Real life tough choices



  • Atheists forget about heroes like Dr Kent Bradley. He was inspired by his faith to help people in West Africa, and i don't see helping others as a bad thing, or bad people.

    Then again what do i know.

    Belan posted: »

    Its the time we live in now, where Christians are treated like dirt and we are supposed to take it. Not me. Agreed. The world is becoming so secular.

  • rekt

    Belan posted: »

    Meh... Just read the reply above yours. Cant be asked to write the same again. Or you could just give me an actual specific reply to

  • edited October 2014

    I don't think he was assuming they were Christian. I think what he meant was that carelessly assuming they're Atheist, and saying as insensitive of a remark as zykelator did isn't ok, because they may be religious.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It was more about assuming they share the same religious views, which is what normativity is about. Like heteronormativity being assuming every person is interested in the opposite gender.

  • Hardapplecider the problem with your statement is you don't understand the universe, or what is required for it to work. Here is an example. You look at your smart phone screen. What do you see? Little buttons to push, and pictures. You don't see all the tiny parts, and all the thousands and thousands of code used to make the phone work. Now think about that for a minute. The universe is a lot like the code, and tiny parts you don't think about. You see so much of the universe as a waste. Also don't you think life would be boring without the wonder of what's out there? Don't you find it even remotely interesting to think of humans exploring the universe? I believe our creator made something so impressive as to create wonder in us. Also I don't believe we are alone. I believe there are countless worlds filled with life.

    Also, consider; "if" the universe were "fine tuned" it sure as heck wouldn't have been made "for us." Look at other things that "are" mad

  • There is evidence. Is there science that proves it? Not at this point but what about witness testimony? There are cardiac surgeon's who have had patience dead on the operating table who were able to explain what was happening to them while dead. They tell the doctor details of the surgery they shouldn't have been able to know. You can find doctors interviewed on youtube if you like.

    Sorry bro, but there is no good reason to suspect that heaven exists Those are all just stories

  • edited October 2014

    It was actually predicted in the Bible that Christians will be turned on by the world once again in Modern times.

    Mathew 24:9-14 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It could be a lot worse in America. People want to knock my religion that 's fine. Its the time we live in now, where Christians are treated like dirt and we are supposed to take it. Not me.

  • The problem with Atheism is the very theory invalidates itself. It's similar to something called Darwin's dilemma... Atheism will tell you that your brain is made of atoms, and that it was created through a mindless, unguided process. If that is true how can you believe anything it tells you including that it is made of atoms? Would you fly on an air plane that's computers were programmed by monkey's? Of course you wouldn't.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    Hardapplecider the problem with your statement is you don't understand the universe, or what is required for it to work. Here is an example

  • The only fact based science is mathematics. Science is constantly updating theories or do you believe that the theories on gravity, time, and other such things have always been known?

    zykelator posted: »

    Havent i talked with you about whats the definition of fact? If not, go read about it.

  • edited October 2014

    zykelator likes to think her "real" view on the world is based on science. Couldn't be further from the truth. There are plenty of atheists out there who love life, and are happy people to be around. It wouldn't matter if zykelator was religious or atheists she apparently loves being negative.

    zykelator posted: »

    Meh... Just read the reply above yours. Cant be asked to write the same again. It isn't shoving any views down your throat It is. I think the difference between you and me is that i wouldnt lie to someone to make them feel better.

  • I'd like your logic on explaining this. Is matter and energy eternal, or did it come from nothingness?

    zykelator posted: »

    Its not my opinion, but rather a logical outcome once the source which maintains us is destroyed/dies.

  • zykelator do you believe in determinism?

    Kennyftw posted: »

    I'd like your logic on explaining this. Is matter and energy eternal, or did it come from nothingness?

  • Nothing has changed? All knowledge we currently have shows that human mind of produced by brains and once they dont stop functioning, you cease to exist.

    Now go read your own comments.

  • Eh... Only on the Internet, the majority of people are still religious and let's face it one of the main reasons why this sort of behaviour is so prevalent among atheists is because religious people do the exact same thing in real life.

    The Christians I know treated me like dirt when they asked me if I believed in God and said no, even blaming me for my grandmother going to hell just because I didn't believe in God, despite the fact that I expressed no opinions about it and was being extremely respectful because, well it's the right thing to do.

    In any case I'm saying that both sides are jerks and the reason why it doesn't stop is because both sides keep being jerks, in any case I wouldn't argue with these people they are simply venting their frustrations and are downright unreasonable, same as Christians and other religious groups who refuse to just accept and respect each others beliefs, I'm not saying that all religious people are like this but they most definitely exist and there's lots of them, in any case arguing about this is pointless because neither side is ever going to come to a compromise.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It could be a lot worse in America. People want to knock my religion that 's fine. Its the time we live in now, where Christians are treated like dirt and we are supposed to take it. Not me.

