Anyone remember this forum...
While Season 2 was getting released?
Stuff like 'Who is the "I thought you were dead" person?' threads and that very annoying Kenny confirmed gif which kept appearing while we all had to wait endlessly for episode 2 to be released, then of course this is when the stupid idea of CLUKE started and we then had some very sick and disturbed posters come on here and well let's not go into that. Oh and I tell you what I really do miss is that massive release date thread that had some very funny gifs in it and people's hype before an episode came out was so unreal!!
I gotta say this place was really funny and of course people were getting so wound up when they kept getting downvotes all the time from trolls who just did it for fun and people getting so defensive over their favourite characters was so sad, but yeah it was poorly looked after back then but hey it was a good laugh at times though!
I remember that fiasco, dumbest thing ever. Lol.
I liked getting down votes, i would ask people to down vote me on purpose.
People would make threads about getting down votes. They would get upset.
Personally i thought it more like this way, If i had fifty down votes, that at least fifty people took the time to read my post. Maybe i might of been trolling one day, saying something like "They need to kill Clementine off." Just to see how many down votes i would get. I found it funny.
Those were the days.
Oh my god the gifs.
Don't talk to me about those fucking gifs.
Those good old days will come back when season 3 starts, I am sure.
That will be a while though
Oh shit, devious thoughts are popping up. [attempts to reach out for the gif-that-must-not-be-named]
Downvotes were good in a sense that even though that downvoted your comment, you knew that it did effect them some way but i always thought it was a cheap way for someone to disagree with something while keeping their identity a secret.
Yes, everyone is allowed to have and voice their opinion but if people disagreed with something like a person saying "I think Kenny is better then Luke", why not actually write why you disagree with it rather then just click down vote? Obviously some people think down voting is the better choice, but if someone disagreed with me, i'd like to know the reason why and not a cheap thumbs down.
The good old days of people feeling afraid to express their opinions and spam?
Goodness, I hope those don't return.
The best times were back when Season 1 started to come out.
The Kenny vs Lily drama, Most people jumping on Kennys train when his son and wife died, the big specualtion on who was the guy Clementine was talking to. The big dramas about the waiting period (most so around episode 2-episode 3 releases) different theories as to how Kenny could've escaped the alley way full of walkers and if Lily was coming back.
The forum seemed so much more exciting, fun and easy to talk to back then. Then CLUKE came a long and how pretty Lukey boy was.
You are called GOUSTTTT the " gifmaster " for a reasonya know? ;D
I remember...
I agree with you there.
I agree, i feel like that it took away from the conversations sometimes. People instead of writing a reply would just Downvote it.
Good plan not to. I shall report anyone who does for trolling.
Geeze, such a buzz-kill. Ever heard of a joke? No wonder I don't comment much in TWD section anymore.
But Luke is a Casanova :c
It would be like the definition of trolling, though.
Also, that's not the right way to use that gif. Chandler's not saying really in disbelief. He's saying it sarcastically.
Yeah, funny how to let one group speak up, the other had to be shut up, first.
Freedom of speech, right, m8?
Which group was shut up?
I see different opinions posted here all the time, it's excellent.
Also, freedom of speech doesn't - and shouldn't - exist.
I may be a bit of a troll, and I'm not afraid to admit it. But at least I know how to respect others and try to lighten things up for everyone. You seriously can't just report someone for kidding around, it's ridiculous. I try to make a joke and everybody loses their minds. Now if you'll excuse, I'm gonna go splat myself on the pavement.
Oh, you don't know? All these so called "downvote brigades", "immature Kenny fans", etc.
Not always.
Yup, and that is why you are so glad to see "different opinions posted here all the time", right? Ah, well.
I was stalking forum back then. I remember food pictures.
You don't think it's a good thing that people who downvoted everyone can't do it anymore? Or people who are immature can't taunt people?
Obviously not always, that would make no sense. You can't have every possible opinion expressed in every forum post.
Oh abolsutely. Some freedom of speech - like opinions about games, is super cool. Total freedom of speech - being allowed to say whatever the fuck you want - is not.
Freedom of speech should not be held as an ideal aim of society.
I would report you for trolling because it's against the forum rules.
The report button is there for when people break the forum's rules.
And I do know how to respect others.
Me saying that I wouldn't like to be trolled is not disrespectful.
Lol, I remember people would get so very pissed about those. I think that took place in the release date threads.
Tobi is a good boy!
Personally i believe Trolling is a art form. Its the highest form of manipulation you can attempt. However their are so many bad trolls, they resort to insults. That is not what a true troll does. A true troll spends time, energy, trying to get you to believe something implausible, then when you finally get them on your side, you can say.
Ha Ha
They were pissed because they were hungry. :> You know what hunger does to people.
That was when I joined. Feels like an eternity...has only been 10 months tough :P
Let's just say it's 50/50 in my opinion. On one hand, these people seemed to intimidate people from expressing their views and opinions. On the other hand, if those same people were afraid of posting their opinions due to some immature trolls, who aren't keen on speaking up either, rather preferring to "strike from the shadows", if you will, then maybe their opinions weren't so worthwhile in the first place? That's my opinion on this.
I actually agree about this last bit about the freedom of speech. Having too much of it can end up in disaster, however, having none of it doesn't work either. I just found it funny that a person who is so glad to see people expressing themselves in one post tells that "freedom of speech doesn't - and shouldn't - exist" in another one.
I remember the episode update thread with news about episode release dates and all that jazz. They were for good times now I'm just lurking around the forums from time to time looking at people's threads!!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's how it works.
"Give part of yourself so others can live" RIGHT? =]
And I can flag you for harassment. But I won't cuz it'll prove I'm no better. I in no way was having the intent to harm you because I was just trying make you and some laugh, and you took it too seriously. I never intended to hurt you in anyway. So I kindly ask you to back off, please.
Not seemed. Did. Puzzlebox mentioned that people had spoken to her about being afraid to express their opinions right before they removed the buttons.
If there was no point to seeing who downvotes it and only to seeing who comments, removing them was a good idea no?
We don't have none of it, nor did I ever say that we should.
Freedom of speech shouldn't exist. We have to limit what people can say in some situations for the wellbeing of others.
In what way was I harassing you? I hardly think saying I would report you if you break the rules of the forum - in the same way I would call the police if you broke the law - is harassment.
Intent to annoy/harm is irrelevant. What matters is the actual effect the action has.
Back when I first made an account in November 2013, waiting for EP1 S2 was going to be released and everyone bitched about how the writing was so bad, and Nick Breckon was so awful and this season was doomed. God the forums were a mess back then, and after the that the porn attacks happened. Meanwhile this place was filled this "Kenny confirmed" and "Shaundi" was attacking everyone.
I've been lurking this place for years, and I soon as I made an account this place went crazy.
Yeah, I remember something like that being mentioned.
Removing them to stop trolls from engaging in their activities and force at least some of them to have an actual discussion? Maybe. Removing the downvote button because it intimidated people from speaking up? Now, that may not be the problem of trolls, in that particular case.
Did I ever say you did say that or something?
Well, shutting people up when they say something you, or anyone else for that matter, don't like isn't the best solution, either.
Freedom of speech should exist.
That would mean verbal harassment should be allowed and that non-physical bullying is moral.
Freedom of Speech isn't Verbal Harassment,
but will cause verbal harassment.
Much like the Social Media, it's one of the reasons why we are up to date with news all over the world, but it also destroy's other people image.
Everything has a positive and negative outcome.