The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited November 2014

    they are usless!

    Medicine is useless? Surgery is useless?

    Phones, computers, internet and modern military technology are all useless?

    Mechanism isn't about fixing cars only, goes to show how much you don't know about it.

    History is important for everyone, it's undeniable.

    blueneon posted: »

    They are not hard, they are usless! You are not going to be a mechanic, you are not going to be a scientist, you are not going to be a historian, so they are fucking usless.

  • Opinions are wrong when they are mostly conected to the human race. Thinking that people should not be educated is a wrong opinion as well. It is not what I said though. What I have been saying since the beeging is that we don 't need all those lessons, and ok, lets get away from lessons that are concidered important, lets go to something simpler, like Art class. When the fuck in your life will you need to draw something like the bird in the picture next to you? I mean, unless you become and artist, but I suggest we use Bob, a boring office employ. He doesn 't need to draw, he had been having art classes without a reason aaaaall this time.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Jesus, are you fucking kidding me? "Jews are to be exterminated at all costs" IS an opinion, holy shit! WHATEVER, ok, so let's use wha

  • This isn't only about you, you may not use it but most other people will in their jobs if they even TOUCH math a little in what they do.

    blueneon posted: »

    If I ever, EVER use an equasion in real life I promise to send you a big fruit basket.

  • Opinions are wrong when they are mostly conected to the human race.

    Sorry, but this is one of the most idiotic sentences I've ever heard in my lifetime.

    Yeah, I get it, art class isn't necessary for everyone, but it is important if you want to enrich yourself, it's a hobby and it's fun for a lot of people.

    If you don't like it, it's fair, this isn't very important anyway.

    blueneon posted: »

    Opinions are wrong when they are mostly conected to the human race. Thinking that people should not be educated is a wrong opinion as well.

  • edited November 2014

    Give me an example of a job in which equesions are needed, excluding mathematic, teacher, proffesor and accountant (I don 'd even think that acountants fucking use them).

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This isn't only about you, you may not use it but most other people will in their jobs if they even TOUCH math a little in what they do.

  • ...

    blueneon posted: »

    Give me an example of a job in which equesions are needed, excluding mathematic, teacher, proffesor and accountant (I don 'd even think that acountants fucking use them).

  • edited November 2014

    That is why we fucking have college. If you want to do ANY of those things you study a lot, you study even more and then you get into the college of your choice to study whatever you want to. Will school teach you how to be a doctor? No. Will the school teach you how to be a technichian? No. Will the school teach you how to be a hacker for the goverment? No. If they are going to do a thing then they should at least do it the right way.

    And for fucks shake with history, we got it, you like history and you think it is important, OK!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    they are usless! Medicine is useless? Surgery is useless? Phones, computers, internet and modern military technology are all usel

    edited November 2014

    Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers

    Computer and information systems managers

    Construction managers

    Engineering and natural sciences managers

    Farmers, ranchers, and agricultural managers

    Financial managers

    Funeral directors

    Human resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists

    Industrial production managers

    Medical and health services managers

    Property, real estate, and community association managers

    Purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents

    Business and financial operations occupations


    Budget analysts

    Insurance underwriters

    Loan officers

    Management analysts

    Meeting and convention planners


    Computer programmers

    Computer software engineers

    Computer support specialists and systems administrators

    Computer systems analysts



    Architects, except landscape and naval

    Surveyors, cartographers, photogrammetrists and surveying technicians

    Biological scientists

    Conservation scientists and foresters

    Medical scientists

    Chemists and materials scientists

    Environmental scientists and hydrologists

    Physicists and astronomers



    Physical therapists

    Physicians and surgeons

    Registered nurses


    There are more.

    blueneon posted: »

    Give me an example of a job in which equesions are needed, excluding mathematic, teacher, proffesor and accountant (I don 'd even think that acountants fucking use them).

