The moment that defines Kenny for you



  • Mistake? Jane admits to hiding the Goddamn baby, and wanted to kill Kenny!
    She could have stopped the fight at any time, but she chose to keep going on.

    The ignorance and Jane fanboying is strong in you...

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    You probably defend Kenny's action of killing someone for a mistake. The Carver is strong in you...

  • Okay. If you can point out any point that Kenny was aware of Jane's plan, and he didn't try to kill her because he thought she accidently, then you can call me whatever name you want and actually have a point.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Mistake? Jane admits to hiding the Goddamn baby, and wanted to kill Kenny! She could have stopped the fight at any time, but she chose to keep going on. The ignorance and Jane fanboying is strong in you...

  • edited October 2014

    I think you're confusing buggy scripting by the programmers with Kenny the character.

    In case you didn't notice, even Lee thinks that he wasn't there for Duck, even if Lee saved him from the walkers, and stood up to Larry to keep Duck from being thrown out of the drugstore, if you don't side with Kenny X amount of times. Lee tells Kenny with regret "That was a long time ago" when Kenny asks him why he was not concerned about Duck's survival.

    That clearly indicates that the buggy conditions in the game script do not register that you have saved Duck unless you side with Kenny X amount of times. The character Kenny as well as the character Lee just react according to how the buggy game has registered your actions.

  • When I Played Season 1 the first time was my honest playing..where I wasn't trying to see how I could change results.. I agreed with Kenny and supported him through everything...except killing Larry without even trying to do CPR..I mean they never even listened to his heart to see if it was beating at all...he just picked up a slat lick and bashed his skull in..mainly because he was always a bit of a chicken sh1t. I spent the rest of teh episode siding with him on everything because I felt I needed to have someone I coudl depend on who woudl have my back...

    I didn't like him..he was always a whiny complaining know it all who turned everything into a with me or against me senario...don't agree with him and you were a betraying sob who was dead to him...he would undermine you be nasty to you...simply disagreeing with him was never allowed. I always detested him..but it was obvious this was a group and so some kind of diplomacy to maintain the group was I frequently swallowed disagreements for the same of soothing his all too easily ruffled feather and delicate sense of self worth.

    My reward for this forbearance was for him to never forgive me for that ONE time I didnt agree with him..when I had to go after Clementine..he came..barely but not until after he lectured me about never being their for him and never supporting him and not being a friend to he was doing me a favor I didn't deserve.

    bottom line Kenny is ALWAYS an emotional infant who ALWAYS has to have his way. He was always a pathetic loser to me and when the time came to shoot him I didn't bat an eye or hesitate a second...or shed a tear..

  • You are a pillock aren't you?

    He wasn't aware until afterwards - that's the point. All he knew was she killed the child, and when proven wrong when finding the baby, he comes to the conclusion of her plan and instantly regrets it.

    But well done attempting to still appear righteous and not stumped for retorts.

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    Okay. If you can point out any point that Kenny was aware of Jane's plan, and he didn't try to kill her because he thought she accidently, then you can call me whatever name you want and actually have a point.

  • You missed the point....but I'm not going to argue back. This is just going to go in a circle.

    Echopapa posted: »

    You are a pillock aren't you? He wasn't aware until afterwards - that's the point. All he knew was she killed the child, and when proven

  • "I can say and do anything I want because my fans think I'm infallible. I can beat up this Russian kid all I want because everyone hates him anyway and in order to offset my scum bagginess the writers had to make you think someone else got a baby killed in order to make the final choice remotely difficult. And because Wellington exists that makes everything bad I've done ok for some reason"

  • He's you're best friend until you disagree with him on anything. I love the fanboys who think its my fault he didn't join Lee at the end because I didn't suck his dick.

    kaleion posted: »

    I never had that conversation, but the moment that defined him for me was when he refused to help me search for Clementine, he said "If it w

  • It is just as sadistic as Carver was.

    AlanSpencer posted: »

    Sadistic? Carver was dead by the second hit. Also, is not really going to far, considering that Carver did the same thing to him, only much worse because Kenny was alive and concious during his beating.

  • ...When he refused to come save Clem despite the fact that Lee looked out for his family....

    Well, that's not entirely true. If you have taken care of Kenny's family, when Lee is trying to convince the group to help him find Clem, after all the "...would you be there for me? Because there've been plenty of times you ain't been." thing, if you choose the option Clementine is my family, Kenny will say "In the end, family's all that matters. And you were there for Katjaa and Duck when it mattered most. All right. I'm in." and he will go with Lee, even if you have disagreed with him sometimes.

