Walking Dead show characters vs Walking dead game charecters

edited November 2014 in The Walking Dead

Rick vs Lee

Carl vs Clementine

Morgan vs Kenny

(Also) Shane vs Kenny

Daryl vs Christa

Glenn vs Luke

Michonne vs Molly

Andrea vs Lilly

Maggie vs Bonnie

Tyreese vs Mike

Carol vs Jane

Hershel vs Pete

Bob vs Walter

Merle vs Troy

Axel vs Reggie

Eugene vs Carlos

Abraham vs Nate

Randell vs Arvo

The Governor vs Carver

Gareth vs The Stranger

This is not just based on who can win in a fight but also who has a better personality who is a better character Who has better chance at surviving in the zombie apocalypse longer and who has more impact on the story of the game/show.


  • edited November 2014

    Are we assuming they're fighting one another..?

  • I just updated it and cleared things up

  • Ah, alright. "VS" just makes me think of confrontation for whatever reason.

    -Kenny posted: »

    I just updated it and cleared things up

  • All Game Characters Win

  • edited November 2014

    Lee wins, by a tiny margin.

    1000% Clementine.

    Morgan. (Not Shane.)









    Bob and Walter tie.






    The Governor.

    Gareth wins by a tiny margin. (Actually no, I change my mind. Not a tiny margin, I love the hipster king of cannibals so so much he was gr8.)

    I'm surprised at how many of my answers ended up being characters from the show, but whateva.

  • Rick vs Lee: Lee wins, FATALITY

    Carl vs Clementine: Tie, annnnd they started making out.

    Morgan vs Kenny: Morgan

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny: Kenny

    Daryl vs Christa: Daryl

    Glenn vs Luke: Glenn

    Michonne vs Molly: Molly

    Andrea vs Lilly: Andrea

    Maggie vs Bonnie: Bonnie

    Tyreese vs Mike: Tyresse. He Wont.

    Carol vs Jane: Carol. (she has a soul.)

    Hershel vs Pete: Pete

    Bob vs Walter: Bob (until he gets invited to the BobBQ

    Merle vs Troy: Merle

    Axel vs Reggie: Reggie

    Eugene vs Carlos: Eugene

    Abraham vs Nate: Abraham

    Randell vs Arvo: Arvo

    The Governor vs Carver: Carver

    Gareth vs The Stranger: Gareth

  • Rick vs Lee: Lee

    Carl vs Clementine: Clem

    Morgan vs Kenny: Kenny

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny: Kenny

    Daryl vs Christa: Daryl

    Glenn vs Luke: Luke

    Michonne vs Molly: Michonne

    Andrea vs Lilly: Lilly

    Maggie vs Bonnie: Maggie

    Tyreese vs Mike: Mike

    Carol vs Jane: Carol

    Hershel vs Pete: Hershel

    Bob vs Walter: Bob

    Merle vs Troy: Merle

    Axel vs Reggie: Reggie

    Eugene vs Carlos: Eugene

    Abraham vs Nate: Abraham

    Randell vs Arvo: Randell

    The Governor vs Carver: Carver

    Gareth vs The Stranger: Gareth

  • Lee







    Lilly (Or comic Andrea, but I don't know if she counts)


    Mike (or comic Tyreese, same applies)










    The Stranger

  • edited November 2014

    Rick vs Lee - Oh shit, uh... Lee.

    Carl vs Clementine - Clemen-fucking badass-tine

    Morgan vs Kenny - Morgan.

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny - Shane. Get rekt Kenny, sorry bro.

    Daryl vs Christa - Daryl.


    Michonne vs Molly - You've gotta be fucking kidding me. GODDAMNIT. UH... Micholly?

    Andrea vs Lilly - Goddamnit, dude. Uh... Andrea. She knows how the safety works. Lilly, does not.

    Maggie vs Bonnie - Maggie.

    Tyreese vs Mike - Tyreese.

    Carol vs Jane - Carol all the fucking way. #QueenCarol

    Hershel vs Pete - Hershel.

    Bob vs Walter - Bob.

    Merle vs Troy - Merle. Fucking love Merle.

    Axel vs Reggie - Reggie.

    Eugene vs Carlos - Carlos.

    Abraham vs Nate - NATE.

    Randell vs Arvo - Randell. Fuck Arvo.

    The Governor vs Carver - Governor, he's a waaaay better antag than Carver.

    Gareth vs The Stranger -

    Alt text

    ha. Gareth. <3

  • edited November 2014

    You can't really compare the characters in all of those categories at the same time, you need to make several different lists in order to compare them properly. I'll try I suppose. This is all my opinion however.

