Your Theories/Predictions For Future Episodes
So Ethans dead but I don't think that leaves us with only 4 playable characters now. I like the Idea of 5 PC's at any given time. Meaning, if someone dies another character will take their place. Not only will it keep things exciting but it will make it easier to tell such an expanded story. With this Idea I think it will tie a lot of people’s predictions and theories together beautifully. With this in mind let’s get on with my thoughts for future episodes.
First, at Ironwrath, things can go two ways: A) We play as Lady Forrester who will pick up where Ethan left off taking charge of Ironwrath and deciding where the household should go from here. The dynamic of her gameplay will be similar to Ethan's in deciding whether you should take Roland’s side, who will most definitely want to lead an assault on the Whitehills to retrieve Ryon the new lord of Ironwrath, or choose Duncan who will take a more subtle approach. Who you choose as sentinel and whether you agree with them will play a big part in what happens and may create some obstacles in your path.
We will play as Talia who really has no say in what happens or what to do next so I only see her story going one way. Since the elders are arguing with what to do next she will take matters into her own hands and sneaks off to save Ryon by herself. The dynamic of her gameplay will focus on decisions she makes when she gets to the Whitehills hold in how she will go about saving Ryon. This option I don't think is very likely but is the only plausible way we could possibly play as Talia.
Next we play as Gared at the Wall where we meet Jon Snow, possibly learn more of the North Grove, and train to be a Ranger. We might get to be one of the volunteers that accompanies Jon to Crasters Keep to take care of the deserters. There we could sneak off to find the North Grove for ourselves, possibly run into Bran, or the Others.
At Kings Landing Mira will have to react to the Purple Wedding, Tyrion will not be the only person Cersi lashes out at. We will also find out who the Coal boy is working for, I'm thinking either Varys or Olenna Tyrell.
Now onto Yunkai where Malcolm has finally caught up with Asher (I'm assuming there will be a time jump since last episode in order for this to work) where he learns of his households fate. As hot as he is, Malcolm advises Asher that going back by himself will not be helpful when facing the Whitehills and possibly the Boltons. So in comes Daenerys Targaryen where Asher will have to ask for a small brigade of her army which I'm sure we will have to do something in order to get it before we set sails back to Ironwrath.
Finally, as shocking as it will be, Rodrik is alive! How? Telltale, that’s how. Probably captured and nursed back to health by the Freys and is being held for ransom. What will Elissa Forrester do? Will Rodrik escape capture or will some Ironwood and a marriage proposal to the Freys set him free. Scenes for next episode will play and Rodrik will appear from his shadowy figure.
So what are your thoughts? Do you have any theories or predictions for the coming episodes? Do you agree with my ideas? Discuss in the comments below.
Really exciting thoughts, I totally agree.
Thank you.
Most part, I agree with you. But...
You've got some pretty good theories. For me, it's too soon to say. I'm still getting to know these cool, new, playable characters. Anything involving Ramsey Snow is going to be bad news for which ever poor soul he runs into. That's a given. I kept hoping I could opt to fight, like I could as Gared. I was willing to die (or have my character die) just to stick a "shiv" into Ramsey's hide. Unfortuanately, that wasn't not an option. I also fear for poor little Mira (is that the right name?), the Forrester sister who's trying to navigate her way through the ongoing treachery at King's Landing. I hope she lives, but hope is just another four-letter word in "Thrones", yes?
That is true. I do love these characters they've introduce but I think a few more may die before the season is over. I wish that would have been an option as well, I do love to hate that bastard Ramsey.
Yeah, I don't think you can be 'nursed back to health' from an 850kg horse crushing your pelvis, especially in the quasi-medieval period the game is set.
I like the idea, but if Telltale bring back Rodrik it will simply be a joke.
UNLESS. They have a flashback where you play as him. Which is possible, I suppose.
I have no idea where the narrative is going to be honest. All I'm night certain of is there'll be a choice whether we accept Asher back into the family (can you 'un-exile' someone in the GOT universe?) or not, and perhaps one about who leads House Forrester
I hear what you are saying and I would agree with you but I also thought Kenny was dead but "low and behold" thats Telltales for you.
Yeah but we didn't actually see Kenny's death.
This we saw, and we know that being crushed by a horse is basically a death sentence.
It requires immediate medical attention in the PRESENT, let alone the medieval setting, and he wouldn't have been able to be healed for ages with a battle raging around his body.
Well it is Lady Forrester who has the Idea to get Asher in the first place so him being accepted seems very likely.
Him being brought back doesn't necessarily mean he will be regarded as a full son with leading rights, though.
Lady Forrester also says she doesn't want Asher to lead ironrath, so reinstating him would be dumb on her behalf as things stand.
A cripple with a crushed pelvis, who woudl require a wheelchair at all times?
I don't see it.
As to the shadow thing: I have literally no idea. I'm stumped as to why they use his.
