if Season 2 Theory of the Truth:

CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
edited November 2014 in The Walking Dead

If it was all a dream, it would make sense.

What if Everything that happens at the time when season 2 was a dream?

Clementine at the start of the Season is with Christa, that part happens. However when she gets knocked into the river, everything after that was part of that dream sequence. Everyone else at this point is made up. It was her subconscious creating characters to fill desires that she has, being a orphan alone unconscious.

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As she is floating down the river, i believe her arm was damaged in the current as it gets cut by a large rock, she only imagined the dog biting her. Maybe she has a phobia of dogs. The dog may symbolize something, but really that is very subjective. I personally feel that Clementine saw the dog as more of a sign of the times.

What i mean by that, the dog was friendly at first, but at a moments notice it went violent. Clementine exposed to this violence every day, time and time again. She isn't used to this, it scares her. It starts changing how she sees the world.

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Luke/Pete represented in her mind someone that would take care of her. A lee savior in her mind. She wanted that relationship so badly she recreated it in her dream. She longed for the parent relationship once more. She began imagining a protector, but in her short experience, her own imagination was cruel, in her hopelessness she can't imagine a happy ending so of course Luke/Pete would have a tragic demise. She would create a new character , they would die to complete the cycle of her misery. She desperately feels isolated and alone, these characters were to fill the void.

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Nick in my mind represented the doubts, the depression, the hopelessness she felt. She created a character inside herself, knowing she needed to be strong. To be strong takes courage. Sometimes people can't be couragous all the time. I'm sure Clementine has her moemnts when things become to overwhelm her, things become too much. The doubt, the fear, the unknown all cause anxiety, to the point she doesn't even want to wake up.

Personally i believe that Clementine may have some suicide thoughts. She doesn't see hope in her life anymore, everything she has been exposed to. She lost everyone she cares about, her parents are dead, her friend Lee is dead. Now Christa is missing and Clementine is unconscious in the water. I believe that part of her just wanted the pain to end at that moment, that is why Nick was born.

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I believe Reggie represents the guilt that she has for leaving Lee behind. She desperately wishes that he was alive, so in her dream Reggie was created to "punish" her for abandoning Lee. She feels extremely guilty about getting Lee killed. She ran away which caused him to get bit, then left him at the jewelry store.
In her mind she keeps thinking, I should of tried harder. I shouldn't of ran away. It was my fault. So no wonder that Clementine regardless of what choice you make, feels responsible for Reggie's death. It was a mirror of her choice with Lee.

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Sarah represented the child she wanted to be. How she just wants to be nice to people, but living in this world pretty much killed those feelings. Clementine just wants to live in a world where people are nice to each other, and people help each other. She doesn't understand being so young why people are so cruel towards each other. She doesn't have a concept of what evil lies in the hearts of man. Dealing with the hurt and the pain brought by others, she knew this part of her soul had to die, or at least be buried away.
She had to be tough, she had to be strong. These words echo's in Clementine's mind. Lee said these words to her in Season 1, so Sarah had to go.

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Rebecca/Alvin may have represented Clementine's parents, maybe her father was the nice one, and her mom was not so nice one. People want their parents approval. Always is trying to get that same sex parent recognition. Some people spend their entire lives, trying to get their parent to tell them they're proud of them. Maybe her mother was a little hard on Clementine, and she always felt like her mom especially wasn't proud of her. She felt closer to her father, that is why Alvin was the nice one, and Rebecca was the "Mean" one at first. Eventually Rebbecca does a 180, and treats Clementine like her own. She becomes very caring, and tells her that she is pretty much like family.

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Carver/Kenny Represents all the rage she feels on the world, how she just wanted to beat something, until it doesn't have shape anymore. She lost her family, her friends, pretty much everyone. That rage slowly grows until their is a inferno blazing ready to incinerate anything in proximity. How could she not be upset at the world, how could she not sit there and say Why me. She never vents, she doesn't cry. She thinks about all the people she lost every day, she goes crazy from the quietness of her own thoughts. The pain is over flowing and seeping over everything and everyone.