  • So because we cant have absolute truths about reality, everything we know should be considered false? You just dont get anywhere with that attitude.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    The only fact based science is mathematics. Science is constantly updating theories or do you believe that the theories on gravity, time, and other such things have always been known?

  • edited October 2014

    So because we cant have absolute truths about reality, everything we know should be considered false?

    He didn't say that at all. There is a difference between something not being fact and something being false. It's not an either or.

    zykelator posted: »

    So because we cant have absolute truths about reality, everything we know should be considered false? You just dont get anywhere with that attitude.

  • If you would spend few seconds reading my bio, you would know im a male.

    Im not negative on purpose, i just like to face reality as it is.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    zykelator likes to think her "real" view on the world is based on science. Couldn't be further from the truth. There are plenty of atheist

  • How is it bad thing to say that someone who dies goes to same state as before he was born?

    Well there it is.

    No it isn't. Not at all. Seriously, you're trying way too hard here. Like I said above, its nothing more than a freaking condolence. Its not like they are slapping you across the face with a bible and forcing you to share their beliefs. They're just offering comfort. If you don't want to put any stock in that comfort, then fine, but please actually try and recognize these people's intentions instead of 100% missing the point.

    It is. You are trying way too hard here to make shoving your religious beliefs down peoples throats not look so bad. How is it actually comforting to tell others that their loved ones exist for eternity? No one should have to suffer like that and you say its a condolence.

    We don't know the actual answer to whether there is or isn't an afterlife, so lying about it is an impossibility. There is no harm done in comforting someone.

    We know the more probable answer here. Nothing indicates that you exist after your brains stop functioning. You might aswell defend any kind of supernatural idea here and say "we dont know the real answer, so its a possibility". That is simply stupid and leads to nothing but more pointless debate about not being able to know something for 100%.

    Belan posted: »

    Meh... Just read the reply above yours. Cant be asked to write the same again. Or you could just give me an actual specific reply to

  • "Nothingness" leads to everything, that much i know. Im not even going to claim to know everything about this subject, but there are plenty of brilliant minds who know about this and you should listen to them instead.


    I have seen few of his videos on same subject from few years ago, but not this newest one, but im sure its the same as before. He does like to make fun out of religions so try to not get offended. If you ever have a free hour or so, check it out.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    I'd like your logic on explaining this. Is matter and energy eternal, or did it come from nothingness?

  • Welcome to Agnosticism, we don't know and aren't taking sides unless forced.

    kaleion posted: »

    Eh... Only on the Internet, the majority of people are still religious and let's face it one of the main reasons why this sort of behaviour

  • Well without life, everything would happen by the laws of nature and there pretty much would be a certain "fate" we as outside observer could see, as everything would follow simple mathematical constants (gravity and such things).

    Kennyftw posted: »

    zykelator do you believe in determinism?

  • Actually there is a scientific explanation of the Heaven hallucinations. However I don't want to get into an argument and just wanted to put it out there.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    There is evidence. Is there science that proves it? Not at this point but what about witness testimony? There are cardiac surgeon's who h

  • We either have to accept that we cant know anything for sure and just work on what we have, or just do as some proposes and treat every possibility as equal, simply because we cannot have absolute facts.

    Belan posted: »

    So because we cant have absolute truths about reality, everything we know should be considered false? He didn't say that at all. There is a difference between something not being fact and something being false. It's not an either or.

  • Well I'm an atheist, but I'm a reasonable atheists and don't force my points of view on other people, I will give them if someone asks but that's about it.

    I'm not taking sides either, I think both sides are jerks.

    Welcome to Agnosticism, we don't know and aren't taking sides unless forced.

  • edited October 2014

    How is it bad thing to say that someone who dies goes to same state as before he was born?

    ...okay? This has nothing to do with what we were talking about. We weren't discussing that at all. We were discussing whether it is right or wrong to console a grieving individual by telling them their lost loved one is in heaven. Nothing else.

    It is. You are trying way too hard here to make shoving your religious beliefs down peoples throats not look so bad. How is it actually comforting to tell others that their loved ones exist for eternity? No one should have to suffer like that and you say its a condolence.

    You completely ignored my explanation and instead just repeated your stance on the topic without actually doing anything to refute or really even address what I said. This is why conversations with you go absolutely nowhere. There is really no point in even debating.

