Mulit pack
I have purchased the multi pack for episodes 2-5 I try to restore my purchases and it won't let me. I have deleted the game and started it back up. I play off iOS iPhone how can I get my episodes back. It says to buy them again which I had already done. Please help me. Thanks
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Mullet or multi? Just kidding :P, but you should probably check the support section or make a thread there, your question will most likely be answered faster that way.
Call up Apple support and bitch at their CSA, i do it all the time when i feel i need to vent and be centered.
If you bought it through Apple, they can fix it, or at least you can verbally abuse someone for fifteen minutes and their only response is "I'm sorry you feel this way."
I'm sorry I'm pretty new at this are you talking the support next to the blog or off apple support.
They can fix the in game purchase?
The big grey support tab (yeah next to blog) that's by your profile. Then when you get there, look to the right and click whatever game it is your talking about (I assume it's TWD: S2) and make a thread there. Good luck =]
Well i would call them , because I enjoy calling apple support personally. Don't let them sell you anything, just demand a refund or another download for that game. Apple Customer service is like the #1 thing they want to get right. They do not have garbage customer service like Time Garbage Cable. Every agent is graded by a survey when they are done with the call, if they did a great job be sure to give them positive marks.
If they are unhelpful, give them a very unsatisfactory. Too many of those they get fired.
Thank you for your help
I'll try giving them a call thanks for your help.
Let us know how it goes, remember your the customer so you have the power. Threaten them with a bad Customer service rating, and they'll bend over backwards.
Which Season are you experiencing this on? Season 1 or Season 2? Once you specify, I can move this post to the proper Support Section on the Telltale forums for you.