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    When he left Lee behind at the store. When he killed Larry just as we revived him. When he ran away as one of the St. John's were trying t

    • Smashing Larry's head in before Lilly could save him.
    • Leaving Lee to die twice if you didn't agree with him.
    • Fucking LIEING that Lee was never there for him.
    • Stopping Arvo from reviving his sister Natasha.
      FUCK. KENNY.
  • The second and third are determinant, four... well, she turned and atacked Clem, no? ... She was already dead.

    * Smashing Larry's head in before Lilly could save him. * Leaving Lee to die twice if you didn't agree with him. * Fucking LIEING that Lee was never there for him. * Stopping Arvo from reviving his sister Natasha. FUCK. KENNY.

  • Well that's what I experienced my first time playing, and I know she couldn't have been saved, but Arvo mightn't have known she turned, and thought Clem killed her during the shoot out.

    VectorXP posted: »

    The second and third are determinant, four... well, she turned and atacked Clem, no? ... She was already dead.

  • You are blaming Clem? She was protecting her and AJ. Well, she deserved that, her and Arvo's people are horrible people.

    Well that's what I experienced my first time playing, and I know she couldn't have been saved, but Arvo mightn't have known she turned, and thought Clem killed her during the shoot out.

  • edited November 2014

    You could say the same thing for Clementine's group. Jane steals from Arvo (guns or meds). Kenny will beat on him every chance he gets. You can't say that Arvo's people were all bad as we know nothing about them at all and their dialogue was ridiculously reduced to Speaking Russian

    VectorXP posted: »

    You are blaming Clem? She was protecting her and AJ. Well, she deserved that, her and Arvo's people are horrible people.

  • You can see a child or a baby in the Russian Group? I don't care for Jane stealing from Arvo, you can stop her ( determinant ) if you want. All depends by your actions. Kenny beat Arvo because he deserve it, I'm my playground I said it. He caused Luke dead, he wanted to kill all Clementine group... explanation? '' He is a teen '' this is not a explanation. He already have mind.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    You could say the same thing for Clementine's group. Jane steals from Arvo (guns or meds). Kenny will beat on him every chance he gets. You

  • Doesn't matter if some thing's determinant, it still leaves a mark.

    VectorXP posted: »

    The second and third are determinant, four... well, she turned and atacked Clem, no? ... She was already dead.

  • Leaves a mark if you do WRONG things for a character. I'm my playground, Arvo don't have any reason to do what he do. So what? If you rob him, ok, but the determinant thing here is complicated... so, no.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Doesn't matter if some thing's determinant, it still leaves a mark.

  • Just because you are playing as the protagonist, doesn't make every thing that you do good buddy. Saying "I don't care" doesn't justify whatever you do as good either and is just plain ignorance. You said Arvo's group were horrible people. Give me a break. Clementine's people started it first. Jane takes the gun no matter what you do. Kenny beats Arvo a defenseless tied up kid after the incident. Luke caused his own death by panicking and carrying an AK-47 and a machete, giving him extra weight and Bonnie or Clem can give him even more weight by inching over to him. Buricko was the one who ordered Arvo to lead them to the ones who robbed him and Vitali, Natasha and Arvo didn't want any violence. Try to form an English sentence. It does wonders for your credibility.

    VectorXP posted: »

    You can see a child or a baby in the Russian Group? I don't care for Jane stealing from Arvo, you can stop her ( determinant ) if you want.

  • A defenseless tied up kid

    I laugh a lot of that. Well, at the museum, he point a gun to Clementine... a little girl. He dragged his group to threaten Clem's group, and they started the shooting, no matters what you say.

    Just because you are playing as the protagonist, doesn't make every thing that you do good buddy.

    Hahaha, this game is about moral friend. Tell me yours decision, so I tell my decisions. I'm pretty sure I bad just with the bad people, I'm a fair person.

    Buricko was the one who ordered Arvo to lead them to the ones who robbed him and Vitali, Natasha and Arvo didn't want any violence.

    You probably have not seen the translated conversation

    Try to form an English sentence. It does wonders for your credibility.

    I don't will argue, English it's not my first language, but this is not argument here =)

    Luke caused his own death by panicking and carrying an AK-47 and a machete, giving him extra weight and Bonnie or Clem can give him even more weight by inching over to him.