I agree, I was just trying to incorporate telltale using his model as the shadow as they did Asher's. Why use Rodrik's model when they could have easily used Elissa's or Tailia's? Rodrik could just be a cripple like Bran, anything is possible in fiction.
I never said they would have him lead (In all honesty I think he is destined to die anyway) and I'm not particularly aware of how being exhiled works in westeros, but to not accept him, not even as soilder, seems really dumb being since Lady Forrester wanted Malcolm to fetch him to begin with.
My comment disappeared, but a cripple with a shattered pelvis seems very unlikely; he'd have to be in a wheelchair.
I don't get the shadow thing though.
No but like, if he was accepted back as a Forrester then he would have to lead, as he's the eldest born surviving son.
No, those sentences don't contradict themselves.
There's a difference between Asher physically returning to Ironrath and being accepted as a legal Forrester heir.
You're contradicting yourself. In the last comment you said "Him being brought back doesn't necessarily mean he will be regarded as a full son with leading rights" and now you're stating "if he was accepted back as a Forrester then he would have to lead" Again, I don't know how being exhiled works but they would have to accept him, in some way, if he were to come back.
Are you saying you didn't see the sahdowy figures at the menu screen before you started episode one?
No as in, I don't see why it's Rodrik's shadow, which cotnradicts overwhelming medical evidence.
Yeah and flying dragons contradict scientific evidence regarding mass and gravity but you don't see GRRM rewriting the books. You're trying to change fiction into non-fiction, it's just not happening.
Oh come on, that's like saying Ethan could still be alive because dragons exist despite getting stabbed in the neck.
While there are fantasy elements, there is still scientific groundwork: the people of westeros are humans, gravity exists, they breathe air, eat food, drink water etc. etc.
Unless in the lore humans have unnaturally strong bones, then it doesn't make sense.
Those comments don't contradict themselves.
There is a difference between him being physically brought back to Ironrath and him being reinstated as rightful heir to the lordship of the house.
Flog61, have you read the books or watched the show?
In the game of thrones universe, there are "Whitewalkers" which are basically walking frozen zombies that reanimate corpses to fight for them. There are red witches that birth smoke demons that kill people. There are assassins that can literally change their faces, Valar Morghulis. There are Warg's that control the minds of animals and in some cases even lesser minded people. There are giants, dragons, and magical children of the forest. Last but certainly not least, there are people that are "brutally" killed (in some cases up to 6 times, I'm looking at you Lightning Lord) and brought back to life by the grace of the Red God.
So could, keyword could, a guy that had a horse fall on him make a comeback in a video game?...I think that its definitely very very plausible so I'm with A Moving Corpse on this one.
What does 'by the grace of the Red God' mean? Is he or she able to fix broken bones?
Okay, I'll put my predictions here, though I must admit there are so many ways this story could go on that these are really just shots in the dark.
First the "easy" one: Gared. At the wall he will train with Jon and we get a chance to ask him to help Forresters. If you aske him he gives his sympathies (since he also hates Boltons) but reminds you that Night's Watch is now your family. Then Gared becomes ranger or maybe there will be disappointment like Jon had. Anyway at some point Duncan sends a raven about the grove and after that I see two options: a.) Gared indeed will run off north of the wall looking for the grove. Of course there will be some problems but in the last episode he will find the North Grove. OR b.) By the time the raven from Duncan comes Gared has already learned that his duties are now for the Night's Watch and the war they are fighting is more important than the faith of the Forresters and so his season will end at the wall with the Battle of Castle Black and arrival of Stannis. There probably will be some kind of "decision" but I doubt it will really make a difference where you end up. For example you might get to choose that you leave the wall (to go after the North Grove) but Jon Snow stops you and reminds you once again of your duties. Tbh I think option b would be more likely because Gared is so honorable and I think he will kinda take Jon as his role model. Of course what is against that prediction is the fact that we wouldn't see the North Grove, whatever it is.
Then Mira in KL. This is hard. Some seem to think she will get to trouble after Joffrey's poisoning and Cersei would accuse her of something but I really don't think that's very likely, Cersei is 99,9% sure it's Tyrion and Sansa who did it. But of course she will have some kind of trouble, we wont be playing a handmaiden with easy living a whole season. Well this is not much but here is my guess: She gets involved with too many big names (Cersei, Tyrion, Margy ofc, Varys, maybe Tywin or Oberyn) and thinks she can play games with them and ends up dead in episode 5 (name of that episode is Nest of Vipers).
Asher. It's so hard to say when we haven't even seen the character or heard him say anything. Well two guesses: a.) Malcolm tells what happened in Ironrath (and Twins ofc), Asher is sad/mad but makes it clear that his life is now here. Well Malcolm sticks with him anyway and they follow Daenerys' army to Meereen and bla bla bla. By the end of the season Asher makes decision that he will return to Ironrath. b.) When Malcolm tells what has happened Asher quickly makes his decision to return BUT it's not easy to leave Slaver's Bay these times, so even if they actually get back to Westeros it will be episode 5 or 6. And when Asher returns to Ironrath he will see it destroyed or Rodrik the serious man will be there reminding him that he is exiled or something idk. Anyway it wont be a happy return.
