Why are Famous youtubers not playing neither of the Telltale Games?

I find it strange that Big youtubers such as Pewdiepie, Uberhaxornova, etc. Don't do Let's plays of this game?
I've checked and Steam already has Tales of the Borderlands and Game of thrones on sale. So why no Let's plays? I keep checking every youtuber..
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Not a the biggest YouTuber, but DspGaming played both. (Yes let the hate begin lol)
I don't really care about other Youtubers that do Let's plays..
I just want to know why Pewdiepie and Nova, and all of them aren't Uploading both Games from Telltale..
I am wondering about that myself.
Maybe they just don't want a repeat of the meltdown in all of the comment sections with the Kenny & Jane debate. I was looking around for reactions to that moment, and I looked at every comment section only to see people acting like children over it and whining over whatever the youtuber did. A lot of youtubers had to put up walls of text asking people to calm down and behave.
They were probably disappointed with TWDS2 and TWAU.
and now they're missing out great games that actually had some effort put into their development.
idk but honestly what is the big deal? was there really a need to make a second thread about it? we are just giving nukem a excuse to advertise himself
I disagree with the first half, Wolf Among US was amazing.
But, I agree they are missing out on two great games
Probably because it isn't TWD.
Eh, who knows? Maybe the "big" Youtubers aren't GoT fans? Seems you kind of already have to be into GoT to get into the game. And have any of them done full playthroughs of the other Borderlands games? Dunno. Doesn't really bother me, though.
I can Imagine. Might have started a e-riot.
I agree. Writers didn't know what to do with criminal intrigue in Wolf. It failed. But they didn't know what to do with whole story of TWD s2. I believe Pewds (who was crazy about TTG) and other youtubers noticed that. Luckily there's Cry. I'm starting to like this guy.
It's nice that you have that opinion and that you think TWAU was amazing but that doesn't change the fact that those 2 games were horrible for Telltale's standards.
Its not only big ones. Im subscribed to like 3-4 very small youtubers because they were always eager to play TWAU and TWD but suddenly neither of them played TFTBL or GOT.
Cry and Ken are playing GOT. They already uploaded first part, but idk about others.
Was there really a need to create another thread like this?
There was another Thread like this?
Oh, shit. Didn't know. But still, there has to be a reason.
Yeah, TWD S2 was pretty subpar... At least their graphics were good though.
I disagree with your OPINION that TWAU was horrible by any standard.
Are you worried that this is going to affect the game's popularity in any way?
Well I'm subscribed to TheRadBrad and Cryaotic, and Cry is the only one of them that's playing GoT. Perhaps other Lets Players think that the Telltale games don't get enough views? Shrugs
Clem_is_awesome is delusional lol
wolf among us was a very well received game so stop acting like it was disappointment like your favorite game walking dead season 2 was lol
just because season 2 was a disappointment doesn't make wolf among us one
I will play it on my channel but I'm not famous or anything
mind to check it and tell me what you think?
That's your opinion though, lmao.
He actually hates season 2 way more than Wolf I'm pretty sure. He shits on it any chance he gets, and I mean ANY.
Here is a better question why does it matter if famous YouTubers are still playing Telltale games or not?
Before walking dead season 1 telltale was a more unknown developer so it was really big for them when a famous youtuber played their games but now telltale has grown to a level popularity were that is no longer necessary
Let's be honest telltale doesn't really need that type of exposure anymore and big youtubers have moved on to playing games from other smaller developers who could actually benefit from famous youtubers playing their games
put it this way game of thrones is not being played by big youtubers yet that didn't stop it from becoming the top selling game on steam
Maybe they're just not into GoT or Borderlands?
Says you.
TWAU got several people I know into TTG period when they'd never shown any interest in their games before. It may not have been for everyone, but I don't think it was "horrible" by any standard.
Seriously, why do you care? Just play the game yourself it's a much better experience anyway. I know Hannah played both TFTB and GOT.
On a side note the Game of Thrones game isn't like The Walking Dead where you could easily experience it as a viewer new to the franchise. Youtube viewers who aren't interested in GOT won't get most of the story, it's not the best LP title.
Lol. It's not a fact, it's an opinion. YOUR opinion. It's all subjective. I loved TWAU. I bought a copy for my PC and a copy for my Kindle (I did the same with S1 of TWD, which I'll agree is the better game of the two). I enjoyed it that much. I don't see why it's "horrible" though. What games do you think it's horrible in comparison to? The first TWD season? Sure, it might not have the emotional impact of TWD S1, but I don't think it's meant to. It's telling a very different story. I really don't know what other high standards TTG has set prior to TWD that TWAU failed to live up to. It's MUCH better than Jurassic Park or Back to the Future (which was charming, but became a bit boring). I'm just curious about what other great games TTG has made besides TWD that make TWAU look horrible by comparison.
My husband loved it. He played TWD S1, but he never really got into it like I did. It just didn't click for him, even though he's a fan of the comics, the novels, and the show. He really got into TWAU though. It got him really involved in the comics. He's read them all now. So, I think there's an appeal there for some people who couldn't get into TWD. Personally, I fall into the camp that loves both games. I think that TWD S1 is a little bit better, but TWAU is not far behind. TWD S2 was not the sequel I was hoping for, but sequels rarely live up to their antecedent. I like all three games, all things considered. I've never heard anyone call TWAU "horrible" though. It may not be some people's cup of tea, but it's a decent game by most standards.
They might be worried it might represent the game's popularity, not affect it, I would imagine.
Cry is playing it. So is yogcast Hannah.
I bet the Best Friends will get around to it (though they're usually a bit late to the party with Telltale games), since they're huge GoT fans, have talked about the game on their podcast, and have played both seasons of TWD and also TWAU.
I am a little surprised by how little play it's getting in the community, though. Tales From the Borderlands I understand. Most people thought it was profoundly weird they were making Borderlands into a Telltale game and figured it would suck. I was one of them. So probably a lot of people didn't even give it a chance, which is a shame because it's a surprise success in my eyes. I figured everyone would be lining up to play Thrones, though. Maybe it's just a hard time of year to LP with so many other things out?
I actually thought Wolf Among Us was really good. I guess some people think the supposed rewrite probably made somethings feel off about the plot in terms of how the tone and pacing of the series changed from Episode 1 to the rest of the episodes, but I still thought the series was spectacular.
Honestly he always is negative about telltalegames. If he doesn't like a game he automatically thinks nobody should like it.
Yup, I know
ikr it's so weird.
I know zackscottgames is playing both (and cry's only played GoT so far) but there is almost no one else doing play throughs. What's with this?
Cry actually has played TFTB, he played it hours before he received GOT.
Here, this channel records his livestreams if you want to watch it.
In Germany GameTube recently started Lets Playing. OKay they are no match for PewdiePie or else. But in Germany one of the most Famous Youtuber, because they are also working for the Gamestar Magazine.
I myself Lets Play Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series right now.
German Lets Play so mostly nothing for you i think xD but still here
Playlist: Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Well, some Lets Player's might hate Borderlands and others might believe that Game of Thrones is only for people who have read the books or seen the show. Walking Dead appealed to Let's Players who were fans of the show and Wolf Among Us most Let's Players assumed it was its own franchise (not associated with a comic franchise at all) and played it.
I hope once the games starts getting more and more reviews and higher popularity and that the word keeps getting spread that these are stand alone series with only some cameos to the source material, more Let's Players will play them and increase their popularity even more.
Welcome to the internet where opinions are facts and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.