and a second chance."
Lyla clears a section off for the Porkchops. Bigby suddenly feels like a dullard. He grabs Lyla's shoulders.
"Lyla, I didn't mean that to be offensive. It's just-"
"Just...get the kids. I'll be right back..."
Bigby gathers the kids for dinner, as Lyla makes a phone call.
Bigby sits in his chair. He has a plate with Green beans, Macaroni and cheese and three Porkchops. The quads sit on the floor, eyes glued to the television; they watch some random cartoon, as Lyla silently cuts up Junior's meat. Colin, sitting beside her, inhales the Macaroni and cheese. He, however, is VERY tempted by the meat.
"You want some, Colin?" Bigby waves a piece around. "I have Ketchup if you-"
Colin shakes his head. "No. Just...let me enjoy the smell. Don't...don't tell anyone...."
"I won't, Collin. You know you have to go back tomorrow."
Emily looks over. "Go where, Mr. Wolf?"
"He's SUPPOSED to be at the Farm-"
Colin sticks his tongue out. "I had to leave because I wanted to visit these lovely people, Bigby."
"You're full of shit, Colin."
"You may be right, Miss Lyla."
Junior leans in. "Mommy, when do we get to go home."
"Tomorrow morning."
Bigby looks over, taking a bite. "That who you were on the phone with?"
"Does it matter, Sheriff?"
Colin makes cat noises. "Watch out, Bigby. This one means business."
"Colin, will you shut up. Lyla, it was just a question-"
"You talked to daddy, mommy?"
Lyla sighs. "He'll call again before you kids go to bed."
Colin burps. "You and old Georgie Porgie get into it?"
"Not now, Colin."
"It was just a question-"
Bigby points to the qauds. "SAVE it, Colin-"
"Fine. I need a smoke, Bigby."
Bigby points to the kitchen. "Do it in there or in the room."
As Colin leaves in search of a cigarette, Lyla's phone rings. The kids all look in her direction, as she answers.
"Hello? Yes they are still awake. Okay, here is Junior." Lyla hands her phone over. "Its your daddy. Go talk to him. When you're done, give it to one of your sisters."
Junior answers; he could barely contain his excitment, as he walks around the room. Lyla stands up, takes her plate to the kitchen and joins Colin for a smoke. She finds him on the bed, puffs of gray hovering above.
"May I join you or is this a private party?"
"Oh no, by all means. I love surrounding my social circle with Wolves."
Lyla punches Colin in the shoulder. "You're a comedian tonight, Colin."
"I'm here all evening, folks."
Lyla sits beside Colin. After awhile, she leans against the metal frame of the bed.
"God, how does he sleep in this?"
"Well, he RARELY does. I'm usually in here."
Lyla sighs. Colin crawls over and plops himself down. The bed moves and squeaks as he does so.
"So, why are you and Georgie Porgie fighting? Not asking for details but-"
Lyla exhales the smoke. "I found a bag of Crack in the bathroom..."
"You think he is using again?"
"Why else would it be there, Colin? The kids sure as hell are not doing it and neither am I; I asked the bartender and he swears its not his and no offense, Hans does not scream 'Drug Addict' in big, red letters. There is only one person..."
Lyla could recall a time when Georgie was so strung out on the stuff, she was not allowed around him for two months. She was ten; Lyla was not a naive shild, for she knew what Crack was. Her father made it a point to tell her the truth. When they began dating, he was slowly coming off the stuff. That was a very rough year; centuries of drug use do not vanish over night.
"Well, I've only met the guy once. When he had to do that year of hard labor at the Farm and to be honest, Lyla, he looked like fuckin' shit. But, he was determined to fix it all. I know the stories. Trust me. Can't believe I'm saying this but Georgie is not doing that."
Lyla's eyes are full of tears. "He said the same thing earlier on the phone..."
"Look out there-he has FOUR babies now. He's married to a beautiful, intelligent woman and slowly but surely, this town is warming up to him. You know Holly, the bartender, ACTUALLY said hello and gave him a hug?"
Lyla sat up. "She...she did?"
"Look at Bigby. He DID agree to side by your father's decision to keep him around..."
Lyla simply stared into the ceiling. Colin of all people. Shit. The door to the bedroom swung open. Bigby walked in, cell phone in hand. Colin jumped off the bed and walked past the Wolf.
"Just...think about that, Lyla."
Bigby looks over at Lyla. "You okay?"
Lyla clears her throat. "Did the kids clean up?"
"Yeah. I, uh, cleaned up the kitchen. They finished speaking to Georgie and I have the girls in the tub and-"
Lyla stands up. "Thanks, Sheriff. Better go check on them..."
She puts out her cigarette, grabs the phone and heads to the bathroom.
Bigby sits on the bed, head resting in his hands.
Part 3 soon
Any questions, already know the drill. 
