Could Clem really be capable to survive on her own with AJ?
I found it rather strange how in the one particular "alone with AJ" ending, Kenny and Jane.. both adults, seemed indifferent in regards to letting an 11/12 year old girl take a hike off with a newborn baby into the cold gloomy winter wonderland in the end of episode 5 (Something Lee would likely never acquiesce to). When Clementine barely knows much of anything about babies and could barely survive the short time she was alone between getting separated from Christa and encountering the Cabin members (she almost died from that dog attack and eventually the walker chasing Clementine when she was weak from I guess blood loss/fatigue, were it not for Luke). I find it interesting that Clem in fact chose not to go to either destination that Kenny and Jane advocated when she chooses to go alone, its not clear where she is headed or if she even knows where she is going or lost. Clementine is very mature, smart, and strong for her age but she's not aged 20, a genius or super-girl though she's definitely portrayed as such in the game.
Now Kenny might have been a tad mentally unstable, but wouldn't Kenny who seemed to care for Clementine somewhat, been the better alternative to whatever might await Clementine and AJ out in the wilderness? Ya know with all the walkers, cannibals, pedophiles, rapists-in other words just plain old bad folks, or more arm biting Dogs at least?lol As for Jane perhaps this would actually be in character for her to do since she was o.k. with leaving Sarah to die and her own sister but she did come all the way back just for little Clementine who I guess reminds her of her sister. However.. if Jane decided it was worth putting her life on the line by coming back and rescuing Clem from Kenny (who nearly determinately killed her) and those Russians why would she just suddenly throw her hands up and let Clem walk away from her so easily after all that sacrifice and risks taken to reunite with Clementine? Or maybe I'm being the weirdo and it was a perfectly sane reasonable thing for those characters to do. Or maybe they were not sane... hell knows.
P.S. Unless Clementine does determinately end up choosing to kill Kenny by shooting him in the head right after he kills Jane. Then maybe I could understand the alone ending a lot better. Because she'd have no choice at that point other than to be alone.
Remember that baby bottle Clem pulled out of thin air in the house during ''No going back'' ?
She can do that anytime she wants completely filled and edible.
That came out kinda weird,bro. But ya, It is kinda weird that Clementine can fill everything in her backpocket.
Realistically, she should've died within the 9 days because of the bullet wound not being treated. Plus, why in the world would she want to go at it alone? Kenny's crazy and Jane's a jerk, but who's going to tend to her wounds or nurser the baby? Why didn't she go to Howes?Perhaps she did, but the Family,with Gil, got there first and refuse to let her in, karma.
But you also have to consider, How long Clementine was unconscious. Was she knocked out for 5mins or 5 hours ? A car can go about as far as 60 miles in a hour. She can be so far and so lost, due to, her not being conscience at the time, that she either didn't know how to get to Howes or too far to get there without help, seeing that her mobility isn't there because has to be extra tentativeness on aj because she's the only person watching over him.
I'm more sure that it was simply that the Family got there first, and didn't let Clem in.
In reality No, in video game reality why not.
In reality no but the game she'll likely be fine