Do you think Negan will be in season 3 ?????
Do you guys think he will be in the game series at all ???
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Do you guys think he will be in the game series at all ???
No thats a pretty terrible idea
Meaning ????
I guess your right but if he was who do you think he would kill since Glenn isn't around ??
But he wont.... hes a comic character we couldnt do anything with him, why woul he kill any of our group... We're not idiots like rick who thinks he's all that and that no one can touch him.
Definitely not, while the game may take place in the comic universe, that does not mean that the game should utilize comic book sotrylines and characters. Plus, it doesn't seem, no matter what ending you got, that Clem has any intent to travel to D.C., so no.
No. Negan will not be in season 3 or any season of the game, because he is one of the main antagonist of the The walking Dead comics. He's also in D.C
Which villain should be next in the game then ??
Yea it makes sense
A antagonist created by Telltale.
True true
"That's fucking stupid Ben" -Kenny
are you serious? don't be stupid last time i checked you can't be in 2 places at once
Most folks seem to think any comic or television character interference is a awful idea. Don't really see why. Glenn and Herschel from the comics were both in season 1 yet that season still remains a masterpiece classic. I know Tell-Tale should remain unique and original with their own character roster but tiny references here and little cameos there of characters, does not always have to ruin the main storyline. Truth is you can't please everyone it's impossible But to answer the question, No I doubt he will be in season 3, but I would not mind if he appeared briefly in season 3 or had a reference to his name like being mentioned by the characters in conversation.
Hell no. Negan may not even make it to the TV Series. Him being in the game wouldn't make any sense and by the time of S2 he's in Washington with the Saviors and Rick's Group.
Glenn and Hershel were great examples why they should not be in the game, both do next to nothing and take up time that could be spent developing others. For example give all of Glenns role to doug and I'm sure the choice would have been more split.
No lol. Would be interesting to see Dwight show up though :P
Carver COULD'VE been a Negan-esque character, but, alas, he was wasted.
You have a point but its still a good thing to have them in it. You can call it gratuitous because we already know the game interlopes with the comics but having two stories intersect is beneficial to the plot and even though they don't have any long lasting significance. Its interesting to see how they mold with the story and characters.
Decent point. However without Hershel.. Kenny would not of had a guilty conscious to the point of having a fist fight with Lee when the time came for Duck to suffer a similar fate to Shawn. After Kenny chose not to help Shawn when he could of grabbed Duck then immediately after setting him a safe distance away, helped Lee save Shawn. (Shawn also was another comic character I forgot to mention not zombified at least). With character cameo's like Shawn and Herschel we not only get to see in game characters develop and be affected. We as fans also get to understand their back stories that works well with some of the comic book characters. It might be minor but it supplements the plot even if slightly.
Like we sort of see Glenn's past origins before he met up with Rick's group thanks to the game, in spite of him not having much of a impacting in-game role as you say. The Doug/Carley choice I always thought it was really just because Doug was a chubby nerd and a*** guy*** and Carley was the hot/attractive woman who skillfully knew how to use a gun (coincidentally because she was just a ex-reporter not a ex-cop like Rick and Shane).. Even the "Stranger" at the end chastises you for that choice if you saved Carley over Doug which he had a point somewhat. Some players even thought Lee might of "scored" with her at some point later in the game for saving her life like in Mass Effect. ha no wonder so many got pissed at Lily when she thwarted those lewd plans.
P.S. I saved Doug in my first blind play-through.
But im not ben im kenny see my name.
But...That idea was of Ben quality...