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Mike in my mind represented a recreation of the original Lee. Something she desperately wants, a person that makes her feel safe. Someone she can trust, and Mike had all those characteristics. He protected her when she was being attacked,and helped her the best he could. He was the peacemaker, the only way to keep Order and Chaos from killing each other. Clementine's imagination never let's her win. So of course the fantasy had to die, because she knew Lee was dead, deep down and there was nothing that could bring him back.

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Jane represented in my mind of what Clementine felt she had to be to survive. She was a representation of the strong survivor in Clementine. The Rambo inside Clementine, that she wants to be. Where she isn't always so emotional about her feelings for Lee or anyone else that she has lost in her life. She could be strong, people could count on her. She wasn't that sad little girl crying in the corner about everything that she has lost, or the people that she has lost. She turned her feelings off, she just doesn't care. She became dissociative, to the point others wouldn't make much difference. She desperately wants to become like this.

If it was a dream sequence it would explain

  1. How she was able to kick down a door.
  2. How she miraculously ran into Kenny at the lodge
  3. And every other plot hole in the story.


  • edited November 2014

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    But in all seriousness, it's actually some pretty good points you stated there. The way you explained the meaning behind game's events and characters' representation... I never thought of that and it is indeed a really good guess. I personally think it would be a rather interesting and uncommon plot twist if everything that happened to Clementine throughout the Season was her deathbed vision. And it would definitely make Season 2 better for me in some way.

  • Me too, i want to expand on this idea, i just didn't have the time right now because i got a 1 pm meeting. There is a lot more i want to say.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    But in all seriousness, it's actually some pretty good points you stated there. The way you explained the meaning behind game's events and c

  • updated. I fixed a little.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Me too, i want to expand on this idea, i just didn't have the time right now because i got a 1 pm meeting. There is a lot more i want to say.

  • edited November 2014

    This is a very good theory, but i think its not true. teltalle would not go so far. Her morher seems to be very nice acording to the treehouse trailer, But i dont know, its possible. I already read this before, The choice between Kenny and Jane symbolizes what Clem she wants to be more, I'm not sure. And she go alone with AJ symbolizes the release of his own soul (your soul is AJ ). A dream within another dream seems very strange, but interesting. We still have Reggie, Edith, GIl, Randy........which are difficult to include in theory. And Bonnie have to be someone who really exists, considering we played with her in DLC. unless Clem has imagined Leiland and Dee, but her story occurs before clem and chriista being attacked; by the bandits. The other 400 Days determinant characters Clem see in Howe's must be real too. The story of Vince, for example, begins on the 2 day of the Apocalypse , so it's hard to imagine that he is an invention of Clem. A possibly explanation for that is that she is with all of them in Howe's but when she sleep she dreamed all of it . So in S3 Our group will be clem and the playable characters from 400 days

  • Reggie represents a few things. First, if you chopped off Lee's arm, he represents what Lee would have been like if he survived. Second, he also represents Mark, in that someone who was very nice and tried to help her group is killed by a villain, even though he tries to help the group.

    Edith represents a gatekeeper to her ultimate salvation, Wellington.

    Gill represents Duck, a nice mother, Katjaa (I don't remember the mother of Gil's name) , and Randy, a father willing to protect his family, Kenny.

    Nick represents Ben, in that they both caused someone to lose someone they love, Ben with Duck and Katjaa, a Nick with Matthew, they both lose someone they know and go into depression, Ben, with Travis and Mr. Parker, Nick with Pete, and they both form a friendship with Clementine, AND attempt to apologize to the person who they caused to lose a loved one, Walter and Kenny, and can be killed as a result of Walter's or Kenny's actions or words.

    Walter represents Lee, in that they died before they could teach Clementine anything, as they were both teachers, and could leave a man to die, Ben and Nick, and Walter also represents Kenny as they both lost someone as a result of a screw-up.

    Arvo represents the Stranger and St. John's, in that as a result of the group's actions they lost someone, The Stranger's family, Brenda, and Natasha, and they all seek vengeance on the group at some point.

    igormp posted: »

    This is a very good theory, but i think its not true. teltalle would not go so far. Her morher seems to be very nice acording to the treeho

  • I feel like I want this just because of all the plot holes/Clem having to do everything/People treating Clem like an adult (and then fans overusing that stupid Chuck quote to defend it)/The adults being idiots...idk.

