Real life tough choices



  • edited November 2014

    Should I cut off my worthless tits and leave this shitty female cage I am trapped in, or should I just suffer inside of this filthy human carcass until I expire naturally somehow?

    I debate it a lot.

    I wish I could just get an operation. Or remove all the undesirable bullshit somehow, without dying of blood-loss, or something horrible.

  • I didn't watch the entire video, but I find something curiously humorous. He references the difference between scientific thought on astronomy a single lifetime ago, which can also be applied to many lifetimes ago to a time when astrology was the sun being a god, yet he (seemingly - I didn't watch the entire thing mind you) gives the current view of the universe as undeniably true.

    zykelator posted: »

    "Nothingness" leads to everything, that much i know. Im not even going to claim to know everything about this subject, but there are plenty

  • Um, yeah, problem might be that Goku can blow their entire planet to the smithereens with one attack.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    The facts are the avatar has power over all facets of nature from the elements to spirits. Boom, dead blondie. PS: I've never seen even a small portion of Dragon Balls. I really have no idea what they can do

  • Torchic.

    Treeko or Mudkip.

  • im so sorry to hear that :(. No Man should have to bury his own brother, you have my condolence

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Its tough losing a sibling, especially when you get older. My brother been dead for eight years now, not a day goes by i don't think about him.

  • A very poor example which wasn't quoted.

    You are saying that the doctors saw this ghost go to a phone and talk to his mom....and she was talking to him....WHAT?! What? No. He was giving an example.

  • I think When men or women are negative in life, have issues that they need to deal with, they should have our compassion not our disdain.

    Tinni posted: »

    What I've gathered from the arguments I've had with zykelator in the past is that he is a very pessimistic individual who wants to make the

  • No I do not, I just wanted to put it out there that there are people like this. I thought it would be a good example to put out there. I am Agnostic, I think Atheism is more logical but I do not know if there is a God or not so I can not tell people 100%. However there are people that say that (I debate with them) and people who says God 100% exists (I debate with them), opinions can not be proven and therefore shouldn't be claimed as fact. I am not claiming anything as fact but only as logical or illogical.

    I really hope you don't view all people who believe in God/Jesus like this.

  • too long without giving up on the idea of Santa... say into early adolescence, is it rude to let him know that it's just pretend?

    I am atheist hear me roar in a condescending manner.

    I am threatened that people believe in god, my belief in nothing is the right belief!

    Sorry that you find it rude. If a child goes too long without giving up on the idea of Santa... say into early adolescence, is it rude to l

  • That is rude. Some religious people are like that just like some atheists.

    I am threatened that people believe in god

    An argument I hear too much, Atheists are not threatened by God, Atheists simply don't believe in it.

    my belief in nothing is the right belief!

    It isn't a belief in nothing, It is a belief in knowledge.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    too long without giving up on the idea of Santa... say into early adolescence, is it rude to let him know that it's just pretend? I

  • Man cuz' I flow!

    Butt-head posted: »

    Yeah. I hurt the gingerbread boy. Cause he's pretend bread boy. Little cookie man never waved to me. So he got knocked out.

  • Can't kill a spirit. Unless you're the avatar

    Um, yeah, problem might be that Goku can blow their entire planet to the smithereens with one attack.

  • Let me ask you a serious question. Picture this.

    Instead of living where you are, pretend you live in a country like Saudi Arabia. How do you think they would react to you comparing their religion to Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

    That is rude. Some religious people are like that just like some atheists. I am threatened that people believe in god An argum

  • I didn't however.

    You insulted Atheists, that is what i'm pointing out here.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Let me ask you a serious question. Picture this. Instead of living where you are, pretend you live in a country like Saudi Arabia. How do you think they would react to you comparing their religion to Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

  • Why?

    Should I cut off my worthless tits and leave this shitty female cage I am trapped in, or should I just suffer inside of this filthy human ca

  • Because there is a difference between being female, and being trapped in the body of a female.

    I don't like it in here. I'm uncomfortable and sick in it, I want to escape. I can't though. I don't know what to do.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


    edited November 2014

    We do need a God, one, not more, to tell us what is wrong and what is right, because man is evil in his roots.

    All of us sin, no one lived a life without committing even the smallest wrong thing, so we all need someone to guide us to doing what's right.

    Well, finally here is some voice of reason. We don't need Gods to say what is moral and it bugs me when people say you do. We are all Humans

  • Actually. In theory if I tracked you down and searched everywhere you have ever been or anything you have given to anyone I could find the magic 8 ball.