    1. Rick is the stronger survivor, mentally. Lee is stronger physically. They both have something to fight for, and that's Carl and Clem. Lee is willing to kill for Clementine while Rick is willing to do much more than that. Rick is more brutal. In a fight with no weapons, a fair fight, Rick would win. With weapons however, I still think Rick has the upper hand. He's fast at drawing his revolver. Very fast.

    2. Carl is physically (and mentally) stronger so he has both the advantages. He also has the size advantage and has seen and experience more brutal shit than Clem has. As much as I love Clem, she doesn't stand a chance against Carl in a fight with no weapons. With weapons however, it depends on the type of weapon. Melee? Carl still wins. Gun? Maybe Clem, but that really depends on how good her accuracy is and how fast Carl is.

    3. First Scenario: Duane and Duck are dead and this is their current selves. Kenny is extremely bitter, full of hate and cracks easily. He's physically stronger as well. Morgan is mentally stronger, and has a more clear mind (Dat pun) than Kenny. Morgan will outsmart him in a fight with no weapons, but one fuck up and Kenny will end him. I still think Kenny would win however. Second Scenario: Duck and Duane are both still living, now they both have something to fight for. This is no Season 1 Kenny and Season 1 Morgan. Kenny was always a little vicious to begin with while Morgan was kind and giving. Kenny would most likely win both scenarios.

    4. Shane has the physically stronger advantage while Kenny is more mentally stronger. Kenny will do what it takes to protect Duck, but Shane knows how to play dirty. Shane knows ways to tackle his opponent and can take a good amount of damage. Let's say he is fighting for Lori and Carl. Even if he wasn't fighting for anything, he would still destroy Kenny with or without Duck.

    5. LOL. Christa may be mentally stronger but I don't even need to explain how she stands no chance against Daryl. Didn't really care about Christa anyway.

    6. Glenn would win, and here's why. First off, every character in the TV series has the slight advantage of being in the apocalypse longer. Luke isn't the violent type either. Glenn is both physically and mentally stronger, and he has Maggie to fight for. Luke has Clem, but their relationship isn't strong enough to keep him on his feet.

    7. Hmm. Michonne is more bitter and mentally prepared for pretty much anything (and is possibly physical stronger). She is very well with a Katana and knows how to swipe it fast in any way of her choosing. Now Molly, she has the good abilities of parkour, nice reflexes and great agility all around. They are both smart characters however. Molly is the type to use the environment to her advantage, using her natural skills to outsmart her opponent and get behind them without them knowing, which results in her getting enough time to strike. Michonne on the other hand, can easily take Molly out if she were to fuck up. Just one quick slice of her arm, now she is missing an arm and Michonne is able to shove that blade right through her skull. The winner really depends on what environment they're fighting in. If it's somewhere open, then Michonne has the upper hand. If it's somewhere congested, small and close-quartered, then Molly has this in the bag.

    8. Andrea. Lilly probably has a slight strength advantage, but Andrea knows how to use guns much better. She's also been through a lot more so the hesitation won't be there to stop her when it really matters.

    9. Too Easy, Maggie. Bonnie doesn't stand a chance against a survivor like Maggie. With or without weapons.

    10. Tyreese vs Mike. Hmm. Tyreese has Sasha to fight for, Mike has a, um. Raccoon? Tyreese is both physically and mentally stronger, and would most likely dominate Mike. Ty could also take a bullet or two if determined enough.

    11. Well Carol is mentally stronger by a long fucking shot, but Jane has the speed and strength to take Carol down. Without weapons, Jane would be able to tackle Carol and win by probably choking her out or stomping her head in. With weapons however, Carol will use just about any tactic and will be as brutal as possible. I don't like Jane, just putting that out there just to show you I'm not being biased with any of these battles.

    12. Hershel has been through a lot more, resulting in him being mentally stronger, but Pete has the physical side for this battle. In a fight with no weapons, Pete would win, even if Hershel had his leg. With weapons however, Hershel could blow his head up into tiny pieces all over the place with his Trust Infinite Ammo Shotgun before Pete can even get a decent lock on to any part of Hershel with his rifle. Remember, shotgun's spread, Hershel doesn't have to be accurate with that thing.

    13. Well they both have something to fight for, that would be Sasha and Matthew. I feel that the relationship between Sasha and Bob is a lot stronger however, plus Bob is most likely the physically stronger one. There's no telling who is mentally stronger, for they both haven't been through that much compared to everybody else. With or without weapons, this one has to go to Bob.

    14. Troy may have a dickish attitude and may slap little girl's around thinking he's the shit, but when it comes to somebody like Merle, he's dead. Troy doesn't even look that strong. Merle has the mental and physical side going for him, plus the dirty and brutal intentions of his that will result in him ending Troy in a pretty vicious way. Merle also looks like the type that can take a bullet or two, possibly a stab wound and still be kicking. Merle wins.

