Nickname for Characters
Here are mines
Clementine - Clem, sometimes Clemmy- Clu
Lee- Professor Urban
Kenny - Doctor Stache
Jane - Survivor Queen-ish
Luke - White Lee
Carver - The Governor
Arvo - Shitbird
Bonnie - Junkie
Carlos - The Genius
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Luke - Cluke ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I love "Sweet Pea" for Clementine,
Lee always called her so lovely
Bonnie: Lying, backstabbing, junkie bitch.
Kenny: Boat God OR God of the Urbans.
Nick: Vanilla Ice (thanks Kenny).
I don't think I would call Luke white Lee. But, here's my nicknames:
Lee: Urban God
Clementine: Just Clem
Kenny: Boat Master
Ben: Likable Shitbird
Arvo: Commie Shitbird
Bonnie: Junkie Bitch
Vernon: Snake
Mike: Vernon 2.0
Luke: Frosty
Nick: Vanilla Ice
Carley: Battery Expert
Sarita: Katjaa 2.0
I just added Luke's nickname.
I love it.
Katjaa and Sarita - Beastmaster
Lee. My Nigga
Clem. ClemyCloo
Kenny. Boat-God
Ben. Shaggy
Arvo. (no racism just quoting) Fucking Commie Piece of Shit
Vernon. Invalid
Mike. Lee's Evil Cousin
Luke. Daryl 2.0
Nick. Scumbag Kenny
Any reason why, other than Clem, you only choose one female character and call her a 'bitch', a sexually charged insult?
Mostly because the other female characters I like or are I'm indifferent to. Bonnie is one of the few female characters I hate.
if you want me add Carley or something, I'll do it.
I don't want you to add anything, I was just curious about the reasons for the high disproportion.
Lee - Lee My Man.
Clementine - Clemmy Cloo.
Kenny - Loud Man With the Beard.
Sarah - HelloWorld123 2.0.
Carlos - Doc.
Christa - My Girlfriend/Christie.
Omid - Oh - mid.
Mike - Guy With My Dad's Name.
Bonnie - Nicer than My Mom.
Luke - Lukie Pookie.
Nick - Nicky.
Alvin - Alvin The Chipmunk.
Rebecca - Bec.
Carver - Willy.
The list goes on. :P
Kenny - Jesus
Ben - Shitbird
Arvo - Communist Shitbird
Luke- Cool guy on campus
Kenny - Mustache Man
Arvo - Fucker
haha. thats real fricking amusing
A bit too chilling for your tastes?
i swear to god, its been 2 months. ENOUGH WITH THE GOD DAMN LUKE JOKES!
I guess they are getting a bit lukewarm.
dojo, man, i've sided with you in the past, but these jokes are just bullshit.
I guess it's just too frosty for him.
Clementine - Clem, Clemmy- Clu, Clem-Clem, Boss ass bitch
Lee- Urban
Kenny - BOAT URBAN PASS ME THAT CAN DUCK, No speaka de english? 'Stached Savior, Mustache Man, Glorious beard
Jane - Molly 2.0, Luke's girlfriend, badass, bad babysitter
Luke - Frosty, Vanilla Ice Lake, Casanova, Lukey, Jack Frost, Lukewarm, Dat hair
Carver - No, Black Widow
Arvo - Russian boy
Bonnie - screeches in an aggressive voice BON-NIE
Carlos - Doc, Dumbass
Omid: Cat man
Christa: Swiggity Swista
Chuck: Chucky, Hobo, biffle
Nick: Vanilla Ice, Nicky, Blue eyes, Mullet Man, Cap, #Knowswherethefuckingriveris, Pimp
Alvin: Juicebox
Rebecca: Preggers, #shehatesme
AJ: The baby, hail the child, Kenny Junior (KJ), Little Lee, Genevieve, Omid 2.0, Omid Junior (OJ)
Ben: Shaggy, Screw-up that I just can't hate
Carley: Badass, Carles
Lilly: Lil, Lillers, Trigger-happy
Mark: Dead Meat
Mike: Mikers, Mikey
Sarita: Katjaa 2.0
Troy: Camo, unibrow
Damn, I have a lot of shitty nicknames for them.
These jokes are just too cold, really. It's just beating a dead horse....
god, i got a good joke, I Always Wonered if Jane had a heart, if she did, not anymore. thats not a joke thats just sick and twisted humor.
Oh! Heres a good one!, someone ask me how The walking dead season 5 episode 2 was!
That's pretty cold of you....
I guess you're right. I could make a Kenny joke, but it might be a shot in the dark.
We should make a thread for puns and jokes for characters.
you me and dojo should run it together!
the joke is, How was the new episode? Me: It was Bobicly Delicious!
I've got our slogan:
"The most pun you'll ever have!"
yeah. i'll start it for us.
What should the thread name be?
Lukey-pookie haha
You forgot 'pimp' in Nick's nicknames....
XD I added it
Don't forgot 'Rapist' for Bonnie too....
And the other demon....
Lee - Sho-Nuff voice LEE-ROY!!!
Clementine - Clemcake, ClemClam, Baby girl, sweet heart....I mean shit, I have a lot of nick names for Clem.
Pete - Pete&Pete, Uncle Iroh, Nicest mean old bastard ever.
Kenny - Fu-man Chu, Handle Bars
Carlos is Doctor Genius