    Pretty determinant. If Arvo don't run here, Luke don't died; of course he is with more height, because of this he is passed behind.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Just because you are playing as the protagonist, doesn't make every thing that you do good buddy. Saying "I don't care" doesn't justify what

  • I don't will argue, English it's not my first language, but this is not argument here =)

    I'm sorry about that. Didn't know.

    I laugh a lot of that. Well, at the museum, he point a gun to Clementine... a little girl. He dragged his group to threaten Clem's group, and they started the shooting, no matters what you say.

    Meant afterwards when Arvo is all alone after Clem's group kills all his people. At the deck he says, "I don't want to kill anyone. Especially, a little girl."

    Luke caused his own death by panicking and carrying an AK-47 and a machete, giving him extra weight and Bonnie or Clem can give him even more weight by inching over to him.

    Arvo runs because he is a prisoner in a group that just killed his other group and he is routinely being abused by a redneck.

    You probably have not seen the translated conversation

    Actually, I just rewatched it. It seems they all wanted Clem's group to put their guns down. Arvo however, didn't want to, as he says "They are telling me to tell you we are taking your things."

    VectorXP posted: »

    A defenseless tied up kid I laugh a lot of that. Well, at the museum, he point a gun to Clementine... a little girl. He dragged his

  • Spoiler

    Throughout all of season one, I sided with Kenny. He always knew best. The only time I didn't side with him was with Larry. He still came with me to find Clem even though I didn't kill Larry, he went and tried to save this kids life when he fell and that to me showed that he had a good heart. Ben had gotten his family killed and Kenny still felt it was right to save him. So in season 2 when I saw him I was ecstatic, an old friend who you could always trust. He got us out of Howe's and he killed Carver to ensure we were safe, although many people think he went to far with Carver, Carver had nearly beaten him to death, killed Alvin, and slapped Clem multiple times. Carver deserved every hit he got. Kenny went through some tough stuff losing Katjaa, Duck and Sarita. When Arvo shot Clem he came running and immediately tended to her and insured that Arvo, Bonnie, and Mike didn't take the car, He took Clem, AJ and Jane away despite the fact that he hated Clem. When it came down to that fight between him and Jane and I had the option to pull the trigger, I couldn't force myself to do it. They thought that Jane had killed AJ to survive and Kenny had sworn to take care of him. Jane was insane and she asked for that fight so when I had the gun I couldn't pull the trigger. It just didn't make sense to kill him when all he wanted to do was protect Clem from Jane when he thought that she had killed AJ to survive, and would do the same to Clem. So I went with Kenny to find Wellington. When they raced up the hill that scene really made me happy because it showed that Kenny was still happy despite everything that happened. When he begged and pleaded for the kids to stay in Wellington even when he knew that he couldn't, and that he would die out there, that showed me that Kenny was a great man. He would have done anything for them to let the kids stay. And I just couldn't leave him then either. So I stayed with Kenny because for me, Kenny was a great man and he deserved better than to be left on his own. So in season 3 I hope to continue to survive with Kenny. That is what made me think what I do of Kenny, and that is that he is a brave brave soul, and a kind one at that.

  • I'm sorry about that. Didn't know.

    It's okay. I really am used to.

    Meant afterwards when Arvo is all alone after Clem's group kills all his people. At the deck he says, "I don't want to kill anyone. Especially, a little girl."

    So? He shot in her shoulder later ( with empty eyes, hahaha D; ), even if you ask to go with them... so, I don't think he is '' good ''. This shows that his character is cold.

    Arvo runs because he is a prisoner in a group that just killed his other group and he is routinely being abused by a redneck.

    I also run, but, then? Still his fault, unintentionally he made Luke died.

    Actually, I just rewatched it. It seems they all wanted Clem's group to put their guns down. Arvo however, didn't want to, as he says "They are telling me to tell you we are taking your things."

    So? Him group wanted to rob a group with a baby and a child, you think this is correct? If this is, I don't know what more is right. He dragged his group to rob Clementine, so it's him fault too.

    Sorry for the delay, just saw this reply now.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I don't will argue, English it's not my first language, but this is not argument here I'm sorry about that. Didn't know. I la

  • Whenever someone doesnt kill Lary they start being an ass to Kenny. I saw it on every Lets play there is.
    If you help him he will save you at the store.
    He will rush out and save you from St. Johns while Lily just watches.
    He will go with you and look for Clem.