    15. Well Reggie looks stronger, and is missing an arm, but Axel doesn't seem like the violent type at all. Plus he's old, he's probably weak. The only possible way I can see Axel winning is with firearms, but that's no guarantee. Here is more proof that I'm not being biased, I liked Axel a lot, and I didn't really like Reggie yet if I'm honest, Reggie would win.


    Sixteen. Hurts me to say this, but Carlos would win. I don't even like Carlos, I like Eugene. Carlos has something to fight for however, and we all know that Eugene's cure is bullshit so he ain't fighting for that. Eugene may be the more intelligent one however, and may have a possible chance of winning in an enclosed environment, but Carlos is stronger. If they both had time to prepare however, Eugene would probably come up with the most complex and guaranteed-to-work plan and win with some strange items. Idk.

    Seventeen. Abraham has the size and strength advantage, but we've seen Nate in action and what his intentions are. If you're willing to kill two humans like that with no hesitation, you're definitely the mentally stronger one. Though, we haven't seen Abraham kill another human before. I get the feeling Abraham would win because is fighting for Eugene's lie while Nate only has himself. In all honesty though, I don't get the logic of having something to fight fort makes you stronger, but in a way it does make sense. Kinda. If somebody would explain that to me, that'd be nice. I mean, if a dad was facing a rage fueled psychopath with every intention to harm in the most brutal way possible and has no humanity and innocence left, I think the dad would honestly lose. This has nothing to do with Abraham and Nate, just a random scenario. Nate is the psychopath in this however, and with guns, he would mow down Abraham in the blink of an eye.

    Eighteen. Randall was with a group of others who went in, and tried to kill Rick, Glenn and Hershel. They are in no means the nicest group. Randall was with brutal people, and that could easily carry on to his fight with Arvo. Arvo is a shitbird, he couldn't even defend himself when Kenny was beating him. His best defense was literally "LEAVE ME ALONE" lol. Even with guns, Randall would win. Sure, Arvo shot Clem but just look at the way he is holding the rifle. He wasn't even aiming properly, that was a completely blind shot fired from the hip and with a little luck, he managed to hit Clem. Maybe Arvo can have some luck pass on to him during this fight? Nah.

    Nineteen. Fuck. I love Philip. He is my favorite character of the TV series. Carver was also one of my favorites of Season 2. This decision is quite difficult because this isn't based on who I like more, it's based on true survival. Okay, Philip has something to fight for. He had Walker Penny, then he had Meghan and Lilly. He literally ripped the throats from walkers out just to keep them safe with his bare hands. Not any normal human does that. Carver is straight up brutal. Before the fight, I can easily imagine Philip attempting to negotiate with Carver and Carver would be all like "I got a radio bitch" and Philip would be like "Yeah, well I got a tank. Get rekt". Carver is probably stronger physically, but Philip is mentally stronger, and with guns, Philip is MUCH more accurate and faster with his hands. I mean, he shot Axel in the head WITH HIS BAD EYE FOR THE SAKE OF FUCK. THAT TAKES SOME INSANE SKILL. If Carver does get to a point where he has Philip on the ground and he is beating him, Philip would just end up biting a part of him off, like his finger for example. I say Philip would win.

    Twenty. The Stranger is a joke compared to Gareth. Stranger relies on that stupid generic pistol of his while Gareth knows how to communicate and strategically attack the opponent. I mean, we haven't actually seen Gareth in a fist fight before but surely he isn't as bad as Stranger right? Gareth would probably eat him to death.

    tl;dr I basically picked who would win in a fight, not who I liked better

    1. Rick
    2. Carl
    3. Kenny
    4. Shane
    5. Daryl
    6. Glenn
    7. Both (Depending. Read Above)
    8. Andrea
    9. Maggie
    10. Tyreese
    11. Both (Depending. Read Above)
    12. Both (Depending. Read Above)
    13. Bob
    14. Merle
    15. Reggie
    16. Carlos
    17. Both (Depending. Read Above)
    18. Randall
    19. Philip
    20. Gareth
  • Rick vs Lee: Rick easily

    Carl vs Clementine: Clementine

    Morgan vs Kenny: Kenny

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny:KKKK-enny

    Daryl vs Christa: Daryl FTW

    Glenn vs Luke: Luke(I hate Glen)

    Michonne vs Molly: Molly (barely)

    Andrea vs Lilly:Andrea

    Maggie vs Bonnie:Bonnie(can't stand someone who doesn't care enough to ask or look for her sister)

    Tyreese vs Mike: Tyreese the big teddy bear

    Carol vs Jane: Carol(definitely)

