TV show: New Rick or Old Rick
As we all have noticed Rick Grimes is no "Officer Friendly" anymore, he has changed ALOT since Season 1! Do you think this is a good thing or do you think he could be going down a dark tunnel and end up like the governor?? And I know this has probably been discussed, but we can have another discussion!
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Still waiting for Hand-less Rick
Rick won't lose his hand in the TV series. Kirkman even regreted cuting Rick's hand in the comic's so it won't happen in the TV series.
I like the New Rick better he's more badass.
New Rick obviously. He is the best character in the show. Because he give no f**ks.
new rick because he is finally becoming like his comic counter part and the comic rick is just so much better and badass hopefully they start taking more things from the comic to make tv rick even better they are already doing a great job with that so far
It's been stated that the reason Rick didn't lose his hand was because it would make action scenes slower. So I doubt he'll lose his hand.
I know but it doesnt mean I still dont want it ;3
New Rick guys, come on, this is a no brainer.
Rick will end up getting killed by someone, and the entire group will be ok with it cause they think he is nuts.
Nobody thinks he is nuts, and the time he gets killed is when a lot more people will get killed, raped, or robbed.
Rick has saved everyone's skins more than anybody else and anyone saying different is just kidding themselves.
New Rick. It's not a competition, he's ready to do what has to be done to protect everybody. Plus, he's a lot more badass now, more than anybody else on the show imo
Plus he has that cool beard :P
Rick is going the way of Carver.
There was a hilarious gif i was going to post it , but couldn't find it.
It was a picture of rick in S1, then him in S5, then a monkey in S8.
Character progression.
Well Nate is more nuts than Rick...
Old Rick. I just like him better, this New Rick is really cold, and hardened now. But then again, that's probably what's kept him alive, still I liked him better in Season 1(Especially without the beard! XD)
New Rick is definitely more entertaining, biting throats out and slicing people to death.
Him being cold and hardened is what makes him cool, smfh at you.
Well I think before he was cooler but just opinion man :P
no hes not. Nate doesn't look homeless crazy.
New Rick is awesome. Before, he was an honest, kindhearted man, who would do anything he could to help out his fellow man. Now that he's experienced so much, he's learned that you can only protect your own. Hershel really had an influence on all the group members, but especially Rick. Before he got his head chopped off, he really seemed proud of Rick, for offering The Governor shelter. He wouldn't have done so, if not for Hershel. If Hershel wasn't on his ass after Lori died, I think Rick would be 100x colder. Same for Carl. If Hershel didn't teach Rick to farm, Rick wouldn't have taught Carl. And he was on the brink of becoming a shell. But what makes him so awesome, was displayed in the last episode.
At the beginning of the episode, he killed Lamson. I was like: Damn, Rick's bloodthirsty. But at the end, when Shepard says "Hold your fire!", I was expecting Rick to start a shit storm. But instead, he offers anyone who wants to get out of the Hospital, could come with them. That frankly, blew my mind. It's his ability to turn it off and on, that makes him a good leader.
"Daryl, you saw what I did to Tyreese.
It ain't all of it, but that's me.
That's why I'm here now.
That's why Carl is.
I want to keep him safe.
That's all that matters."-Rick Grimes(A)
new rick. but he still kinda stupid for not doing what he knows they should. like killing all the termites, " no they are death, the fire, blah blah blah", and the "no lets kidnap and make a deal with crazy people and expect that nothing bad happens, cuz you know people arent crazy". all that bullshit you would think that rick would be like, are yall stupid?? nothing gets to live, we kill them if they do shit to us.
Right cuz Rick has time to shave, shower, and change his clothes all while saving everybody's asses in a church in the middle of the woods.