Jane or AJ?

Since there's a "Kenny or AJ" thread, I decided to create a "Jane or AJ" thread.


Jane or AJ?

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  • AJ 100%

    And what in the hell is up with that picture.

  • edited October 2014

    Vomit for the picture

  • Yes.

    AJ 100% And what in the hell is up with that picture.

  • edited October 2014

    Legitimate reaction.

    supersagig posted: »

    Vomit for the picture AJ

  • Jane, if the situation isnt too risky.

  • XD So you changed it...Embarrassed were you?


  • edited October 2014

    AJ, I'm not that big of a fan of Jane. She's indifferent to me.

  • I trust walkers more than i trust jane so, AJ.

  • Me too!

    Found this one better

  • Our Hero Aj

  • Found this one better :)

    XD So you changed it...Embarrassed were you?

  • ^This.

    I trust walkers more than i trust jane so, AJ.

  • edited October 2014

    Jane. AJ would be such a pain.

  • AJ.

    I might as well be consistent.

  • AJ...even that baby has more common sense and respect for other people than Jane

  • AJ because my Clementine is like a big sister to AJ, she's attached to him and will do everything she can to keep him safe. Plus, I don't really like Jane since what she did.

  • AJ, he is not damaged yet and most of humanity is gone so he could ,when he is older very well not even know what happened(and he can be glad about that, Jane just wants to kill everyone. So Ice Cube style AJEE-I-JEE

  • Alt text

    whaddaya think?

  • AJ doesn't try to trick me to kill my friends, so I will pick him of course.

  • Yeah, he will just cause your friends to die by his very existence.

    AJ doesn't try to trick me to kill my friends, so I will pick him of course.

  • I was literally just about to say this.

    I trust walkers more than i trust jane so, AJ.

  • Yeah , but existing isn´t his fault

    zykelator posted: »

    Yeah, he will just cause your friends to die by his very existence.

  • edited October 2014

    So that makes him not accauntable for bad things he cause? Are all people with some disadvantage justified to get others killed, just because they cant help it?

    supersagig posted: »

    Yeah , but existing isn´t his fault

  • but fault doesn't matter! If your willing to save AJ no matter what then your willing to die in which case AJ would perish too.
    If you leave AJ to the walkers allowing you to live, you can always make another AJ jrjr and tell him Bear stories.

    supersagig posted: »

    Yeah , but existing isn´t his fault

  • Neither! >:D

  • That just reminding me of the last Episode on the show with the cannibals eating a mans leg talking about how a bear will eat its young just because it can have more...

    WowMutt posted: »

    but fault doesn't matter! If your willing to save AJ no matter what then your willing to die in which case AJ would perish too. If you leave AJ to the walkers allowing you to live, you can always make another AJ jrjr and tell him Bear stories.

  • Everybody had the same disadvantages that AJ had, get who killed? no one is killed because of AJ (jane maybe but thats her own fault)

    The only bad thing that happened was Jane picking a fight based on a LIE

    zykelator posted: »

    So that makes him not accauntable for bad things he cause? Are all people with some disadvantage justified to get others killed, just because they cant help it?

  • Everybody had the same disadvantages that AJ had

    Everybody was a helpless baby? Please no more of your bs...

    Im not even talking about what happened in the game, just babies or anyone else who get others killed by their very existence in za.

    Kenny-Lee posted: »

    Everybody had the same disadvantages that AJ had, get who killed? no one is killed because of AJ (jane maybe but thats her own fault) The only bad thing that happened was Jane picking a fight based on a LIE

  • Its illogical to sink with the ship.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That just reminding me of the last Episode on the show with the cannibals eating a mans leg talking about how a bear will eat its young just because it can have more...

  • edited October 2014

    you were a helpless baby i was a helpless baby or did you pop out looking like you do now? You just can't do it can you respond normally , BS this and that.... sad

    Zombies kill, not babys , maybe pay attention when doing you things so they can't jump you then you will be fine

    its still a game you want to go off topic

    zykelator posted: »

    Everybody had the same disadvantages that AJ had Everybody was a helpless baby? Please no more of your bs... Im not even talking

  • you were a helpless baby i was a helpless baby or did you pop out looking like you do now? You just can't do it can you respond normally , BS this and that.... sad

    And i grew up in different world than AJ would have. What point are you trying to make?

    Zombies kill, not babys , maybe pay attention when doing you things so they can't jump you then you will be fine

    So Ben wasnt responssible for deaths of Katjaa, Carley/dough, Chuck, Brie, Duck ? And Kenny was just crazy and wanted to murder Ben for no reason?

    its still a game you want to go off topic

    This whole situation which is presented by op is off-topic, since it never happens in the game.

    Kenny-Lee posted: »

    you were a helpless baby i was a helpless baby or did you pop out looking like you do now? You just can't do it can you respond normally , B

  • Duck was bitten by a ZOMBIE so katjaa killed herself Carley/Doug was shot by a traumatised Lilly , kenny went crazy because the ROBBERS infiltrated their "fort" and in the commotion Duck got bitten. Chuck well the group was close to getting cornerded by walkers and ben what was he 15 ? Didn't know how to fight off 6-7 walkers , running was a dumb move but Clem and Ben made it , they could've saved Chuck but he didn't even want to he was FINE he said

    zykelator posted: »

    you were a helpless baby i was a helpless baby or did you pop out looking like you do now? You just can't do it can you respond normally , B

  • How can you not trust walkers more, though? ;P

    If you think about it, walkers are about the only 'persons' you still can trust.

    Walkers don't rape, kill for fun or torture people to get information. They don't willingly destroy food of others, they don't shoot guns at you and they don't talk little girls into trusting them and then abduct them. They don't go crazy if they lose someone.

    So, after all you can trust walkers to just want to eat. Nothing more.

    'I trust The Governor more than Jane' would be a better comparsion ;)

    I trust walkers more than i trust jane so, AJ.

  • AJ.

    AJ pukes on me

    fak u AJ. Jane.

    Jane pukes on me

    fak u Jane. You can both go die.

  • Duck was bitten because of situation which Ben cause. Katjaa shot herself because of Duck was bitten. Lilly shot Carley/doug because of the situation Ben put them in. Chuck died because of Ben left Clementine in middle of walkers and he went to help Clementine.

    Chuck said he was fine because he didnt want others to risk themselves in order to save him.

    Ben is the reason all of them are dead so stop talking shit.

    Kenny-Lee posted: »

    Duck was bitten by a ZOMBIE so katjaa killed herself Carley/Doug was shot by a traumatised Lilly , kenny went crazy because the ROBBERS infi

  • AJ. At least he won't leave me when things get tough.

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