I cannot see the difference. They were both created by man for certain purpose, so what makes them so different? If 1 person believes in something crazy, he is just crazy, if millions believe same crazy thing, its religion.
Are you really ignorant enough to say that existing for eternity isnt a curse? You seem to not have thought about how long eternity really is and how it would affect human mind. Sure, the first 200 years might be fun, but eventually you will run out of things to do and it would just be never-ending hell where you are trapped for eternity. How does that comfort you?
Would you not be offended if i told you that your loved ones will exist for eternity?
How in the world is that offensive?
Let's l… moreook at the words here, because you seem to act ignorant when it comes to things like this.
Loved ones, exist for eternity.
I don't see how those words up there are even offensive, let alone by themselves. You're literally trying so hard to make it seem like you have a valid argument, when you don't. Countless people have proved you wrong, yet your mind is still set in stone. Like Belan said, it's about the intention.
Joseph Kony is a real man that ran a real military group called the Lord's Resistance Army, or the LRA.
They were fighting to have a government in place in Uganda with laws based on biblical old Testament law. The people in the LRA thought that he was a new profit and compared him to Moses. He would attack towns and take their children after slaughtering many people, often times forcing the children to kill their own parents. His army was largely composed of child soldiers.
I knew about Kony long before the 2012 initiative that was trying to spread the word about him. His guerilla war tactics displaced some two million people and some sixty thousand children became child soldiers iirc.
The worst part of it though is that if you go back and read the story of Moses in the Bible, the two are very much the same. The key difference is that Moses won his wars and didn't spare the children, unless they were females that could be made into wives.
The "book" is what gives Kony power. The people that followed him thought he was a profit along the same line as Moses. If he wouldn't have had that "holy book" to point towards his methods and message wouldn't have been nearly as easy to sell.
I'm only talking about the beliefs by themselves.. not any sort of organization (I don't know anything about any Christian organization somehow empowering Kony anyway).
The day we have observable evidence that proves heaven does not exist is the day it will be considered fact.
The day will never come, because even if it was a absolute fact that heaven doesnt exist, it will be impossible to prove that. Facts are based on current knowledge we have about universe and currently its a fact that heaven doesnt exist, simply because there is 0 evidence to support that claim, thus there is no reason to assume such place exists. If new information shows up which proves that heaven exist, then its considered a fact that heaven exists. Its not that hard to understand how facts work...
When did I say heaven exists? Exactly.
thus the reason burden of proof is on positive claim.
But you are still not able to pro… moreve that it does not exist. The day we have observable evidence that proves heaven does not exist is the day it will be considered fact.
The fact that you say "I don't care that much about life" then say that you were going to kill yourself just so you didn't join the army, seems like you're mocking people that already have killed themselves because you haven't gone through with it.
Not saying "Go kill yourself, kid.", I'm saying don't mock about it.
Here in finland, suicide rates are rather high and if people are threatening to kill themselves, they arent going to force them to go to arm… morey.
And i actually mean every word of it. Luckily i dont care that much about life, thus giving me opportunity to make such threats.
So because we cant have absolute truths about reality, everything we know should be considered false? You just dont get anywhere with that attitude.
Fucking irony, dude.
The fact that you say "I don't care that much about life" then say that you were going to kill yourself just so you didn't join the army, se… moreems like you're mocking people that already have killed themselves because you haven't gone through with it.
Not saying "Go kill yourself, kid.", I'm saying don't mock about it.
It is to "me" and I hate it when I'm grieving and somebody tries to undermine my loss with that nonsense.
They are like "Don't worry! Yo… moreu'll get to see him again eventually!" and I want to just shout at them.
"Fuck you! No I'm not! He's gone for fucking ever. That's why I'm sad." I absolutely hate how religion tries to undermine the importance of death and loss. It's a lot easier to send somebody to war, for example, if you think that if/when they die they will go to heaven, when in reality they are losing everything they will ever have.
He absolutely insulted him. He said that that his eyes are shut, implying that he's not allowing himself to "see the truth." That's utter bullocks.
