The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




    Guys! Guess what! At a Microsoft convention today... My father met ROBERT KIRKMAN!

  • Hello humans.

  • @Rigtail That's not nice, stealing someone's line! XD

    Hello humans.

  • whaaaaaa...? xD

    What thread is that?

    Belan posted: »

    Is anyone else's feed getting like 100% hijacked by that LGBT thread? Every time someone posts in there it records as like 23402302402393202013 comments under my notifications for some reason.

  • How many people here have Unturned?

  • This is going to be an agonizing day...

  • Yeah that happens.

    Thank you so much.

    I know that. It's just that I happened to like my pastor from before, and this new one is extremely cocky and doesn't act the way he should. God bless you too.

  • Why?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This is going to be an agonizing day...

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited October 2014

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    This basically explains that Gustac is a much better guy that Gustav.

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    I NEED A NAME CHANGE RIGHT NOW. Attractiveness: 80% Trustworthiness: 50% Jealousy: 88% Intelligent: 67% Creative: 72%

  • I can flare my nostrils like that too.

    Am I bad for laughing at this?

    edited October 2014

    My parents are dragging me to the outside world for this boring trip with another family I really fucking hate, and I barely slept so I'm almost collapsing here.


  • Have fun. >:)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    My parents are dragging me to the outside world for this boring trip with another family I really fucking hate, and I barely slept so I'm almost collapsing here.

  • fgt ;_;

    Have fun.

  • edited October 2014
    Belan posted: »

    Is anyone else's feed getting like 100% hijacked by that LGBT thread? Every time someone posts in there it records as like 23402302402393202013 comments under my notifications for some reason.

  • Well its free so anyone can play it..... I tried it couldn't get into it.

    How many people here have Unturned?

  • It's always good to spend time with family and stuff. Tolerance is a good trait to develop.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    My parents are dragging me to the outside world for this boring trip with another family I really fucking hate, and I barely slept so I'm almost collapsing here.

  • I just watched the video version of CS Lewis's paper, "Man or Rabbit". Pretty rad.

    Also, random Last Supper:

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  • I am not a guy. I may be called Batman but I am a girl. I have told you many times that this is the commertial Batman, you know the one in movies, shows and the comics. But I am the real one. Still so fucking funny. xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon It's a pun Wayne = Vain if you don't get :O


  • For those who are itrested we have reached 12 characters, which means that since we passed the original 10 I needed you will now only have

    24 hours

    to submit a character. After that you won 't be able to join, so if you are thinking of subminting do it now. Link bellow:

  • It's one of those mornings where you get up from bed and know it's gonna be a bad day.

  • This song is tha shizz

  • Lol, I had that yesterday.

    It wasn't the best day either. :p

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's one of those mornings where you get up from bed and know it's gonna be a bad day.

  • Laughed so hard when I watched this. xD

    Lmao, everything was spot on!

  • Hello Joseph!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    It's one of those mornings where you get up from bed and know it's gonna be a bad day.

  • Yeah I know. Baseball and Basketball are huge in America. And American football too. It's interesting to see that difference in countries. I don't even know if we have a national team for those sports. None of my friends watches the twd show either. But it's finally on billboards throughout city so more people are gonna watch it. @rockworm @clemyclooandbabydoo

    well man its none of your friend buisness what you wanna play! if you wanna play a badass game other than that crappy fifa game, Then do it!

  • Alt text

    About fucking time I got on here! Hello!

    Damn site didn't let me get on last night, I had the right password and everything and I still couldn't log on till this morning. And now there's a glitch where I can't search through my notifications further when I click on the "show more" button and it says there's no more to show which is fucking bullhhit since I've been here all the way from Jan 2014. This site is REALLY MAKING ME MAD.

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    But other than that I'm hunky dory.

  • Tobi!



    Check out my fanfiction, Tobi!

    About fucking time I got on here! Hello! Damn site didn't let me get on last night, I had the right password and everything and I still c

  • Hey Tobster!

    About fucking time I got on here! Hello! Damn site didn't let me get on last night, I had the right password and everything and I still c

  • "I scream, you scream

    We all scream 'cause we're terrified

    Of what's around the corner

    We stay in place
    ‘Cause we don't want to lose our lives

    So let's think of something better.

    Down in the forest, we'll sing a chorus

    One that everybody knows.

    Hands held higher, we'll be on fire

    Singing songs that nobody wrote.

    Quickly moving towards a storm

    Moving forward, torn

    In to pieces over reasons
    Of what these storms are for

    I don't understand why everything I adore

    Takes a different form when I squint my eyes

    Have you ever done that?

    When you squint your eyes
    And your eyelashes make it look a little not right

    And then when just enough light

    Comes from just the right side

    And you find you're not who you're suppose to be?

    This is not what you're suppose to see

    Please, remember me? I am suppose to be
    King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing

    Something happened to my imagination

    This situation's becoming dire
    My treehouse is on fire
    And for some reason I smell gas on my hands

    This is not what I had planned...

    This is not what I had planned." ~Forest, Twenty One Pilots

  • Hi Tobi! :D

    Want to submit a character for the very low price of nothing but about 15 minutes now and then to read it?

    About fucking time I got on here! Hello! Damn site didn't let me get on last night, I had the right password and everything and I still c

  • Pokedme! It's you! :D

    Alt text

    Fan fiction? Oh wait, are you talking about the furry one?

    Tobi! Tobidobi! Tobitobitobitobitobitobitobitobitobitobi! Check out my fanfiction, Tobi!

  • Alt text

    Oh? A fan fiction? Well let's see it. :3

    blueneon posted: »

    Hi Tobi! Want to submit a character for the very low price of nothing but about 15 minutes now and then to read it?

  • Link right below the last super with the pockemans. :3

    Oh? A fan fiction? Well let's see it.

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