Take a deep breath, count to three. Then slowly...carefully open the door.
Urban Legend vs Fable Part 1
The next day, Robby went to Gwen's house to check on and see how she was doing. He knock several time getting no answer.. and then he felt someone or something was watching him. He felt a strange cold breeze blowing on him, this breeze was very ominous.
Robby knocked on the door again and no one answered again. He heard strange sounds from inside.. the house. Muffles or cries for help from someone who is tied up. Robby decides to look around back and try to find a way inside, he fears that Gwen may be in danger.
Robby walks around the back and see's the door slightly open, like he was being invited in....
He slowly entered the scary looking house while gripping his sword, preparing to cut down anything that will do him harm. He walked through the kitchen and saw not a soul in there. He continued through the silent house hoping to find Gwen or someone.
Scratching noses could be heard in the other room, this makes Robby nervous as he begins to feel that ominous breeze blow over his soldier....
Something is watching him, something is in this house with him. But what is this somethings motive.
"Whose there! Come on out!" Robby as he grows furious.
The room lights go off and then the room turn to complete darkness. Robby's heart began pounding, but he is far from scared of the dark for he has learned to conquer his fear of dark many years ago.
He wields his sword in his hand taunting whoever is stalking to come out and face him with honor. Something over on the table knocks over and he see's a dark figure rush over to the next shadowy corner. Then from behind him, Robby hears the same scratching noises from behind the door leading to the basement.
He goes over to the door and place his hand upon it. Before he opens it he counters to 3 as he is nervous to find what is hiding behind this door.
He takes a deep breath the opens the door. He is then pulled down into the abyss of the basement my a tall gloomy man in a hat. Wielding a hook.
"Welcome to the party, son of Robin Hood."
The Hook man as he greet Robby.
"So you are real..?"
"Of course I'm am. Most Urban legends are. Bloody Mary, The Blair Witch, Woman in White, my self. Just as you stuck up fables. Think that you all the top of the food chain."
"Where is Gwen? What have you done to her?"
"And rude too.." Hook man as he fix his hat.
"You still haven't answered my question.."
"Look little fable, she's here. Safe, with here family too." Hook man as he reveals Gwen and her family tied up.
"Now listen here little fable. I tired of being the bad guy, the killer, the spawn of hell, the reaper or whatever the mundanes came up with. I wont to be a free man, once again."
"But you killed so innocent many people.."
"Just a bunch of horny teenagers, and besides. I didn't kill the first ones that started my legend, I just left my hook on the car. Don't I get props for that?"
"Your fucking insane, but that's no surprise being that you are a murdering ghost. I can't let someone like you wonder around hurting people."
"And what are you going to do little fable, son of Robin Hood. Pale imitation of his father... You going to fight me? The infamous Hook man? I am one of the man reasons people fear the woods! I strike true fear into people heart. So please, enlighten me, how exactly can a seed of a dead fable stop one as powerful as my self?"
Robby gets up and smiles at the Hook man, then says, " You know, you seem to know so much about my father and such, you forgot to mention that he had many good allies over the years of his adventures, such as my self."
"What the hell are you talking about?" The Hook man as he shakes his Hook at Robby.
"What I am saying is, Like Father, Like Son." Robby then whistles and from the darkness Redd, appears in his dog form carrying Robby's bow and arrows.
"What? You brought Bigby Wolf?" The Hook Man as he back up a bit.
"Not even close, this is my foe turned Friend Redd. He's the Black Ghost Dog who haunted The British Isles. And he's going to help me kick your ghostly ass."
"2 Fables, interesting. I never thought I was going to need my full power in this. Oh well... time to get my hands dirtier.."
The Hook man then tries to attack Robby but is shot by an arrow which passes through him.
"Do you even know how to kill a ghost, little fables?!"
"I just needed to see something.. now I have what I need to finish you.." Robby as he picks up a tiny shard that came from the Hook mans hook.
Tune in to see The Hook Man vs Robby & The Black Ghost Dog, one powerful and deadly Urban Legend throw down with the Son of Robin Hood and Ghostly Black Dog...
Here's Chapter 4 guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll try to get the next part up soon
Chapter 4
I slammed the door shut and strode over to the window, where I glanced outside. The noise we had just created hadn't alarmed any Mundies, so we should be safe from any distractions. I turned around and faced Medusa, where she sat down on the edge of my bed.
"Ok," I said. "So you're Medusa."
She ignored me, then let out a deep sigh and buried her face in her hands. "Ugh, I'm so dead."
I opened my mouth to say something, but then she looked back at me and said "You want to know who I am?"
I nodded.
"I was sent here to kill him. The Stretcher," she scoffed. "What a stupid nickname. Can't believe I almost got killed."
I knit my eyebrows. "Sent? By whom?"
