Did you care or know Alvin's name when he died?
When you were playing Season 2.
Did you care that Alvin was being held hostage by Carver?
I personally didn't even know his name until Carver blew his head off and Rebecca says "ALVIN NOooooooooooooooo."
Alvin i will never forget you... Wait a minute, let me start over....
Alvin i will never forget your blandness, never adding a opinion one way or another. Never making that hard choice, he lets his wife tell him what to do, for that my sweet prince you will not be remembered, in the hearts of man.
Did anyone even care that he died? I personally found it funny. Carver gets up from being being shot at by Kenbo and shoots him in the head.
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Alvin wasnt that bad of a character given i had him give me a juicebox on my first playtrough, i was a bit saddened about his death in episode 3 and his ''I think its gonna be a girl'' hunch.
He didnt excel as a character, but he was good enough. Had a good death, Nick and Sarah however.
I knew everyone's name during episode 1...
I cared about all the characters.
My first play through no I let carver kill him at the lodge and didn't think twice about it. Second playthroigh he gave me a fuckin juicebox so I saved him from carver/Kenny. Either way he was an extremely unimpactful character and it was hard to give a shit about him
Yes, he gave Clem juicebox. I'll never forget that.
I didn't really care all that much when Carver took him hostage, but his death in episode 3 (the one I got) gave me a lot of respect for him.
The first moment I saw him, I was pretty indifferent. Your typical nice man who doesn't have anything else going for him, which ended up making him look boring compared to his partner and everyone else.
When I saved him in Episode 2 and learned about how nice guy Alvin killed someone (George) in the past, I was impressed and wanted to learn more about him. Then Episode 3 came along and I ended up disappointed with the dropped sub-plot, and even more disappointed that Alvin dies in his second scene, making the act to save him in Episode 2 meaningless.
I liked him.
I know right, as soon as you make your choice on either trying to save Alvin or not, they take Alvin away from the group and give him maybe two extra lines of dialogue.
I can't tell which character is worse, this one or Sarita.
He was always just kinda there. I had Carver kill him in episode two, and I really did not care. Honestly, I cared tons more when Walter was killed, but then again he's one of my favorite characters.
sigh Another character who had a lot of potential. Of course I knew his name, but when he died I just sorta shrugged it off.
I let Kenny shoot and Alvin died, but I felt alot worse when Carver murdered Walter, even though I knew him for like, 10 minutes.
Alvin was the shit.
I knew Alvin's name, but I really didn't care about him at all. I saved him, but when he died in episode three I still didn't care.
Alvin was a 6 at best.
Yep, I feel the same.
Yeah. Alvin was one of my favourite characters
I wish it was an option to save him.
I liked Walter as well. Walter will always been remembered for his Steinbeck quote. I was quite surprised they put that in there, most people have no idea who John Steinbeck is.
That quote made me remember him more than ever, it was very unique to see. I really liked his character and wish that Alvin and Walter's roles were flipped during the hostage scene with Alvin dying and Walter save able.
Me too.
"To be alive at all is to have scars." - The Winter of Our Discontent
My favourite quote. One of them.
Yes, I cared. I wanted to see more of him.
Why did you like Alvin? Did you feel obligated to because of the baby?
No but i didn't feel obligated to remember their names either. Pointless, pointless, characters like Sarita. Her only ambition in the TWDG was to develop Kenny's character more.
Genius writing.
The names aren't that hard... :P
After Episode 1, I knew them all by heart, still do.
Too bad we didn't see a scene with Carver and Alvin at Howe's. Alvin killed Carver's friend, George, but the game never bothered to explain more. We only know that Carver tortured him, but I'm sure they talked, and it'd interesting to see how this conversation went.
... Except for, like, ANYONE who's taken an American english class. He's actually one of the most well-known authors of all time.
Yup, Of Mice and Men books are all over those English classes these days, lol.
But then again, not everybody's taken an American English class. :>
Sarita was a nice lady, she sang quite catching Christmas carol.
I don't believe the majority of the fans playing this series have any desire or inclination to read books written before they were born.
Sure. But seeing as nearly every American who's been educated has been forced to read a book by him, I'd say that he isn't exactly obscure.
And I'd also say his books are worth reading.
Sarita could of been a serial killer for all we know. We knew nothing about her.
Yep, i didn't want him to die and yeah knew his name after ep1
I think she was.
I can't remember anything about her other than she doesn't celebrate xmas. Personally i think Chet from S1 would of been a better love interest than Sarita. At least we could find more about hot dish night.
No. I thought he was a nice guy who cared about his family. He gave me a juice box so I knew that he wasnt down with what they were doing to Clementine, he just didnt want to upset his wife, which I could understand. I wanted to know more about him based on what Carver was saying. Cant you just like someone just because they're nice? I feel like there was a lot about the characters that we should and could have gotten more of, if the season played out differently.
I knew his name but i didn't care I saved him from Carver because I was outside and didn't hear the part about the murdering.
I like to think he made it to the hot dish night. He deserved that.