Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • anything would have been better than fucking Minecraft

    TommyW posted: »


  • Funny. That's exactly what I was thinking about when I first heard about the game.

  • So you want them to explain why their making another game based on a popular franchise that could make them tons of money lol

    I hate to break it to you but telltale is a gun for hire and if they can be hired to do CSI games than they should have not problem making one based on minecraft

    They are in the license games business and they make games based on whatever their clients want's nothing personal it's just business lol

  • " Even Cod would have been better "

    Journey95 posted: »

    I'm with you OP its probably the worst possible game that they wanted to continue Even Cod would have been better damm you Telltale such a waste of time

  • edited December 2014

    Oh God.

    So TT is working on 3 games at once? This can't be good.

  • It would have. Borderlands also was a dumb shooter before Tales, and look how goddamn funny it is.They could have actually made a dramatic and sad CoD.

    zeke10 posted: »

    " Even Cod would have been better "

  • At least COD has somewhat of a story and somewhat of a lore, Minecraft doesn't have any of that.

    zeke10 posted: »

    " Even Cod would have been better "

  • Eh minecraft gives them freedom to do whatever they wany COD on the other hand...

    J-Master posted: »

    At least COD has somewhat of a story and somewhat of a lore, Minecraft doesn't have any of that.

  • edited December 2014

    What exactly does Telltale see in this property that warrants a damn story? I think it's a waste of time. Minecraft is popular for it's GAMEPLAY, not for its non-existent story, CSI had a story, Minecraft doesn't.

    TommyW posted: »

    So you want them to explain why their making another game based on a popular franchise that could make them tons of money lol I hate to b

  • So it's a waste of time. I don't see any story potential in this.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Eh minecraft gives them freedom to do whatever they wany COD on the other hand...

  • They should have only announced something like with with a trailer or a sneak peak video imo.

  • what kind of freedom?
    its going to be a shitty game aimed at kids thats it

    zeke10 posted: »

    Eh minecraft gives them freedom to do whatever they wany COD on the other hand...

  • edited December 2014

    They're doing it because it might be fun? They might look at it as a breather from the serious stories of TWD and GoT. We don't know that Borderlands will get a second season, nor Wolf, whereas we know that GoT and TWD will get more.

    Plus the IP not having a story actually gives them more freedom in my view.


    I agree in general that companies make things for financial reasons. But surely they must also want to make the game for personal reasons too. For instance, ask me to make something that I've no interest in just so I can make a buck and it's quite possible it'll lack something. Actually, I wouldn't do it in principle anyway, but then again, I don't work for a company.

    J-Master posted: »

    What exactly does Telltale see in this property that warrants a damn story? I think it's a waste of time. Minecraft is popular for it's GAMEPLAY, not for its non-existent story, CSI had a story, Minecraft doesn't.

  • I don't go on the forums for ONE day and this happens? o. o

  • edited December 2014

    telltale sees "money" in Minecraft lol

    look i love telltale as much as the next person but im not blind to the fact that they are business who's main goal is to make money

    J-Master posted: »

    What exactly does Telltale see in this property that warrants a damn story? I think it's a waste of time. Minecraft is popular for it's GAMEPLAY, not for its non-existent story, CSI had a story, Minecraft doesn't.

  • you guys are REALLY close minded

    J-Master posted: »

    So it's a waste of time. I don't see any story potential in this.

  • If that's it, then this is a waste of my time.

    TommyW posted: »

    telltale sees "money" in Minecraft lol look i love telltale as much as the next person but im not blind to the fact that they are business who's main goal is to make money

  • No lore, no story, no characters, I think it's a waste of time, I'm not acting like a bootlicker just yet, if they release some good footage, then I'll eat my words, but for now, WASTE OF TIME.

    zeke10 posted: »

    you guys are REALLY close minded

  • Mojang and Telltale are making a Sequel to Minecraft.

    Not MINECRAFT 2, But after the events of killing the Ender dragon.

    J-Master posted: »

    Minecraft is a family game, I honestly don't see the point in all this. Of all the things, why Minecraft?

  • But still people hated TWAU and TFTB before release so i'd suggest waiting

    J-Master posted: »

    No lore, no story, no characters, I think it's a waste of time, I'm not acting like a bootlicker just yet, if they release some good footage, then I'll eat my words, but for now, WASTE OF TIME.

  • Um, wasn't Tales already a breather from TWD and GOT? I personally don't think Minecraft is worth a damn for Telltale.

    Rob_K posted: »

    They're doing it because it might be fun? They might look at it as a breather from the serious stories of TWD and GoT. We don't know that Bo

  • I saw some potential, because those had a lore, characters, and somewhat of a story.

    zeke10 posted: »

    But still people hated TWAU and TFTB before release so i'd suggest waiting


    Keep twisting my words, son. It makes you sound real intelligent.

    Rob_K posted: »

    You're telling me kids don't like humor, especially if it comes in the form of a humorous take on a game they like? Assuming it will be a co

  • That's nice. This should be interesting. Haven't played Minecraft in over 3 years, but I can get behind this.

  • well in fairness many also didnt think Tales was worth a damn for Telltale lol

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, wasn't Tales already a breather from TWD and GOT? I personally don't think Minecraft is worth a damn for Telltale.