You're right. He, as an individual, and his views won't effect my life much. The problem with religion is that, while it can help individuals deal with specific problems, it comes with a lot of baggage that isn't good for the world and when a "lot" of people get together with that baggage bad things happen.
I see people holding signs in front of women's health clinics every day I drive to work. We still have droves of people denying the messages that scientists have to say about how humans are impacting the earth, due to a "manifest destiny" message in a holy book chock full of magic. We still have people trying to force a Xtian world view into schools.
Presidents "have" to at least pretend to be religious in order to get into office and politicians in general have a really hard time if they are atheists. I personally had a rough time at work a while back because a Xtian co-worker who's really into his religion found out I was buying condoms and he knows I'm not married. Was utter shit to deal with.
And, as mentioned somewhere else in this topic, war and war groups are much easier to establish and get behind when people think that we don't "really" die when we die.
He's just not making up random things to explain things that don't have an immediate explanation.
Neither is he. Why does it have to… more be 'making up random things'? Why do people label religions like that? He has faith, so what? Let him be, let him believe in what he wants to believe in. I don't see how it affects your life and the way you live. He hasn't even insulted any part of that guys beliefs/non-beliefs. He explained himself by using is faith.
Can you get over the fact that some people like light in their darkness?
I wasn't literally being condescending. I was just metaphorically being condescending.
I'm not sure how else to respond. If you take the words in Jeremiah for what they actually say, it's absolutely clear that Jeremiah was flat out wrong. Saying that he was talking about Babylon "non-literally" when the text gives absolutely no indication that he was is as obnoxious as a kid saying he didn't take the cookie from the cookie jar when you saw him take the cookie.
That prediction has already happened more than once. Bible is full of predictions which will most likely happen to religions/its members at some point.
It was actually predicted in the Bible that Christians will be turned on by the world once again in Modern times.
Mathew 24:9-14 "Then sh… moreall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."
Right, the human mind "is" flawed which is why you "don't" just simply trust thoughts. It's prudent to put them under scrutiny. This is why things like the scientific method exist, to help "deal" with the fact that human minds are flawed fundamentally. This is why you "don't" trust everything you read, and "don't" just believe things because it feels good to believe them.
This is part of the reason that, while scientific progress hasn't been exclusively achieved by atheists; the vast majority if the scientific community is made up of atheists, and it's been this way for a while; because you need to understand "not" to just trust the human mind.
Sorry, but atheism doesn't "invalidate itself." Having a flawed brain doesn't mean you can't work with what you have. You just need to be careful to look out for the errors that human brains are "going" to be subject to.
You missed the point entirely. Darwin’s dilemma: "There is a still deeper darkness awaiting the man who discovers that even his own thought… mores cannot be trusted, that reason itself is an illusion. For what is the human brain? It is a clump of matter, a chance conglomeration of molecules. And what is human thought? It is a by-product of that chance conglomeration of molecules. But, obviously, chance-produced thoughts are meaningless thoughts". What he means is how can you trust in evolution, or any of his theories when the very human mind can be flawed in the way it's created? This is why Atheism rips itself down. As an Atheist you are forced to admit that your non belief in God is called into question by your flawed brain.
There is no point to expect such thing as afterlife to exist, simply because once your brains stop functioning, you cease to exist. After yo… moreu die, its just the same shit as before you existed, nothingness.
And personally, i wouldnt want such thing as afterlife to even exist. Once i die, i want to stop existing.
Would you say it's a fact that i don't have an invisible magical monkey on the opposite side of mars that warps over and brings me bananas from time to time?
Because... you know... you can't prove that this "doesn't" happen.
When did I say heaven exists? Exactly.
thus the reason burden of proof is on positive claim.
But you are still not able to pro… moreve that it does not exist. The day we have observable evidence that proves heaven does not exist is the day it will be considered fact.
That's because there is absolutely no evidence for or against its existence right now. For all claims with no evidence at all either way you can't disprove the claim.
I have a magic eight ball that has answered correctly 100% of the time when I ask it questions. I just asked it if heaven exists and it said "That's just silly, of course not." Also, this magic eight ball is invisible and only I can see it so I can't provide pictures or any kind of evidence to you.
