If there is a S2 DLC...
Then hopefully it will actually connect to S3 or tie up any loose ends in S2 and it won't be like what 400 days was where we were giving the impression that it would bridge the gap between S1 and S2 which it blatantly didn't and just ended up being a thing for them to rip us off with and mess up our hopes and expectations during S2 as 400 days had very little impact in the end.
If they do one that takes place before or around the same time as S2 then I would like either a Christa DLC where you find out what happened to her and her baby or a DLC which involves the story around Carver and the cabin group before they met Clem.
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Her baby obviously died. Miscarriage most likely.
I'd like an "after-hours" kind of anthology like 400 days, that just wraps up different story points we didn't see the extent of:
kenny surviving the alley-way/warehouse
christa and clementine during the timeskip
where mike and arvo end up
what happens to the rest of the 400 days cast
and finally, an epilogue that ties together the endings
Oh look, another one of these.
That would be interesting, I'd also like to see something involving the Cabin Group. Also, if they did one about where Mike, Arvo and (determinant) Bonnie end up, I hope we get a back story on Arvo and why his group came to us even if we didn't steal from him.
That's if there even is DLC anyway.
I'd love a DLC on the cabin group and what went on at Carver and escaping to the cabin. I curious what happened to Christa though too o.o I wonder if they're keeping that back for a Season 3.
A Carver/ Cabin Group DLC would be great!
no it needs to be a Kenny DLC.
[Insert 'why can't we have both?' gif here and everybody's happy' :P]
having a dlc about christa's baby would be a waste of time do people really need to know what happened? there are only 2 possibilities
2.it died after it was born but then if this happened we would have heard about it
what we should get are little stories like 400 days that show different parts of what happened during that timeskip but other than that we are better off getting a cabin group dlc or a kenny dlc
You see though, this is my question? If everyone is infected in TWD, and when you die, unless you're killed in the head, you come back. If the baby died inside of Christa, making it a stillborn, wouldn't it have turned into a walker inside the uterus? The baby gets its source of oxygen from the mother, and if the mother is already infected, wouldn't that mean the infection spreads to the fetus inside of her. So if it died, it would become a walker, right?
We need a Mark, Chuck, Winston, and Matthew DLC.
Born then died later.
S2E5 when Jane reunites with Kenny and Clem but she doesn't have AJ with her and she is leading both Clem and Kenny to believe he died. Clementine says, "Not again."
I mean, what else do people want? That really summed it up.
Season 2 DLC I'd really like to see more on what happened with Kenny during the near 2 years of separation. Definitely would like to see what happened to the 400 days crew after the gang left Crawford and maybe see what happened to Mike and Bonnie,.. but I'm still peeved at them for what happened. >:(
If we did do a Kenny DLC, I'd actually like to see it primarily focus on his and Sarita's relationship. It would give them a second chance to at least flesh out Sarita's character a little bit, and give us some insight into Kenny's 'healing' process after he meets her.
Please god not a Kenny dlc.
If there was a Kenny DLC that would be mean he'd have appeared in more episodes than Clem has.
So please no.
Aftermath DLC episode maybe, if clem isnt gonna be in s3 there could be an aftermath ep thats basically 4 diff episodes based off the ending you got. Id like that a lot.
Wrong, they would be equal because he didn't appear in episode 1 of season 2.
Nop because Kenny appeared in 400 Days.
Come on, we see him for only 10 second and he is to far to have a good look at him. So that do not count.
What would bother me with a cabin group dlc is that although it would be interesting and provide more backstory on the characters, I won't be as interested as I was with 400 days because this time we know that these characters are all going to die anyway. It would have been nice if some of them had survived season 2 and we would learn something new about them and it would prove useful in season 3. But now they're all dead and what's the point of exploring a character's past if we already know their fate ? I'd rather have a dlc that gives us a taste of what season 3 will be like, a dlc that would introduce us to new characters or tie all the different endings together.
Nope. Christa was roughly eight months along, judging by both the amount of time passed & the fact her pregnancy model is the same as Rebecca's, who gives birth within like a week of us meeting her. You're too far along to miscarry by that point.
Must've either been a stillborn or it died some time after it was born.
Stillborn is unlikely as it would have almost certainly killed Christa.
How so?
You mean because it would have turned?
IDK. I guess it depends on how the whole zombism thing actually works, here, doesn't it? Like... is it genetic, airborn, etc? We don't know, so it's hard to say.
Now when you mentioned it, it'd be interesting to see, obviously if this whole case it's more complicated than a fetus tearing the mother apart.
Where does he appear in 400 Days? I don't remember seeing him.
why are you so negative towards the other users here :S
he has a cameo alongside duck in the opening scene of 400 days at the pitstop. its easy to miss so i could see why your confused
Well, we know everyone is infected, and that the infection can be passed by blood, and that babies and mothers share bloodstreams, so it seems pretty likely.
Ah, yeah, true.
So seeing as it was way too late for her to miscarry, and a stillborn would've killed her from the inside, I think it's safe to say Christa gave birth to a live child, it lived for a short while, then died. The theory that Clementine was saying "Not again, not again" because AJ's "death" brought back memories of what happened to Christa's baby supports this. I know people think she was saying that about Kenny, but I prefer it being about Christa's baby, because for once it's Clementine reacting to something that hurt and traumatized her, personally, and not reacting to someone else's (coughKennycough) pain. For a game that has her as the protagonist, it has very little focus on Clementine's personal trauma, which, as an eleven-year-old girl in the apocalypse, she's going to have a TON of.
Gavin Hammon vaguely alluded to this in a tweet prior to Episode 5.
