Who did you chose to go with?



  • edited October 2014

    Huh? The two statements are not mutually-exclusive. He tells Edith that she could keep the supplies if she would take in Clem and AJ.

    It'd be irrational to turn down supplies after Clem's already taken into safety and Edith didn't ask for the supplies back.

    supersagig posted: »

    He's a hero. He trades the supplies that he needs to survive for Clem's survival at Wellington. He took the supplies and left

  • edited October 2014

    Rescues the group. Nope.

    It's called "trying". He could have run off, but he stuck around to rescue the group.

    Clementine is young, Carver knew that Clementine is mentally stable and has nerve, he also mentioned that he wants 'his' baby to grow up like Clementine did. He probably would've forgave her depending on her attitude. I'm saying this because when you're listening to Carver's conversation (with the walkie talkie's) you can tell that you're sorry or show an attitude and get beaten. Also worth mentioning; In one of the dialogues Carver says something like: "Well you can't have this one. If you try to take it I will hurt you myself honny." Which makes it hard to tell if Carver would've killed Clementine, hurt her, or forgave her for her actions.

    Well, I give you that TellTale made Carver's treatment of Clementine very odd and unrealistic. There's a whole thread by marioluigi on that subject, so I won't repeat that here. But if you can look past the fact that Clementine can't die, it's not hard to see that Clem was in serious danger for helping the group escape.

    He trades the supplies that he needs to survive for Clem's survival at Wellington.

    That's an uncle who loves Clementine.

    Where Carver takes Clementine and the rest of the group hostage. Lets rage control the situation. Check. Succeeds to get Walter k

  • I have a question for those who left with Kenny and did not go into Wellington. Don't you think it's kind of irresponsible to choose that when Wellington seems to be well supplied and AJ is literally 10-12 days old and needs food/nutrients to survive?

  • edited October 2014

    It's called "trying". He could have run off, but he stuck around to rescue the group.

    Now you're calling it trying. and then later in your sentence "he stuck around to rescue the group" which never happend. and for a matter of fact; Kenny wouldn't leave because Sarita was still there.

    it's not hard to see that Clem was in serious danger for helping the group escape.

    and who came up with all those ideas where Clementine became the plan? hmm? need a hint? It's Kenny.

    That's an uncle who loves Clementine.

    you replied to a statement that you made yourself? ugh anyway, as supersagig said in his comment:

    He took the supplies and left

    oh and please don't call Kenny Clementine's 'uncle', hes not family related to her, and it disgusts me when spoken of such a thing.

    HugoCorv posted: »

    Rescues the group. Nope. It's called "trying". He could have run off, but he stuck around to rescue the group. Clementine is y

  • Yeah well they're either so desperate to stick with Kenny, or they distrust Wellington.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I have a question for those who left with Kenny and did not go into Wellington. Don't you think it's kind of irresponsible to choose that w

  • edited October 2014

    Now you're calling it trying. and then later in your sentence "he stuck around to rescue the group" which never happend. and for a matter of fact; Kenny wouldn't leave because Sarita was still there.

    Look up the definition of the word "to" :) You seem to think that it implies a successful action. It does not. "I went to say 'Goodbye', but he wasn't there." That statement doesn't mean I didn't go to say "Goodbye" :D

    and who came up with all those ideas where Clementine became the plan? hmm? need a hint? It's Kenny.

    The two statements are not mutually exclusive. He still offered himself in Clementine's place and was being beaten to death for it.

    He's a hero. He trades the supplies that he needs to survive for Clem's survival at Wellington.