You can't prove that I don't have this magic eight ball and that it didn't really say that. Must be true!
I don't know... It just seems more realistic to me than going to heaven after death or stop existing at all. And there are some people that claim they remember something from their past lives of course they could be lying or just crazy. I also think that stoping existing after death could be possible too. I guees we will find that out after death.
My stepmom and I chose to remove him from life support. According to the doctor there was zero chance of recovery for him and he would've spend the rest of his life as a vegetable. My dad and I never really made a "plan" for if he died (he was only fifty four) and jokily stated that he wanted to be propped up in a Macy's window with a Mickey Mouse tattoo on his forehead but I knew he wouldn't have wanted to live like that and I also thought it would've been unhealthy to prolong his "life" so we just removed him and had him cremated. November 14 would be seven months. It's still difficult some days but the grief and pain is lessening.
I don't know. Because of recent advancement in quantum theory it seems that it's possible for things to have come from nothingness, but I'm not an expert in the field, and since quantum theory is such a new field (relative to other fields) a lot of theories haven't held water. Since it's also so hard to understand in full I can't personally look at the theories and proofs like I can with other sciences.
Right now the most intellectually honest answer for either of us (you and I) is that we don't know.
Only logical answer is that we go to same state as before we existed. We all know what it "feels" like when you dont exist, since we all had a begining, so why would the end be any different? Not existing wasnt that bad so i find some comfort in death.
I don't know... It just seems more realistic to me than going to heaven after death or stop existing at all. And there are some people that … moreclaim they remember something from their past lives of course they could be lying or just crazy. I also think that stoping existing after death could be possible too. I guees we will find that out after death.
The shitty thing is that if Zy and I are right, no we won't find out after death because we won't be around to find out.
Right now all evidence points to consciousness being an emergent property of the brain. There's no real good reason to suspect otherwise. I, unlike Zy, would very much "like" to keep existing after death, but so far every story about how it works seems to be just wishful thinking and a way to stay on stage one grief in regards to death (denial).
I'm curious as to how you think the mechanics work. "How" could "you" be reborn? Is there some kind of ghost thing that's attached to your brain? Right now we're still figuring out how the brain works, but we know that if you damage parts of it you can fundamentally change who a person "is." Damage the emotion centers of the brain and the most calm rational person becomes emotionally stunted. Damage the parts that deal with memory and the person can even forget the people they hold the most dear. Bombard a specific part of the brain with electromagnetic radiation and "moral" choices become stunted and adults start answering moral questions like extremely young children would.
Even if there "is" a ghost thingy attached to your brain, it sure isn't responsible for much of what makes you "you."
I don't know... It just seems more realistic to me than going to heaven after death or stop existing at all. And there are some people that … moreclaim they remember something from their past lives of course they could be lying or just crazy. I also think that stoping existing after death could be possible too. I guees we will find that out after death.
Right, the scientific method is so absolutely worthless. I don't trust it at all either. These computers? Not a byproduct of science at all. Nope! Just magic and wizardry. Cell phones? Also magic, no science whatsoever. Medicine? No science there either. All just magic.
The only fact based science is mathematics. Science is constantly updating theories or do you believe that the theories on gravity, time, and other such things have always been known?
By the by, that scientific theory updates with new information is a "strong" point of science and the scientific community, not a weak one. It takes "much much" longer for religious people to update their views when faced with evidence that contradicts their scriptures... like... often it requires that a new generation of people is born that is just taught something else....
Right, the scientific method is so absolutely worthless. I don't trust it at all either. These computers? Not a byproduct of science at a… morell. Nope! Just magic and wizardry. Cell phones? Also magic, no science whatsoever. Medicine? No science there either. All just magic.
You and I fundamentally agree with this idea as well. We both reject objective right and wrong.
Right and wrong are only useful as concepts when considered against a particular set of goals. Right and wrong are a broader stroke of "smart" and "not smart" or "good" and "not good" when reflected against a goal.
