King's Landing: Who do you trust?
After playing episode 1, I've been left thinking about the secondary characters and who Mira Forrester should trust....
Knowing how rare it is to find someone who you can trust in Kings landing, I have this feeling that Mira could end up in big trouble if she confides in the wrong people.
In my playthrough, I chose to not trust the other handmaiden in kings landing, and trust the coal boy, but that's because I'm thinking we may face an unexpected betrayal in an upcoming episode. I didn steal from Margaery because I think that Tyrion may have a better plan that won't jeopardise my relationship with the Tyrell family.
Who do you think might be likely to betray Mira's trust?
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Sera, definitely. There's something off about her to me
I trusted everyone...But I really don't trust them.
I only trust Tyrion and The Coal Boy.
I totally agree, she seems very nice and friendly, which is why I almost expect to be blindsided by her.
I think the coal boy could be one of Varys's little birds, and seeing as Tyrion and Varys will be working together pretty soon (if you've seen the show, you'll know what I mean)... there's a chance they'll be on the same page.
I agree with trusting Tyrion also.
Pretty much no one. The coal boy is the only exception.
The only one I really trust without hesitation is Tyrion, and even then I turned down his offer to give aid to House Forrester because I felt the risk was too great. I trust Margery as well, and I hope that I don't come to regret that choice later.
Tyrion may not be "free" to help the Forrester family for much longer anyway, seeing as the purple wedding approaches...
He said it was the role of the master of coin to decide whether to secure Ironrath to house Forrester, I don't remember who becomes Master of coin after Tyrion is arrested.... Mace Tyrell (Margaery's father) possibly? I have to check
The safest way is to not trust anyone, especially in such place as King's Landing.
Tyrion. Those who saw the show or read the books know he'll never betray anyone.
But without help, Mira may not be able to assist her family.
I somewhat trust only Tyrion and Coal Boy. Margaery is determined to become the queen and would probably cut her ties with Mira if she became a liability to her objectiv and Sera straight up talks about how she wants power and would marry even Joffrey for it. My strategy for King's Landing is to answer people's questions while in fact saying nothing at all.
Only person I trust is Tyrion and Maybe Varys if he shows up to help.
Part of me wonders if we're being harsh on her. I mean shes an idiot dont get me wrong but that might be all, she could be loyal.. Regardless she comes across as a pawn whatever the case. Problem is who's pawn is she?
Getting yourself killed won't help either.
I trusted Margaery, but not Sera or the coal boy.
I think that if I became a burden to Margaery she's send me away and say I ran away.
I think the coal boy belongs to Varys, because I am small fish, and Littlefinger wouldn't care about me, why on earth would he try to help me? But still, I try to trust nobody in King's Landing. Maybe in episode two I'll give the boy some more trust.
I believe it's the coughing Lord Gyles. Not sure how he could help Forresters. He can't even say a single sentence.
I don't trust Sera or Coal Boy.
I want to trust Tyrion, but I regret my decision to have Mira trust him as this may result in Mira getting tangled up in some weird way in the future. (You know what happens if you follow GoT)
Sera seems very easily swayed and therefore could give away my secrets to Cersei.
Coal boy is one of Varys' little birds. Don't really trust him.
I trust Margery. She seems so kind, yet clever. I feel as if Margery lets herself loose when around Mira, showing how much she trusts her, so therefore I trust only Margery, when I'm Mira.
Trust? In King's Landing?
Now that you mention Tyrion and getting into trouble: how interesting would it be if when Tyrion goes to prision, you owe him a favor (because he ended up helping you in some way) and then you have to help him escape, along with Varys/ coal boy/ Jaime?
As long as there is someone in King's Landing with the same objectives as you, you can trust them, at least for a while
Its a fun idea, but I doubt that any of the Forresters will directly influence the storyline that you see in the HBO tv series, only observe (purple wedding for example)... They're only a minor house, so have little influence.