Unfortunately, the Kenny-centric writing makes it seem like Kenny's generic man-pain trumps everyone else's. NOBODY HAS EVER SUFFERED MORE THAN HIM - not a grieving teenage girl who's just seen her father get eaten alive, not an expectant mother who's been raped and haunted by not making amends with her husband, not a young man who's lost his best friend and new family in the space of a week, and most definitely not a little girl who's seen literally dozens of good people die over the course of the story.
This is why man-pain's such an irritating writing flaw to me - it actually limits your empathy by forcing you to give a shit about a very specific character type while disregarding others, regardless of whether that character is even the protagonist.
I'd like a DLC centered around Tavia during the cabin group's first escape from Carver's community. We'd get to see Carver from a less negative perspective, flesh out Tavia's character (I never got the sense that she was evil, just underwritten), and understand what the fuck happened between George and Alvin. Also, Nick's mom could make an appearance!
I try not to use the term "man-pain" because I find it to be kind of a patronizing view of depression, but yeah, regardless of that term specifically, I 100% agree with you. I still think Kenny shouldn't have even returned. His arc was finished in season 1, and it was a damn good arc. But it was DONE.
I remember the comment from Gavin Hammon. It was on his ask.fm, and the person asked "What happened to Christa's baby?" to which he responded that you'd find out soon. To be honest, I think he got Christa confused with Rebecca. He doesn't actually play the games, like he said he doesn't even really know anything about Luke enough to judge whether or not he likes him despite having so many lines with him in episode 4.
It IS a thing, though. This, this,, this,, this, this,, this, this, and this are all links which elucidate a trend where male characters' suffering is valued more than that of female characters.
It's annoying to me because in itself, I'd have sympathy for suffering men. What's more, criticizing this writing trend can make you seem callous - "How dare you be hard on Kenny, you have NO IDEA WHAT HE'S BEEN THROUGH!!" I'm actually the opposite, hence my defense of characters like Arvo.
As part of a greater trend, I'm tired of seeing those characters' bad deeds be justified by their backstories while other characters (read: female, disabled or 'weak' male characters) are marginalized and given far less of a wide berth. Season 2 isn't breaking any new ground at all by pretending that a traumatized white family man is much more deserving of empathy or redemption than any other character, but I'm disappointed because there were many other characters who deserved more focus in the narrative.
And it's particularly egregious when the ostensible protagonist of Season 2 was a black girl, not Joel.
This just reminds me how Clem should have been the one who was forced to deliver Rebecca's baby, as she would be the only one with experience.
I had visions of them being in a hostile community, and her being locked in a cell with Rebecca as she gave birth in case she died and turned, ala the episode 3 slide.
Fucking Kenny.
Episode 3's slide did imply that Rebecca was going to play a larger role in the narrative.
Personally, I don't think Telltale would ever been able to have Clem be physically present during the birth because of censors. AJ's birth was extremely sanitized - no blood and Rebecca's legs were conveniently hidden under a blanket. But I imagine one of the other adult characters could have delivered. Hell, even Sarah could have.
I mean, I know exactly what the term means, and I agree it's a thing. I just find the term itself a little off-putting. I've seen it applied to male characters like Nick where it feels very unfitting and just plain ableist, so I'm just sort of not a fan of the word itself.
But yeah, there is a constant parade of women being thrown on to the chopping block for male angst throughout most media. Kenny loses Sarita and we witness an emotional breakdown. Clementine loses Christa, who she's been traveling with for SIXTEEN MONTHS and who she's clearly adamant to find, and we get absolutely NO reflection from this by her despite the fact she's the player character. We just get a few Lee mentions, which is clearly meant more to tug on contrived Season 1 Feels than it's meant to actually develop Clementine's character.
The fact they killed off Sarita shocked me, honestly. I was so immensely disappointed in Telltale for doing that. I expected something far more creative from them than just repeating the way they fridged Katjaa. Even after episode three I was hoping desperately that Mike would break out his arm-chopping skills and save Sarita and Kenny would die from an eye infection and--man, I just wanted agency for more female and poc and disabled characters so so so bad and all they gave back was KENNY.
Not a single mention of Christa. Not even when Bonnie straight up asks Clementine, "Do you know anyone who knows anything about babies?" But as usual Clementine gives us virtually nothing about her past unless it's a Feelsy reference to Lee. Like... HOW? They didn't even make her look uncomfortable to imply she was hiding something. It's like it never happened--and Christ, judging by the fact it was done by some guest writers, I'd wager the people writing this didn't even remember Christa's pregnancy.
I've seen some cool fanart where Sarah's cast as the group's medic after Carlos dies, because he taught her a few things. It could have been a really neat route to take, honestly...
Yeah, Nick's mother does seem expendable - neither Carver nor Reggie even acknowledge her existence in subsequent episodes, despite the behavior of the cabin group implying that her death was pretty recent. I'd lump that in with Jane's sister. The reason why I'm more forgiving of that is that the narrative doesn't put nearly as much emphasis on using Nick's past to 'justify' his bad acts than it does for Kenny.
You're given the option of not forgiving Nick, of calling him out for being an aggressive jerk. But even if you kill Kenny, Clem's behavior makes it seem like she loved him.
Anyways, this ties back to why I'd prefer a prequel DLC to focus on Tavia's perspective: we'd get to see Carver's community in a less negative light, we'd have more insight into Carver's relationship with Rebecca, we'd understand why Tavia is so unpleasant to the prisoners, and we might even get to see Nick's mom. The mystery behind Carver was one of the biggest things I wished the Season had answered, and it's far more interesting and involves a larger cast of characters than the other prequel ideas (Clem & Christa/Kenny & Sarita).