Like, in chess, if you make a move that sacrifices your queen for a pawn, no positional advancement, losing a tempo, and no forced checkmate, then that's "the wrong" move to make. Morals can kind of be weighed out like this, however in chess the goal is to win, and with moral statements you're assuming that other people share your goals.
Moral talk saves a lot of time, basically. A lot of my moral foundation directly stems form my desire to live in a society that promotes the well being of the people within that society. When people don't share that goal with me, I typically say to hell with those people, and the rest of society usually does too. When people "do" share that goal with me then it's easy to start working on the specifics and logistics of a particular moral stance when I and another person disagree.
Sorry, rambling. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with moral relativism. Also kind of explaining why a person can believe in moral relativism and still be a "good" person in other people's eyes.
Are you really ignorant enough to say that existing for eternity isnt a curse? You seem to not have thought about how long eternity really i… mores and how it would affect human mind. Sure, the first 200 years might be fun, but eventually you will run out of things to do and it would just be never-ending hell where you are trapped for eternity. How does that comfort you?
I cannot see the difference. They were both created by man for certain purpose, so what makes them so different? If 1 person believes in something crazy, he is just crazy, if millions believe same crazy thing, its religion.
There is no good reason to suspect that they are real. Currently there is as much evidence for the existence of heaven, god(s), and other such things as there is for Harry Potter and Hogwarts.
How is that a curse? And how am I ignorant? Them existing for eternity isn't a curse, it's a miracle.
So you havent thought about it, or you are just foolish. Existing for eternity is literally the worst thing that can be wished upon someone.
Don't come to me about "never-ending hell" if you clearly aren't educated in it.
If you keep doing same stuff for billions of years, wouldnt you get tired of it? Eventually there is nothing that would interest you but you still have an eternity to exist. How is that not never-ending hell?
Are you really ignorant enough to say that existing for eternity isnt a curse?
How is that a curse? And how am I ignorant? Them exis… moreting for eternity isn't a curse, it's a miracle.
but eventually you will run out of things to do and it would just be never-ending hell where you are trapped for eternity.
Don't come to me about "never-ending hell" if you clearly aren't educated in it.
Santa "could" be a religion if he was marketed correctly.
No. Santa can't be a religion. Santa isn't a religion. You'd have to be 5 years old to think that.
The main idea is that they are both make believe. Both were imagined out of thin air and pushed as ideas to keep people in line. Most adults don't need a magical man in the sky watching their every move to be a good person, at least I don't think they do.
No, only one is make believe. Just because you think otherwise on a certain religion, doesn't mean it's truthfully non-existent. There has been countless things found by scientists that can prove God/Jesus existed. But since you - or anyone - can't prove that there's an afterlife, I suggest you don't act completely ignorant and try to make yourself seem self-righteous.
Santa "could" be a religion if he was marketed correctly. The main idea is that they are both make believe. Both were imagined out of thin… more air and pushed as ideas to keep people in line. Most adults don't need a magical man in the sky watching their every move to be a good person, at least I don't think they do.
Santa "could" be a religion if he was marketed correctly.
No. Santa can't be a religion. Santa isn't a religion. You'd have to be 5 … moreyears old to think that.
The main idea is that they are both make believe. Both were imagined out of thin air and pushed as ideas to keep people in line. Most adults don't need a magical man in the sky watching their every move to be a good person, at least I don't think they do.
No, only one is make believe. Just because you think otherwise on a certain religion, doesn't mean it's truthfully non-existent. There has been countless things found by scientists that can prove God/Jesus existed. But since you - or anyone - can't prove that there's an afterlife, I suggest you don't act completely ignorant and try to make yourself seem self-righteous.
So you havent thought about it, or you are just foolish. Existing for eternity is literally the worst thing that can be wished upon someone.
Of course, because if someone thinks otherwise, they're foolish. It depends on how you interpret life. You, for example. You hate it. I've seen you say so. So of course, for you, it'd be like living in hell. For me, it'd be totally different.