    I replied to this already. It'd be irrational to turn down supplies after Clem's already taken into safety and Edith didn't ask for the supplies back. That does not deny the fact that he begged Edith to make an exception for Clementine and offered to give up the supplies in exchange. The fact that Edith took Clementine in without taking the supplies does not change the fact that he did offer to give it up in exchange.

    oh and please don't call Kenny Clementine's 'uncle'

    I thought the adoptive uncle-niece relationship between Kenny and Clem was the best part of Season 2. Cheers :)

    It's called "trying". He could have run off, but he stuck around to rescue the group. Now you're calling it trying. and then later i

  • i let Jane die and i stayed with Kenny i couldn't leave him. I think he would protect Clementine and aj better then Jane would that's just my opinion everyone has there own opinions.

  • I Think if you stayed in wellington something will go wrong and it ait zombies or bandits. I think if you stay at wellington a virus will happen there like the tv show everyone gets sick and a lot die so that's why i went with Kenny.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I have a question for those who left with Kenny and did not go into Wellington. Don't you think it's kind of irresponsible to choose that w

  • Family > Safety.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I have a question for those who left with Kenny and did not go into Wellington. Don't you think it's kind of irresponsible to choose that w

  • obviously kenny and AJ. theyre mah niggas

  • hey, you know what? first of all they give 2 bags of supplies, second of all kenny is all clem has got left, third of all its not fair to kenny or Aj OR clem to leave kenny, AJ thinks the world of kenny and clem, clem thinks the world of AJ and kenny, kenny will have nothing out there to live for which results in suicide for good people like kenny, and fourth of all if you had stuck with kenny THAT long... Wtf would you leave him for?

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I have a question for those who left with Kenny and did not go into Wellington. Don't you think it's kind of irresponsible to choose that w

  • edited October 2014

    its not fair to kenny or Aj OR clem to leave kenny,

    It's not fair to KENNY or AJ or CLEM to leave KENNY? Kenny can leave Kenny?!

    Alt text

    AJ thinks the world of kenny and clem, clem thinks the world of AJ and kenny, kenny will have nothing out there to live for which results in suicide for good people like kenny, and fourth of all if you had stuck with kenny THAT long... Wtf would you leave him for?

    Alt text

    hey, you know what? first of all they give 2 bags of supplies, second of all kenny is all clem has got left, third of all its not fair to ke

  • Just saying if survival of AJ is the most important thing, they should have stayed in Wellington and let Kenny go. Or just leave AJ with the people (As long as you trust them).

    hey, you know what? first of all they give 2 bags of supplies, second of all kenny is all clem has got left, third of all its not fair to ke

  • t's not fair to KENNY or AJ or CLEM to leave KENNY? Kenny can leave Kenny?!

    I meant to type "for"

    its not fair to kenny or Aj OR clem to leave kenny, It's not fair to KENNY or AJ or CLEM to leave KENNY? Kenny can leave Kenny?!

  • I agree.

    In my playthrough, I did not steal from Arvo when given the option. It did not matter that I had shown compassion, he fixed me with a glare that spoke volumes - he wanted to kill me. Later, I shot his zombie - turned sister out of necessity. Again, his glare spoke volumes. I tried to approach him later and said that I was sorry his sister died. He screamed at me and glared at me as if he wanted to kill me yet again.

    Given the circumstances, I didn't doubt that he actually wanted to kill me. Losing his sister, being beat up - he was not in a good position to be rational. What I don't doubt: he wanted to (very justifiedly) kill Kenny, and he (somewhat irrationally) wanted to kill me. I don't blame him for feeling this way; it was very understandable for a person in his position. However, understanding his desire to kill me / our group, and his desire to get away from our group, does not make it OK by me. We needed the supplies he mentioned, and just letting him go wasn't an option. He had already proved that he was a dangerous person to just let go (he came back and attempted to mug our group after Jane and I had let him go once, without taking his stuff).

    Was I sure he lead us across the lake in order to kill a few of us off? No, I wasn't totally sure, but I was more than 70% sure. Am I fairly sure he and his group must have known a safer route around, given the fact they had lived there for a while? Yes, I'm fairly sure of that. Losing a couple of his captors was a very nice fringe benefit for him; he definitely wanted to get away from our group, or at least Kenny. So yeah, I'm pretty certain Arvo set up that lake situation. Does this mean I blame him? No. I would have probably done something similar if I were in his shoes. Does it mean I have to like him or take his side? NO.

