I hope they make S3 interesting because the only character that was interesting the entire game was Carver , and he died quick. Everything else felt boring/predictable.
I hope they make S3 interesting because the only character that was interesting the entire game was Carver , and he died quick. Everything else felt boring/predictable.
I miss Clementine.
I miss AJ.
I miss him too.
i like pie
Who was Lee again?
I miss Sarah.
I miss her too.
I miss Christa.
Yea, who was Lee?
I don't know, that's why I asked.
I miss Rebecca.
I'm pretty sure he might've meant T-Dog instead of Lee.
I'm thinking more of Tyreese.
Hm... Maybe it's Morgan?
Who dafuq is Lee?
RIP Lee.
I miss Carver.
I miss Troy.
Surely it would be Carol
There should be outline shaders for SFM.
Lee is dead get over it. Bring Back Nate.
Maybe it's Gareth?
Might be Carl.
I think it's Amy.
Yeah WTF!
I hope they make S3 interesting because the only character that was interesting the entire game was Carver , and he died quick. Everything else felt boring/predictable.
I'm sure you do. You have a real good day now.
That's directly from the game itself. ^^ You can actually create outlines via certain ambient occlusion settings with SFM too. c:
WTF, do you have fantasies about vilain characters.
I would of rather of had Eddie/Wyatt in the game than Jane/Kenny crying back and forth between each other.
I'm thinking more of Glenn.
I took me awhile to notice that Season 1 doesn't use outlines.
Ya sure it ain't Morales?
I miss the sheriff that drove Lee