"I'm part of a group called the Hunters," she said. "We travel across the world, seeking out creatures that came from other worlds and to kill them. This was my graduating exam. To kill a creature that lives in Greece and take him back to the council of the Hunters to get my license. Procrustes seemed like the easiest one, but I guess not."
She buried her face back in her hands and let out another sigh. Hit by a sudden idea, I said "I know what you can do."
She looked up and said "What?"
"I'm a Hunter too," I said. "Just, not from your group. I hunt stuff, not people or creatures. I'm on a job right now to collect some water from the River Lethe, but its guarded by this massive three headed dog, named - "
"Cerberus," she said slowly. "That would work."
"Great!" I said. "I know where he is, let's -"
"I said would," she said. "No one can beat him."
"But you can - "
"Turn creatures to stone, yes." she said. "But, the stone is so fragile that the creatures break easily. I need to bring proof, and within minutes the statue of Cerberus would crumble."
Now it was my turn to sigh and bury my face in my hands. I looked back at Medusa, who was staring at me curiously.
"I'm sorry." she said, and she turned and faced the wall.
I walked past her and picked up my axe that was leaning against the wall. “Don’t be,” I said, putting my coat on. “I’m gonna go fix this myself.”
Without looking back, I left the room and strode past the open door where the Stretcher was now lying in pieces. I walked in silence, only looking down at the map occasionally, until I found the woods.
I sighed and dove in. Thorns and branches hit me and scratched me. It must have been an hour or two before I finally found the cave. The entrance was about six feet high and six feet wide, I approached it cautiously when I heard a branch break behind me.
I turned around and raised my axe instinctively, when I saw Medusa come out from the bushes, dusting leaves and dirt off her clothes.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I said. “I thought you said you couldn’t help me.”
“I can try,” she said plainly. “You saved my life. Least I can do is help you commit suicide.”
She walked past me and stared into the cave’s darkness. She looked back at me at said, “We doing this or you change your mind?”
I pulled out the lamp I had in my bag and lit the candle in it. Raising it ahead of me with my axe held up defensively in my other hand, I nodded.
Together, we dove into the darkness of the cave.
Chapter 21
Johann carried the sleeping boy around the apartment. The floors creaked, as he sat on the couch. The window was slightly open, as a gentle gust of wind blew into the tiny two bedroom apartment. The noise of the city continued down below. Penny was sound asleep; something Johann sadly knew she had not had in a very long time. He lifted Josiah and rested his nose against his own.
"We are one, you and I, son."
Josiah's bright blue eyes looked into Johann's; the boy jerked in his grasp, as he cooed and suckled on his fingers. Johann wiped the spit, as he chuckled. The boy's toothless smile began melting away any lingering doubts.
"I love you so much, Josiah."
Johann kissed the top of his head. Unaware of Penny watching from the corner, he continued rocking the infant. Josiah yawned, as Johann rubbed his back.
"I love you and mommy very much. Daddy wishes you and mommy would stay forever but I understand why mommy can't. Bad people..."
Penny tried not to cry. She felt horrible. "You could stay here, you and mommy. Forever....We can be a family. Watch you grow, learn how to walk and talk. Maybe one day you can come to the shop and work beside me."
Josiah stirred in Johann's grasp; he swayed his tiny arms around, as a fine layer of hair emerged from his skin. Penny, horrified, watched as her son slowly turned into a Wolf. Her heart came to a halt; Johann would have no idea how to handle this transformation. Before she could even move her lips, Johann stood up, continuing to craddle the boy.
"Oh, so I DO have a Wolf son. How fun."
Penny watched Johann head to the bookshelf. He grabbed a large chapter book, flipped through the pages and found one with a red marker inside.
"Ah. I see. Are you getting sleepy and fighting it? Here, let me help-"
Johann walked around the room. Josiah's chest was against Johann's, as he stroked the boy's neck. Josiah moved for a bit but was comforted by the loving touch. Like a common house pet, the soothing touch against his neck an ear area seemed to relax and calm the boy down. His little tail wagged, as Josiah stretched, yawned and gave into the powerful spell of sleep.
"Sssh. There you are, kiddo. Night night."
Penny emerged from the shawdos. Johann seemd surprised to see Penny up so early.
"Penelope, what are you doing up?"
She looked at the book. " have that?" she points. "When...when did you get this?"
"A little after I found out you were pregnant...and knew, he was...mine...I know there is Wolf in your family and you can chan-"
"I don't....I don't like to change, Johann."
"I just, don't. Okay?"
"I understand..."
He hands the slumbering baby over to Penny. She places him in the bassinet.
"I need him to stay here tonight, Johann. That going to be a problem."
"No, no! Not at all." He smiles. "That, uh, mean you are staying as well?"
"I have work tonight-"
Johann's heart sank. "Work? You''re going back?! Penny!"