    That's because there is absolutely no evidence for or against its existence right now. For all claims with no evidence at all either way yo

  • You can have an operation, but as someone who believes in God and doesn't believe in transgendering morally, I wouldn't do it.

    But if it makes you feel good about yourself... Hell, do it.

    Because there is a difference between being female, and being trapped in the body of a female. I don't like it in here. I'm uncomfortable and sick in it, I want to escape. I can't though. I don't know what to do.

  • You are over exautuarting the fact. Also bananas don't grow on mars and the monkey needs water to live. There is no water on mars and the monkey would need a form of travel to get to you. And it can't build it so therefore it can't give it to you.

    Would you say it's a fact that i don't have an invisible magical monkey on the opposite side of mars that warps over and brings me bananas from time to time? Because... you know... you can't prove that this "doesn't" happen.

  • I don't think we NEED a God, We want a God. The thing is that we shouldn't need a God to tell us what is right or wrong, we should decide that ourselves. Back when the Bible was written it said incest was okay and some forms of slavery, today though we disagree with that stance. Everyone commits some form of evil in their life, this much is true, but we ourselves as humans should realize what is wrong and right and decide our path. Humans are born innocent, however the path we take is up to ourselves.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We do need a God, one, not more, to tell us what is wrong and what is right, because man is evil in his roots. All of us sin, no one live

  • God sent his message to those people. What is wrong with letting someone believe what they want? You can't prove God does not exist. You are just providing ideas that suggest he is not real. People want to believe God is real , so let them. Stop trying to shove your views down their throats. Live and let live.

    Yeah, faith isn't a good thing when it's misplaced. We know that the "holy books" for each religion were made up by people too. Those holy

  • Incest was never ok in the bible, correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to see a verse that says that, because I've never seen God allowing that sort of thing.

    Yeah, of course, God gave us the option to choose, because what would this world be if we had no choice? We can choose to do good and earn our pay, or do wrong and be judged.

    This world is rotten, I believe that without the Messiah, there is no saving this world, no redemption, we're too far gone, this is also one of the reasons I chose to believe in God, because there is no fucking way this world is going to sort itself out IMO, even in a billion years, without a supernatural entity involved.

    I don't think we NEED a God, We want a God. The thing is that we shouldn't need a God to tell us what is right or wrong, we should decide th

  • edited November 2014
    • More then One God scenario : Zeus and his "divine freinds" guided the Greeks into one of the most important civilization of the Western World with civil rights, moralistic ideas, mathamatical and philosophical thoughts.

    • Only One God scenario : Europe between mid 400's to late 1400's was guided by one God. Yeah, nothing good happened during that time. Opression, tyranny, plague where the major things that happened during that time.

    By the way, I agree with you when you say that "humans are evil in their roots".

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We do need a God, one, not more, to tell us what is wrong and what is right, because man is evil in his roots. All of us sin, no one live

  • Incest was never ok in the bible, correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to see a verse that says that, because I've never seen God allowing that sort of thing.

    There was that time after that whole Sodom thing where God killed the guys wife. (I'm bad with names). The man and his daughters went into a cave, in that cave they got him drunk and had sex with him. That is incest and God didn't punish that.

    Yeah, of course, God gave us the option to choose, because what would this world be if we had no choice? We can choose to do good and earn our pay, or do wrong and be judged.

    I would like to think that if God exists that all religions are wrong on him. That he truly judges people on how good of a person they were rather than "Ask for forgiveness and it shall be delivered", since good people can be punished for just not believing.

    This world is rotten, I believe that without the Messiah, there is no saving this world, no redemption, we're too far gone,

    I think that is your opinion, I have a different one on the situation.

    there is no fucking way this world is going to sort itself out IMO, even in a billion years, without a supernatural entity involved.

    I think we just need a few good people.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Incest was never ok in the bible, correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to see a verse that says that, because I've never seen God allowing that

    edited November 2014

    You are confusing things, the Gods were never the one who started wars, but the people who created the religions. misinterpretted God's will.

    Example? Terrorism and Jihad are non-existent in the Koran, they were created as an excuse for extremist, pissed-off Muslims to blow themselves up on people for their own selfish agendas, not God's will.