  • Oh my fucking god...

    blueneon posted: »

    Give me an example of a job in which equesions are needed, excluding mathematic, teacher, proffesor and accountant (I don 'd even think that acountants fucking use them).

  • No idea...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Holy shit... What the fuck is even happening... lol.

    edited November 2014

    School gives you the basics of EVERYTHING, which is why it's FUCKING IMPORTANT, because you don't know what you want to do when you're older in this age!

    I don't think it's important, it is important, ask anyone in the world, you won't find 100 people that think knowing who Hitler was and what WW2 is isn't important.

    blueneon posted: »

    That is why we fucking have college. If you want to do ANY of those things you study a lot, you study even more and then you get into the co

  • I don't know.

    blueneon posted: »

    Why do you keep saying the same thing and why am I doing what you are as a reply to everything you say?

  • Sorry, but this is one of the most idiotic sentences I've ever heard in my lifetime.

    At least you apologized, I will not even bother to explain this one.

    Now about the rest:

    The same goes for most of the classes, not just art.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Opinions are wrong when they are mostly conected to the human race. Sorry, but this is one of the most idiotic sentences I've ever h

  • Just accept that you're wrong, Konni. That is the mature thing to do.

    blueneon posted: »

    Give me an example of a job in which equesions are needed, excluding mathematic, teacher, proffesor and accountant (I don 'd even think that acountants fucking use them).

    edited November 2014

    Nope, and that is only you who thinks that way.

    You can ask around, you don't have to count on me.

    blueneon posted: »

    Sorry, but this is one of the most idiotic sentences I've ever heard in my lifetime. At least you apologized, I will not even bother to explain this one. Now about the rest: The same goes for most of the classes, not just art.

  • Why would they use equasions? .-.

    If you have an opinion then explain it so I can correct mine.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers Computer and information systems managers Construction manage


    blueneon posted: »

    Why would they use equasions? .-. If you have an opinion then explain it so I can correct mine.

  • edited November 2014


    blueneon posted: »

    Why would they use equasions? .-. If you have an opinion then explain it so I can correct mine.

  • This is uncalled for though, lol.

  • Most people I know have desided what they want to become when they grow up years ago, still haven 't changed their minds, so i guess that this is for the few people who are not decided what they want to do yet, but there is really plenty of time in front of them, they don 't have to know 5 different foringe languages, they don 't have to know when the great Alexander was born, and they don 't need to know all this from school because the school fails at teaching them properly most of the time.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    School gives you the basics of EVERYTHING, which is why it's FUCKING IMPORTANT, because you don't know what you want to do when you're older

  • XD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This is uncalled for though, lol.

  • Why, can 't you justify it so you want an easy way out? .-.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Sorry

    blueneon posted: »

    OMFG, do you not know how to do anything else than keep calling me out for being as stupid as you are?

  • OMFG, do you not know how to do anything else than keep calling me out for being as stupid as you are?

  • Most people don't decide what they want to do and/or change their minds about it after finding out what they thought they wanted isn't exactly what they imagined it to be, keeping your options open is important and school does that for you.

    You don't need 5 foreign languages, 2-3 is enough, but the more, the better.

    They don't have to know such specific details, true, but that doesn't mean they don't have to know about more recent things like WW2 or the history of the country they were born and raised in.

    Maybe your school is just fucking bad, but it doesn't mean ours is too, I think your school is just bad and you think other schools are like that too.

    blueneon posted: »

    Most people I know have desided what they want to become when they grow up years ago, still haven 't changed their minds, so i guess that th

  • Shhhh, you started it, please let me end it my way, we both know I will end up losing, I should at least have fun with it.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Just accept that you're wrong, Konni. That is the mature thing to do.

  • I'm seeing a pattern here...

    blueneon posted: »

    I have asked and most of my classmates think the same. So I guess I am not really alone on this after all.

  • I have asked and most of my classmates think the same. So I guess I am not really alone on this after all.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nope, and that is only you who thinks that way. You can ask around, you don't have to count on me.

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