Listen man, I know this doesn't mean much, but I want to say that I'm sorry. It's partially my fault this happened, I shouldn't have given into the trolling, but I did. Sorry that this thread gave you ebola and sorry this thread has been ruined.
Well, since I don't even know my sexual orientation yet, i'm gonna pick one girl and one boy.
Girl: Molly. DEFINITELY. She's just so cool… more and funny, I really like her style.
Boy: Nick. I always agree on what he says and I understand how he felt when he was depressed and all... I actually kinda see myself in him, and that's awesome
Alright, I'm going to close this thread from the Topic Creator's request. I've removed the trolls' posts from public view, but I assume that the original poster still wants the thread closed regardless.
So it is true... I've finally encountered the one-who-must-not-be-named... But yeah, I'm withdrawing from the war.
You your thoughts?
Help @Jennifer
That moment when you realize you're Green's alt, and it's Green & alts vs Lexi.& alts
The mods are on crack.
While the SaltBros remain lurking waiting to take on the winner... Unless he gets pissed off enough with one of the sides
Where are they?
That moment where you realize you worship 'master green'.
That moment when you find your feet chained up and you're sitting in front of a laptop in Kittie's basement, run by "Master Green"
Very opinionated.
The wonderful land called...
I think we need more mods.
Listen man, I know this doesn't mean much, but I want to say that I'm sorry. It's partially my fault this happened, I shouldn't have given into the trolling, but I did. Sorry that this thread gave you ebola and sorry this thread has been ruined.
What do you mean by that you don't know it yet?
Is the argument over?
Alright, I'm going to close this thread from the Topic Creator's request. I've removed the trolls' posts from public view, but I assume that the original poster still wants the thread closed regardless.