    Religion != God's will, there are over 5 thousand religions in this world, the cannot all be true at once, if one is true, it will be the absolute truth, and Judaism, God, Jehhova, is a loving God. He punishes the ones who deserve punishment, of course, but he is a merciful God.

    Yep, and we are evil in our root because our oldest ancestor had sinned, and God punished us for it.

    I know you now have the urge to bash me, just be reasonable :P

    FauDeef posted: »

    * More then One God scenario : Zeus and his "divine freinds" guided the Greeks into one of the most important civilization of the Western Wo

  • I do not have the urge to bash you and I will never have it. I will respect your opinion as much as you respect mine.

    I never said whose fault it was, I said that, in history, the number of devine humans doesn't matter in guiding us (since you said "We do need a God, one, not more") and I've put 2 examples.

    We are not evil in our root because someone far in the past and far away ate an apple, we are evil in our root because we are living beings. Doing bad stuff is in our nature. That's why we've got laws.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You are confusing things, the Gods were never the one who started wars, but the people who created the religions. misinterpretted God's will

  • Why are you criticizing, if you even didnt watch the entire video? Science doesnt claim any of its theories to be absolute facts, so i cant see what you find so funny about that claim. Current view of the universe simply has stronger evidence to support it, making it more likely to be true.

    "In science, there is no reasonable doubt, no black and white, and even the most established theory can be challenged and falsified as part of the scientific process."

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I didn't watch the entire video, but I find something curiously humorous. He references the difference between scientific thought on astrono

  • There was that time after that whole Sodom thing where God killed the guys wife. (I'm bad with names). The man and his daughters went into a cave, in that cave they got him drunk and had sex with him. That is incest and God didn't punish that.

    Yes, that man was Lot, but they only did it because they thought the rest of humanity was destroyed, it is justified if he is commiting incest to make sure humanity continues, and they thought no other women were left alive.

    I would like to think that if God exists that all religions are wrong on him. That he truly judges people on how good of a person they were rather than "Ask for forgiveness and it shall be delivered", since good people can be punished for just not believing.

    Believe it or not, that is our God, if you believe in God but are morally sinful, you will not enter God's kingdom and enjoy immortality in Heaven.

    But the opposite is also true, if you are aware of God, and of Yeshua who was sent by God to cover humanity's sins, you will not enter Heaven either, let me explain why:

    God sent his son. his one and only child, the Messiah, to die on a cross for your sins, if you fail to understand his love to you by doing that, and don't love him back, or believe he has saved you (because let's admit it there is no saving to us), you will be judged approprietly.

    The most importand thing for God is to let you have the freedom of choice, if he wanted us to be perfect robots that follow his commands, he would have made us pure from the start and there would be no evil in this world.

    But there is, and it's your responsibility to choose whether you will, or won't, you have all the options on the table :)

    I think that is your opinion, I have a different one on the situation.

    It's not exactly my opinion, if you believe in God, this is what you have to accept (if you want to accept the truth), if you don't believe in God, you will still have to agree with me that there is no possibility for this world to be perfectly clean from sin.

    I think we just need a few good people.

    I think we need one guy, and I also think we got him, but if you think that, just know that we can't change the world, one man can't change the world, I don't see it happening.

    Incest was never ok in the bible, correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like to see a verse that says that, because I've never seen God allowing that

  • Yes, that man was Lot, but they only did it because they thought the rest of humanity was destroyed, it is justified if he is commiting incest to make sure humanity continues, and they thought no other women were left alive.

    One city gets destroyed, Humanity is dead. They had some bad logic :P

    God sent his son. his one and only child, the Messiah, to die on a cross for your sins, if you fail to understand his love to you by doing that, and don't love him back, or believe he has saved you (because let's admit it there is no saving to us), you will be judged approprietly.

    I'll be judged then, and i'll live a life where I helped people. If God finds that evil then let it be.

    you will still have to agree with me that there is no possibility for this world to be perfectly clean from sin.

    Yeah, there are pretty fucked up people and bad things happening.

    I think we need one guy, and I also think we got him, but if you think that, just know that we can't change the world, one man can't change the world, I don't see it happening.

    With enough power, one person can change everything.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    There was that time after that whole Sodom thing where God killed the guys wife. (I'm bad with names). The man and his daughters went into a

    edited November 2014

    By that judgment, you will never be able to decide what is a sin and what is morally acceptable.

