Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Except that Tales from the Borderlands didn't make everyone cringe and want to gauge their fucking eyeballs out from a shitty Animated trailer that looked like a Youtuber made.
    No offense, but. From what I've seen in the trailer, it may change to something else. But, I just..this Trailer.

    Doop97 posted: »

    Come on now guys, you are all fans of TTG right? Then you should know that there able to make great stories out many existing IPs. I bet peo

  • We are fans not necessarily fanboys. Or at least i am not. I think this looks bad, sadly.

    Doop97 posted: »

    Come on now guys, you are all fans of TTG right? Then you should know that there able to make great stories out many existing IPs. I bet peo

  • That looks about as terrible as I expected.

    ata95 posted: » Trailer looks also bad in my opinion. So yeah, no reason to build up hopes :P

  • But....but i liked telltale's past games (i know i said this on another thread XD)

    Yeah, honestly. I think they should just stick to mature and believable stories and not...this. Well, they have been kid friendly back in the days, once they've made TWD that Kid friendly shit is over now.

  • But i liked their past games. (i said this on another thread XD)

    Yeah, honestly. I think they should just stick to mature and believable stories and not...this. Well, they have been kid friendly back in the days, once they've made TWD that Kid friendly shit is over now.

  • Oh crap sorry for the double replys :P

    Smellmeh posted: »

    But i liked their past games. (i said this on another thread XD)

  • i found a u tube video about the whaole game in case u want to watch it and find out if its going to be ba or not

  • Well, the lego games have now evolved to have VAs in them. It REALLY adds to the immersion of a "lego universe". I personally like this much better than the old Lego Star Wars games.

    Reivur posted: »

    You know why this thread makes me laugh? Because months down the road when it comes out I'm going to see a flood of some of the same peop

  • Well said.

    Marty77 posted: »

    I think if you can have a Lego Movie. You can have a minecraft game with a story.

  • Um, what? Telltale is a great developer. They can do this... BELIEVE!

    Jvdiasm posted: »

    Minecraft is a really good game, but created by telltale games, this will be a disaster, i don't think that minecraft can be created by telltale...

  • I think he's referring to:

    "The story won't be good." or

    "There won't be good humour for us mature gamers".

    Ryanoo posted: »

    You're right. Making a branch of a game that sold 34 million copies and is the 7th most purchased game in the entire world is IDIOTIC. What were they thinking?!

  • Ehhh...I could take it or leave it.

    ata95 posted: » Trailer looks also bad in my opinion. So yeah, no reason to build up hopes :P

  • You must be new here. People acted like this when The Walking Dead was announced. Same with The Wolf Among Us, Borderlands (I was guilty of that one), Game of Thrones, and now this. People on here jump to conclusions all the time without giving that particular game a fair chance, but when the game is released and people do give it a chance, they find out how good it really is. I myself have played Minecraft, and I never really got into it, so I'm probably not gonna get into this. I may download the demo when its released so that I can try it out and make a judgment call then.

    Doop97 posted: »

    Come on now guys, you are all fans of TTG right? Then you should know that there able to make great stories out many existing IPs. I bet peo

  • Thanks for the amazing link, that i did not click on. :P

    I know is a troll. :P

  • Jokes on you. I like this song.

  • So do I

    Jokes on you. I like this song.

  • Then they could have talked to Scott and got the rights to make a damn FNAF Story Mode game anythingggg would be better than this lol

    Thread: Scraping the bottom of the barrel? Tales doesn't sell that well so they needed to find something that is easy to make and has a gigantic fanbase in order to make a quick $. Is this how it really is?

  • Haha! Jokes on you Bro! I listen to this song everyday!

  • Cool need to bring peoplz back memeriz

    Haha! Jokes on you Bro! I listen to this song everyday!

  • Indeed. Who wants to listen to Nicki Minaj sing about Sex when we can Listen to Rick Astley's beautiful voice?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Kids are gonna love it

    Cope49 posted: »

    Yes this looks hilariously bad... But I'm sure the kids will love it.

  • edited October 2015

    Now i Believe, This game has turned into a Sucess... Great Telltale.

    AChicken posted: »

    Um, what? Telltale is a great developer. They can do this... BELIEVE!

This discussion has been closed.