Was I too harsh?

I didn't save Bowen because I didn't like him.
I didn't show mercy and killed the Whitehill guard.
I didn't make an effort to please the Whitehill and pratically spit on him when he asked me to punish Gared.
I spit defiance against Cersei.
I asked Sera to wait outside and didn't apologize later.
I stole everything from Margaery's table.
I cut the thief's three fingers.
I chose Sor Royland over Duncan, then I chose war againt the Boltons and told Duncan to fuck off when he said I was too young to rule.
I chose to leave Ramsay waiting at the wall, mocked him and refused to kneel.
what you guys thing?
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YES you were beyond harsh on a couple of those and they will probably come back to bite you later
No way you could've been more motherfucker xD
Is that you Joffrey?
I understand that this is my goddamn fault, but couldn't you leave a spoiler alert next time? Or is that too much effort on your part?
This probably will piss you even more off but you could've stopped reading.
And that's why...
Harsh? I would say putting a huge target on your back.
Welp, looks like I'm officially a windbag of this topic.
There are worse thing to be on an online forum. Aged 12, for example.
HEY! I know 12 year old's on here and they're cool.
I see the ageists have returned?
You, my friend, are fucked.
But most of the choices you make are with Ethan, and Ethan is dead so...... unless these people hold it against the family I don't think it matters that much
Well since the familly is the main focus i would think thats what telltale intends
From 1 to 10 hmmm 100+
You were beyond harsh. You were positively malevolent and insubordinate!
And that's a wonderful way to play the game.
Unfortunately, I think you've probably doomed House Forrester In the first episode.
Cant remember sparing the whitehill guard did any difference.
Does anyone know if there's a difference
That's rhetorical, right? Whether you were or not, you're going a completely different path to most people, and as such will see parts of the game many won't. So that's pretty cool.
I just believe that my choices won't matter at all in the end, so I'll do whatever the fuck I want in the gameplay.
Yet I was relatively nice to the coal boy, does it matter? LOL
that's just what happens in all TELLTALE's games.
Have you considered doing a second playthrough ?
ya...you were too harsh...
jk! I belong in twd section...bye now!
Did you offer Duncan the bracer in the courtyard, and then appoint Royland as the Sentinel at the small council meeting? That really pisses him off...
Yup, you are way to harsh!
I thought offering him the bracer would automatically make him sentinel.
I need to do that now. LOL
Maybe in a later Episode...I hope...:)
You're just playing the game of thrones. It's you vs. them. Keepin' it real.
an offended 12 year old runs into thread
I've heard of players doing a "Scumbag Playthrough" (Scumbag Clementine is hilarious) but usually not until after they've played once already
Bruh, you were kinda harsh. I only did 3 of those things. I left Bowen to warn Gregor, I killed the Bolton cuz he deserved it and chose Royland because he was great choice. Everything else diablo. Especially the Margaery bits, you stole everything and left Sera hanging, yea you aint making friends in King's Landing lol
There are 3 things on that list I also did, but for different reasons and with a better attitude in-game. "Harsh" is not the word I would use to describe you based on those choices. After doing all of that as Ethan, I wouldn't have been surprised by the ending, # spoilers, and I wouldn't be surprised if your actions as Mira made things a lot worse for her in episode 2.
Yeah I think Mira is the one you can screw up the most, considering Cersei's attitude and recklessness.