"Please. I have to-"
Johann grabs Penny's hand. "He almost killed you, Penelope! I won't lose you again-"
Johann's eyes filled quickly. He could remember the first time he saved Penny's life. Someone once labeled him as her 'Guardian Angel' and always looking out for her well being. Penny had overdosed and wandered the streets for hours before collapsing in the streets. Thankfully he was walking home. Johann took Penny to Swineheart, making the doctor keep his name out of his lips.
"I don't understand, Johann. Don't you want her to know it was you?"
"Just...make her better, doctor. Please..."
He didn't need to add stress to Penelope's already overflowing plate; she had enough to deal with in regards to Oliver. He despised that man. At first, he blamed Georgie and Lyla for not attempting to remove Penny from his clutches. They did and failed each time; for some reason, Penny always returned to Oliver with arms open. Her excuse was his threats.
Penny released Johann's grip. "Don' me, Johann."
She kisses his lips. "Please..."
Johann sadly knew he had lost; there was nothing he could do to stop her from leaving. He'd attempt one last time. Johann pulls out a ring.
"It's not much, Penelope but...please. Stay. I'll protect you. You're in no condition! Be mine...stay here with me and Josiah-"
Penny pushes his hands back. "I....I can't do that, Johann. You have to trust me...please."
Penny wips her eyes, gathers her purse and kisses Josiah on the head. Still in his wolf form, the pup stirs against the blanket but soon continues sucking on his fingers. Penny grabs her jacket and opens the front door. Unable to move, Johann stares insrutable towards Penny. She turns around, blows him a kiss and heads to the elevator.
"No, I'm sure! Yes!"
Oliver frantically moves around the office; he's on his seventh cigarette in half an hour.
"No! I didn't mean to! Yes, I understand. Wait-what....I said to scare them, not shoot him! You fuckin' imbecile!"
Penny heads down the hallway. Her left leg is stiff, the brusing on her back and thighs making it difficult to make way. The marks on her cheeks have slowly vanished; perks to being not just a Fable but Wolf, too. Flower and several other dancers seemed startled to see her.
"Penny-girl, where have you been?"
A dancer, Susie, grabs her hands. "Oh my God! Look at your hands-what happened to you!?"
Penny pushes her way past the group. "Oliver here?"
"He is, uh...Penny-your dad called looking for you and Josiah! I told him I had no idea where you were and-"
Penny smacks Flower across the face. "You did WHAT!? Do you know what you could've done!?"
"Penny, no one knew where you went to! Oliver said you left early, so we called to ask what happened! Penny-"
There was a rather loud scream and several gasps coming from the lounge and Cocktail area. Penny looked over.
"Who is out there?"
The girls vshrugged, as Oliver opened his office door.
"No, just, deal with it-I don't give a rat's arsed if he ate Gary, just take care ot it!"
Oliver hangs up the phone and glances over at the group of girls. He nearly stumbles to the floor, when he sees Penny leaning against a pole.
"Penelope!?" Oliver's mouth is wide open, not sure if this is a beautiful dream or nightmare. "You''re...oh m god, love!"
Penny could feel the blood lust overwhelm her capability to think straight; all she wanted to do was tear him to shreds and toos the remaining bits into the ground. Before she could come to her final decision, George makes his way through the crowd. The gasps were from the clients unsure of his apperance in a club like this. In his hand, he held trust old Crowd Control.
Georgie made his way and nearly ran to Oliver. He was backing up into his office, tossing the chair and various other objects in Georgie's way. Each time he did, however, the Cricket bat sent each item clear across the room.
"Now, now, Georgie. Remember. You have to be on your best behavior, lad-"
Georgie impales the front end into Oliver's chest. The sudden thrust causes Oliver to lose his breathe and pass out for several seconds. When he comes to, Oliver finds himself focusing on the eyes of his once business partner and friend.
"Georgie, now....easy does it. You don't want to kill me in front of your baby, do you?"
Penny stands by and helplessly watches. "Daddy, no!"
"No, Oliver-" Georgie grinds his teeth. "I'm fuckin' nothing like you. That's too easy..."
"Okay, good! See-we can work out an agreement and come to a conclusion that-"
Georgie pushes the bat deeper into Oliver's rib cage. There is a faint crack, indicating the weight is too much.
"Tell" Georgie's face is right against Oliver's. "Why the fuck do you feel the need to throw my daughter around like a fuckin' child's toy."
"Oh..that...she did it on her own." Oliver looks over at Penny. "Right, love? Remember-"
Georgie pushes Oliver back. The force causes his head to collide with the way. "Fuck, Georgie-"
"TELL me, you bloody piece of shit before I break every bone in your body."
"Daddy, no! This isn't how I want this to-"
"Listen to her, Georgie boy. Or did you miss the fuckin' Farm THAT much? Hehe-hear its beautiful this time of year..."