    He is simply a character I had no reason to give the benefit of the doubt to. And apparently I was right, since he and Mike tried to steal all our stuff and HE SHOT ME.

    You're right, you know. I wasn't a 100% sure about Arvo running away from whatever in that scene, but I didn't bother to look back to see what actually happend. But i'll trust you that you're saying the truth Thanks for correcting me.

  • I picked Jane. Neither character is perfect, and let's face it: we don't have a really "good" choice. But I just never had this "family" feeling about Kenny that other commenters describe. I remember him from season 1 being hot-tempered, often irrational, and quite dangerous (at least in my play through). His good mood with Sarita was the exception, not the norm. With Sarita gone, he had gone back to displaying all of those dangerous traits in full force. He was headed towards killing someone in our group, picking vicious fights with each member. He had already driven away Mike, who I liked - I could understand why Mike would want to help Arvo escape, even if I didn't trust / like Arvo.

    While I thought what Jane did was manipulative, I could also understand why she did it. The fact of the matter is that in the ZA, extremely challenging emotional situations come up on a daily basis. She couldn't be around his abuse anymore, and didn't want his ticking time bomb of a personality to randomly explode during the next, unpredictable, emotionally charged situation. So she provoked the situation to have it done with. It was a messed up thing to do, but there are few non-messed up choices available to people in these circumstances. So, I forgave her for it. Also, she knows how to survive. Going out into the wilderness with a newborn and no one else to help seemed suicidal. If she ends up ditching me, which I think is likely, I will be no worse off than if I had ditched her at the filling station.

  • That's pretty much how I saw it as well.

    DigitalAnna posted: »

    I killed Kenny and left with Jane. I also took the family in. Here's why: I loved Kenny, but he's always been like that, getting worse. It

  • I also chose to let the family in, because I haven't given up on humanity. I think we have to keep fighting to bring people back together, even if it takes lots of failures, lots of messed up crap. I don't trust them immediately now, but that doesn't mean we can't learn to trust each other slowly.

    Renster posted: »

    I picked Jane. Neither character is perfect, and let's face it: we don't have a really "good" choice. But I just never had this "family" f

  • I went with Kenny. I also didn't stay at Wellington without him. Kenny's one of my most favorite characters, it broke my heart enough to lose Lee and Luke (wasn't able to play for a couple of days after their death's). I hope SO much, that Kenny stays with Clementine till the end of all this, but I don't think it's coming like this, otherwise the option to kill him instead of Jane would not have been given. God, I somehow fear the day of the release of Season 3 -.-

  • I went with Jane.. as much as I liked Kenny and trusted him, the choice became one or the other so i chose who I felt best to help Clem survive.

    I didnt let the family in at the end because we've just gone through so much, and just got to Howes, it's too soon and dangerous to trust anyone new. and that little kids stare at the end. he's gonna be trouble!

    Renster posted: »

    I also chose to let the family in, because I haven't given up on humanity. I think we have to keep fighting to bring people back together,

  • edited November 2014

    finally!!! someone who has a logical reason why it's a good/right thing to choose jane over kenny(not a kenny hater) not some stupid fandom sh*t who sounded like a 7 years old "shouting boo hoo!! you stupid shit for choosing jane over kenny!!!! you traitor etc."

    that's my reason too why i choose her.. but i didn't let the family in :(

    I Couldn't Agree More :)

    Alt text

    DigitalAnna posted: »

    I killed Kenny and left with Jane. I also took the family in. Here's why: I loved Kenny, but he's always been like that, getting worse. It

  • edited November 2014

    Fuck that alone with AJ ending, why not Snape?