Perhaps when the new GoT tv season comes out they may be able to subtly mention ironwood or house Forrester, or we may see Mira beside Margaery (that would be amazingly awesome), but beyond that, I doubt it
It's just that Gyles has not been in the show, at least not yet. The small council after purple wedding in the show included Tywin, Cersei, Mace, Oberyn, Pycelle and Varys. Mace mentioned in one episode that he is the master of ships so I guess Tywin handles the coin masters duties.
Us helping Tyrion escape won't be influencing the storyline though, he escapes regardless. It would simply be us participating without changing the outcome.
Or... we escape WITH Tyrion! We can be with him during his voyage, and then split and become the eyes in Essos, or simply board a different boat/ ship. I doubt we'd stay with him and replace Penny, as they seem to have skiped her role entirely in the series.
Good point.
And seeing as house Forrester have rhe best wood craftsmen in westeros, it may be in the best interest of the realm to keep them safe
Exactly, and this simple and very important fact should not only have been presented to the bastard of Bolton, but to the Queen herself.
In fact, I would have sent her a letter reassuring her of our continued loyalty to the realm and to the fact that the realm's supply of Ironwood could be forever lost if it went to the hands of the Whitehills. I'd insinuate that I was worried about the rumours that the bastard son of Roose Bolton was about to put the realm's supply of Ironwood at risk, and felt the need to warn her Grace.
That's a fair point actually, as long as it can be done "behind the scenes" and fit chronologically somewhere between Tyrion scenes on the show, it can be done.
I'd actually love to see Mira return to Highgarden with Lady Olenna when she goes back.... just to see an area we're yet to see in the GoT universe. It wouldn't be too out of character either, as reading Mira's bio, she had been Margaery's handmaiden in Highgarden.
That is very possible and fits in nicely since that was Olenna's plan for Sansa. I would also love to see Highgarden and wonder how she could pull her strings from there. Even more awesome would be for her to marry Willas haha
, but since he is not in the show, I doubt that would happen (and would influence the main plot).
Another option is her going to Essos, and ending up with Dany, as her handmaid. This would not fit well with the books but certainly fits the series since...
T.v series season 5 spoilers:
Tyrion was seen on set with Dany for season 5.
Either story is an exciting concept
I'd be totally happy to see either story eventuate
Trust and King´s Landing are incompatibles. Go ask Ned.
Book Tyrion does a great deal of back stabbing and other morally bankrupt stuff. He'd gladly push Mira into a pit of spikes to save his own skin. Sure, he'd regret it several chapters later, but he'd still do it. Even in the show, he isn't really that trustworthy.
No one -_-
Exactly! It's the first rule.
Sera isn't trustworthy, that's fo sure.
I would trust Tyrion for sure, but if the Purple Wedding is happening in the next couple of episodes then any deal/faith I will have in him to keep my family safe will be pointless. I certainly don't trust Sera, and I think its too early to tell about the coal boy. He could be a possible friend
The only one I trust completely is Margaery (swore my loyalty to her and didn't take anything from her) though I do have some faith in Tyrion (though I didn't agree to his deal) and even the Coal Boy (but definitely am keeping my guard up)
Just REALLY don't trust Sera, I sent her out of the room and though I said we were still friends I was just being nice - don't believe a single word she says
I only trust in Tyrion and maybe the coal boy
Personally I trust coal boy and Tyrion. Everyone else I am trying to play like I trust them but personally I don't.
Guys it is foolish to think that Tyrion is completely trustable. After all, he is going against Cersei , the most menacing woman of Westeros. If his skin will depend on it , he WILL throw us to the wolves. Even though i would agree with Mothermerciless that , as long as we share the same goals- we are safe. At least for the moment.
It will be interesting to see whether the coal- boy is trustable. Also, the relationship between us and Margaery may collapse. I mean she DID seem a bit pissed off.
Kung's Landing is the capital of realpolitik, it would be foolish to trust anyone.
Me, Myself and I