More characters from the Books/Show you would like to see?
In the description of the game, it states that Telltale will go all the way up to Season 5. Can't wait for my boy John Snow to make his appearance next episode. I for one would really love to see Tormund Giantsbane's epic red beardedness and The Red Viper would be badass as well. I feel like you could stumble upon The Hound somewhere in the North too. Who else would you like to see in the game?
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The one's you said would be pretty cool to see. I would also like to see Stannis, and Melisandre from Gared at the Wall. Theon Greyjoy who'd probably be Reek right now, Brynden Blackfish, Velvet, Brienne of Tarth, Lady Stoneheart, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and Quentyn Martell.
Coldhands for sure. They didn't put him in the show so I'm really hoping we see him in the game.
Everyone you mentioned would be awesome to see. Especially, Coldhands since like you said he wasn't featured in the show.
Roose Bolton, Gendry and Varys; all were barley/never in season 4 and they are parts that could be filled in by the game.
I would personally find it extremely interesting to find myself playing a family member that works for the Arryns. Perhaps a Mya Stone sort of character or a chamber maid.
Soooooo much to see haha, Sansa, LittleFinger, Sweetrobin... The view is great too.
At the wall we're obviously going to see Jon but I'd also love to see some other characters from the wall plotline. Grenn and Pyp, ser Alliser Thorne and Janos Slynt, and at the end of the season Stannis, Melisandre, Davos. Not like all of those has to be seen but at least some of them.
In KL Varys. And Oberyn would also be nice
Oh and Tywin also.
In Essos we probably will see Dany so ser Barristan and ser Jorah would be also cool to see. As you see I keep my wishes somewhat realistic. Of course it would be amazing to see the Hound and Arya or brotherhood without banners etc. but I just don't believe that's going to happen.
I'm still ticked they haven't put Lady Stoneheart in the show.
I still think she is on her way. I doubt she would be in the game since she hasn't been introduced in the show, but if she was that would be epic.
I wouldn't mind seeing Grenn and Pyp at the Wall, and we're probably gonna see Dany and Jorah while playing as Asher.
I just don't want to see Daenerys.
Actually, Michelle Fairly (hope I wrote this right, the actress of Catelyn Stark) said there won't be a Lady Stoneheart on the show.
And Flysa. Don't forget Flysa.
Yeah, it really sucks
Oh damn, yeah... forgot. As much as I disliked her, it was one of the most horrible deaths for me.
Quentyn Martell, I simply adore that character.
Well would be a damn miracle since he doesn't exist in the show.
Yeah as Wildling King says it looks like they've cut Arianne and Quentyn, so presumably Trystane will be Doran's heir in the show. I guess theyll give him the Queenmaker plotline and then send him to Meereen. Didn't like Quentyn at all myself, very disappointed about Arianne though
Also, not sure why they did it? Removing Quentyn from the show completely and using Trystane instead.
Plot does not change much, except for Trystane taking Quentyn's place. Does not make much sense to me honestly.
I think it will simplify it a bit and give him more screentime, both in dorne with mrycella and then with Dany also for people who watch and struggle with names they will see the connection, they shouldnt (if they have) cut arianne though.
Well yeah, but they could've cut Trystane instead. Heck, Trystane wasn't doing much in the books either, he was just there.
Doesn't make much sense to me, using Trystane instead of Quent to simply repeat Quent's steps and die in the process (if that indeed ends up happening). At best it's a silly name swop.
Edit, I do agree about the Arianne part.
Tbh, I'm not that sure about show-Trystane following book-Quentyns steps, the plotline of Dorne/Martells seems to be very different from what it is in the books. But we'll see when season 5 comes...
Well, Trystane still has whatever role he has in the books to play... to play yet so Im a little confused too.
Guess that's a valid point but still, if it turns out to be a simple name swop it won't make much difference.
Also true. Aye, we'll have to wait and see I suppose.
Daenerys and Arya are the only ones that come to mind, but I'll probably be content with whoever else we get. I immensely enjoyed Ramsay Snow's involvement in episode one and he isn't even that far up on my favorites list.
Varys, Petyr, Sansa, Tywin, Jaime, Brienne, Stannis, Melisandre.... There's too many.
Loras Tyrell:)
WHAT! Wow...
Are you kiddin me? He's like one of my favorite characters. sighs I'm disappointed
What? :P I know you don't like him, but in my opinion he was pretty cool.
Well I'll disagree on the cool part.
Besides I'm looking forward to seeing him, and the rest of dorne; I was just quoting him in his infamous moment; not quite sure how they'll play that out.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Asher is in Slavers Bay. I suspect they put him there for that very reason.
Maybe that's the reason why I don't like Asher.
Might also be because he looks as much a Mary Sue as Daenerys herself. We'll see. Hopefully he has a few more faults than "being too badass" which seems to be his sole problem so far.
Daenerys soooon
Daenerys so I can make fun of her (I really hope we can).
Other than her, I'd say Jorah, Stannis and Davos, Varys, and Roose. All of those I think would fit in to the plot, and it'd be nice to see more of them. I think it might be possible that we'll see Bran (and maybe Hodor!) from Gared's POV as well, and I'd really like to see Oberyn and Tywin, but I can't really think of how they'd fit in.
I just researched that, and any comment revolved around that Lady is rather vague to be honest. The actor only said that "she's dead" ...which Lady Stoneheart is, she essentially only just stating a fact. Some guy directly asked the producers if the character will show up, and got no definite answer, as they're "rather secretive" with this stuff.
Verys and Petyr would be awesome. I love Tywin too. Stannis I'v always found boring (until very recently, and I still think his character is dull), and I HATE Melisandre.
Meh on the rest.
Honestly, the people I want to see the most are the Faceless Ones.