Georgie releases his hold on Oliver. Thinking he won the battle, Oliver struts past Georgie and the women. As he turns to speak again, Georgie swings the bat and knocks Oliver to the ground. Oliver dashes into the lounge, causing the clients to run off and hide from the fight.
"Dad, stop! No please! He didn't do anything-"
"LOOK AT YOU, PENELOPE!" Georgie's voice cracks, as he tosses Oliver into the shelf containing wine glasses. "My daughter is covered in bruises, scratches-wounds that have not had a fuckin' chance to heal!"
On the floor, Oliver picks up a broken shard of glass. He swings it in Georgie's direction.
"Come at me, you pussy! Fuckin' come at me!"
Georgie lunges at Oliver, knocking him to the ground. Several punches land in Oliver's jaw; h spits up blood and several gold teeth, as he tries rolling away.
"We could've had something, Georgie! You and I...."
"I don't WANT that life, Oliver! It did nothing but damage my reputation and nearly had me killed!"
"Haha! See, I THOUGHT you were pushing daffodils but-"
Another punch. "You hit my daughter, you fuckin' prick!"
Oliver leans against the bar. "Hey...just...hold on, Georgie...we can work something out..."
Oliver leans back and searches the table. He finds a knife used to cut lemons. He looks down at Georgie's belly and smiles.
"Just...we can talk...all of us-"
Oliver attempts to finish Georgie off but he's too fast and as he tries to plunge the blade into Georgie's body, Georgie reaches around, pulls out a gun and fires. The bullet lodges into Oliver's shoulder. Oliver wobbles his way to the back, continuing to push dancers and remaining clients. Georgie grabs the Cricket bat and chases after him.
The back doors swing open, as Oliver runs into the rain storm and vanish into the night. Georgie looks around. Upset that he lost sight of Oliver, he heads back into the club. Georgie passes the dancers up.
"You girls alright?"
Flower leans into the wall. "He'll come back...he'll...he'll be angry-"
"Don't worry. I got this." Georgie runs down the hall. "Penelope!"
He finds Penny on the phone, her face as pale as a sheet. Georgie touches her face.
"Penelope. What-"
"The girls...came back. Jersey...Jersey is hurt, dad..."
All Penny could do stare into her father's eyes. She had used up her last tears the night before.
Chapter 22 soon
Man, Penny has a lot to think about. And the girls came back...but what really is going on? Oh and never mess with Georgie's baby girl. >:D NEVER mess with a man's daughter. 'Nuff said.
That little girl! XD how cute. And I agree with her, teacher Georgie. Lol I love the image. And this chapter. I think someone planted those drugs. [cough] Oliver......but you can see the sadness and the hurt. She loves him. He loves her.
and the tension between lyla and bigby....even Colin's comedies cold not help this.
Loved this!
Maybe but I won't say nothing.
And colin...he is something. She and Bigby have that tension but for reasons only they know of.
Well done, Georgie! Get Oliver! Cant stand that bitch! Excuse my language! And poor Johann man.
Love how he has a book on wolf pups! XD and penny man....leave already! Now you have me wondering aoudad those hunters.....
Thanks !
Oh dear, why am I imagining a Maury show moment? Bloody Mary, Bluebeard, Jack all hollering at each other whole Flycatcher just stays out of it (because he is a sweetheart) and Swineheart with the DNA test results just all "I don't get paid enough for this."
Oh my gosh! That's so adorable :DDDD Little kids are the best, I swear.
Colin XD I love his snarky comments. And Junior is so cute. Heck, all the children are
Porkchops XDDDDDD Of all the things to cook for dinner. And Colin thought it smelled good XD talk about irony...
Katie makes everything better though
So cute.
Colin shakes his head. "No. Just...let me enjoy the smell. Don't...don't tell anyone...."....Fucking hell, Colin.
Who knows. Maybe Hans is secretly using.....Lmfao jk there's no way that soft ass is able to do that shit XDDD
I think this might be bad of me to say this but....I'm excited to see these two have their one night stand XD I mean, I get that it was a mistake on both sides but....well.....IT'S STILL FUCKING ADORABLE IM SORRY I SAID IT BUT I THINK ITS TRUE!
I'm probably a bad person now XD Just call me 'Ms. Homewrecker'.
Oh my goodness, little Josiah changing to a wolf WAS SO ADORABLE!!! Johann is literally perfect, I swear. I love how he calls her Penelope, instead of Penny like everyone else. It's too cute.
Shit shit shit shit shit!
That end tho! So much action- I was literally on the edge of my seat! This was awesome!
WOOOOW I can't wait for more!!!
I love it.
Best thing I've ever done in regards to my future career.
