I'd do me.
I actually posted a picture of me in June, but I took it down because I was scared of p… moreedophiles. This is an updated one??? eh>?? can I say that?? I don't even know were my eyebrow went in this pic goddamn filter??!??!
You're welcome! Your bangs look really good in your picture, but I can see how it could be difficult to manage them everyday. I have really thick hair so it would be a hassle to straighten blunt bangs to make them lay right. It's really hard to straighten thick hair period haha.
I'd do me.
I actually posted a picture of me in June, but I took it down because I was scared of p… moreedophiles. This is an updated one??? eh>?? can I say that?? I don't even know were my eyebrow went in this pic goddamn filter??!??!
Well, My name isn't GoldenPaladin for nothing.
Basically a medieval warrior of good.
Yup, I love history, don't judge...Not art history though.
Anyone wanna help me?
I would post a current one but meh.
A little hint of Lily probably ... may be due to the long hair ... and indeed u r pretty!
Awh, thank you!
Damn bby u secksy a f
I see a strong resemblance with Chet?
haha i be turnin heads :P
You look like Shaun.
You're not.
And you look like Russell.
I love your haircut! I've always wanted bangs like that, but I can't pull them off like you can.:P
Do et. ^-^
Yasss go m8 go
I probably look like a younger Arvo. I have a really bad baby face though.
Honestly though I'm sorry. I'm just very self-conscious about my looks. It a bad habit I've pick up.
Thank you! I'm a big fan of blunt bangs, though they don't always lay the way I want.
you look like lilly boy ver ^~^v
Yeah i am 18. No you don't look 6 I just wasn't expecting a 14 year old to play this game :P
How do i post a picture?
You're welcome! Your bangs look really good in your picture, but I can see how it could be difficult to manage them everyday. I have really thick hair so it would be a hassle to straighten blunt bangs to make them lay right. It's really hard to straighten thick hair period haha.
I'm pretty sure you did. It's probably on the first or second page, you can see there.
Good, haha.
Meh i don't i look like anyone from the game
You look like someone I know from school, nice necklace.
pssssshhh pedophiles? You mean those fatass 48 year olds? Just carry a knife with you and no one will be a threat.
You're pretty, I guess you look like Sarita because of the hair, but you don't look Indian xD
Lilly I guess, but I've never seen her with a genuine smile, and her hair is less curly, but I guess it's close.
I would say a wavy-haired Lily.