If you keep doing same stuff for billions of years, wouldnt you get tired of it? Eventually there is nothing that would interest you but you still have an eternity to exist. How is that not never-ending hell?
The fact that you haven't even read into what heaven is supposedly like, don't come to me about never-ending hell. Like I just said.
How is that a curse? And how am I ignorant? Them existing for eternity isn't a curse, it's a miracle.
So you havent thought about it… more, or you are just foolish. Existing for eternity is literally the worst thing that can be wished upon someone.
Don't come to me about "never-ending hell" if you clearly aren't educated in it.
If you keep doing same stuff for billions of years, wouldnt you get tired of it? Eventually there is nothing that would interest you but you still have an eternity to exist. How is that not never-ending hell?
Santa "could" be a religion if he was marketed correctly.
No. Santa can't be a religion. Santa isn't a religion. You'd have to be 5 … moreyears old to think that.
The main idea is that they are both make believe. Both were imagined out of thin air and pushed as ideas to keep people in line. Most adults don't need a magical man in the sky watching their every move to be a good person, at least I don't think they do.
No, only one is make believe. Just because you think otherwise on a certain religion, doesn't mean it's truthfully non-existent. There has been countless things found by scientists that can prove God/Jesus existed. But since you - or anyone - can't prove that there's an afterlife, I suggest you don't act completely ignorant and try to make yourself seem self-righteous.
I cannot see the difference. They were both created by man for certain purpose, so what makes them so different? If 1 person believes in something crazy, he is just crazy, if millions believe same crazy thing, its religion.
Are you really ignorant enough to say that existing for eternity isnt a curse? You seem to not have thought about how long eternity really is and how it would affect human mind. Sure, the first 200 years might be fun, but eventually you will run out of things to do and it would just be never-ending hell where you are trapped for eternity. How does that comfort you?
Joseph Kony is a real man that ran a real military group called the Lord's Resistance Army, or the LRA.
They were fighting to have a government in place in Uganda with laws based on biblical old Testament law. The people in the LRA thought that he was a new profit and compared him to Moses. He would attack towns and take their children after slaughtering many people, often times forcing the children to kill their own parents. His army was largely composed of child soldiers.
I knew about Kony long before the 2012 initiative that was trying to spread the word about him. His guerilla war tactics displaced some two million people and some sixty thousand children became child soldiers iirc.
The worst part of it though is that if you go back and read the story of Moses in the Bible, the two are very much the same. The key difference is that Moses won his wars and didn't spare the children, unless they were females that could be made into wives.
The "book" is what gives Kony power. The people that followed him thought he was a profit along the same line as Moses. If he wouldn't have had that "holy book" to point towards his methods and message wouldn't have been nearly as easy to sell.
Didn't really seem like it.
The day will never come, because even if it was a absolute fact that heaven doesnt exist, it will be impossible to prove that. Facts are based on current knowledge we have about universe and currently its a fact that heaven doesnt exist, simply because there is 0 evidence to support that claim, thus there is no reason to assume such place exists. If new information shows up which proves that heaven exist, then its considered a fact that heaven exists. Its not that hard to understand how facts work...
The fact that you say "I don't care that much about life" then say that you were going to kill yourself just so you didn't join the army, seems like you're mocking people that already have killed themselves because you haven't gone through with it.
Not saying "Go kill yourself, kid.", I'm saying don't mock about it.
I fail to see it. Care to explain?
Well i still happen to enjoy life, so no point to kill myself yet.
You get to Valhalla only if you die in battle.
He absolutely insulted him. He said that that his eyes are shut, implying that he's not allowing himself to "see the truth." That's utter bullocks.
You're right. He, as an individual, and his views won't effect my life much. The problem with religion is that, while it can help individuals deal with specific problems, it comes with a lot of baggage that isn't good for the world and when a "lot" of people get together with that baggage bad things happen.
I see people holding signs in front of women's health clinics every day I drive to work. We still have droves of people denying the messages that scientists have to say about how humans are impacting the earth, due to a "manifest destiny" message in a holy book chock full of magic. We still have people trying to force a Xtian world view into schools.