    Bound person is an ass, and he showed it.
    He deserved every beating and I am sad that Kenny didnt pummel him into mush

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    When he left Lee behind at the store. When he killed Larry just as we revived him. When he ran away as one of the St. John's were trying t

  • Kenny starts being an ass first. He is so combative and angry the minute you dont do what he wants. You expect people to just take that lying down? Kenny was being a jerk to my Lee from the second episode on and I dont think that was my fault.

    Hrulj posted: »

    Whenever someone doesnt kill Lary they start being an ass to Kenny. I saw it on every Lets play there is. If you help him he will save you

  • "Blood in my heart, blood in my brain at least." Knew he was broken right then and there.

  • So? He shot in her shoulder later ( with empty eyes, hahaha D; ), even if you ask to go with them... so, I don't think he is '' good ''. This shows that his character is cold.

    From Arvo's point of view, why would he not shoot Clementine? She brought him nothing but pain from the moment they met. Jane steals his gun. Clem can steal his meds. Clem's group kills his people. Clem kills his dying sister (whom he did not realize had died and reanimated). Kenny beats him. 3 times. He got power in the form of the gun and took advantage of it. He probably was a nice guy, but he never had a chance.

    I also run, but, then? Still his fault, unintentionally he made Luke died.

    I don't think so. Luke died from a number of reasons, none of them Arvo. The group decided to go over the lake when they could have easily gone around. Luke was shot in the leg by one of the Russians. Bonnie or Clem can go over to him, adding more weight. A zombie grabs his leg and pulls him down. Arvo did not cause Luke's death.

    So? Him group wanted to rob a group with a baby and a child, you think this is correct? If this is, I don't know what more is right. He dragged his group to rob Clementine, so it's him fault too.

    The thing is that, it's The Walking Dead where there is no "right" decision. You are not right in everything you choose. Clementine and Jane robbed Arvo. It's partly their fault to. If they left him alone, the Russians wouldn't track Clem's group down. They should have known the possible consequences of robbing a boy who more than likely was not all alone.

    VectorXP posted: »

    I'm sorry about that. Didn't know. It's okay. I really am used to. Meant afterwards when Arvo is all alone after Clem's group

  • From Arvo's point of view, why would he not shoot Clementine? She brought him nothing but pain from the moment they met. Jane steals his gun. Clem can steal his meds. Clem's group kills his people. Clem kills his dying sister (whom he did not realize had died and reanimated). Kenny beats him. 3 times. He got power in the form of the gun and took advantage of it. He probably was a nice guy, but he never had a chance.

    Then? He escape with Bonnie and Mike ( Clem's group, just like what you said ). You can be nice to him, but anyway he is bad to you Clem. To be true, I think he is the stereotype '' bad Russian '', you know, EP4 is all cliché.

    I don't think so. Luke died from a number of reasons, none of them Arvo. The group decided to go over the lake when they could have easily gone around. Luke was shot in the leg by one of the Russians. Bonnie or Clem can go over to him, adding more weight. A zombie grabs his leg and pulls him down. Arvo did not cause Luke's death.

    Hmm... wait.

    Luke was shot in the leg by one of the Russians Clem's group kills his people.

    Exactly, you screwed up here. You blame Clem's group, but his group is don't this good too. And more one thing: Everybody go more fast to reach Kenny/Arvo, then Luke is passed back. The fault can be because of Arvo's group too, but who dragged they to Clem's group? ...

    The thing is that, it's The Walking Dead where there is no "right" decision. You are not right in everything you choose. Clementine and Jane robbed Arvo. It's partly their fault to. If they left him alone, the Russians wouldn't track Clem's group down. They should have known the possible consequences of robbing a boy who more than likely was not all alone.

    You can't blame a 11 years old girl for rob a adult ( determinant ), because it's Jane fault; if it's not a game, but the real life, her will be manipulated by Jane and rob they. You can't forget: Clementine don't have a complete formed mind. It's Jane fault, and end of the story. Arvo don't wanted to see his group die, right? But... well, guess what?! Yep, he make his group die too, because of broken decisions. His group started the shooting, because of Arvo, he said in a form... well... '' It's funny. A little girl robbed you? '', you already seen the conversation, so you know what I mean.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    So? He shot in her shoulder later ( with empty eyes, hahaha D; ), even if you ask to go with them... so, I don't think he is '' good ''. Thi

  • "You've always been there for me Lee, always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left, I'm with you to the end."

