Who's your Youtube gamer ?



  • He is cool. Not my favourite but is doing a great job.

    Thuddy posted: »

    Cry is love, Cry is life

  • Deko .He has some reactions :)) and he loves kenny!

  • Nah, just decided to replay the whole thing xD

    Joker93 posted: »

    Did you ever fix your saves after they got deleted?

  • Fair enough I didn't mean to come off argumentative I honestly was just curious if anyone could give me reasons for them liking him. Sort of how I don't like certain popular music but I can understand the appeal and when I talk to people about it they actually sometimes make good points and every so often it changes my mind and I end up becoming a fan. So I thought if someone made good points about why I should watch him then it might change my perspective on him. But I understand that this may turn into a flame war so I will stop. Thanks for not getting angry like some of his other fans I asked and being nice about it though, like you said everyone has different tastes.

    Sorry, but I don't want to waste my time to get into an argument. All people have different tastes.

  • irphaell is from romanian :x

    1:IRaphahell 2:Boatmaster 3:Infernokun 4:Meganmi 5.Tormunds

  • I've been watching Pewdiepie since the spring of 2013 and he became an important art of my life in Internet. Yes, many people say that he acts like crazy, but it's one of those things I like about him. Because I don't have enough courage to be silly in front of people, even though sometimes I want to, and Pewds just shows me that it's okay. He also makes my life brighter and easier because I get cheered up after watching his videos.

    Fair enough I didn't mean to come off argumentative I honestly was just curious if anyone could give me reasons for them liking him. Sort of

  • Yogscast Hannah, Pewds, Cryaotic, GirlFromAus, Uberhaxornova, TheRadBrad.

  • edited September 2014

    Don't get why people like Cry so much. He only read's the dialoge rarely comments something else. Plus I've seen people who have better voice than his but that's just my opinion.

  • IRaphahell is from Romania* P.S: Alt text #MyAJ

    Alex28 posted: »

    irphaell is from romanian :x

  • It is rather horrible. Pat and Matt shouldn't play post apoc games. They make horrible choices.

    TheSw1tcher It's a shame they're playing Season 2, doh. I suppose I'll have to wait until they start a new playthrough. ;/

  • The Creatures, Markiplier, Helloween4545, and Kikoskia :D

  • edited September 2014

    If I´m being honest I think I´ve watched most of them. Including the...hated ones.

    Except DSP, I really don´t like him.

  • Alt text

    The girl from aus is pretty good. Her reactions are amazing.

  • Pewdiepie
    Alt text
    Alt text
    Alt text
    Alt text
    IGN (IGN talks about the walking dead, they call it Playing Dead, and they do interviews with the voice actors/actress, its really awesome to watch)

    Alt text

  • edited October 2014

    Okay thank you for your input while I still probably won't watch a lot of his videos I can understand why you and others like you like him I'm sure people have a lot of different reasons for liking him but now I can respect and understand yours. Personally I don't mind that he acts silly but I just wish his other fans were less...intense in their devotion to him. I just prefer more laid back commentary. Also I know I have nothing but two posts to base this on but have you thought doing what he does? If you have a problem acting crazy or silly in front of actual people maybe try doing a lets play and you wouldn't even need to post the videos or even record it at all if you didnt have the right equipment or program. Sort of like when I was younger I had a problem expressing anger and I would write a letter to the people I have anger towards and then throw it away when I was done it actually had made me feel better. Just a suggestion from someone who has had problems with expressing himself as well.

    I've been watching Pewdiepie since the spring of 2013 and he became an important art of my life in Internet. Yes, many people say that he ac

  • pewds, minx, cry and MKIceAndFire(he does twd LPs with no commentary.)

  • edited October 2014

    I don't mind them making the wrong choices, it's just when they make them they then blame the characters. Also about 90% is them talking about how much they hate everyone especially Kenny when other characters are talking and they make a choice they have no idea what was said and just pick based on what the button prompts read, I know they have to talk but that's what subtitles are for.
    Actually now that I think about it the main problem I have with them is that they treat the people in these games and judge them like they were in today's non zombie filled world. I mean if they acted like they did in the games in an actual apocalypse I would hate to be in their group.

    "Hey we found this car with a bunch of supplies in it! Oh thank God we haven't eaten in days!"

    "Oh and we're just gonna steal it? What a bunch of dirtbags. Have fun with your shame food."

    It is rather horrible. Pat and Matt shouldn't play post apoc games. They make horrible choices.

  • Alt text

    awww yea pewdiepieeeeee!!! :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    PewDiePie. Go ahead, flip shit.