I was trying to think of things Colin would say in a situation like this; he has that VERY dry sense of humor, as you can see. And how ironic. Pork for dinner. Least he's honest. Think Katie's remark MAY have eased the, uh....issue? XD
And to be honest, Bigby was NOT my first option for Peter's father; it was tossed around between a couple of other Fables but he seemed appropriate and could create more of a story; considering his and Georgie's past, I had to go from there. Also, Bigby has known John and his family since the girls were as tall as weeds; he's 'comfortable' around Lyla and finds her attractive in her own way. Since this happens BEFORE Snow, why not run with it? They never meant to conceive Peter but things happen for a reason.
I don't see you as a bad person. Honestly, my GF is right on the same page as you; she likes the idea of Bigby and Lyla creating this illegitimate child and where it brings all those involved together in the end.
Gah! The hook guy! XD This story scared the shit out of me as a kid. lol I love that you're incorporating him in the story. Can't wait to see where this goes.
I LOVE Greek Mythology. The fact that you are using some of the well known people puts a rather large smile on my face. This 'hunters' group sound fascinating; loving the idea of Medusa and her role in the story. Well done.
Can't wait for more.
I was debating for awhile but decided to go with Wolf.
I'm a HUGE fan of Werewolves, if no one has caught on yet....^^; Johann loves her full name; he rarely uses 'Penny' because in his mind, Penelope is a very elegant and beautiful name. God, this man loves her so...makes me sad almost when I wrtie their 'odd' relationship at the moment.
I have an idea brewing and I'm gonna run with it.
Tie every inccident that has EVER happened to the Porgie clan to several people that are still some what involved in their lives....
No. Not saying it. You can't pay me to say it! What is that? Fish and Chips? Oh and a bottle Malt Vinegar with extra sauce? Fine...
Dear Diary:
Its me again; Gerogie Porgie is taking the time to add yet another fascinating fuckin tale in the....shit. I said it again. Lyla said I say it too damn bloody much. I don't think I I? Huh. Well, anways, she wants ME to try and be a little bit more 'cheerful' in my writing, so, I'm here to give it a whirl.
Today I caught my son, um, looking at a music video. You know that song by Sir Mix-Alot; Big Butts and can not lie? Yeah. He was in the living room on the laptop, watching it. I come 'round the corner and all I see are these large asses dancing around; he was awfully close to that screen, just watching it. Junior had the BIGGEST smile on his face. I, uh, had a sit down with him; sure enough, the questions flew out of his mouth. After he and his mother had the 'talk' with him, Lyla found some rather interesting drawings in his room while putting his clean shirts away. The woman with a bikini looks VERY familiar. Wait-she looked like Bloody Mary. No. I must be losin' it...
After that little, er, inccident, the kids all went outside to play. We have ONE bloody tree whos leaves have yet to fall. Katie had this idea to get 'em down; scream at the tree to scare them down. Lyla and I watched six kids yelling at this tree. Ethan tried climbing up and knocking them with a broom. No luck. Emily threw rocks but after one nearly broke the car window, that immediatly came to an end. Peter and Penelope decided a song would help the leaves. They held hands and circled the tree. The wind had SOMETHING to do, for seconds later, we had six smiling children in a fresh pile of leaves.
Later that afternoon, Lyla and I took the kids back to the forest. They played in the leaves, the creek and climbed the trees. Peter had me chase him all over the place. He has gotten very fuckin' fast. Oops. I mean, fast. Yeah. Katie fell into the water and had her jacket soaking wet. We had to leave early because of it; Emily threw a fit and she was sent to timeout for her attitude. Along the way to the corner, she smacked Ethan for no reason. Uh, this girl. Has my bloody temper.
Jersey came over with some more Pumpkins and hallowed out Squash. He and I showed the kids how to make those noisey instruments. What are they again, Macarenas? No, that's a dance. Hmmm. I have no bloody clue. Sure Lyla will remind me later. We did a semi good job. Mine looked like it went through the garbage disposal; Jersey, I swear, was Piccaso in another life time. The kids were thrilled with their project. Emily didn't do one; she refused to cooperate, so she stayed in timeout.
Tonight, Lyla is making Fried Chicken. I LOVE her fried Chicken. She makes this gravy from the pan drippings. Bloody delicious. Katie asked for a chocolate cake for dessert; think I smell it right now. Smells fantastic. Getting hungry....
Beter be going, Diary. I hear the Mrs. calling me for supper. Love you, Lyla.
I know you DON'T want me saying this but you're the best fuckin' thing to happen to me in a LONG time.
Until next time. Georgie Porgie.
I love how lyla is making Georgie watch the f bomb. XD and junior with the video. And the talk....the drawings of Mary. I love this kid.
All the Porgie kids are too damn cute.:)
And Emily with that temper. Typical Georgie. And Jersey with the crafts. Love how you give the fables secret hobbies. Lol
I loved this one. Lyla and Georgie are too cute together.
Chapter 22
'Porgie and a Viper'
"Kindness to the Evil will be met by Betrayel..."
