Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
… moreHall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
That wasn't half as disturbing as some stuff you send me on steam remember all the opposites with humans as presents and marshmallows etc it was awesome tho XD post all them on the lounge pls :'D
Oh, my God, the Mario one.
That wasn't half as disturbing as some stuff you send me on steam remember all the opposites with humans as presents and marshmallows etc it was awesome tho XD post all them on the lounge pls :'D
Have you been a good boy? Santa's watching....
That guy in the end was a real mood killer. >:/
"Green is the biggest Skrub"
That's what I want on my tombstone when I di-
I have written a really creepy parody of a Pewds/Ken/Cry fanfic that I found on youtube, not sure if I should post or not.
Post it, I want to read it.
XDDD nyet
It is working for me but apparently not for everyone.
I hate you internet! >:'{
Damn! That is good lookin'!
Well here's the mansion! Hope you guys like it!
The outside of the mansion
[Carlos voice] The shed.
Living room
Hall and dining room
Bathroom A
Second Floor Hall (has gym equipment)
Men's Bedroom
Women's Bedroom
Bathroom B (Connected to Bedrooms)
PS: it's based off of the mansion from WWE's Legends House.
Very good Tobi.
This is awesome!!!
I love it
Sick Braaa
All hail WarpSpeed!
Lmao, that ending!
Where are the sims?
And me you forgot. Me, Awe and Gustac.
@awesomeo @blueneon @papai46
Please donate lots of moneys to help stop this crime
Lmao! BTW why you don't call me to see this thing?
Because it's a parody of another video they saw I wasn't sure if you saw the original XD
I did Mark:(
That's the comercial Batman.
Oh, my God, the Mario one.
But the rest, lol.
I know, happy you understand.
I am not mad, I am honest.
Your added now I didn't know you saw it they responded when I posted the original here last time so I knew they saw it :P
That wasn't half as disturbing as some stuff you send me on steam remember all the opposites with humans as presents and marshmallows etc it was awesome tho XD post all them on the lounge pls :'D
This is me, the second one.
None of them where representing people eating babies! >:{
And fine, I will post them.
That Mario one...
'Denzel! What have they done to you?! AahhahahhahahhahAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!'
XD I seen this comment earlier