    Alt text

    VectorXP posted: »

    Let Kenny kill Jane, and leave Kenny is the better ending no matters what people say, just because of one thing: It's the most emotive. Anyway, alone with AJ is the best.

  • edited November 2014

    in my first playthrough(which I had to erase; see my thread about the save slots) I ended up alone with AJ. Kenny killed Jane and then I killed Kenny because he was a mess. I've mapped out all the other endings and can't wait to see where they take me in season three. Also is there no way to go with mike?

  • edited November 2014

    I haven't given up on humanity. I think we have to keep fighting to bring people back together,

    the zombie virus was developed to either dilute the human population to a certain percentage and bring them back to a 'more suitable generation' or it was created to annihilate every living human. If it's the first case, a rebuild will occur, civilizations will come and hopefully people will learn from this and won't go back into the same direction as we are in now.

    now = y'know, this reality.

    Renster posted: »

    I also chose to let the family in, because I haven't given up on humanity. I think we have to keep fighting to bring people back together,

  • I thought the 'leaving with Kenny and AJ' was the best ending personally. Kenny tried to leave AJ and Clem at Wellington, which showed how much he really did care about them, more than his own survival. He deserved that sort of commitment from Clem in return. Plus, pragmatically speaking, if Kenny was to die, they are likely going to be staying in the area anyway (since the woman said to check back in a few months).... and if Kenny died, Clem and AJ make their way back to Wellington, and the Wellington-ites would likely take them both in since they were going to anyway.

    I just can't trust Jane.... especially after what she did with AJ. She made it VERY clear that she had either killed AJ or just abandonned him to be killed to save herself. Her previous talks with Rebecca, and with the group ALL lead to that belief - it's not an unreasonable belief by either Kenny or Clem, and she never says, even when Kenny's about to kill her, that AJ is safe and all right and it was a test or trick to get Clem to go with her.

    Even in both Jane endings, she shows how distrusting she is of others - she doesnt WANT the other family coming in. And even if you let them in, when the woman hugs her, she has this expression of 'wtf get off of me' when getting hugged. She just doesnt work well in a group, and yeah - I agree with whoever said she seems OBSESSED with Clem as a replacement little sister, trying to assuage her guilt at how she left her own sister behind to die and gave up on her sister... since Clem is the type of person who never gives up.

    Kenny is dealing with guilt too, but uses it in a better way (sometimes). He's guilty about not being there for Duck, both before and after the Zombie Apocalypse. He wants to do a better job with AJ, the way Lee did with Clem. He proves that he knows how to do a better job when he's willing to let Clem and AJ go to Wellington without him, as it would mean they'll be safe, even if he's left out in the dangerous world alone, with no one. It's a heroic sacrifice - he realizes his faults, and doesnt trust himself to be able to protect AJ and Clem as well as Wellington can. It's Clem who is the only one who can force him to think otherwise.

    Kenny wants to be with Clem and AJ because he has a major 'protector mindset' going on. He's always had this mindset - with his family AND with Lee. He's the one who goes back to save Lee when Larry knocks him out in the pharmacy. If you don't give him any food, he still thanks you as long as you give food to the CHILDREN. Far as he's concerned, it's the children who matter more than the adults, even if he blows up at Clem after Sarita's death (he apologizes profusely about that to Clem very soon afterwards). He doesnt even see Clem as necessarily 'needing' the help to justify him helping her - he knows she's more than capable of taking care of herself.... but that's why Clem has the option to get him out of his funk by telling him the baby needs him. That reinforces his protector mentality.

    I went with Kenny. I also didn't stay at Wellington without him. Kenny's one of my most favorite characters, it broke my heart enough to los

  • Mike was willing to abandon a baby and Clem to death without supplies, so he could run off with a guy who was part of an ambush of the group, who he barely said two words to and just felt sorry for because of Kenny beating the crap out of him.