  • Then? He escape with Bonnie and Mike ( Clem's group, just like what you said ). You can be nice to him, but anyway he is bad to you Clem. To be true, I think he is the stereotype '' bad Russian '', you know, EP4 is all cliché.

    Ep. 4 was a mess.

    Exactly, you screwed up here. You blame Clem's group, but his group is don't this good too. And more one thing: Everybody go more fast to reach Kenny/Arvo, then Luke is passed back. The fault can be because of Arvo's group too, but who dragged they to Clem's group? ...

    Lol? In terms of power and influence in the Russians, Arvo was probably at the bottom, him being handicapped and all, more of a liability than anything. Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha realized that they were missing a gun (and meds determinately) and they probably needed it to survive. And the Russians confronted Clem's group because they needed it to survive. Who started it? Jane started it. The Russians simply retaliated. It isn't Arvo's fault.

    You can't blame a 11 years old girl for rob a adult ( determinant ), because it's Jane fault; if it's not a game, but the real life, her will be manipulated by Jane and rob they.

    Well Clem can say that she isn't taking the meds and Jane will listen.

    You can't forget: Clementine don't have a complete formed mind.

    What. I say again. What. Yeah, she's 11, but she's the smartest, most resourceful 11 year old in all of video game history. While she doesn't know much about "kissing stuff," she's pretty well educated in terms of survival and has her own moral code that she sticks to. It's a plot hole that you can choose not to take the meds, but Jane still keeps his gun.

    Yep, he make his group die too, because of broken decisions. His group started the shooting, because of Arvo, he said in a form... well... '' It's funny. A little girl robbed you? '', you already seen the conversation, so you know what I mean.

    His group died because the plot demanded it. His group started shooting because Clem or Kenny shot Rebecca. There is no way that Clem's entire group walks away from that and all the Russians are killed.

    VectorXP posted: »

    From Arvo's point of view, why would he not shoot Clementine? She brought him nothing but pain from the moment they met. Jane steals his gun

  • It was Season 1 episode 4 when it comes to if he comes with you ro not. It shows on how much of friends you guys were

  • Ep. 4 was a mess.

    At least we agree on that.

    Lol? In terms of power and influence in the Russians, Arvo was probably at the bottom, him being handicapped and all, more of a liability than anything. Buricko, Vitali, and Natasha realized that they were missing a gun (and meds determinately) and they probably needed it to survive. And the Russians confronted Clem's group because they needed it to survive. Who started it? Jane started it. The Russians simply retaliated. It isn't Arvo's fault.

    You need to remember, his group don't need the medicine! You can't forgot Arvo was hidding the medicines. He looks suspect with the group itself. What I think? Arvo is manipulative and make Buricko, Natasha and the another think that the whole group was involved. If Clementine knew about it, maybe she could have avoided if that were is in context. I said too: '' It's Jane fault ''.

    Well Clem can say that she isn't taking the meds and Jane will listen.

    I'm talking about the real life, if was not '' our '' choice. Clementine obviously will be hear an adult and be persuaded.

    What. I say again. What. Yeah, she's 11, but she's the smartest, most resourceful 11 year old in all of video game history. While she doesn't know much about "kissing stuff," she's pretty well educated in terms of survival and has her own moral code that she sticks to. It's a plot hole that you can choose not to take the meds, but Jane still keeps his gun.

    Look up.

    His group died because the plot demanded it. His group started shooting because Clem or Kenny shot Rebecca. There is no way that Clem's entire group walks away from that and all the Russians are killed.

    Of course the plot demanded it, but the Russians obviously noticed of nobody of they group was shot. Of course Clementine's group killed the Russian group, but this is about circunstances. But it's still Arvo's fault, like what I said up.

    Maybe we are starting to coming to a consensus.

    torkahn808 posted: »

    Then? He escape with Bonnie and Mike ( Clem's group, just like what you said ). You can be nice to him, but anyway he is bad to you Clem. To

  • He killed of Larry. He had point. He was right.

    Even if Larry wouldn't have turned, it would have been a risk. He knocked down Lee, a guy who punched to death another man, by one punch. Can you imagine what he would do in a meatlocker with only three adults (one woman, may I mind you) and one kid? Most people don't see that point. The only part where I maybe thought or think was like what the fuck Kenny was actually the first episode. He helped Duck, but how the heck didn't he have time to come and help Lee with Shawn. He clearly would've had time.

