Do you miss Ned (Tv show)?
I just started watching GoT and I absolutely love it, despite hating it before watching. I'm still on Season one and my favorite character is Ned (Eddard) Stark. I've read somewhere that he dies at the end of the season. So I was wondering do you guys miss him? I know I will.
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No, not really. His sense of justice, being way too fair and honourable with everyone pretty much caused his downfall, so I don't miss him. He died a bad death by acting in a way that wouldn't have really led him anywhere, and that was his own fault.
No, I never liked his attitude. He held people to standards that he didn't even meet. Then again Jaime is my favorite POV character and he hated him.
Well i miss him more than Rob.
What standards were these? The whole Jaime thing was little more than a perceived slight.
I agree. But I still think he's a good guy.
Good guys don't live long in the world of ASoIaF. Neither do the bad guys, actually, but good guys live even less time/
I can't wait to see the episodes when Jamie and Littlefinger die. I hate them.
Nope. You won't see that happen, I assure you. It's been five books so far, and they are alive and well. Not to mention that Jaime undergoes a kind of spiritual reawakening in "A Storm of Swords", and Littlefinger epitomizes a character, suited for the setting the best.
Lol yeah. I recently started watching the show (but I'm almost on the 4th book) so I had to witness his death again. Hits me in the feels everytime
Well, can't actually say Jaime is completely well, but if you only got acquainted with ASoIaF recently, I won't spoil it for you.
Does he come back or
No he dies in both...
Yes, they survive till the sixth book, too.
Not sure about Jon, but Tyrion surely does.
Whoops, shouldn't have said that about Jon.
Well, at least I'll have Tyrion and Jon. Right? Right?
Pulp Fiction reference. I like.
Nobody calls a Valyrian steel sword "a chopper"!
Uh oh, first "one does not simply" meme of the thread!
Started GOT with the show, and the instant I saw Sean Bean I was like "Come on, don't tell me..."
And boy... This guy is a living spoiler.
Of course I miss him, he was the first character I loved.
Yeah you already know that he is gonna die the first second you see him. Thats actually pretty sad.
His character was so honorable, to the point of being stupid. That's how honorable he was. He'd rather keep his honor than his life. I don't miss him. I know that most of the other characters do though. He was well-loved in the North.
Looks like he's going to be in a Mary Shelley's Frankenstein series adaptation:
"I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago."
One of those isn't looking so good.
I do. I thought he was a nice fun character. Someone who was competent, good, and powerful.
There's still a bunch of other characters, and I totally enjoy it. But I do miss him.
Not really. I like his honorableness, and moral code. But if he remained alive the story would be less interesting. Sometimes good people have to die, and sadly this had to happen to Eddard. I loved his character but I admit people like him just can't survive that long in the Game. I do miss him, but I don't want him to come back. Also the title is spoilers?
Time to bring out the gimp
Yep, he was the first character i liked, he was a good guy on a bad men's world unfortunately
Only actor I can think of who is typecast as the guy who dies.
Yea, still makes me mad that he was branded a traitor for following the king's wishes >-<
I liked the character and was sad to see him go, but I don't miss him.