Malcom stood up, stretched his lower back and headed for the window. He unlocked the bolt in the corner, opened the screen and allowed the fresh smell of Fall enter the living room. Mixed with the Pumpkin Pie candles Katie had in the kitchen, gave Malcom the fond memories of Thanksgiving and Holidays past.
"Hey, Katherine, remember that year when your dad tried Frying the Turkey for dinner?"
Katie nearly doubled over. "Oh wow. Yeah...I do. He SWORE to my mother he watched the video AND read the cook book."
Malcom smiles. "Thank God your grandfather was there to put out that grease fire. Never seen Georgie run so fast in my life..."
"Yeah. Papa never admitted this to anyone but he loved my father, or, at least had respect for him..."
Malcom takes his seat and flips through the papers. "Miss him sometimes."
"Yeah. Me too. How is my Nana? I saw her three weeks ago with the girls. She likes her privacy."
"They have always been like that, honestly. She's great. Started seeing an older Wolf 'bout a month ago. Nothing serious; more like some company for the two of them. She's a widow, he's never been married. You know how it goes."
Katie sips from her cup. The rich taste of Pumpkin spice dances around her tongue. "I'm glad to hear she's alright. She'd never tell me different. Too much like my mother, I swear."
Malcom chuckles, giving Katie's leg a pat. "That mother of yours...reason why your grandfather went grey I think. Your Aunts, too. Little Spitfires you Smith girls are...AND still sometimes! Didn't help when you added a little extra ingredient only known as 'Porgietitis.' Sorry."
Katie grabs Malcom's neck and shakes it. "STILL an asshole. And single? Shocker!"
"She's out there....the witches showed me her for a few seconds."
Katie leans in closer. "Oh REALLY. Do tell!"
"She had these beautiful green eyes, very fair skin, freckles occupying her face; this radiant smile and shoulder length red hair that danced along side her as she walked. That's all she'd show me. I can't wait to find her."
Katie remained hushed, taking small sips from her coffee. Her eyes directed to the open folder. She grabbed one of the reports and examined it. Malcom, taking this as the end of the conversation, grabbed the other few pages.
"So, what's going on out there, Malcom? We have not had an issue with the Folkers OR Fables since Decimus died and Remus moved to Finland not too long after the inccident with him and Peter."
Malcom seemed baffled. "We have no idea, Katie. We've had complaints that someone is going around and snatching up random Folkers and Fables; we found a badly decomposed body of a young man just the other day. We are running a background check to identify this kid. Young boy. Poor thing. A Vampire, judging by the teeth."
"Oh how awful. What a shame..."
Katie's thoughts instantly went to Penny. She feared getting that phone call; Penelope had disappeared over night and no one knew where she had gone to. She had a newborn baby boy that craved her attention and a man that was devouted to her every move. Katie couldn't understand WHY Penny held on to the idea of Oliver wisking her away on his White Stallion into the sunset. Only white Stallion he was interested in was currently on his desk in a large pile.
Malcom continued. "There are no records of a Vampire vanishing in this area."
"Of course not." Katie stands up and heads into the kitchen. "More coffee?"
"Sure. I'll go with you."
The two pour themselves another cup and return to the living room. Katie carefully looks at the report sent in not too long ago; the description on the body seemed to have the wheels in her head turning. Red flags were pointing in every direction.
"What is it?"
"Did you bring that book about Vampires and the data book for the Folker community?"
Malcom takes out three enormous books. "Also one in regards to Fables. I had to pratically BEG Beast for this."
Katie rolls her eyes. "God I hate dealing with those two..."
Katie opened the book dealing with Vampires. She vigrously read through several chapters; Malcom had his eyes glued to the data book. It had information about every Folktale being that took their place in the mundy world; Vampires and Werewolves had the ability, unlike Fables, to do so. One of the many reasons why the two never got along.
Katie jabs the book. "Malcom, you said he was decomposed when you found him?"
"Yes. Why?"
Katie points. "Here. Right here. I thought that made no sense. Vampires have the ability to remain whole, even in an inccident like death. They have a healthy apperance, no matter what."
"So, someone made it look like any normal mundy or Fable body?"
"Whoever did this, did not want him to be found..."
"You know, now that you mentioned this, awhile we had those issues with the girls of the, um, 'night' suddenly vanishing and showing up months later, badly decomposed like this..."
Katie shudders. "That...that is what worries me."
Malcom finds the vampire data section in the records. He finds a family that seems to resemble the lost boy. He shows Katie.
"Who are they?"
"That is the O'Bryne family. They came here to the mundy world from Ireland, I believe. Just about the time the Adversary took over the Homelands."
"They had several generations in the Folker community; Dave O'Bryne was well respected and very wealthy; he and his family lived up in the mountains, away from prying eyes. He and his wife, who died during the war between Fables and Folkers, gave birth to three sons."
