I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
She said, "What?" and I told her that I didn't know
She's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window
Everything's better when she's around
I can't wait 'til her parents go out of town
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
when you say that do you mean people are awesome at art works - the making of jack o lanterns? or do you mean people are awesome in general? if its the latter then I would disagree
I know this sounds super lame but every teenager in my town is partying, drinking, smoking weed, shooting heroin (screw NJ's heroin problem) and wearing slutty costumes and all I want is to be 7 again with friends and going trick-or-treating in a costume :'c
Well, I guess it depends. I mean, some people are just dicks, we all know that. But there are people who are pure awesome, who actually care and everything. But I know that most people don 't see that, many times including me. I assume it depends on the viewer.
when you say that do you mean people are awesome at art works - the making of jack o lanterns? or do you mean people are awesome in general? if its the latter then I would disagree
I know this sounds super lame but every teenager in my town is partying, drinking, smoking weed, shooting heroin (screw NJ's heroin problem)… more and wearing slutty costumes and all I want is to be 7 again with friends and going trick-or-treating in a costume :'c
I know this sounds super lame but every teenager in my town is partying, drinking, smoking weed, shooting heroin (screw NJ's heroin problem)… more and wearing slutty costumes and all I want is to be 7 again with friends and going trick-or-treating in a costume :'c
I know this sounds super lame but every teenager in my town is partying, drinking, smoking weed, shooting heroin (screw NJ's heroin problem)… more and wearing slutty costumes and all I want is to be 7 again with friends and going trick-or-treating in a costume :'c
everyone is celebrating halloween and then there is us in australia with the exception of a few kids so umm happy halloween for those in america i guess but the best part was none of those kids showed up at my door so i get all of the candy that we bought for them
Yes it depends on the viewer, I agreed. Personally I haven't met anyone who actually care about things, the most people I've met only care about their social states, these people pick on the people that aren't cool and outcasts. This bullying lead to people who have depression and anger. if people were more social aware mental cases wouldn't be so common.
Well, I guess it depends. I mean, some people are just dicks, we all know that. But there are people who are pure awesome, who actually care… more and everything. But I know that most people don 't see that, many times including me. I assume it depends on the viewer.
It's that thing, Hallobirthmas or something, whatever, spookoween? rektoween? OH Wait, Halloween, yes.
Five kids came to my door today, I was alone in the house, so I get up and look for the candy, guess what? I ate it all. Then I had to improvise, so I looked at the table and found the bread I was supposed to eat for breakfast tomorrow, then I gave it to the kids and we all lived happily ever after.
Agreed also these tunes are great
Which of the guys here has the longest hair?
Some music from my favorite Danish band, Nephew.
I do too.
I hate this song. Like, hate.
Not me I got a haircut a week ago
My last haircut was before summer.
This song hits me in the feels... Wait... I don't have feelings ;_;
Isn't that what you do everyday?
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
She said, "What?" and I told her that I didn't know
She's so cool, gonna sneak in through her window
Everything's better when she's around
I can't wait 'til her parents go out of town
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
Get rekt.
Probably you
Perhaps he doesn't like you?
You're using Raul? xD
Agreed ^_^
Do you guys think my mask is spooky enough?
I will be honest and say that he actually creeps me out.
This is great. xD
How can people be so awesome?
when you say that do you mean people are awesome at art works - the making of jack o lanterns? or do you mean people are awesome in general? if its the latter then I would disagree
I know this sounds super lame but every teenager in my town is partying, drinking, smoking weed, shooting heroin (screw NJ's heroin problem) and wearing slutty costumes and all I want is to be 7 again with friends and going trick-or-treating in a costume :'c
Well, I guess it depends. I mean, some people are just dicks, we all know that. But there are people who are pure awesome, who actually care and everything. But I know that most people don 't see that, many times including me. I assume it depends on the viewer.
It's bootyful.
So do I my halloween so far lame
Pssssh who needs those kind of people anyways... >.>
Brent. But of the girls, possibly me. But my bet is on Maddi.
Life sucks. :c
everyone is celebrating halloween and then there is us in australia with the exception of a few kids so umm happy halloween for those in america i guess but the best part was none of those kids showed up at my door so i get all of the candy that we bought for them
Yes it depends on the viewer, I agreed. Personally I haven't met anyone who actually care about things, the most people I've met only care about their social states, these people pick on the people that aren't cool and outcasts. This bullying lead to people who have depression and anger. if people were more social aware mental cases wouldn't be so common.
LOL, Rachel, I meant of the boys.
You have long hair too.
People who do not want to fuck, smoke, get high and drunk on Halloween night.
He said "asspects" in the beginning of it.
It's that thing, Hallobirthmas or something, whatever, spookoween? rektoween? OH Wait, Halloween, yes.
Five kids came to my door today, I was alone in the house, so I get up and look for the candy, guess what? I ate it all. Then I had to improvise, so I looked at the table and found the bread I was supposed to eat for breakfast tomorrow, then I gave it to the kids and we all lived happily ever after.
I'm so confused if you're being sarcastic or not x_x