Presidents "have" to at least pretend to be religious in order to get into office and politicians in general have a really hard time if they are atheists. I personally had a rough time at work a while back because a Xtian co-worker who's really into his religion found out I was buying condoms and he knows I'm not married. Was utter shit to deal with.
And, as mentioned somewhere else in this topic, war and war groups are much easier to establish and get behind when people think that we don't "really" die when we die.
I wasn't literally being condescending. I was just metaphorically being condescending.
I'm not sure how else to respond. If you take the words in Jeremiah for what they actually say, it's absolutely clear that Jeremiah was flat out wrong. Saying that he was talking about Babylon "non-literally" when the text gives absolutely no indication that he was is as obnoxious as a kid saying he didn't take the cookie from the cookie jar when you saw him take the cookie.
That prediction has already happened more than once. Bible is full of predictions which will most likely happen to religions/its members at some point.
Right, the human mind "is" flawed which is why you "don't" just simply trust thoughts. It's prudent to put them under scrutiny. This is why things like the scientific method exist, to help "deal" with the fact that human minds are flawed fundamentally. This is why you "don't" trust everything you read, and "don't" just believe things because it feels good to believe them.
This is part of the reason that, while scientific progress hasn't been exclusively achieved by atheists; the vast majority if the scientific community is made up of atheists, and it's been this way for a while; because you need to understand "not" to just trust the human mind.
Sorry, but atheism doesn't "invalidate itself." Having a flawed brain doesn't mean you can't work with what you have. You just need to be careful to look out for the errors that human brains are "going" to be subject to.
So fucking clever those Nords
I don't think god or heaven exist either but I think that after death you get reincarnated.
And why do you think so?
Would you say it's a fact that i don't have an invisible magical monkey on the opposite side of mars that warps over and brings me bananas from time to time?
Because... you know... you can't prove that this "doesn't" happen.
That's because there is absolutely no evidence for or against its existence right now. For all claims with no evidence at all either way you can't disprove the claim.
I have a magic eight ball that has answered correctly 100% of the time when I ask it questions. I just asked it if heaven exists and it said "That's just silly, of course not." Also, this magic eight ball is invisible and only I can see it so I can't provide pictures or any kind of evidence to you.
You can't prove that I don't have this magic eight ball and that it didn't really say that. Must be true!
I don't know... It just seems more realistic to me than going to heaven after death or stop existing at all. And there are some people that claim they remember something from their past lives of course they could be lying or just crazy. I also think that stoping existing after death could be possible too. I guees we will find that out after death.
My stepmom and I chose to remove him from life support. According to the doctor there was zero chance of recovery for him and he would've spend the rest of his life as a vegetable. My dad and I never really made a "plan" for if he died (he was only fifty four) and jokily stated that he wanted to be propped up in a Macy's window with a Mickey Mouse tattoo on his forehead but I knew he wouldn't have wanted to live like that and I also thought it would've been unhealthy to prolong his "life" so we just removed him and had him cremated. November 14 would be seven months. It's still difficult some days but the grief and pain is lessening.
I don't know. Because of recent advancement in quantum theory it seems that it's possible for things to have come from nothingness, but I'm not an expert in the field, and since quantum theory is such a new field (relative to other fields) a lot of theories haven't held water. Since it's also so hard to understand in full I can't personally look at the theories and proofs like I can with other sciences.
Right now the most intellectually honest answer for either of us (you and I) is that we don't know.
Only logical answer is that we go to same state as before we existed. We all know what it "feels" like when you dont exist, since we all had a begining, so why would the end be any different? Not existing wasnt that bad so i find some comfort in death.
Im not sure. Its not like there are fundamental values which people are supposed to have, so how could i have something wrong with me?
The shitty thing is that if Zy and I are right, no we won't find out after death because we won't be around to find out.
Right now all evidence points to consciousness being an emergent property of the brain. There's no real good reason to suspect otherwise. I, unlike Zy, would very much "like" to keep existing after death, but so far every story about how it works seems to be just wishful thinking and a way to stay on stage one grief in regards to death (denial).