    Again, you're 100% missing the point behind telling someone that their lost loved one could be in heaven. It isn't about forcing religion on someone, it isn't about forcing spiritual beliefs upon someone. It's about comforting the individual. It's seriously that simple. No one is making the grieving individual put stock in the theory of an afterlife. They should simply be happy that someone is offering support and concern for their well being. That is entirely the point behind it all.

    We know the more probable answer here.

    I'm not going to debate which answer is probable. Neither side has any grounds for being presented as factual. So again, how can one lie about something when they don't even know the answer themselves?

    You might aswell defend any kind of supernatural idea here and say "we dont know the real answer, so its a possibility". That is simply stupid and leads to nothing but more pointless debate about not being able to know something for 100%.

    It's only "stupid" to you because it defeats your agenda.

    But no, we're not talking about just any kind of supernatural idea. We're talking about an actual possible answer to a question that is right in front of us. It's not like we're just making the situation up. Either one of two things is going to happen.. there is no way for us to know which outcome is going to come to pass. Based on the things I have experienced in my life, I tend to lean in one particular direction over the other.

    zykelator posted: »

    How is it bad thing to say that someone who dies goes to same state as before he was born? Well there it is. No it isn't. Not

  • Just to put this out there. :P


    Belan posted: »

    Meh... Just read the reply above yours. Cant be asked to write the same again. Or you could just give me an actual specific reply to

  • No one is curious about this?

    Chopping my arm off or not... I barely made it through that horde out of that store...

  • Are you.saying Christians in America are treated like dirt?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    It could be a lot worse in America. People want to knock my religion that 's fine. Its the time we live in now, where Christians are treated like dirt and we are supposed to take it. Not me.

  • I'm an Agnostic Atheist so I'm like you basically.

    kaleion posted: »

    Well I'm an atheist, but I'm a reasonable atheists and don't force my points of view on other people, I will give them if someone asks but that's about it. I'm not taking sides either, I think both sides are jerks.

  • We should go relax on our chill corner then, ignoring all the jerks.

    Sadly I can't do that though, I gravitate a lot towards being a mediator and trying to calm things down, sometimes I mean, not all of the time.

    I'm an Agnostic Atheist so I'm like you basically.

  • I usually stay out of these but sometimes I want to jump into the fray.

    kaleion posted: »

    We should go relax on our chill corner then, ignoring all the jerks. Sadly I can't do that though, I gravitate a lot towards being a mediator and trying to calm things down, sometimes I mean, not all of the time.

  • edited October 2014

    mindless, unguided process

    Wrong, process over time from the past surviving better members of a species.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    The problem with Atheism is the very theory invalidates itself. It's similar to something called Darwin's dilemma... Atheism will tell you

  • It is kind off enticing sometimes, it takes too much energy though.

    I usually stay out of these but sometimes I want to jump into the fray.

  • Again, you're 100% missing the point behind telling someone that their lost loved one could be in heaven. It isn't about forcing religion on someone, it isn't about forcing spiritual beliefs upon someone. It's about comforting the individual. It's seriously that simple. No one is making the grieving individual put stock in the theory of an afterlife. They should simply be happy that someone is offering support and concern for their own well being. That is entirely the point behind it all.

    I just explained how it isnt a comforting thing to say... Would you not be offended if i told you that your loved ones will exist for eternity? Or do you not think that existing for eternity isnt a curse, but rather a gift?

    No, we don't. Unless you're actually prepared to give a good, logical argument for this, please don't say such baseless things.

    "Nothing indicates that you exist after your brains stop functioning" Is this not good enough argument for you?

    Belan posted: »

    How is it bad thing to say that someone who dies goes to same state as before he was born? ...okay? This has nothing to do with what

  • Once i'm in something, there's no getting me out.

    kaleion posted: »

    It is kind off enticing sometimes, it takes too much energy though.

  • Alt text

    zykelator posted: »

    Whats the point of going to funeral? Your brother didnt exist anymore, its was a bit too late to say goodbye.

  • x eat the amazing junk food you've been saving over time or x continue your diet and look hot

    if I eat the junk food i'll feel great for about 10 minutes but then sadness and depression hits and I feel like fat fuck and wanting to throw up

    if I don't eat the junk food I feel like shit the first hour but later feel strong that I didn't cave in but eventually get the urge to.

    either way i lose.

  • Nothing has changed? All knowledge we currently have shows that human mind of produced by brains and once they dont stop functioning, you cease to exist. =/= Heaven and hell do not exist.
    Alt text

    zykelator posted: »

    Nothing has changed? All knowledge we currently have shows that human mind of produced by brains and once they dont stop functioning, you cease to exist.

  • Yeah. I hurt the gingerbread boy. Cause he's pretend bread boy. Little cookie man never waved to me. So he got knocked out.

This discussion has been closed.