Zombie Apocalypse: Your Strategy and Morals
A zombie apocalypse is a well known way to compare peoples morals and plans. Saying that if a ZA ever happened what would your plan be? Would you have a large group or go solo? What would your morals be? Would you sacrifice liabilities or try and save everyone?
A good question is how far would you go? If it came down to either starving or resorting to cannibalism, what would you do? If you got bit, what would you do?
The final question is, how long do you think you would survive?
Ill start to answer these myself. My strategy would be to get as many people as possible and make a community, have laws, have jobs and responsibility, and accept most people. I would try and save as many as people as possible, no matter what issue they have. Now we get to the debatable things...I would resort to cannibalism if it was a last option, its horrible but sometimes its necessary. If I got bit I would try and cut it off, or at least have someone do it for me. If cutting it off doesn't work then I would try and stay alive for as long as possible then kill myself.
Then the final thing...I think I would survive about 3 months.
What about you?
I would try to gather family and friends then would either stock up supplies and fortify a place or get a boat and sometimes head towards Land to get supplies and other stuff, I would Occasionally use some Saltlicks and I would go pretty low to survive but try not to become someone like Carver.
How low would you go?
What's the worst thing you think you could do?
Strategy- gather the people closest to me and try to find a good area to live in. Let anybody who comes to us early on, but after a while we won't continue this method once we feel like we have enough to guard the place. Try and reestablish a sense of responsibility and empathy.
Last Resort- If I'm bitten, I'm cutting the bite off, if I can't cut it off or it's too late, I'll simply walk away from my settlement and die. Cannibalism is a no.
I would last...1 day, but it would be a hell of a day.
one hell of a day.
You establish a community in one day, that's amazing. XD
For your community, would you give supplies to survivors that came after you closed it off?
Maybe, it would depend on how much of a surplus of supplies we would have at that point of time.
Could I be in this said safe heavan?
Would you be willing to rob people or attack other communities for supplies?
Both if you need them or just to get a surplus.
If i not die the day 0/1 i woud try to be in a small group (5/6 people). If i get bitten i would cut it off and if it doesnt work i would try live the longer possible and kill myself/let the walkers eat me/sacfrice me. I will only eat people if i am REALLY starving and "bad" one. I wolud try to save everyone not matter what(except he/she only made thing bad)
Wouldn't it be unlucky to be patient zero . :P
I wouldn't be willing to attack other communities or rob other people because that kind of crap leads to survivors of those attacks and robberies coming back to take us down, which will only cause my community to dwindle on supplies and lives. Now, if these communities or people tried to attack/rob my community first, then I would have no choice but to wipe them out. The reason why I would need to do that is because in the walking dead world loose ends lead to nothing but calamity.
Have you played 400 days?
There is a situation where a person who doesn't speak English tries to steal from the group and you have to decide to either shoot him or let him go. Would you execute him in case he was scouting or let him go?
I would go to the gun store get guns with silencers and pick up a machete. I would find 2 of my sisters, then stock up on all the supplies I can carry. Find a defend able house, scavenge until there is no more left in town then move on to the next. Doing whatever it takes to protect them.
Would you stay in the group with only your two sisters or bring more people in?
Played 400 days, loved it.
Let him go, the way I see it, I kill him and I'll have to constantly worry about his group attacking and about whether or not I did the right thing, by letting him go I'll only have to worry about his group attacking us and only that alone.
The funny thing was that his group actually did attack and I think Boyd died.
I executed him, they won't know where we are so they can't attack.
Good point, I forgot that he wasn't a scout.
You mean was a scout?
Yeah, was, that's what I meant.
K :P
I would stay with them. But i love them so I would listen to what they have to say then we decide from there. But if anybody even tries to hurt them zombies would be the least of their worries. I do have a brother and another sister but we were never really close so idk how that would turn out.
Sounds very protective, very respectable.
I would be willing to put people down, Kill children IF it was Necessary, I would probably not do Cannibalism, Kill myself if there's a no-escape situation so I wouldn't have to feel that much pain (Like Walkers eating you alive), But other than that I wouldn't be sure unless the ZA actually happened (If someone replys to this and says it will because of Ebola then I will...)
I would be willing to put down anyone bitten...If there is one thing that I don't have compared to others is the fear of needing to put down children.
Then hope Rosemary doesn't come since she thinks it will cause the end of the world.
Choice Time
Lots of people here are lying and think that in a Zombie Apocalypse will be BADASS, so, I will begin with the strategy: Stay with good people and going from house to house looking for food, spending the night in safe places that I found. If things be hard, I will try to use the people who I am to have time to escape ( I'm 13, maybe I was treated as a child? I mean, I profiteth it ). I think I survive for four, five months, until people who I am die. The most '' brutal '' thing of I think what I make in that situation is kill a zombie; seriously, cut your arm off is not what you think.
I don't think I COULD cut off my arm but I can sure get someone else to.
Are you crazy? You cry in the first Hit, you don't cut off a arm with one blow. Sorry, but is it.
If it ever happens (which it won't) Most of the population will die at first so the survivors should make a safe plan first , and if it ever came down to it, I know I would not be able to cut my own arm off
Yeah, I understand. Varies from person to person, mature, etc.
I know you don't...Hell I would be yelling to stop and cussing and crying but if it worked I would feel better about it.
Exactly, the first day is who have most part of dead, who don't believe... so, they will just die like that.
Maybe... question of maturity.
Painful, Real Painful
I think i'm mature but I don't deny it will be painful.
Hell, Yeah. I don't think any adult have force ( sentimental ) to cut one arm of a 14 Years old off, and I don't think I'm capable to do that.
I could do it...As long as I don't need to do it to myself, I could do it.
Wow, if you are capable to kill a zombie you can do that... in another person. So... what is your plan? If that happens?
I'm confused by your question, what are you asking?
Oh, what is your plan for an apocalypse zombie? Sorry if it was senseless, english is don't my first language '-'
Still confused but I will try and answer...If you are asking what's my plan for killing a zombie...it's aim for the head, any weapon will work. If you're asking my plan, its in the OP.
It's okay that your bad at English, I couldn't even notice till you told me.