I'm curious as to how you think the mechanics work. "How" could "you" be reborn? Is there some kind of ghost thing that's attached to your brain? Right now we're still figuring out how the brain works, but we know that if you damage parts of it you can fundamentally change who a person "is." Damage the emotion centers of the brain and the most calm rational person becomes emotionally stunted. Damage the parts that deal with memory and the person can even forget the people they hold the most dear. Bombard a specific part of the brain with electromagnetic radiation and "moral" choices become stunted and adults start answering moral questions like extremely young children would.
Even if there "is" a ghost thingy attached to your brain, it sure isn't responsible for much of what makes you "you."
Right, the scientific method is so absolutely worthless. I don't trust it at all either. These computers? Not a byproduct of science at all. Nope! Just magic and wizardry. Cell phones? Also magic, no science whatsoever. Medicine? No science there either. All just magic.
By the by, that scientific theory updates with new information is a "strong" point of science and the scientific community, not a weak one. It takes "much much" longer for religious people to update their views when faced with evidence that contradicts their scriptures... like... often it requires that a new generation of people is born that is just taught something else....
You and I fundamentally agree with this idea as well. We both reject objective right and wrong.
Right and wrong are only useful as concepts when considered against a particular set of goals. Right and wrong are a broader stroke of "smart" and "not smart" or "good" and "not good" when reflected against a goal.
Like, in chess, if you make a move that sacrifices your queen for a pawn, no positional advancement, losing a tempo, and no forced checkmate, then that's "the wrong" move to make. Morals can kind of be weighed out like this, however in chess the goal is to win, and with moral statements you're assuming that other people share your goals.
Moral talk saves a lot of time, basically. A lot of my moral foundation directly stems form my desire to live in a society that promotes the well being of the people within that society. When people don't share that goal with me, I typically say to hell with those people, and the rest of society usually does too. When people "do" share that goal with me then it's easy to start working on the specifics and logistics of a particular moral stance when I and another person disagree.
Sorry, rambling. Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with moral relativism. Also kind of explaining why a person can believe in moral relativism and still be a "good" person in other people's eyes.
How is that a curse? And how am I ignorant? Them existing for eternity isn't a curse, it's a miracle.
Don't come to me about "never-ending hell" if you clearly aren't educated in it.
Are you saying Christianity is created by man? Please, go educate yourself before trying to sound decently smart, which you're not.
But because you deny that they are real, doesn't mean they aren't.
Just in case you just fell down a flight of stairs and hit your head, let me just inform you.
Example means a 'made up' situation to prove a point. His point being hallucinations.
Okay then let me explain.
There is no good reason to suspect that they are real. Currently there is as much evidence for the existence of heaven, god(s), and other such things as there is for Harry Potter and Hogwarts.
This is true regardless of if I say so or not
So you havent thought about it, or you are just foolish. Existing for eternity is literally the worst thing that can be wished upon someone.
If you keep doing same stuff for billions of years, wouldnt you get tired of it? Eventually there is nothing that would interest you but you still have an eternity to exist. How is that not never-ending hell?
No. Santa can't be a religion. Santa isn't a religion. You'd have to be 5 years old to think that.
No, only one is make believe. Just because you think otherwise on a certain religion, doesn't mean it's truthfully non-existent. There has been countless things found by scientists that can prove God/Jesus existed. But since you - or anyone - can't prove that there's an afterlife, I suggest you don't act completely ignorant and try to make yourself seem self-righteous.
Um... the existence of Santa Clause isn't as tall of a claim as the existence of a magical superman that created everything that exists.
Sorry, but both are just make-believe. A lot of adults just haven't given up on the idea of their adult version of Santa.
Of course, because if someone thinks otherwise, they're foolish. It depends on how you interpret life. You, for example. You hate it. I've seen you say so. So of course, for you, it'd be like living in hell. For me, it'd be totally different.
The fact that you haven't even read into what heaven is supposedly like, don't come to me about never-ending hell. Like I just said.
"There has been countless things found by scientists that can prove God [...] existed."
Countless huh? Wow! That's amazing! Do share