  • Honestly.... i like him better/best in season 1 ...

  • Season 1 Episode 1:

    "I'm not letting anyone else get eaten, today. Hand Especially not a good friend."

    He was my best friend forever from that point on.

  • his group don't need the medicine! You can't forgot Arvo was hidding the medicines. What I think? Arvo is manipulative and make Buricko, Natasha and the another think that the whole group was involved.

    Actually, he claims that his sister needs the medicine. While his sister seems ok in the confrontation, according to unused audio files, Natasha was suffering from sickle cell anemia. Of course, we have no idea why he was hiding it. Maybe he and Natasha were plotting an escape from Buricko and Vitali. Who knows. He wanted to save his skin, which is why he blames Clem. And Jane does rob Arvo. So technically he is not lying when he says that Clem's group is the one who robbed him.

    I'm talking about the real life, if was not '' our '' choice. Clementine obviously will be hear an adult and be persuaded.

    Haha, well obviously. It's not real life though. That's why you have the power to choose what Clementine will do. Unfortunately Jane robs him anyway.

    Of course the plot demanded it, but the Russians obviously noticed of nobody of they group was shot. Of course Clementine's group killed the Russian group, but this is about circunstances. But it's still Arvo's fault, like what I said up.

    I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding you. It's Arvo's fault the shootout happened? I still think it's Jane's fault. If she hadn't kept his gun, nothing would have happened. The shootout doesn't even matter that much! Everyone comes out okay and the Russians are all killed. Okay, Luke was injured, but that could have been accomplished as easily as, let's say he jumps down to save Sarah and lands wrong, injuring his leg. The Russians didn't even matter.

    Maybe we are starting to coming to a consensus.

    Agreed. Ep. 4 is awful.

    Alt text

    VectorXP posted: »

    Ep. 4 was a mess. At least we agree on that. Lol? In terms of power and influence in the Russians, Arvo was probably at the bo

  • Actually, he claims that his sister needs the medicine. While his sister seems ok in the confrontation, according to unused audio files, Natasha was suffering from sickle cell anemia. Of course, we have no idea why he was hiding it. Maybe he and Natasha were plotting an escape from Buricko and Vitali. Who knows. He wanted to save his skin, which is why he blames Clem. And Jane does rob Arvo. So technically he is not lying when he says that Clem's group is the one who robbed him.

    I can live with that.

    Unfortunately Jane robs him anyway.

    Here is the problem, it's her fault, not Clementine or Kenny/Bonnie, etc, and Arvo don't have seen Jane when his group found Clem's group, then...

    I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding you. It's Arvo's fault the shootout happened? I still think it's Jane's fault. If she hadn't kept his gun, nothing would have happened. The shootout doesn't even matter that much! Everyone comes out okay and the Russians are all killed. Okay, Luke was injured, but that could have been accomplished as easily as, let's say he jumps down to save Sarah and lands wrong, injuring his leg. The Russians didn't even matter.

    I can live with that². I hate Jane.

    I think we are okay now, just wait...

    I don't have gifts, so... random one:

    Alt text

    torkahn808 posted: »

    his group don't need the medicine! You can't forgot Arvo was hidding the medicines. What I think? Arvo is manipulative and make Buricko, Nat

  • Season 2 last episode. His sacrifice for Clem. I couldn't love him more than that. That guy is a good guy. He is just a bit on the crazy side. But good intentions, i believe.

  • I'm sorry, guys, but no matter how many "Fuck Kenny" threads people post here, or how many flaws about the character you point out, Kenny's return in season two was the most electrifying moment I've personally experienced in video games, in terms of year-long build-up and pay-off. The fact it remains controversial and divisive among the fans is a testament to its magnitude within the WALKING DEAD community, whether you like it or not. The closest I've come to experiencing the same kind of goosebumpy awesomeness was this reveal from the "Marvel Phase 3" teaser:

    And yeah, I know I'm comparing a redneck from Florida to an alien supervillain. I don't care.

  • Kartal5Kartal5 Banned
    edited November 2014

    I know the feel, Kenny's return made me feel something i didnt feel in a long time.

    This unofficial theme song only made the hype worse :D

    Alt text

    I'm sorry, guys, but no matter how many "Fuck Kenny" threads people post here, or how many flaws about the character you point out, Kenny's

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