How Exactly Are Clementine and Carver Alike?

Maybe I'm missing something, but after that speech Carver made about how he and Clementine are alike, I'm just a little confused. How exactly are they alike?


  • They aren't. Carver is just batshit crazy.

  • Plot Twist. Carver is Clem's Uncle

  • I guess it's because Carver saw a good leader in her like he saw in himself.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited October 2014

    It really depends on how you play as her. You can be a cold cruel person and prove him right, or you can still try to be the kind hearted, sweet Clementine from S1 and prove him wrong.

  • Okay, these make sense.

  • He can see that they have both been through tough times, they both are survivors, they both are leaders, So he is right they are alike in many ways but the difference is that Clem didn't break like Carver did.

  • break

    hue hue hue

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    He can see that they have both been through tough times, they both are survivors, they both are leaders, So he is right they are alike in many ways but the difference is that Clem didn't break like Carver did.

  • Alt text

    break hue hue hue

  • Oh Hey! Your Goons Failed....

  • I told them to come back, no need to waste energy on skrubz. =]

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Oh Hey! Your Goons Failed....

  • I'm not a skrub!

    Green613 posted: »

    I told them to come back, no need to waste energy on skrubz. =]

  • I wasn't talking to you :P. Skrub.

    I'm not a skrub!

  • edited October 2014

    Says the one who fails more than @Markd4547 (He can't kill batman and tries to be a selfish agent of chaos claiming Liam Neeson belongs to the Irish) and if I'm a so called "skrub" then why are you listening to my tips about "disposing people"? The more I think about it ,the more your points become invalid.... :)

    Green613 posted: »

    I told them to come back, no need to waste energy on skrubz. =]

  • Don't come in here and swear at me!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn Skrub...

  • Don't be a skrub , skrub.

    Green613 posted: »

    I wasn't talking to you :P. Skrub.

  • Damn Skrub...

    I'm not a skrub!

  • Ha! Your comment didn't show up Skrub (And stop calling people whatever they've called you already, It makes you look Urban) Skrub...

    Don't be a skrub , skrub.

  • Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Ha! Your comment didn't show up Skrub (And stop calling people whatever they've called you already, It makes you look Urban) Skrub...

  • Thank You for calling me #1, You're a real nice dude...

  • Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thank You for calling me #1, You're a real nice dude...

  • To me, they aren't. Carver was just manipulating her I think, but I'm not sure why so this is just a random guess. I don't really have any in-depth theories about it yet but I'm certain it has everything to do with Carver being batshit crazy and very little to do with Clementine actually being anything like him.

  • He meant that like him she wasn't afraid to do what was necessary, he even refferences how she confronts him at the cabin, "You were scared but you still looked me in the eye or something" I don't remember what he said to be honest but he was talking about how she confronted her fears because it was necessary, it also indicates that he sees how tough she is and that she has the potential to be a leader when she grows up.

  • I think Carver is comparing Clementine to the other Cabin Survivors. They're all weak, dithering, and completely unaware that the rest of the world has gone to crud in a way that needs to be dealt with. Carver is like Clementine in that both of them are prepared to do what is necessary to survive and build a new humanity.

    The thing is, Carver is also a dirty-dirty rapist so it doesn't hold much weight.

    He's also a bit like Kenny.

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