Share your Streams and Let's Plays for Game of Thrones
Stream/Let's Play Sharing thread
Hey guys!
Now that Telltale is close to releasing Game of Thrones, we figured it was about that time again where people would start to share their streams and advertisements here. If you want to share your links to Live Streams, Let's Plays, or other videos, then this is the place to do so.
However, we also would like to establish some rules beforehand:
- Each streaming event or individual video is entitled to one post here, and users are allowed to respond to the posts.
- Please keep posts on topic and contribute to the conversation - don't just "bump" the topic so a user gets more exposure.
- If you want, you can edit a post from an old event/video for a new stream/video/etc.
- Please be sensitive to spoilers and use spoiler tags when appropriate - that goes for both advertisements and community discussion.
Please be an active participant in the community before sharing streams:
Reminder of Forum Guideline 2.2: Make sure that you're still here for the community discussion first, not primarily for making people aware of this video walkthrough or that fan fiction. Only participating community members have that right.
Sign in to comment in this discussion.
A little background information about myself.
I am a full time video game Let's Player and Review (yes I do this for a living). I specialize in family friendly commentary and I do not talk during cutscenes and dialog so viewers may enjoy the story. I tend to get most of my games early from publishers (press review copies) I sometimes get flown out to their studios to try out upcoming video games. Generally I have special access where I am allowed to show content early. I am known to talk and engage with fans and answer any questions people may have about the game on my Twitch streams.
Hope to see you all there
Episode 6
While I'd rather not start anything this time, I will say this:
(Don't kill me, mods.)
sounds good good luck
Thank you very much, buddy!
I like you already :P
Sounds good. I will check it out when I get home. Unfortunately I am at work haha.
I also run a gaming/entertainment oriented YouTube channel. Anyone interested in the game can catch footage on my channel:
later tonight (12/02/2014) and in the future as I play through this and coming episodes. I infuse a bit of comedy and live commentary with gameplay and I have a background in arts in multimedia including education in computer animation and a few years of gaming industry experience as well. Look forward to checking out a few of the other YouTuber's on here and hopefully seeing you on my channel
Just finished uploading all choices and outcome Cheers!
Here's my playthough if anyone wants to check it out :P
Thank you ^^
I have been quite busy as well - so I didn't manage to make the stream. I just did a stream of the entire game though, but I lucked out and managed to capture my desktop for about 2 hours. xD I guess I'll try and stream again.
Lol I love your walkthroughs
Hello Everybody,
Together with my brother I started a Game Of Thrones Let's Play.
We decided we wanted to do a Let's Play in which we played the game with two people, like we used to play with singleplayer games when we were young, discussing decisions and laughing our way through the game.
We hope you like the results, and we are very happy that this game has been released.
Thanks for watching!

Here's mine.
Hello Everybody,
Here's mine let's play so check it if you want.
Thread: Spoiler: Game of Thrones Playlist Walkthrough
And here is mine!
im taking note of all the people postng here and adding them to my ignore list
Hello, my name is CanadianCroc and i want to tell you a bit about myself. I am 12 years old and i upload daily content to my youtube channel. I have many series like minecraft, COD and others but the let's play i have been foucusing on the most is my game of thrones let's play. I have 4 episodes uploaded so far but i am uploading a episode a day. If you would like to check out my channel click this link and if you would like to see the first video click here
Totally excited for this!
Its now available for download from Telltale store copy of the game.
Live Streaming now on Twitch
All videos can be found
Not out on Steam yet
Not out on PS4 Europe either and I got the season pass.. Typical, lemme guess, America gets it first..
My playthrough for episode 2 ish up
Check it out if you'd like. A teaser breakdown shall be coming soon!
Playlist here:
The Sword In The Darkness Teaser Breakdown:
Thread: My Game Of Thrones walktrough!
So Hi! I don't know if you can do this here, or not, but I want to share with you guys my Game Of Thrones walkthrough on youtube !

Press like and subscribe if you liked and want more !
Don't press dislike if this kind of thing isn't allowed here (:
Well, I just finished Episode 5 PC version just waiting for embargo to lift