    Example? Hitler and his followers (JUST AN EXAMPLE, I'M JEWISH AND CONDEMN HITLER), thought what they were doing was not a sin, because humans (according to some people) have no God to tell you if it was or wasn't, and you are a human JUST LIKE Hitler, you can't decide if it's a sin or not, let me give you a more complicated scenario:

    Abortion, good, or not? Does anyone have the right to end potential life, or is it ok in some circumstances? You cannot say what it is, and nor can any other human by his own judgement, because every time you will tackle a topic you will get different opinions and views, all have their upsides and downsides, but you will never be able to determine which opinion is rightous.

    God, according to religion, can do that.

    If, you believe in God, the Monotheist God, then you must Adam and Eve were the first sinners, and that the story is true, because all Monotheist religions base on the Bible, and everything written in it.

    FauDeef posted: »

    I do not have the urge to bash you and I will never have it. I will respect your opinion as much as you respect mine. I never said whose

  • That's a bit of a flawed premise. A lot of people can form their moral values without the help of religion. One can even argue that, because there is only one shot at life, that valuing the livelihood of others becomes even more precious.

    For example, Walter's reaction makes sense to me as that of someone who doesn't believe they'll see their loved ones again.

    This world is hell. People like Matthew aren't coming back. THIS IS IT. And now he's GONE!

    I dunno. Clem and Kenny both believe in an afterlife where they can see their loved ones again, probably because it's their coping mechanism. Personally, I lean on the more cynical side of things and say that life, no matter how miserable, is still a better fate than the cannibalistic humiliation that is undeath. That carrying on is always a better choice than just giving up.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Believing that people don't really die when they die is "not" harmless. It undermines the importance and impact of death and makes things li

  • So edgy. Are you still in high school?

    Funerals are not for the loved ones who've already moved on. They're for the survivors who need to grieve over the people they've lost.

    I don't want to be vindictive, but I'm willing to bet you won't be so smug when you lose someone from your family. You may have been lucky not to have had that loss yet, but have empathy for those who have.

    zykelator posted: »

    I dont need to believe that i stop existing once i die, its simply the only logical outcome once my brains (which pretty is me) stops workin

    edited November 2014

    One city gets destroyed, Humanity is dead. They had some bad logic :P

    LOL, I know man!

    According to the story, they got him drunk with wine and convinced him, it wasn't his fault, that's why God found Lot not guilty, by the way, the Bible and God condemn incest (Leviticus 18:8-18).

    I'll be judged then, and i'll live a life where I helped people. If God finds that evil then let it be.

    You'll be judged rightfully, I can say that, you will get what you deserve. And trust me, if you are a good man with good morals, God will look into your heart and see what you deserve, good or bad :)

    With enough power, one person can change everything.

    With enough power, of course, but not by himself.

    Yes, that man was Lot, but they only did it because they thought the rest of humanity was destroyed, it is justified if he is commiting ince

  • Yeah, their husbands were dead and I think they were truly just wanted some sex.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    One city gets destroyed, Humanity is dead. They had some bad logic :P LOL, I know man! According to the story, they got him drunk

  • Maybe, because they did intend to trick their dad into it.

    Also I think I was wrong, Lot did get punished after all, I just looked it up.

    Yeah, their husbands were dead and I think they were truly just wanted some sex.

  • Yeah...Well, pleasant conversation we're having. :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Maybe, because they did intend to trick their dad into it. Also I think I was wrong, Lot did get punished after all, I just looked it up.

  • Nice weather eh?

    Yeah...Well, pleasant conversation we're having. :P

  • I won't start with the topic of Hitler being religious (I also condemn him). And, yes, techniclly, Hitler (with other people, such as Gandhi, Mandela, Lenin, George Washington, etc.) is a human just like you and I. But, still, I never said that all humans are the same. We are all evil in the root, some more the others. For your type of people, he is in somewhere worse. For me he is dead, long gone and has one of the worst reputations there is for a human being.
    Abortion is a story for another time.

    I'm going to quote what I said in the begining:

    • Athiesm and thiesm are true, but none of them are right. Nobody has to have a God to judge what is right and wrong, the important thing is that everybody needs to know what is right and what is wrong. So, yeah, the topic in this thread is about "Real Life Choices", not opinions. Thank you.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    By that judgment, you will never be able to decide what is a sin and what is morally acceptable. Example? Hitler and his followers (JUST

  • It's actually pretty cold....I like the cold but...I don't like getting sick.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nice weather eh?

This discussion has been closed.