Malcom points to the middle boy. Katie could feel the color melt away. She gasped. "Dice..."
"He was a dancer at the Silver slipper, the same strip club that Penelope works at." He grabbed a large stack of papers. "These girls, all found in random shallow graves, worked in either the same club or one nearby. Katie-"
Katie, now running to the phone, dialed Penny's number. Straight to voicemail.
"Come on...Penny...."
There is a knock at the door. Katie hangs up and with Malcom behind her, opens the door. Katie crumbles to the ground, when thirteen exhausted girls place their unconcious father before her.
"Mommy....Willow tried..."
Hope used her jacket to cover Jersey's face, as the winged girls carefully carried their father. The Wolf pups followed behind; they carried a sleigh made out of branches, pine and leaves to use for Jersey. Eventually, the winged creatures would tire and pass their father over.
Hope tried her best to cover his face. "Hope, put your jacket back on-"
Hope ignored her sister's command. "Hope, did you not hear me? I said put your jacket on."
"The rain, Bella. Its getting daddy..."
Bella looks down at Madeline. "Anything? Make it stop raining."
"I'm REALLY trying here! The storm is too strong."
"Ease up, Bella."
Laura, holding onto Jersey's right arm, continued on. Bella glared at her sister.
"Excuse me?"
"This is your fault-"
"MY fault?! How is this MY fault, Laura?!"
Gianna tosses a pebble at her sisters. "Both of you, knock it off!"
Alice continues by her sister, eyes on the ground. "No. It's Hope's fault."
The girls look in Alice's direction. " don't mean that-"
"Yes I do. We were fine but Missy there wanted to see some stupid old house-"
"Knock it off, Alice!" Bella's voice roared in the storm. "Just, stop, will you?"
Alice continues. "I'm only saying what we are ALL thinking! This wouldn't have happened if Hope had just stayed home! She has no business being out here with us; what the hell does a Mundy know how-"
Alice's sentence is cut off short; Bella has her pinned in the wet dirt, her teeth clasping at her sister's body. The two girls fight, as the others frantically try to pull them apart. Georgia and Hannah grab Bella, as Willow and Ivy take Alice.
"Alright, enough! We need to get dad back home! Willow, try again. He's losing color..."
"Say it, Alice..." Bella growls, as the rain pours down. "SAY IT..."
"Stellaluna should have stayed home...she has no business being with the birds-"
Bella, stronger than before, manages to escape her sister's grasp and punch Alice in the face. Startled by her rash behavior, Alice whimpers and crawls behind a fallen tree. Bella looks a Gianna, who is whistling in the air.
"I managed to contact a few Bears but that was it."
"I'll take it." Bella walks over to the fallen tree and drags Alice out. The Wolf shivers, as the massive winged creature stands above her.
Bella, along with the other winged girls, place their father's body on the sleigh. She grabs Hope, wraps her in the jacket and flies into the air. Hope is silent, as the girls head into the arms of Fabletown.
"Call Swineheart, Malcom!"
The girls watch in horror, as their mother does her best to tend to their father's wounds. Jersey is semi-concious; his heart beat is faint and his breathing is shallow. Still in his true form, Katie takes out a special kit, opens it and removes a bottle.
"No..." Jersey practically begs. "Not...not"
"Hush your road kill ass up! Until Swineheart can arrive, this will help stop the infection-"
The girls watched, as Katie pours the purple liquid into the open wounds. They all cover their ears, when Jersey bellows out a long, suffering roar, followed by hissing and kicking.
"Easy, big guy...Sssh, ssshh-I know, Jersey, I know..." Tears swell up in her eyes. "I know...hold on..."
"The doctor is on his way..."
The girls sat back; all the could do was wait, as the clock continued moving, even without them.
Tick Tok. Tick Tok....
Chapter 23 soon
If you have any questions or concerns, you know what to do.
With Bigby having to work as security? In some odd way it seems a vaguely plausible thing :P
Oh, Cara - I felt sorry for you! Really didn't see her betrayal coming, though it makes a lot of sense when you consider it, like why she'd be there unharmed. That fight was really tense, and I loved the atmospheric touches of the storm and the lightning; hopefully this will mark the end of the storm in Mary's current life, so to speak!
Yes it was drugs and you are right again; they were planted there by someone but Lyla ASSUMES they belong to Georgie; centuries of hard drug use does not vanish in just a few years.
Sadly, we are going back to those difficult times....
Aww, the world would be a really dull place without kids pointing out stuff like that!
Wondering about the drugs, I see JJ has made a valid point about a certain someone planting them, but I'm wondering why that person would do it. Hmm.
And, Colin. Comedian and therapist all in one; and a great make up model, by the sounds of it!
Classic horror starting! Nice one.
Why are people with hooks never friendly? This story seems far scarier than your previous ones!