  • edited October 2014

    I think even the people who like DSP don't really him. Have you checked out lesser known ones like chip and ironicus aka chipcheezumLPs, slowbeef(the dude who pretty much invented video lps a long ass time ago) he has another channel with another lper diabetus and together they are hysterical its called retsupurae (they had to change the name a lot because they kept getting banned) also supergreatfriend does a lot of obscure horror games. I only ask because while I think they're great they aren't super popular at least compared to popular youtubers. Oh and if you like watching people playing terrible games and hating them lowtaxico is pretty funny it has the dude who made that something awful website and hie friend who has the most high pitched voice ever

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    If I´m being honest I think I´ve watched most of them. Including the...hated ones. Except DSP, I really don´t like him.

  • Alt text

    The zaibatsu rules. All else drools

  • DSP´s personality is just so off putting I can´t even begin to explain how much he annoys me.

    I don´t think I´ve watched those, I usually go for the more popular channels, but I´ll give them a try, thank you!

    I think even the people who like DSP don't really him. Have you checked out lesser known ones like chip and ironicus aka chipcheezumLPs, slo

  • TBF's playthrough of season 2 was really hard to watch >_<

    Talimancer posted: »

    The zaibatsu rules. All else drools

  • I didn't watch it, I heard it had a fuck ton of Kenny hate though lol.

    TBF's playthrough of season 2 was really hard to watch >_<

    1. SsohPKC
    2. UberHaxorNova
    3. Pewdiepie
    4. Yogscast Hannah
  • edited October 2014

    Duh, myself

    Nah I'm kidding.

    1. Creepsmcpasta plays
    2. Cry
    3. CR1TIKAL

    I don't get why... but these all start with 'C'

  • I was going to say CR1TIKAL. His videos make my day.

    Sparrow7 posted: »

    People still watch pewdieshitstain, huh? Terrific. I'm surprised no one mentioned Cr1tikal. Only YouTube gamer worth watching, IMO.

  • because of how funny he is when he DOES speak. plus without commentary its easier to focus on the games narrative.

    Don't get why people like Cry so much. He only read's the dialoge rarely comments something else. Plus I've seen people who have better voice than his but that's just my opinion.

  • Poods, Minx, Cry, MKIceandFire, Theradbrad, and myself.

  • edited October 2014

    Angry Joe, Syndicate, Cheif Pat and Cry

  • I too prefer youtubers with facecam's because i'm watching for their reactions. The ones I dont like are the ones too focused on the chat, trying to get sub's. I understand why, but they tend to miss alot of the game, or make a choice and don't know why because they didnt pay attention to the conversation.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I usually tend to steer clear of YouTubers without facecams, I like to see reactions to many key moments, not just hear the reactions. I als

  • Oh it was, practically 80% was non-stop Kenny bashing, even when he wasn't on screen or he was doing the right thing. Kenny takes the radio from Clementine, "Oh he is trying to take the glory." They went out to go look for Luke and Kenny and they told Kenny to shoot Carver when he was holding Alvin, causing Carver to kill him, and they blamed him for that, when they were the ones that told him to shoot. When Clementine got shot by Arvo, they said, "You know, this makes Kenny right," and they started moaning and groaning, thinking that the developers of the game try to convince you to side with Kenny. They were talking so much shit about Kenny that they weren't even watching the game half the time, they couldn't see how many times Arvo was giving Clem a dirty, evil look because they were too fixated on hating Kenny. And a lot of people have voiced there hatred for their playthrough, the last video has like 4K thumb ups and about 3K thumb downs.

    Talimancer posted: »

    I didn't watch it, I heard it had a fuck ton of Kenny hate though lol.

  • yolo pro bro ofc and my main man supercodplayer1995

  • I have a soft spot for Gamermd83's videos. She's just awesome.

  • Theradbrad.

  • Why would you focus on the games narrative if you already played it? I'm watch youtuber's to see their reacion to games I played.

    because of how funny he is when he DOES speak. plus without commentary its easier to focus on the games narrative.

  • TWDfan1132, mine are the same as yours but in different orders xd

  • sometimes there are games i HAVEN'T played

    Why would you focus on the games narrative if you already played it? I'm watch youtuber's to see their reacion to games I played.

  • I also hate when they rely on the chat to make a decision for them, like they can't make the decision for themselves.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I too prefer youtubers with facecam's because i'm watching for their reactions. The ones I dont like are the ones too focused on the chat, t

  • I quite like ZackScottGames. It was funny hearing him laugh his head off throughout Amid The Ruins.

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