Asher, Rodrik and an Intriguing Future.
With the tease of Asher hanging out in Essos next episode I have an interesting theory for a story arc. What if after fucking about in Essos with Malcom for a few episodes he returns home to take the title of Lord.
Meanwhile, we didn't get much closure at The Red Wedding with a certain character. I don't believe Rodrik's dead for a few reasons.
1. He never spoke a line of Dialogue. Who would put him on those Art Pieces if he never speaks?
2. The fifth mystery protagonist The silhouette of the fifth character looks oddly like a shadow of Rodrik's pose in his Art.
3. His Face His facial model changes after he is under the Horse. Now he has a BADASS scar on the right side of his face. Of which he din't have before and din't sustain in the fight or getting crushed by a horse. His model changes from clean to scarred in a matter of seconds in which he sustained leg damage and chest damage nothing facial occurred.
Anyways, what do you guys think will happen between Asher and a possibly living Rodrik? Personally, I envision Asher returning fist becoming Lord and Rodrik returns claiming Lordship as his right and they get into a major power struggle. Choices ensue... Give me your speculation on this possibility.
Special thanks to @beguiler for inspiration on this.
If we look more into this they change the story like they did with TWAU episode 2 and we will have to wait 3 months again.
I get what you're putting down.
Couldn't that "scar" be an indicator that he cracked his head when falling to the ground at "horse dropping on me" speed?
The scars modeled look like burns to me suggesting future events. Plus Hooves can't rip up skin like that. But that's just me.
rip Telltale forum users who guessed major plot events
I didn't say they were hoof marks. I meant that "having a horse fall on you makes you hit the ground faster and harder" and that the angle of the damage, being directed towards the ground, looks like his head may have been damaged from the impact of the landing.
Uh, those are definitely burns on his face not impact wounds
It would be cool if we had a choice that impacted which brother between Asher and Rodrik lives/becomes the lord
EDIT: That is if Rodrik is alive. Can we come up with an acronym for that R=L (Rodrik = Living)
I don't think there will be a power choice scenario, just because it is weird if they are both POV characters to pick the winner between them. It would be a player choice between two characters which the player has played, which is not a bad thing, just feels awkward. Plus, I believe Asher doesn't want to be lord (though part of me thinks Elissa just said that to placate Ethan, but I want to believe her)
I am hoping more for a scenario where Rodrik is the law, and Asher is the justice. Rodrik the Lord, Asher the enforcer. Rodrik being too noble, and kind, to burn the Whitehills to the ground, but then just sort of turning a blind eye when Asher does it.
I mean more of a choice that say Mira made impacted one of our PC's. I think it's too complicated for TT to do, but I like that none of our PC's are safe. I'm just thinking what would be heart wrenching, Fall in love playing as Asher and Rodrik only to have to make a choice that means the other will die...
Oh yeah, that would be poetic. Selling the two characters so well that you end up really like them both, and then you suddenly have to choose which one gets to go on. Of course, you run into player biases in the decision, which is actually cool cause you can see right in the 'My Choices' who is winning the popularity contest.
Example: If they had given me the choice between killing Ethan and Gared... Gared would never have made it to the wall. Be awesome to see your scenario though, and then a stat of 'how many players saved X Pov Character'
R=L... Stine?
I knew I liked you.
Alternate could just be RR (Rodrik's Return)
Lordy, I do believe I have the vapors!
I do like RR tho.
I really hope so
I hope and think hes dead.
People undersetimate a horse, its a heavy animal. the death was perhaps to point out how he didnt actually get beat he died more or less to a stupid accident.
the lack of voice actor makes his return less likely, Give him a voice surely if hes there.
Also if he lives, then that paints that entire army as stupid, for not checking the body etc.
His role in the story is that he was supposed to be the new ruler, for that reason this is why Ethan is unprepared.
With Ethan gone its a possibility but still, I feel for most players that "I'm alive" moment would fall flat, most people likely already forgot about him.
Also I think I'd feel similar playing as both of them
It's entirely possible he's crippled by the horse falling on him.
