Should there be a 400 Days sequel?
So at the end of 400 days Tavia meets the group, they talk, and then the screen goes back- it's only till we go to Howe's in season 2 that we see whwt became of the characters. But Im sort of interested to see what first happened when they joined Carver and his guys. Did they like him or loathe him? Did anyone else apart from Bonnie plan to escape Howe's? In their cutscenes, Wyatt and the black guy who I cant remeber both make sort of negative comments about Carver, so maybe they're not happy with him either but are scared to do anything? As for Vince, he goes running to Carver to tell on Tavia so maybe he's closer to him and friends with Troy? We know that Bonnie was planning to go so we don't need much backstory on her- maybe her story could start on the night Luke and the group escape, and she pulled out at the last minute? As for Shell and Becca, it would be interrsting to see how they coped- Shell left to get away from Roman, and ended up in the hands of a more dangerous person, and seeing some interaction between Becca and Sarah would be interesting as she obviously doesnt like her. I think I've covered all the characters thre but correct me if I missed any out please. Im not a fan of 400 days really, but it would be worth a new game just to see what happened in between the time of the 400 days people arriving at Carvers and Luke and the group escaping. It would also be good because we could see if Carver was always so evil or if he'd been different but changed due to some incident, and we'd get some more interaction and backstory on Reggie. Anyone agree/disagree? I know that there are very mixed views over 400 days, but personally a sequel would be worth it and would, in myopinion, prove a lot more interestingnthan the first 400 days game.
There's gotta be, imo.
For sure.
I dont really want another 400 days like Dlc if it is just going to be 1 character having an impact and the resting just coming in for a second to say hello
A 400 Days DLC could still be done in the same style as the first one- one character could have the story of how they travelled to Howe's, another of meeting/interacting with Carver and finding out what he is really like, another could be when a horde arrives (in Season 2 I believe Bonnie mentions that there's been Hordes before) and Bonnie's story could be about Luke and his group escaped and left Reggie behind. You could maybe introduce Reggie as a separate character with his own story, though I wouldn't want that- he's been given his own set character from Season 2, and altering that character to fit with your choices would be pretty unrealistic. Anyway, I don't really expect Telltale to make a second 400 Days after the reception the last one got (some liked it, but others (me included I must admit) found it dull and felt nothing for the characters), but I'd still want to see a sequel. A DLC about how Kenny survived after we thought he died or maybe about Lilly (if she is still alive, which I doubt) would also be interesting. Of course I want the Walking Dead to be about Clem and her character and the people around her, but creating DLC's or special episodes on different stories could expand the Walking Dead universe and answer a few questions fans of the series have.