    Hershel vs Pete: Santa Hershel

    Bob vs Walter:Bobangelo

    Merle vs Troy: Merle

    Axel vs Reggie: Axel(best mustache ever)

    Eugene vs Carlos: Eugene(Mullet is epic)

    Abraham vs Nate: Abraham

    Randell vs Arvo: Arvo

    The Governor vs Carver: One eye Bri

    Gareth vs The Stranger: Gareth the coffee shop manager

  • Rick vs Lee - Rick easily

    Carl vs Clementine - Carl may have a strength advantage, but Clem is pretty fast so I have to say tie

    Morgan vs Kenny - Kenny

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny - Shane

    Daryl vs Christa - Daryl

    Glenn vs Luke - I'm rooting for Glenn but I think Luke has an obvious strength advantage so I'm going for Luke

    Michonne vs Molly - Michonne

    Andrea vs Lilly - Lilly

    Maggie vs Bonnie - Maggie

    Tyreese vs Mike - Mike

    Carol vs Jane - Carol

    Hershel vs Pete - Pete

    Bob vs Walter - Bob

    Merle vs Troy - Merle hands down

    Axel vs Reggie - Axel

    Eugene vs Carlos - Carlos

    Abraham vs Nate - Abraham

    Randell vs Arvo - Randell

    The Governor vs Carver - the Governor

    Gareth vs The Stranger - Stranger

  • Your comment gave me shivers (in a good way)

    Rigtail posted: »

    You can't really compare the characters in all of those categories at the same time, you need to make several different lists in order to co

  • Rick vs Lee: Lee all the way. Rick's great, but he never walked through a herd of walkers to get someone he cared about back.

    Carl vs Clementine: Clementine by a long shot, Carl's a fucking prick.

    Morgan vs Kenny: Kenny, he's my boy and I'm with him till the end.

    (Also) Shane vs Kenny: Again, Kenny.

    Daryl vs Christa: Daryl. To be honest, I don't really like Christa, especially with how cold she was around Clementine in ATR. Not only do I like Daryl more, but he is the better survivor.

    Glenn vs Luke: Luke. I like Glenn, but Luke is a great leader and was the glue that held the group together.

    Michonne vs Molly: Tough one. In terms of a fight, Michonne, but in personality, Molly (Michonne barely showed any emotion throughout Season 3 and only started really opening up in Season 4).

    Andrea vs Lilly: Lilly, Andrea was just so stupid. Sure, Lilly can be paranoid and was starting to lose it, but she's still, by far, the better character.

    Maggie vs Bonnie: Maggie, I don't care about her total disregard for her sister, I can't forgive Bonnie again, she's made so many stupid decisions she makes Andrea look like Einstein.

    Tyreese vs Mike: Pre Season 5, I would say Tyreese, but he became soft in Season 5, so Mike. I liked him before he betrayed us, he was someone who wanted to help and I felt he proved his worth.

    Carol vs Jane: Carol (Season 5 premiere anyone).

    Hershel vs Pete: Hershel, he has the power of infinite ammo. I love Pete, but Hershel put his own life on the line to help people back at the prison, he was a great man and Christmas won't be the same without him.

    Bob vs Walter: Walter, he never let the apocalypse change who he was, he was a great guy, despite the fact that he was around for half an episode.

    Merle vs Troy: Merle, he redeemed himself at the end while Troy was just, for lack of a better term, a bully. Plus, knife hand, you can't beat that.

    Axel vs Reggie: Axel, his almighty stache is up there with Kenny's. Reggie just drank too much of the kool-aid.

    Eugene vs Carlos: Carlos, even though I don't like him, he was a caring father who just wanted the best for his daughter, even if it was the wrong way to handle it. Eugene is kind of creepy and most likely a lying piece of shit (depending on if they follow the comic book).

    Abraham vs Nate: Nate, Abraham hasn't had that much time to develop yet in the show, but give him time.

    Randell vs Arvo: Randell, he was just a kid, Arvo is a lying, manipulative weasel who I have no sympathy for.

    The Governor vs Carver: Carver by far, one of my favorite characters from the game, even though I hate his guts.

    Gareth vs The Stranger: Gareth. The Stranger was just someone who was seeking revenge against the group, Gareth and the Termites are interesting because they went from nice people into cannibals.

  • Carl vs Clementine: Tie, annnnd they started making out.

    What have you done? What kind of thoughts have you in my head?

    Rick vs Lee: Lee wins, FATALITY Carl vs Clementine: Tie, annnnd they started making out. Morgan vs Kenny: Morgan (Also) Shane vs Ke

  • You over evaluated this!

    In a good way too, nice job!

    Rigtail posted: »

    You can't really compare the characters in all of those categories at the same time, you need to make several different lists in order to co

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