Really Telltale? Really? So this isn't a joke?



  • Guys... we need.. to get over it...

  • Neh I dont really care, got a life and all, but cmon... fucking minecraft?

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    ...because quite obviously you're entitled to those games, and have all rights on heaven and earth on their swift delivery.

  • Most people are, there's just people finding out now.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Guys... we need.. to get over it...

  • Lol this thread is still going on.

  • I hope that's truth, we've suffered enough :P

    Most people are, there's just people finding out now.

  • Meh, I think it's better to keep all the complaints quarantined here instead of spreading them into other threads. :P

    Lol this thread is still going on.

  • edited February 2015

    Breaking bad is an awesome game idea, more mature content. My seven year old son loves Minecraft, I've watched him play and it's pretty boring. No way will I be playing this game, if it's for a seven year olds then it's not for me.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Should of did Breaking Bad.

  • This comment section... The Hypocritizm is so damn strong...

  • Well, while I obviously agree with you, Vainamoinen, I also understand Jayroen's point.

    Just look at how many awesome IP's with many fans TT already have, and now they make ANOTHER? One that is completely against what the current fanbase is about? You know, Drama, Tough Choices and Dark Humor... All while fans are waiting for a continuation or finishing of already established Game Series. In my opinion, at this point EVERY new IP would be bad, but Minecraft? With a notorious fanbase known for being immature and childish? That's even worse. That is the problem I personally have with TT's Minecraft.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    ...because quite obviously you're entitled to those games, and have all rights on heaven and earth on their swift delivery.

  • I've never liked Minecraft. This just seems like a really bad idea.

  • I like your name. :P


    I've never liked Minecraft. This just seems like a really bad idea.

  • edited February 2015

    Minecraft need to go back in is real home... the square hell!

    I like your name. :P Welcome.

  • People said the same thing about the Lego Movie, and it ended up being one of the best animated films of last year

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2015

    One that is completely against what the current fanbase is about?

    T'was always thus, and always thus will be.

    By now, not understanding this means not understanding Telltale. What I wouldn't give for another TTG Sam & Max with proper p&c! But Telltale has moved on and - quite opposed to TWD - will likely never ever make a full Season let alone return to that kind of gameplay.

    With a notorious fanbase known for being immature and childish?

    Again, I have not yet encountered a fanbase more immature and childish on these forums than a lot of people who came here for TWD Season 1, and I wonder how 2012 could be beaten in that respect with Minecraft's advent in 2015.

    Well, while I obviously agree with you, Vainamoinen, I also understand Jayroen's point. Just look at how many awesome IP's with many fans

  • I cant believe you are a mod and not a troll.. Your posts doesnt make any sense. Of course you can make an awesome game with settings in zombie apocalypse ! So many ideas about this, so much potential, and development of characters etc.

    May I ask you how old are you ? Dont want to offend you, but I consider you a troll.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    mean come on! Minecraft is a kids game about making things out of badly textured square blocks! How the hell are they going to get a story o

  • These are unaswered question because Notch did not bother explain any of that, its just like that, eat this sh*t. And also, what 8 year old kid would wonder about other dimension ?
    And the music disc. Of course that there are some easter eggs, but its not a lore.
    Minecraft dont have ONE world in which things are happening.
    Every world you create is your own, no lore at all.

    I agree with you in one thing - there is little backstory so they can make something really creative.
    But in that case its just money grabber. 1. Make game with Minecraft skin 2. Profit

    First of all, Minecraft does have lore. Clearly you haven't played the game enough (if at all) to see it though. There is a music disc in th

  • I read some of your posts and you are defending Minecraft quite well..
    So let me guess.. You are playing it on your xbox on the number twelve is your age.
    In that case I do understand.

    Wow, really people? Telltale aren't idiots. They know what they're doing and they're good storytellers. Stop acting like it's gonna be so bad when you know nothing about it other than "it's happening"

  • Well yes, I am a loyal Xboxplayer, but I'm actually 15. I defend this game because I think there is a lot of potential for a very good adventure game here.

    Lordmark posted: »

    I read some of your posts and you are defending Minecraft quite well.. So let me guess.. You are playing it on your xbox on the number twelve is your age. In that case I do understand.

  • Cause kids love lego and movie.

    snyderman posted: »

    People said the same thing about the Lego Movie, and it ended up being one of the best animated films of last year

  • I could still see a mature story from this.

