Tales of the Silent Treatment... on Borderlands

I've just heard that telltale made this game and am curious if they're still including the

... Option and they are, woo.

Sl silent fans who has watched the walking dead and wolf among us, lets find out what Pandora has for
Silent Rhys & Fiona...

Episode 1: Zer0 Sum

Episode 2: Atlas Mugged

Episode 3: Catch a Ride

Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo


  • Why wouldn't they include the ...? Silence is always a valid answer you know :P

  • Ya and hope it'll be forever :)

    I think walking dead started this. Wished monkey island have it,
    A silent Guybrush, lol
    That'll be interesting.

    Green613 posted: »

    Why wouldn't they include the ...? Silence is always a valid answer you know :P

  • I think it doesn't really fit the characters.

    1. Rhys is a slimy advertising executive.

    2. Fiona is a woman who's trade literally depends on her mouth.

    Vold posted: »

    Ya and hope it'll be forever I think walking dead started this. Wished monkey island have it, A silent Guybrush, lol That'll be interesting.

  • Ya but strangely still funny

    I think it doesn't really fit the characters. * Rhys is a slimy advertising executive. * Fiona is a woman who's trade literally depends on her mouth.

  • Besides most encounters won't be about business marketing and yes being silent can get good results in Business via intimidation.

    I think it doesn't really fit the characters. * Rhys is a slimy advertising executive. * Fiona is a woman who's trade literally depends on her mouth.

  • If it has a silent option, I'll be doing the Game of Thrones as well when its out.
    "The Silent Throne"

  • edited November 2014

    Silent Tales of the Borderlands:

    Episode 1x01
    The Promotion:

    Alt text

    Episode 1x02
    Business Transaction:

    Alt text

    Episode 1x03
    Silent Con:

    Alt text

  • its the best way to troll sasha, becuase that bitch has answer to everything

  • Did a silent play-through earlier and it seems that Vaughn will do most of the talking in a lot of conversations (he's in almost every scene and seems like a good crutch to use since Vaughn focuses on the more important things). I do like how Telltale went with more effort in silent play-throughs as their is more unique dialogue for choosing that option compared to TWD or TWAU.

  • Save few seconds of waiting :)
    If u see me waiting that may be because I'm doing something else in the real world like cooking, lol

  • Ya, feels like they're making a better effort in it now. Almost no game over if do nothing except obvious deaths from being shot... This isn't wolfie after all.

    Like the very start "I didn't say anything" :)

    Also like the death scene, wish its not only once but have a dialog for every time you got killed in different moments. Same death ya that's ok to be only once.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Did a silent play-through earlier and it seems that Vaughn will do most of the talking in a lot of conversations (he's in almost every scene

  • As mentioned, I'll play the game of thrones if it has the ... Dialog.

    I've posted the link of part 1 in the Game of thrones forum.
    The Silent Throne

  • edited March 2015

    Finally got time for this after the ceremony is over and had to say farewell to my family. :)
    Great week, how is everyone? :)

    Just started episode two... Ignoring Game of Thrones, since I'm two eps behind.

    This Imo is more worth while to catch up with for a silent playthrough.

    Episode 2: Part 1 Prologue

  • So if you stay silent, Sasha will help Rhys. That's nice.


    Alt text

    Alt text

    Vold posted: »

    Finally got time for this after the ceremony is over and had to say farewell to my family. Great week, how is everyone? Just started e

  • I laughed way too hard at this

    Alt text

    Pipas posted: »

    So if you stay silent, Sasha will help Rhys. That's nice. Also

  • ? What did Sasha help about?
    Oh u mean during the chase. Ya...

    I wonder what that means with the whole triangle issue.

    Pipas posted: »

    So if you stay silent, Sasha will help Rhys. That's nice. Also

  • Episode 2x02


  • Shade nooooo... I did a silent playthrough of episode 1 months ago, so it's cool to see a refresher.

  • Its called mute Rhiona

    Vold posted: »

    Episode 2x02 Bro-hood

  • Uh, I think you missed the entire race in Episode 1. 8U; I couldn't find the video.

  • Care to elaborate?


    Clemenem posted: »

    Its called mute Rhiona

  • Really? I'll check on that thanks.

    Another person mentioned it but I thought he just missed it.

    Thanks again :)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Uh, I think you missed the entire race in Episode 1. 8U; I couldn't find the video.

  • edited March 2015

    The next exciting part will be uploaded today, with Fiona & Sasha.
    Thanks for watching and hope you enjoy it and get to see the result of such a run
    For those not much time to play multiple playthroughs.

    Thanks again to those pointing out a missing part of ep one, I apologise for it and will upload as soon as I'm able, most likely after this ep is done.

    Keeping company with my inlaws this month. Not much time on the pc...

    Life is Strange...
    Anyone played this? I like it since it involves time travel, but there's no silent run in there, lol
    But I am trying something else... Seeing what I can achieve without abusing the ability we have.

    U can check out the first ep of this attempt of no time travel.


  • edited March 2015

    Part 3: Home Reunion

    Scooter is pissed

  • Part 4: The finale of Episode 2

    Answers to who Rhys puts his trust to.

    But i still don't see what people are talking about shipping...?

    Anyone see the huge difference with Scooters reaction between ur own choices and being silent on him?
    In part 3

  • Finally, here is the long missing part 4 of Episode 1.

    2 Fast 2 Fiona

    and a bonus part for Loader Bot in Episode 1

    trying out all possibilities of its weapon combination:
    Tractor - Minigun - Longbow grenades - Missile Pack

  • Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo
    Silent Treatment

    fully uploaded

    Part 1: Ready for Launch

    Part 2: Catch a ride to Helios

    Part 3: The Silent Tour & Civil War

    Part 4: Finale!!!

    For past three episodes, check the first post with other playlist links. :)

    Share your're experiences here and what you think. :)

    I'm really thinking the whole romance thing is only going one way...
    despite what people choose

  • Hi silent treatment fans. :)

    Hope u all enjoyed watching the past episodes and are looking forward to the final episode.

    I can't wait to finish it myself.

    Till then here's the first two parts.

    Part 1: Sky-Jack

    Part 2: Rhys-demption

    Vold posted: »

    Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo Silent Treatment fully uploaded Part 1: Ready for Launch Part 2: Catch a ride to Helios Part 3

  • edited October 2015

    Part 3: The Truth

    Part 4: "Look ma, no hands..."

    skip to 28:20 mins for the best Q.T.E. in gaming history...

    literally for the player, just sit back & relax as the fight takes place till the end.
    well, except one part, see who can guess where. Oo

    Part 5: Finale!

    How silence effect relationships...

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