  • You're getting mad at a game you literally know little to nothing about that's not being forced upon you to pay or play? So what if it's MineCraft?! I like MineCraft(to an extent) and I think TellTaleGames will make this an awesome game.

  • Yeah, but I think this is even worse.

    TommyW posted: »

    well in fairness many also didnt think Tales was worth a damn for Telltale lol

  • I'm so gonna to trade with every villager I see in this game.

  • edited December 2014

    I'm not going to judge this game before it's released but it really seems to be an odd choice for a telltale game. I haven't played Minecraft but I've watched some videos and it didn't strike me as the type of game that is driven by a story and since it's what Telltale does,it seems weird.

    Telltale have already acquired two big licences with Borderlands and GoT and now Minecraft it just feels like they're aiming at the popular licences to attract more people but it may not be the best thing to do because soon Telltale are going to become another big gaming company that only cares about money.By working on so many games at the same time I'm afraid that the quality of the games will drop and it would be horrible for us.

    With that said,I will still give it a try and hope for the best since Telltale never disappointed me in the past. I'm really curious to see what they're going to do with this one!

  • That's exactly what I'm afraid of.

    Mary5 posted: »

    I'm not going to judge this game before it's released but it really seems to be an odd choice for a telltale game. I haven't played Minecraf

  • The issue is not that they're making a different game than The Walking Dead. The issue is that Minecraft is one of the worst things they could have possibly made a game about. It has absolutely no story to it other than build a house, chop down trees, and some other boring shit. What could Telltale possibly do with this? The only reason they're doing this, money.

    TommyW posted: »


  • "it just feels like they're aiming at the popular licences to attract more people"

    so basically telltale is doing what it has always done lol

    Mary5 posted: »

    I'm not going to judge this game before it's released but it really seems to be an odd choice for a telltale game. I haven't played Minecraf

  • Kind of hoping this is a April fools joke released way too early

  • edited December 2014

    I twisted nothing.

    It's logical to assume this'll be a comedy game, no? Therefore, saying kids won't have any interest in a Minecraft game that's based around story is quite similar to saying they have no interest in a funny take on Minecraft.

    I made it quite clear that what I said was based on that assumption, in my mind, as well. And it was worded as a question.

    Keep on complaining about a game we know next to nothing about. And because there's actually no story for Minecraft, Telltale has much more freedom to do what they want. People should remember that.

    Baldex posted: »

    WHEN DID I SAY KIDS DONT LIKE HUMOROIHFOIJBGZKJFB NCUHO NHICN OUV VIV JJ?NKBSONJDNJ Keep twisting my words, son. It makes you sound real intelligent.

  • I'm afraid it's not.

    ImUrban posted: »

    Kind of hoping this is a April fools joke released way too early

  • edited December 2014

    Thread: This is the best idea ever!

    ...Hahahaha... made myself laugh, no this is horrible.

    Honestly I saw this earlier in the day and I've gone through multiple stages of confusion. At first I thought this was a joke, then I was upset at Telltale for doing this, then I'm at the point where i'm just disappointed.

    Minecraft is an okay game, it's made to be creative yourself, it's made to build a world of your own. You are suppose to make your own story and not follow a designated one. Minecraft is an overrated game as it is but why the hell would Telltale make this? If it's for money then i'm seriously upset at telltale...I know they're a business but damn it, you are bringing a game directed at young children to here!

    I keep hearing people defending this, and yes you can state your opinions but I want to know why. I keep hearing people say "Don't judge a game before it comes out."...This I usually support but this doesn't work here, we can question the idea...Because it makes no sense. Then I hear people saying that Minecraft has a story...But it's so insignificant that it might as well not be even there. I've watched so many people make maps that will probably be better than this! It's sad that they are making this, why can't the game just have a damn story mode without needing a Telltale game which will have no gameplay this game is focused around. What choices will truly matter in this? Did you decide to trade with this villager or keep the resources...Seriously.

    The game makes zero sense for Telltale to make, it will only take up more resources that could've been applied to better games. I don't understand why out of all the worlds Telltale could've made a game about they chose the worst one....Hell, a fucking MLP game would have been better, at least it has a damn story.

    Don't even get me started on the community, sometimes there are actual good people who play...But the majority are a bunch of young kids who don't understand how anything works and threaten to report people all the damn time. I REALLY can't wait till they join our community and start shit. Then they'll head over to other Telltale games and complain about profanity. It's really horrible...

    This is one game I WILL NOT be buying this from Telltale...

  • I would have much rather preferred to see them announce TWAU Season 2 than this....

  • edited December 2014

    Thread: #Cancelthistrash

    I'd like to call myself a loyal Telltale fan but I have to ask why? Rather than a Fallout spin off or Mass Effect spin off they pull this out. I don't remember anyone asking for this and I couldn't be less un invested. It seems Telltale wants to apply to the same audience I want to differentiate from and avoid.

  • edited December 2014

    Thread: #Cancelthistrash

    I'd like to call myself a loyal Telltale fan but I have to ask why? Rather than a Fallout spin off or Mass Effect spin off they pull this out. I don't remember anyone asking for this and I couldn't be less un invested. It seems Telltale wants to apply to the same audience I want to differentiate from and avoid.

  • No freakin' kidding!!

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    I would have much rather preferred to see them announce TWAU Season 2 than this....

This discussion has been closed.