    That being said, I don't think Mike's a bad person. His fear of Kenny made him make bad choices though - I would hope that after Arvo shot Clem, if Mike and Bonnie and Arvo ran off together, that Mike would kill Arvo. Or at least leave him to die as soon as the opportunity arose. That would redeem him in my eyes.

    in my first playthrough(which I had to erase; see my thread about the save slots) I ended up alone with AJ. Kenny killed Jane and then I ki

  • I do think Jane would abandon Clem and especially AJ at the first sign that it might be hopeless. "We're stuck in a truck surrounded by walkers and no gas! AJ's in the back and the zombies are breaking in through the back! His crying is attracting them to the back so we can escape through the front! Leave AJ Clem! Clem why arent you leaving AJ! I'm sorry Clem, I have to go without you!" She has a survivalist mentality.

    Heck, she left Clem in the truck in the game even when the zombie was trying to kill her. Not even trying to use the knife to stab the zombie in the head to give Clem a chance. Just leave it to Clem to do everything.

    On the other hand, I think Kenny would willingly sacrifice his own life to give Clem and AJ a few more seconds to escape. "We're stuck in a truck surrounded by walkers and no gas! I'll open the door and hold them off while you escape with AJ, Clem! Don't worry about me darlin! Keep AJ safe!" He has a protector mentality, like Lee did.

    buzzes99 posted: »

    i let Jane die and i stayed with Kenny i couldn't leave him. I think he would protect Clementine and aj better then Jane would that's just my opinion everyone has there own opinions.

  • I wish there had been an option to just shoot Jane instead during one of the many moments when Jane was trying to kill Kenny (rather than the moments where Kenny was trying to kill Jane).

    Or at least shooting EITHER of them to just wound them instead of kill them. Or hell... shooting both of them to wound them. Clem's a good enough shot for that.

    WowMutt posted: »

    I went with Jane.. as much as I liked Kenny and trusted him, the choice became one or the other so i chose who I felt best to help Clem surv

  • I still think think the Clem going off alone with the baby options should culminate in the both of them lying dead in a field somewhere because it's just crazy to me that they would survive that.

  • If you let the time run out when deciding between letting the family in or turn them away Jane let them in

    pander1 posted: »

    I thought the 'leaving with Kenny and AJ' was the best ending personally. Kenny tried to leave AJ and Clem at Wellington, which showed how

  • I just finished episode 5 last night, and it's left a pretty bad taste in my mouth. When the choice to shoot Kenny came up I ended up pausing the game to think about it. I came to the conclusion that Kenny was just too dangerous and had to be shot (I was duped by Jane, I didn't realize she was hiding the baby). I felt pretty good about the decision after Kenny tells Clem that she did the right thing. When I found AJ, and realized what Jane did, I immediately regretted it. I still forgave Jane and went with her, because I felt it was better than going off on my own. If I hadn't paused the game time would have run out and Kenny would have killed Jane. Kenny might be a loose cannon, but I still think he was the right choice in hindsight. Even though he is reckless and aggressive, he will truly do anything to protect Clem and AJ. I don't really trust Jane to do that if her life was on the line.

    I played a second save file where I went with Kenny. I'm not sure which file I will carry over. On the one hand I want to live with the original decision I made, but on the other hand I did kind of cheat by pausing the game. If I just hadn't paused the game Kenny wouldn't have died!

  • Well... that's at least something hopeful about her. But I just don't see her sticking around. She is not built to trust anyone.

    Btw .... I just realized, Kenny didnt INSTANTLY try to kill Jane when she came back without the baby.

    His FIRST instinct was to run outside to look for AJ. When he couldnt find AJ, THEN he came back inside enraged, realizing that Jane either killed AJ (as a 'merciful' way to get rid of a liability) or left AJ to die with walker so that she could get away. Like bait. When he was out searching for AJ, that's when Jane was all 'don't interfere with what happens next' to Clem.

    supersagig posted: »

    If you let the time run out when deciding between letting the family in or turn them away Jane let them in

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