Death predictions for next week's mid-season finale.
Who do you predict will die in next week's mid season finale. I predict Dawn and most if not all of the police officers in the hospital, the doctor (I forget his name), Sasha, Beth, and Tyreese.
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Beth is 100% dead so is Dawn. Tyreese dies the episode after that.
Dawn, the other cops, and Carol. Carol's character arc is pretty much done, unlike Beth's. If, for some odd reason, she lives then she definitely will die at the end of the season, without a doubt in my mind. I think it would be cool if Dawn joined the group and she gets some sort of redemption arc, but probably won't happen.
Carol's arc, I don't think, is done yet. I've enjoyed her character development over the course and it seems that she and Daryl have something between them. However, if she were to die, it would mentally destroy Daryl and could be a good storyline for the show.
Sasha's not going to die because if she we're to die I'd expect it to be at the end of last episode.
Tyreese is going to go through a big change, he'll go from "I won't kill anyone, no matter what." To "Kill them all."
Beth's story arc has just started getting good so I don't think she's dead
Carol's story arc is pretty much wrapped up, she was my favorite character.
Tyreese better go through some sort of change, I hate this Tyreese, he used to be tough and now he's a fucking wuss, he couldn't even kill that Martin guy in the first episode.
Beth and Noah. Possibly Carol.
Yeah, I think they will. Why else would they change his character so much from last season to now? It's just for character growth.
They better because I'm getting real tired of this Tyreese.
I don´t know who´s gonna die but I hope Carol makes it.
People gon' die.
beth-because she is beth
carol-her arc is pretty much done and she was meant to die earlier at the prison so there is a chance that they have to let her go
tyreese- i can already see this happening he doesn't shoot one of the cops and then he gets killed by one of then plus like carol he was meant to die at the prison (he was in hershel's place with the governor)
i could see them keep tyreese and carol alive too but i don't think they would suit for what is coming up in washington
Carol's done. There's nowhere for her character to go. She's changed from timid, abused housewife to dependable and capable survivor. She lost her daughter. She put down the girl who was a very faint reminder of her daughter. She saved the group at Terminus and is basically Daryl's rock at this point. When she dies, Daryl will be all messed up and Beth will be forced to prove to the rest of the group that she isn't useless.
I don't think Tyreese is very likely to be offed yet, he needs to get his head right first.
Beth won't die yet either because that wouldn't make much sense in her character growth and her death will have little impact on others at this point.
Dawn and her cops are all probably dead.
I love Carol, but her story has followed the "redeemed" plot path that tends to get characters killed shortly after redemption in all forms of media.
I'd be surprised if she makes it through the season. The rest I'm not sure about. Beth might die for production convenience, as the actress is having a hard time passing as a teen, and it would be sad; and these writers love sad.
That's all I've got as of yet. I won't be surprised if there is another, or a couple others.
Norman Reedus (when asked about the mid-season finale) said this:
So yep, Carol's gonna die.
Carl <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I wish, you don't understand how badly I want Carl to die, but he's not because he is Rick's son. You saw how crazy he went when Lori died, imagine how crazy he will be if Carl died (he's going to start seeing Carl in a white dress like Lori, oh my God).
I agree. if Coral was more like comic Carl, I wouldn't want him to die at all. They made him some whiny little kid in the show which I don't like. He won't die because of the effect it will have on Rick's character, but then again if he did I wouldn't be that upset.
That would be awesome lol xD
Seriously, i thought the whole idea of this show was Everybody dies, so come on Coral, its your time. Glen too, hopefully.
Dawn, Tyresse, and Carol
They say that but it's bullshit. What they really mean is, "Anyone can die...except Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, and a couple others. Everyone else is fair game."
Not really.
If i was writing the story and someone had to die, i would just roll a dice randomly and pick someone. That is how real life is, unpredictable.
If Gimple knows the smart decision in terms of what is good writing and what isn't, he would take out Carol. If he doesn't, he would take out Beth. Beth's death is way too predictable, people have been saying she's going to die since season 2. It would be just plain stupid to kill her off the minute she becomes a main character and gets some character development. Carol's arc has been going on since season 1, and frankly, I think her transformation/development is complete. Carol sacrificing herself for the group/Beth would be a fantastic finale for her character, and it would shock the audience more than killing Beth would imo.
My prediction of lesser characters that may die would be Edwards, Dawn, Tyreese, and possibly Noah.
Nobody? I don't think Dawn's crew has a chance. Not against this group. Gonna be another, bad-ass Terminus breakout, with Rick returning Carol's favor.
"I owe her, more."
Then why do creators of the fiction quote that mantra?
I think Tyreese's pacifism is going to get him killed. Like he gets one of the cops at gunpoint, but can't bring himself to pull the trigger so the cop disarms him and shoots him. Probably not that, but if he dies it's going to be because he can't bring himself to kill others.
Definitely, if he keeps on being a puss like he has since Lizzie and Mika died, he's going to get himself killed.
All of Dawn's people.
The doctor dude will join the group.
Carol dies,
Are they even going to Washington anymore in the show? I mean like there isnt a point anymore. I also hope they dont kill Tyreese because Im happy he was able to live past his comic death ;-;
without spoiling anything i can say they are 100% going to washington
Plot twist: Nobody dies
That would be a miracle!!!
I have a feeling Carol...but also not sure...
Question is; how will Rick turn out if he loses any of his own? He's already cracking. (who could blame him) The whole "drop your weapons and kneel" thing is becoming a habit of his. If not for Daryl that one dude would be so dead right now. I think he's gonna go back to his plan, after Sasha fucked up. I think that if he loses anybody on this run, especially Carol, that he won't listen to anyone, anymore. It'll be his way or the highway, again.
"Send me a postcard!"
If Ricktatorship makes a comeback, I will be pretty ecstatic.:D
I think they are going to replace Tyreese's role with Glenn and have him killed by Negan whenever he shows up on the show
Or Beth...
Pretty much my thoughts maybe the noah dude too