"I oughta slap you" - Kenny S2 EP5
Kenny, a grown man threatening to slap a little girl whom has no correlation with him other than being the little girl that was with his determinant best friend in S1. But it's okay because he's Kenny. It's not like Luke or Jane said this But it's a good thing it's Kenny, a character from S1 who knew our best bud Lee, so we must never question him on anything and must be everyone's favorite character or else you are playing this choice-based game wrong.He's a completely rational person and totally not insane to the point of murdering an innocent woman for no justified reason. He also would never hurt Clem, even though he threatened to hurt her not long ago in the game, but afterwards he said he would never hurt her so he obviously must have been lying.
I don't blame him for saying that, Clem pretty much said Lee should have left in the hands of The Stranger instead of looking for her. I can understand why she can say that though, she blames herself for Lee's death.
Also 'Outta' means that whatever he says should do, but isn't.
Saying "I outta slap you" =/= actually threatening to slap someone.
Kenny wouldn't touch Clementine. He was expressing his disappointment about her disregarding all the sacrifices the group made in trying to save her.
Jesus Christ man let it go. No one cares about the Kenny vs Jane crap anymore really.
And if you wanna bring this up, at least bring up all the facts. He wasn't threatening to harm her. She was talking about Lee not coming to save her, and Kenny saying "I oughta slap you" is his way of saying "Lee sacrificed his life for you, the least you can do is be grateful about it."
Once again, the people who love Kenny demonstrate an understanding of multiple levels of human instinct, connotation of dialogue, emotion, and that things aren't always what they seem.
Most Kenny haters (I bet most of them will miss the "most" part), demonstrate the lethal combination of ignorance and unwillingness to open their mind.
The story was developing Kenny's dark side, trying to compare him to Carver as much as possible and persuade the player to kill him at the very end. But actions speak louder than words, same goes with determinant threat and actual harm.
I hate Kenny however I dont hate him for this one determinant piece of dialogue in fact I dont care as this is a perfectly reasonable reaction to the option clem picks. I dont feel Kenny would ever intentionally hurt clementine however in a rage where he loses it he could easily hurt her by mistake or when trying to hurt someone else could hurt her
Yet I never brought up Jane vs Kenny, how strange. Did I say once either Jane or Kenny was the better choice? You're the only one on this thread who brought it up....
Damage control...defending what this madman said to this little girl has no excuses.
Why are you posting this? You're just going to start flame wars, unless you want to do that.
I never had the intention of starting a flame war. I just simply wanted to share my opinion of what this character said and showing his faults by impersonating a rabbid Kenny fanboy. If people start flamewars because of my post it's not my fault.
I think all of us at some point when we were younger were told by our parents that they were going to slap us (for talking back, ect.).
You are so full of shit
I know, dude is such a scumbag
Edit: Nevermind. The way your worded the OP was actually kind of borderline trolling. If you want the topic to be taken more seriously, you should probably fix that.
That being said, some of the reactions going on here are a little childish...
Just shut the fuck up will ya? Just fuck off really
The only good part in episode 2
Makes negative thread about Kenny and says nothing else about any characters without the intention of starting a flame war
Are you mad little child? If any of you start a flamewar over this it is your own fault. Did I say Luke or Jane was better than Kenny. No, I'm simply stating faults of a character by impersonating a Kenny extremist.
Stupid children.
Oh look. another stupid little child who can't take opinions.
What? I think you replied to the wrong person.
It's okay child. I know your in love with Kenny and can't opinions.
To me, this proves that you are trolling.
You really aren't helping yourself. No one is going to take you seriously if you keep acting in this way.
No i didnt, the meme you posted was a variation of a scene in Star Wars episode 2
Calm down child. Drink some milk and take a nap and come back to me when you're not so cranky
You're the kid here. You and other trolls are exactly the kind of person who make others quit this forum. All you want is to see others fighting. As @Belan said, if you want to be this subject to be taken seriously edit it. Why did you use irony all over the discussion then?
Ohh... Sorry for the confusion
Oh okay. I thought you were talking about the The Walking Dead.
More like a mix of trolling and also showing valid faults of a character.
Interesting, I get insulted over my harmless post yet I'm the not going be taken seriously.
If you were going to simply show a point, you could have just stated it. Instead you went out of your way to impersonate a Kenny fanboy.
Me during my opposite playthrough:
Kenny: "I oughta slap you"
Me: That escalated quickly,
In all serious, Clementine just bluntly says that the group shouldn't have sacrificed themselves for her. That she wasn't worth it. Kenny would probably be pretty annoyed at her ignorance. He wasn't going to slap Clem, he didn't my threaten to, he just said he 'oughta'
Something everyone else has already said.
You have point blank admitted that you were trolling, and it's obvious that you were anyway. You brought a valid discussion to the table, but the way you went about it totally destroyed any chance of you getting a calm, reasonable discussion. You can express your opinion without acting condescending or offensive to people of the opposite opinion. Your efforts to explain yourself have been pretty childish. Back and forth insulting is really pointless and annoying. If you want to be taken seriously, then treat people with that same respect.
Thread translation: "I'm an angry Jane fan so here is an extremely biased opinion on something Kenny said that was completely justifiable in the situation , oh and by the way Kenny fans suck and are ignorant."
My response: please never post again. Seriously.
Weren't you the one telling me you fucked my mother in another post?
Only spineless emotional weaklings leave a forum as something as petty as this.
Fighting over what? Valid faults of a character?
I won't edit anything. People should know I'm being sarcastic and discuss the faults of the character I listed/ I don't see any irony here. All I see is are people using insults and taking my post the wrong way because there so mad over my opinion of a character, like yourself.
Typical childish response.
But I left Jane....and I never said any of those things.
But I''m aloud to share my opinion anywhere. Isn't this what forums are for? Are you going to ignore the faults I pointed out about the character Kenny, or are you still going to be mad and cry in a corner that I hurt your feelings over my opinion of a made up character.