Which would totally throw players thoughts he's going to be some sort of badass warrior.
We already have Gared for that.
He's ethier dead or seriously F'ed up. You don't come out unscathed from being crushed by a horse.
Two things - Asher probably won't be leaving Essos, as he'll likely be our eyes into Dany's storyline. Rodrik, if he survived, wouldn't be able to get far and is probably being held captive at the Twins. Him showing up out of nowhere is out of the realm of possibility, given his injuries and how far from home he is.
Maybe, he is a prisoner of the Frey's being held for ransom.
And have them not say anything about it to Ethan? Why hold a prisoner if you're not gonna get anything out of it, and as Ramsay clearly shows he's not afraid of the Forresters so their is no point in having some leverage.
I think Rodrik is dead.
I think Rodrik is dead and thats final. I just want to see Asher come and kick ass more than anything.
Don't expect Asher to come back so easily. He's likely a member of the Second Sons (kind of fitting, isn't it?) and will interact with Daenerys, Daario and most importantly the dragons. Though he might also be a member of The Golden Company, a mercenary band made up of "exiles and sons of exiles," who Stannis hires. Given our look at Yunkai in the "Next On" trailer, I find this less likely.
Maybe we will play with Rodrick just like Jaime in the books.
Like prisoner of the Freys.
I woud like to.
Fair point
It's definitely not final until the 5th PC is revealed. You know nothing you have a point. Before, there was just this general 'He's alive because we want it!' thing.
But now, the interesting part is the supposedly burned face. It indicates he might have been tortured. What further suggests this is that in the intro, one of the locations shown are the Twins.
Ok, @beguiler now I can accept that there is a possibility of him being alive :P
Your use of GIFS are fantastic
But I'm not Jon Snow :P
In all honesty though, I don't think Rodrik is coming back.
I don't think Asher will come so easily lol. I don't expect him to come to Ironrath till ep.5 or ep.6. But what I mean by "see him come" is the chance to play as him.
Welcome to the dark side. I had not thought of playing him as a prisoner. Very interesting
Hm . . . regarding the intro, I was under the impression that only the places that the 'current' episode goes to are shown. For instance, the Red Wedding is at The Twins, so I wouldn't take that to mean we'll be definitely visiting there later. Also, Essos isn't shown in that intro, but we know we'll be going there next episode.
The one thing that I don't understand though is why The Wall was featured. We didn't actually reach it during the episode if I'm correct, which I expected with it being on the intro. Though we were definitely on our way there.
But this isn't to say I don't believe The Twins and Rodrik isn't a possibility. I believe they are. Just that I wouldn't use the intro as proof of anything.
I'm very much looking forward to seeing Asher too.
In the show the wall, Winterfell and King's Landing are in every intro even if they wouldn't be in the episode. I suppose it's the same here, Ironrath just takes Winterfell's place.
Didn't know, but that's the likely explanation then. Thanks.
Just ran across something interesting, which may add more credence to Rodrik being alive:
The point of interest isn't the review, but I just noticed what I assume to be episode 2's title at the bottom of it. 'Episode 2 - The Lost Lords'
It's the first time I've seen the next episode's name, as I don't believe the game states the episode titles on the PC
he looks great plus, i really hoped i can play as him
bummer! he would've be like robb stark! and i would be so happy playing a character like that!
Asher is gonna die before he ever crosses the narrow sea, Badass characters never get their revenge in game of thrones. Rodrick might come back shit maybe the priest brings him back like Catlyn, or maybe he just didn't die. Either way Asher is gonna die so horribly.
So Asher does seem like the character to "take revenge" for the Forresters, but I am also in the camp that what we expect is never what we get in GOT. Also the reason Asher was exiled was for being in love with a Whitehill. He will struggle with that I am sure. So what unsuspecting character could actually gut Lord Whitehill?
Maybe his own daughter will kill Lord Whitehill.
Imagine this: Asher fights against Whitehill and nearly dies and then Gwyn Whitehill kills her own father. Would be funny way to die for that fat bastard - died by the hands of his girl.