What happens in Ironrath? Who is the 5th pc? Is Rodrik alive? Dunno. Well, I think Ironrath will be put to a very bad shape at some point, that's all I'm going to guess.
Speaking of the next episode, do we have a release date?
I honestly had a hard time believing a horse falling on him would've killed him.
Well, in the main menu screen, it shows Ethan, Gared and Mira and they're the playable characters. When I finished Ep.1, it shows someone else and Gared has a new costume. So the new guy there will be a new PC?
Question answered, you haven't seen the show or read the books then. Well the Red God can bring people back from the dead so I think that magic could most likely heal some broken bones, just maybe. Besides, why is all of the horses weight (850kg you say) falling directly onto Rodrick's pelvis? It's quite possible that half horse hit the ground first and then just pinned him down. Open up that imagination, it makes life more fun.
I never professed to, and it doesn't really change anything.
When you say '850 you say' that feels very aggresive: the average horse weighs between 700-1000kg, and horses used in battles are generally bigger and sturdier, putting it at least at the middle point of the range.
425 kg would still crush your bones. The very fact that Gared assumed it killed him shows that it was basically clear death to him. Furthermore, we actually see the horse fall on him, and the nature of the collisison shows that the entire weight of the horse was lying on rodrik at one point.
Why does the red god bring people back from the dead? What are his or her motivations in doing so? And are they the same as they had been before the died?
Furthermore, when his worship is almost entirely contained in Essos as opposed to Westeros, why would he save a random man who almost certainly didn't worship him?
There comes a point where assuming things to be actual possibilities just because of imagination becomes silly. I can imagine that Ethan didnt die and it was a dream. But circumstantial evidence tells me that is very unlikely.
I can imagine that Rodrik survived a crushed pelvis. Circumstantial evidence tells me that is very unlikely.
Oh, also 'what did they do to you' REALLY doesn't sound like the reaction of a woman who's certain her son is dead. His presence is surely more shocking than his wounds that made him seem dead, obviously.
Do you know how much horses weigh?
Its a hell of a lot.
..are you new here?
There's usually a wait of about 2 months, so we've got a while to go.
I'd say mid February is our best bet, as the holidays are coming up.
Hmmmmm... It's not the God that saves men. It's those that use the God's knowledge. And the worshipers of the Red Rhllor are farther than Essos, the so-called Shadow Lands past the Jade Sea.
The Jade Sea itself is already "boring" lets say. So, you can tell easily, that the Red God's worshipers go across half a world to find... work. Their work would be expand the faith, teach people the arts of the Red God, become artists or anything... in resume, live a life.
In ASOIAF there are quite a lot of Red Priests in the continent of Westeros. There are a lot of Red Priests everywhere. It's impossible to know how many there are in all places, situations and etcetera.
It's assumed that the only Red Priest that revived someone did it by accident. One could've done it by accident with Rodrik as well. Therefore, you don't just science those facts out of the question. It's part of world they live in, no matter how similar they are to us, they aren't exactly like us. Follow?
To conclude: There ain't no such thing as a pre-determinated rule in fiction. In 1998, you could say that people couldn't be revived in ASOIAF. That was brought up later on. Nowadays we could say that there was only one red priest in the riverlands circa Red Wedding. The writer's unpredictable move is, sometimes, the one that never really existed (Like Aegon's survival).
Reading the books/watching the show changes everything. This is fantasy, not reality. Before you start shooting down others predictions you should probably be well versed in the universe of the Game of Thrones.
If you are caught up in the books, then you would know that Rhollor (The Red God) really doesn't identify between who worships him. He is the light and his fight is against the darkness i.e. The Whitewalkers. Now, to say "Why would he save a random man that almost certainly didn't worship him?" well in Book 5, Victarion, who is from House Greyjoy and worships the Gods of the sea, is dying and his life is saved by a Red Priest who worships Rhollor. Also, like I mentioned before, Beric Dondarrion who was a regular Westeros lord was brought back from the dead 6 times by Thoros of Myr also through the Red God.
Now, I'm not saying the only way Rodrick could be alive is if he was saved by Rhollor and a red priest, but it is a possibility. Just like it is possible that Rodrick wasn't completely crushed by the horse and could still be alive. It's fiction, it's a video game. This thread is called "Your theories/predictions for future episodes" this is all speculation, and my speculation, along with others, is that Rodrick could make a comeback. That is all.
They also brought back catelyn stark as well and she was not a worshipper of teh Red God. It may have back fired a bit, but she was still brought back to life.