We Need To Bring This Forum Section Back to Life.

Every time i get on this site, I'm dissapointed. when i see these repeated threads, it's just, annoying, so I'm gonna give some good topics, and maybe we can bring back this section back to life, I miss this you know? It was fun, now we're reusing threads...

Season 5 Disscusion Thread

How Season 2 Should Have Ended

Character Idea Submissions For Season 3.

Rest In Peace TWD Thread.

(Yeah, Pretty much nothing involving Kenny, Jane and Previous Threads)

Please guys, Bring The Forums back.


  • Remember when the forums were rejoicing with life just like in the game?

    Take us back.

  • It is alive.

    The daily posts proves that it is.

  • Its alive, if you want it to become more active wait until S3 comes out.

  • the other threads prove otherwise also the funny thing about this is that 3/4 of those suggestions have already been done

  • edited November 2014

    "How Season 2 Should Have Ended"

    "(Yeah, Pretty much nothing involving Kenny, Jane and Previous Threads)"

    are you sure

  • yeah, what i meant is, How season 2 would have ended if they didn't exist. I'm sick of both of their shit.

    "How Season 2 Should Have Ended" "(Yeah, Pretty much nothing involving Kenny, Jane and Previous Threads)" are you sure

  • There's No Going Back

    Remember when the forums were rejoicing with life just like in the game? Take us back.

  • Well, Tales from the Borderlands is coming out really soon... Things should pick a bit more then... Probably not as much, but still...

  • You know what's funny? When Season 1 finished, these forums were alive and kickin' still and was exciting. Now, it seems like it isn't as keen as when season 1 was around and finished.
    Too be honest, there really isn't much to talk about. Season 1 ended with a cliffhanger and there specualtion for months about what S2 was going to be like, now, given the endings of s2, it's almost impossible to talk about S3 because with so many different endings, how do we know whats in store for S3?

  • Everyday is always A New Day

    HurlyBurly posted: »

    There's No Going Back

  • edited November 2014

    But Everyday Someday Must go through Harm's Way

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Everyday is always A New Day

  • edited November 2014

    When season 3 arrives, this forum will be resurrected. Most people are in hibernation untill then.

    Alt text

  • God the wait for this game is horrible. I think a lot of people just lose interest waiting. TTG really needs to step up its game imo.

    They were popping episodes out every other month, Now nothing for like another year and a half. Great.

    When season 3 arrives, this forum will be resurrected. Most people are in hibernation untill then.

  • What they should be doing is stop coming out with so many different games, and instead focus on just a couple. This way they could have much better stories.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    God the wait for this game is horrible. I think a lot of people just lose interest waiting. TTG really needs to step up its game imo. They were popping episodes out every other month, Now nothing for like another year and a half. Great.

  • I would encourage them to hire more people and assign them to different projects.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    What they should be doing is stop coming out with so many different games, and instead focus on just a couple. This way they could have much better stories.

  • but your profile picture is Kenny.

    yeah, what i meant is, How season 2 would have ended if they didn't exist. I'm sick of both of their shit.

  • It is very much a Long Road Ahead

    GAMExELITE posted: »

    But Everyday Someday Must go through Harm's Way

  • People have been making puns from Episode names for 400 Days. ;)

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    It is very much a Long Road Ahead

  • All these puns leave me Starved For Help

    People have been making puns from Episode names for 400 Days.

  • Some people like it, some don't. It truely is A House Divided (-;

    People have been making puns from Episode names for 400 Days.

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