The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Teachers: abusing their power since the dawn of time.

    blueneon posted: »

    I can 't understand why teachers hate me so much. Like, everyone is talking and I say one fucking, ONE, and the be like and when I as

  • I know. Yesterday my phone rang in class and my Chemistry teacher got so pissed. Thanks a lot people at the phone companies just trying to do your job, I apreciate.

    Teachers: abusing their power since the dawn of time.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited November 2014

    It was a joke <.<

    I'm back from school just to find out that: * Gustav has a Jewish porn fetish...

  • edited November 2014

    I usually have my phone's sound off or just leave it my locker(it never got broken into). Maybe have the rumble on but the sound off, leave it in the pocket. That way you can notice when someone's calling or something.

    blueneon posted: »

    I know. Yesterday my phone rang in class and my Chemistry teacher got so pissed. Thanks a lot people at the phone companies just trying to do your job, I apreciate.

  • We don 't have lockers and I am reall forgetfull so my phone might have the sound of for a month or so and I will still wonder why no one has called me. Well, no one calls me anyway.

    I usually have my phone's sound off or just leave it my locker(it never got broken into). Maybe have the rumble on but the sound off, leave it in the pocket. That way you can notice when someone's calling or something.

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah, I tend to forget a lot myself.

    Well, no one calls me anyway

    Except for phone companies. heh

    blueneon posted: »

    We don 't have lockers and I am reall forgetfull so my phone might have the sound of for a month or so and I will still wonder why no one has called me. Well, no one calls me anyway.

  • True. And my grandma to ask me when do I finish so she can pick me up from school. But other than that I am a loner. ;-;

    Yeah, I tend to forget a lot myself. Well, no one calls me anyway Except for phone companies. heh

  • edited November 2014

    I normally would use this type of gif for a certain someone close to me but I'll make an exception.

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    Yeah, I'm a loner myself. None of my friends calls me much(mainly cuz my dad is so strict with everything, can't wait to move) and the only ones who really calls is my family, which is when they wonder where the hell I am. And I tend to stay inside my house. There's not much in town that peaks my interest.

    blueneon posted: »

    True. And my grandma to ask me when do I finish so she can pick me up from school. But other than that I am a loner. ;-;

  • I know.

    It was a joke <.<

  • Alt text

    That I don 't understand about my friends. You have my number, no way you are out your house and without battery 24/7 and you still won 't call me. I love them, and I know the care too but for fucks shake, it is just a call.

    I normally would use this type of gif for a certain someone close to me but I'll make an exception. Yeah, I'm a loner myself. None of

  • Good :D

    I know.

  • Alt text

    Checking out yahoo news for stuff and things, and what do I find here? A picture of a distant planet being formed. Ah astronomy, my favourite science subject.

  • Looks like the sun is vomiting.

    Checking out yahoo news for stuff and things, and what do I find here? A picture of a distant planet being formed. Ah astronomy, my favourite science subject.

  • That's what happened, I fed the sun my sister, and it immediatly puked.

    Looks like the sun is vomiting.

  • Did you apply sun screen before doing so?

    That's what happened, I fed the sun my sister, and it immediatly puked.

  • So today I stumbled upon an awesome Chibi Maker and I was bored so I decided to make some ASOIAF characters! :>

    Joffrey Baratheon

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    Tommen Baratheon

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    Jaime Lannister

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    Loras Tyrell

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    Margaery Tyrell

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    Sansa Stark (this one came out lame because I couldn't find the right outfit and hairstyle for her)

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    Arya Stark and Needle

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  • Yes.

    Did you apply sun screen before doing so?

  • DMX: Y'all gonna make me lose mind! Up in here (up in here!)

    Where should I start... Well I wake up tired at 5:30 in the morning and yes I HAVE to get up at that time... Everyday. I get to school wh

  • I'm not going across ice after my birthday though :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Happy early birthday

  • I am the hottest Chibi around.

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    So today I stumbled upon an awesome Chibi Maker and I was bored so I decided to make some ASOIAF characters! :> Joffrey Baratheon

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited November 2014

    I already know what my Game of The Year 2015 will be...

    Q1 2015... Can't handle my hype...

  • Yes, sadly.

    Did she come back?

  • Did she come back?


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited November 2014

    [Right behind Tobi, TDM stands there, in shock.]

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    [Lounge is some kind of Bat Cave having a party, with Pro and Awesomeo having a drinking contest. A lone mysterious figure walks in and shoots off the base of Pro's mug if beer. All looks like 'Dafuq?'. The man speaks...] lol Good morning!

  • Nope.

    blueneon posted: »

    Hey, not bad. Better than @papai46 at least. :}

  • Lol you and I were having bitch-slapfest last night! You kept moving so awkwardly it was hard to kill you! xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    [Right behind Tobi, TDM stands there, in shock.]

  • I hated that Rockstar took auto aim off, so it was better bitch slapping you with my shotgun xD

    Lol you and I were having bitch-slapfest last night! You kept moving so awkwardly it was hard to kill you! xD

  • What the fuck man! I'm the Spider-Man fan here!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @leetheprofessional Spidey spam

  • [Gustav sits on his chair in the corner, taking another sip of his whiskey before smashing it into Simon's head]

    Alt text

    [Lounge is some kind of Bat Cave having a party, with Pro and Awesomeo having a drinking contest. A lone mysterious figure walks in and shoots off the base of Pro's mug if beer. All looks like 'Dafuq?'. The man speaks...] lol Good morning!

  • Sometimes I sit there and wonder to myself... Is it all worth fighting for in the end?

  • edited November 2014

    Alt text


    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I hated that Rockstar took auto aim off, so it was better bitch slapping you with my shotgun xD

  • Random fact: Race car spelled backwards is race car.

    Random fact: taco cat spelled backwards is taco cat.

  • No, just give up. GIVEEEEE UPPPPP

    Sometimes I sit there and wonder to myself... Is it all worth fighting for in the end?

  • Random fact: Anna spelled backwards is Anna.

    Random fact: Race car spelled backwards is race car.

  • What's wrong with circumcised dicks yo

    Meh, too much circumcision.

  • You guys never invite me to the sessions ;_;


  • Lee confirmed to be a skrub

    Green613 posted: »

    Only skrubs give up. Skrub.

  • I should stay away from Gustav O_O

    JEWISH PORN OMFG Lol I found Gustavos new porn fetish.

  • pulls Daniel off his chair


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I should stay away from Gustav O_O

  • Only skrubs give up. Skrub.

    No, just give up. GIVEEEEE UPPPPP

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