    JMOREL posted: »

    Cause kids love lego and movie.

  • I honestly couldn't, the most is maybe dark comedy like Borderlands.

    I could still see a mature story from this.

  • Oh sorry, you are three years older. But still Minecraft target group so I get it.

    Well yes, I am a loyal Xboxplayer, but I'm actually 15. I defend this game because I think there is a lot of potential for a very good adventure game here.

  • edited February 2015

    This game is all about the moneh moneh moneh... moneeeeeeeeeeeeeh!







  • edited February 2015

    The mindset of TTG right now:

    Alt text

    Lee4ever posted: »

    This game is all about the moneh moneh moneh... moneeeeeeeeeeeeeh! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • edited February 2015

    mmmmm... blocking out the haters

    Edit: Personally I like the idea of minecraft story mode

  • I'm gonna burn these dollars on your eyes just to make you see my hate of you for not have releasing Walking Dead season 3 yet.

    Quiff posted: »

    The mindset of TTG right now:

  • edited March 2015

    Hey, as long as they stick to the minecraft forum and don't spread to the others, it will be fine with me.

    I just can't imagine having them in our community (regarding immaturity, grammar, spelling, attitude. It's a real mess in the minecraft forums)

    Alt text

  • Honestly, the whole "Minecraft are usually a bunch of 12 year olds" is a stupid reason to hate this game.

    For one thing, most of Telltale's newer games (including the Walking Dead mind you) consists of plenty of 12 year old fans. Most of them have proven that they can be mature and take adult themed stories without acting immature, so I'm sure with a comedy based game like this they can do the same.

    And another thing is I've seen a lot of Minecrafters who are in their 20s, some of them aren't kids at all.

    Hey, as long as they stick to the minecraft forum and don't spread to the others, it will be fine with me. I just can't imagine having th

    1. talking about the majority
    2. talking about the community and not the game

    Honestly, the whole "Minecraft are usually a bunch of 12 year olds" is a stupid reason to hate this game. For one thing, most of Telltal

  • Um... what?

    * talking about the majority * talking about the community and not the game

  • I don't get it and I don't like it... I have no interest in Minecraft whatsoever.

    It's a cash cow, it's easy money.
    Can it be that TTG only care about filling their pockets?

  • Just found out about this a week ago...

    My girlfriend tried to introduce me to Minecraft last and from somebody who loves world builders I found it so boring, I guess we all have different tastes in games. As for the story mode, who knows? It could be really good. Honestly my issue with this game so far isn't if it'll suck or not, chances are Telltale will do a really good job and we should have some trust in them. I'm just disappointed in the fact they did Minecraft, theres been so many users who have wanted tons of different games that would make sense with Telltale's design (Dr.Who, Lord Of The Rings, Hunger Games, etc.) I dont remember any users saying "Hey they should totally make a Minecraft game!" that is what really gets me about this. Not that I think it'll be bad, but I feel like Telltale doesnt give a crap about what its fans want. Which sucks theres SO many games Telltale could do, they have so many options that could change point and click adventures and make us really happy. But they decided on Minecraft? Really?

    Sorry for my rant, good luck with this Telltale! :D

  • Lee4ever posted: »

    This game is all about the moneh moneh moneh... moneeeeeeeeeeeeeh! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • edited March 2015

    This thread takes the bullets for the rest of the forum

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  • [removed]

    Okay, I love Telltale, but really? This just sounds stupid. I've tried Minecraft, it was terrible, so I'm sorry Telltale, I'm not buying this.

  • you dont like mineraft "throws pc out the window" YOU MAKE ME ANGRY!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I love Telltale, but really? This just sounds stupid. I've tried Minecraft, it was terrible, so I'm sorry Telltale, I'm not buying this.

  • if u will burn the dolars on his eyes he will see... probbly nothing.

    JMOREL posted: »

    I'm gonna burn these dollars on your eyes just to make you see my hate of you for not have releasing Walking Dead season 3 yet.

  • hey it is you goldenpaladin i sent you a message awnser it

    I like your name. :P Welcome.

  • Bleh, I hate looking at old comments when I'm pissed. I actually think this is a cool idea now... Lol.

    Healoz posted: »

    People are just pissed because minecraft has little to no lore AT ALL. It'll probably turn out as a new story just with a minecraft skin. I

This discussion has been closed.