Overall thoughts on the Cabin group



  • edited November 2014

    But that's one of the critiques when it comes to shifting the story focus back to Kenny isn't it? Instead of really fleshing out the time we have with the new characters and letting us learn about each of them, there's more reliance on a pre-established character arc that we've already heavily explored in the first season.

    Not really. Getting off on the wrong foot with a new cast of characters is one thing, but the "dog bite" debacle was SUCH a monumentally stupid mistake (one that convinced these idiots to shove a young girl into a ramshackle shed that was FAR from being zombie-proof), most players were alienated from the cabin group for good. I don't know if you remember, but that was pretty damn infamous around here for a long time. Aside from Nick, Pete, and to a lesser extent Luke, I didn't want anything to DO with these people, and my attitude towards them didn't change all the way through to episode five.

    Mikejames posted: »

    We've accompanied Clem and Kenny from almost the very beginning of the zombie apocalypse, whereas we barely get to know the S2 cast before t

  • edited November 2014

    Awesome characters whit potential but wasted in most of the cases, they're among my favorite characters in the game

  • TBH I never really understood why Episode 2 suddenly assumed that Luke was the leader of the group, when it was apparent that Pete and Carlos were in charge in the first episode. I guess characterizations changed between episodes.

    Mikejames posted: »

    As many people have already said, lots of interesting ideas. Lots of wasted potential. Pete- Quickly likable paternal figure. I never rea

  • Edginess intensifies

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Luke: Amazing before and after. Rebecca: First Meeting: Ha, you bitchy slut! Last meeting: Still hate you. Here's my revenge! [Shoot Rebe

  • edited November 2014

    Nah, he was the leader from the get go. You have the option to plea to him when you first get to the cabin and say; "you're the leader here, right?". Also, a quote from Carver: "I told you not to follow him, now look where he's led you."

    Bokor posted: »

    TBH I never really understood why Episode 2 suddenly assumed that Luke was the leader of the group, when it was apparent that Pete and Carlos were in charge in the first episode. I guess characterizations changed between episodes.

  • Nick proved that he was a good guy all along by dying trying to save Sarah. Luke began struggling with his own morality and died saving Clem.

  • Your thoughts on Rebecca are exact xD

    Luke First Impression: automatic bae Last Impression: automatic bae Rebecca First Impression: bitches gonna die today Last Im

  • What?

    Bokor posted: »

    Edginess intensifies

  • I'll agree that the transition from locking Clem up, to the group's sudden familiarity with her in episode two, could definitely have been handled better. But I could still see some attempt at sympathetic development for most of the group starting out; Alvin and Sarah help you, Nick apologizes, the group comes out for you before the night is done, etc. Rebecca's the only one who still wants to straight up lynch you in the first episode (which is what makes her character shift pretty jarring). There was clear mistrust, but not so much that I had zero interest in the entire group as a whole.

    Even so, based on the first conversation with Carver most people thought that the ambiguous levels of mistrust with the cabin group would be a focal point of the season. We didn't know what extremes they had gone to, and whether Carver's community was as bad as they said. Unfortunately, that plot thread's never really picked up on. Carver's plain evil, and most of the Cabin Group die before we learn more about them.

    But that's one of the critiques when it comes to shifting the story focus back to Kenny isn't it? Instead of really fleshing out the time we

  • Overall thoughts on the Cabin group

    Alt text

  • -tear rolls down cheek-

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    i don't care anymore. They're dead and they aint coming back. So fuck em.

  • Alt text

    Why do I hate the cabin group? They expect things from MyClementine. they threated MyClementine like shit. Pete advised: Cut it off. It w

  • dude...

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    Luke: Amazing before and after. Rebecca: First Meeting: Ha, you bitchy slut! Last meeting: Still hate you. Here's my revenge! [Shoot Rebe

  • What does Luke say in response to Clem's question? Because as far as the 'debate' goes, Luke definitely didn't have much authority to stand on - he says "sorry, sir" to Pete, and Carlos is the one who declares that Clem will be locked up while ignoring Luke's protests to the contrary. Luke just seems like...some dude, not a guy who actually seems like he could lead anyone. TBH he never seemed like a leader at any point.

    It really does seem like characterizations changed in between episodes. Just like how Carlos and Rebecca magically become nicer people despite the fact that Luke & Pete going missing with a girl they didn't trust would, in a logical world, actually confirm their suspicion that she was dangerous.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Nah, he was the leader from the get go. You have the option to plea to him when you first get to the cabin and say; "you're the leader here, right?". Also, a quote from Carver: "I told you not to follow him, now look where he's led you."

  • Just commenting on the profanity overload.

    UCAAV29784 posted: »


  • They left us, we didn't leave them!

    GET ANGRY That feeling of abandonment is flowing deeply!

    -tear rolls down cheek-

  • Can't be sure of the exact quote but, he says something like; "Hey, I'm on your side". I think he was the leader but they were a democracy at the same time. Like if Clem tells Rebecca that Luke said that she could stay, she says something like; "That's not how we do things here". I think Luke was cool with locking Clem up because he was freaked out about the bite, and didn't know what else to do. I think Pete may be considered a leader because of his age. And Carlos, because he was a doctor. Also, I think Rebecca realized how hard she was being on an 11 year old. And Carlos, over time, trusted Clem.

    Bokor posted: »

    What does Luke say in response to Clem's question? Because as far as the 'debate' goes, Luke definitely didn't have much authority to stand

  • Point is, Episode 1 left the impression that Pete and Carlos - the oldest men in the group - were the guys in charge. I can understand Luke taking up the initiative after Pete dies, but the very idea of him being a rival of Carver and the leader of the escapees was never sold properly. This is the fault of the writers, who failed to properly show any interaction between Luke and Carver - Episode 3 was a lot more heavily focused on Kenny's rivalry rather than Luke's potential leadership skills.

    I guess that Episode 2 did try to make Carlos a slightly more redeemable character by showing that he genuinely wasn't abusing his daughter. I was kind of afraid that Sarah was in denial back in Episode 1 when she talked about him having rather underwhelming punishments.

    GiantKiller posted: »

    Can't be sure of the exact quote but, he says something like; "Hey, I'm on your side". I think he was the leader but they were a democracy a

  • -multiple tears roll down cheek-

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They left us, we didn't leave them! GET ANGRY That feeling of abandonment is flowing deeply!

    1. Sarah, my best friend.
    2. Alvin, a really good man.
    3. Luke, a good leader.
    4. Nick, a good guy.
    5. Carlos, a good father, but he need to have a talk with Chuck.
    6. Rebecca, a good woman who lost her temper too often.
    7. Pete, a good man who died too early.
  • We can mask our pain like Bonnie and turn to our life to he downward spiral.

    Substance abuse Bonnie Activate.

    -multiple tears roll down cheek-

  • "gOT any hEROINE?!?!"

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    We can mask our pain like Bonnie and turn to our life to he downward spiral. Substance abuse Bonnie Activate.

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