Imagine how darker it would be if...

edited November 2014 in The Walking Dead

Imagine how much more darker The Walking Dead would be if AJ died, someone had to stab him to keep him from turning, and Rebecca carried his corpse to bury him somewhere, in which she says "Right here is fine" and she sits down with AJs corpse wrapped in blankets Mike replies "Okay well we'll start digging-" Before they see Arvo, are attacked and Rebecca is revealed to be a walker now holding AJs corpse.

Due to AJs death, Kenny clings onto Clementine a lot more and is a lot more ruthless, so much so he just kills Arvo on the spot (Bonnie used AJ as a bargaining chip to keep Kenny from killing Arvo, but with no AJ, then this argument wouldn't suffice). Luke still dies, Bonnie and Mike leave together (However this time Clementine isn't shot).

Jane and Kenny argue, and Jane still doesn't want to risk going to Wellington. The two of them fight but not over AJ instead over Clementine and her future. Eventually Clementine will go into Wellington alone, be with Jane and alone (or with Gill) or be alone in a field full of walkers and covered in blood. With no AJ, she is simply - alone, and the fact that Kenny and Jane argue over her makes her feel more guilty over the situation.

Damn. It would be pretty darker. I'm glad they didn't kill of AJ. Yet.


  • Yet is the word.

  • Damn,thats fucked up...

  • I thought AJ was just gonna die and be that one more thing that breaks Kenny...

  • The Walking Dead would be if AJ died, someone had to stab him to keep him from turning, and Rebecca carried his corpse

    Alt text

  • There was some unused animation for axe zombie baby although no one knows if that really means kill a zombie Aj

  • I think that if Clem died, instead of lee at the end of Season 1 this game would be darker/cooler. Take Lee through a journey of whether he would turn into a Governor type character or not. Would the rage inside him take over his mind like it did Kenny or would he learn to let go of the past?

  • That was found out to simply be the animation of Clementine putting down AJ, killing a walker and putting its blood on AJ.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    There was some unused animation for axe zombie baby although no one knows if that really means kill a zombie Aj

  • With no AJ, she is simply - alone, and the fact that Kenny and Jane argue over her makes her feel more guilty over the situation.

    I like the idea of Clem being by herself. The "group drama" in season 1 might of worked then but it didn't work for season 2. Before Season 2 was released I thought each episode was going to be about Clementine surviving by herself as she develops into a more independent character. I'm not saying she isn't a independent character. I'm just saying that her character development was overshadowed by the conflict and drama that we've already been too familiar with in season 1. It felt like the writers had pushed Clementine to the side when Jane and Kenny were arguing with each other. I'm hoping that Telltale would start a start a Season 3 that is more Clem centered instead of group centered

  • Yeah I heard that but didnt know if it was confirmed or just a theory of it.

    HarjKS posted: »

    That was found out to simply be the animation of Clementine putting down AJ, killing a walker and putting its blood on AJ.

  • (or with Gill)


  • Why do I feel like AJ will die in Season 3? Something like that would break poor Clem's heart...that's why they'll probably do it! T___T nu HarjKS don't give them ideas! Poor Clemmy will suffer.

  • Maybe Clem will lose a finger in Season 3 D:

  • i thought i was reading a fanfic

  • Well....that was morbid

  • Season 2 isn't actually that much 'darker' than the first Season, so I'm not surprised that they didn't go so far as to kill off the baby. I'm actually glad that they kept AJ alive, because I feel like killing him off just for shock-value would have been a rather clumsy move on the writers' part.

    They already killed off Christa's baby off-screen in Episode 1. Having Rebecca's baby die too, I presume, was considered overkill.

  • lets be real, AJ is going to get Omid'ed bad.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Why do I feel like AJ will die in Season 3? Something like that would break poor Clem's heart...that's why they'll probably do it! T___T nu HarjKS don't give them ideas! Poor Clemmy will suffer.

  • No Kenny and Jane will.

    AJ will survive for a while.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    lets be real, AJ is going to get Omid'ed bad.

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