Which two people would be the hardest to decide to save?

From this, I'm not pointing out a specific character, I'm saying the two character's relationship.

So would it be more difficult to have to decide between saving -

  • a parent and their child?

  • a husband and wife?

-a brother and sister (or siblings in general)?

  • a boyfriend and girlfriend?

  • two best friends?

I think it would be hardest to have to choose between a parent and their child. What about you?


  • A parent and their child.

  • I think a parent and child would be pretty easily actually. Any parent would prefer that you save their child over them, so always go for the child. Hardest would probably be two best friends. Although, I'd probably save Matt.

  • Definitely the parent and child.

  • edited October 2014

    Definitely parent and child. Assuming the parent's not an asshole or something, they'd want you to save their child over all else. But that means the kid's gonna have to watch their mom or dad die, and then possibly have to go on without the one person they depended on and loved most in a time when they would definitely need them most. You save the parent, well that's likely to go just as poorly, with them losing what was likely most precious to them in the world. Either way the surviving party will be a train wreck who possibly hates you. =/

    Things like siblings and couples would give you similar results, but those relationships are more likely to be more mutual, where as parent and child have a different dynamic, one that would be a lot harder to ever regain even if they get past the actual loss at some point.

  • a parent and their child

  • Parent and their child.

  • Parent and child.

  • Two best friends...

    Everyone is saying parent and child but obviously the parent would want the child to be saved.

  • Exactly what I was thinking

    Two best friends... Everyone is saying parent and child but obviously the parent would want the child to be saved.

  • I think it would be really hard to decide between siblings - well, not just siblings, but twins..

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