  • I guess Carlos is what you can become in a zombie apocalipse without any school, Because he ask very stupid questions. LOL.

    Reggie represents a few things. First, if you chopped off Lee's arm, he represents what Lee would have been like if he survived. Second, he

  • I dont agree with Clem doing everything, But the Words of Chuck make very sense , because a Shit world dont care about who you are, if you dont learn how to survive, you will end Dead

    I feel like I want this just because of all the plot holes/Clem having to do everything/People treating Clem like an adult (and then fans overusing that stupid Chuck quote to defend it)/The adults being idiots...idk.

  • Didn't some guy suggest the same theory? Damn, I forgot his name, but I really love this theory.

  • yeah i can see u r a jane fan

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited November 2014

    I am not sure if its a dying dream, didn't see that thread. :/

    Thanks for linking the thread. I'm still not done with this thread, sometime today i want to write about Nick and a few other people.

    fallandir posted: »

    You're late, George. https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/85431/theory-season-2-is-actually-a-dying-dream

  • Actually i don't care for Jane, i never been a fan.

    yeah i can see u r a jane fan

  • Nice theory.

    I mean, it it's going to be true, but nice theory regardless.

    Just a note though: symbolism can be read into anything if you try hard enough.

  • Just a note though: symbolism can be read into anything if you try hard enough.

    This is true. Personally i don't have much faith in the writers to expect something this complex.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nice theory. I mean, it it's going to be true, but nice theory regardless. Just a note though: symbolism can be read into anything if you try hard enough.

  • Bonnie could be a transformation of all the poeple she trusted but ended up betraying in some way or Lily´s caricature if you cover Luke. Vince could be Lee if he hadn´t found Clem. Shel and Becca could be a transformation of Clem and Lee.Don´t know about Wyatt.

    igormp posted: »

    This is a very good theory, but i think its not true. teltalle would not go so far. Her morher seems to be very nice acording to the treeho

  • very good theory, and it is very well thought out. but i dont think so. then what would S3 be about or even mean???

  • Good theory. I like the representation unfortunately its false everything in Season 2 did in fact happen. Otherwise the story wouldn't have progressed whatsoever.

  • edited November 2014

    Imagine if that theory actually became true. The internet would explode

  • I believe S3 will take up when she regains consciousness and realizes what happened, she is still in the water being carried away.

    Perhaps a reference to the old Clementine Folk song, where in the song Clementine falls into the river and is never seen again.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    very good theory, and it is very well thought out. but i dont think so. then what would S3 be about or even mean???

  • updated, added Nick/ Reggie. I will need to think about what bonnie represents.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    updated. I fixed a little.

  • Clementine throughout the Season was her deathbed vision. And it would definitely make Season 2 better for me in some way.

    I don't believe Clementine will die, however i don't believe the events in S2 happened after falling in the river of course.

    TheZorkij posted: »

    But in all seriousness, it's actually some pretty good points you stated there. The way you explained the meaning behind game's events and c

  • Lol, me neither. I'm just saying it would be pretty damn heartrending if everything turned out like this. It's not like I want that to actually happen though, but imagine all the feels. Some people would be mad, certainly, but still I believe it would be one the saddest and most emotional moments in the whole series, if handled properly.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Clementine throughout the Season was her deathbed vision. And it would definitely make Season 2 better for me in some way. I don't b

  • Kenny: "Maybe this is all just a dream" S2ep2

  • Every video game story has plot holes if you look hard enough, doesn't mean it'll turn into a dream. Plus lots of main characters in story games for some odd reason always get themselves knocked out in the very beginning of their story so the player can make the excuse "it's just a dream" if you didn't like how the story's going.

  • Dude... this is awesome...

  • Damn. Good shit. But I kinda don't want that to happen. That's really dark ha

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I believe S3 will take up when she regains consciousness and realizes what happened, she is still in the water being carried away. Perhap

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